Sandeep Balakrishna
Sandeep Balakrishna is an author, editor, columnist, public intellectual and an independent researcher. He is the founder and chief editor of Dharma Dispatch and contributing editor in Prekshaa Journal.Sandeep Balakrishna is also a Fellow of the Indian Council for Philosophical Research. He writes on issues pertaining India and Sanatana Dharma including but not limited to Indian Philosophy, Culture, History, Literature.
About Dharma Dispatch. (About Page of the webportal)
"The Dharma Dispatch is a specialist and unique online platform offering rare, valuable, original, and in-depth content aimed at crafting and promoting a cultural narrative rooted in the Sanatana ethos. Since its inception in 2018, The Dharma Dispatch has been recognized as the premier publication for well-researched, detailed, and insightful coverage and essays on a range of topics related to Indian civilization, culture, history, literature, biographies of eminent people, and occasional commentary on contemporary issues.
The focus of The Dharma Dispatch, akin to the core values of Sanatana Dharma, is both generational and civilizational. We strive to hold ourselves to the highest philosophical, intellectual and literary standards, aiming to produce absorbing reading for discerning readers and do not chase page views or popularity."
- P V Kane is most notable for his authoritative work, the multi-volume History of the Dharmashastras; Jadunath Sarkar for his volumes on Aurangzeb, Shivaji and the Military History of India; Surendranath Dasgupta for his five-volume History of Indian Philosophy; P.K. Gode wrote several volumes on the cultural and literary history of India, and Sanskrit – English dictionaries; R.C. Majumdar for his numerous volumes on Indian and Bengal history; V.S. Sukhthankar who undertook the unparalleled Yajna of producing the Critical Edition of the Mahabharata, a fifty-year-long endeavour involving hundreds of Pandits and scholars all over the world; S. Shama Sastri, an obscure librarian who brought to light the long-buried Arthashastra of Kautilya; Dr. S. Srikanta Sastri who was among the earliest Indian scholars to warn his students that the Aryan Invasion Theory was phony, and gave us the pioneering work on the sources of Karnataka History, among other brilliant works…as I noted, the list of these luminaries is as long as it is magnificent. Additionally, these stalwarts had attained extraordinary proficiency in multiple languages (both Indian and foreign), could decipher epigraphic sources, literary texts, numismatics, sculptural nuances, and so on. This is a truly dazzling accomplishment by any standard. Small wonder that all of them contributed to learned and scholarly journals and publications like the various Gazetteers, Indian Antiquary, Epigraphia Indica, Journal of the Bombay Asiatic Society, and numerous other independent journals and magazines. Dr. S Srikanta Sastri could contribute to these scholarly journals and to a popular Kannada newsmagazine like Prajamata with equal felicity. These scholars were household names in their own time. Some eminences like D.V. Gundappa and Prof Ashutosh Mukherji were great institutional builders and groomed at least three generations of first rate scholars and writers.
Tipu Sultan: The Tyrant Mysore
Seventy years of Secularism: Unpopular Essays on the Unofficial Political Religion of India [1]
Invaders and Infidels (Book 1): From Sindh to Delhi: The 500-Year Journey of Islamic Invasions
10 Lessons from Hindu History in 10 Episodes: Tales of Grit, Heroism and Valour
The Madurai Sultanate: A Concise History
From Kannada to English
Orphaned - Author S.L. Bhyrappa
Avarana: The Veil - Author S.L. Bhyrappa