Rig Veda Mandala 6 (Griffith)
Shanti Mantra
ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः॥
oṃ śāntiḥ | śāntiḥ | śāntiḥ ||
Sloka : 6.1.1
ऋग्वेदः मण्डलं ६
त्वं ह्य॑ग्ने प्रथ॒मो म॒नोता॒स्या धि॒यो अभ॑वो दस्म॒ होता॑ ।
त्वं सीं॑ वृषन्नकृणोर्दु॒ष्टरी॑तु॒ सहो॒ विश्व॑स्मै॒ सह॑से॒ सह॑ध्यै ॥ ६.००१.०१
ṛgvedaḥ maṇḍalaṃ 6
tvaṃ hya̍gne pratha̱mo ma̱notā̱syā dhi̱yo abha̍vo dasma̱ hotā̍ .
tvaṃ sī̍ṃ vṛṣannakṛṇordu̱ṣṭarī̍tu̱ saho̱ viśva̍smai̱ saha̍se̱ saha̍dhyai .. 6.001.01
1. THOU, first inventor of this prayer, O Agni, Worker of Marvels, hast become our Herald.
Thou, Bull, hast made us strength which none may conquer, strength that shall overcome all other prowess.
Sloka : 6.1.2
अधा॒ होता॒ न्य॑सीदो॒ यजी॑यानि॒ळस्प॒द इ॒षय॒न्नीड्यः॒ सन् ।
तं त्वा॒ नरः॑ प्रथ॒मं दे॑व॒यन्तो॑ म॒हो रा॒ये चि॒तय॑न्तो॒ अनु॑ ग्मन् ॥ ६.००१.०२
adhā̱ hotā̱ nya̍sīdo̱ yajī̍yāni̱l̤aspa̱da i̱ṣaya̱nnīḍya̱ḥ san .
taṃ tvā̱ nara̍ḥ pratha̱maṃ de̍va̱yanto̍ ma̱ho rā̱ye ci̱taya̍nto̱ anu̍ gman .. 6.001.02
2 As Priest thou sattest at the seat of worship, furthering us, best Offerer, meet for honour.
So first to thee have pious men resorted, turning thy mind to thoughts of ample riches.
Sloka : 6.1.3
वृ॒तेव॒ यन्तं॑ ब॒हुभि॑र्वस॒व्यै॒३॒॑स्त्वे र॒यिं जा॑गृ॒वांसो॒ अनु॑ ग्मन् ।
रुश॑न्तम॒ग्निं द॑र्श॒तं बृ॒हन्तं॑ व॒पाव॑न्तं वि॒श्वहा॑ दीदि॒वांस॑म् ॥ ६.००१.०३
vṛ̱teva̱ yanta̍ṃ ba̱hubhi̍rvasa̱vyai̱3̱̍stve ra̱yiṃ jā̍gṛ̱vāṃso̱ anu̍ gman .
ruśa̍ntama̱gniṃ da̍rśa̱taṃ bṛ̱hanta̍ṃ va̱pāva̍ntaṃ vi̱śvahā̍ dīdi̱vāṃsa̍m .. 6.001.03
3 In thee, still watching, they have followed riches, who goest with much wealth as with an army,
The radiant Agni, lofty, fair to look on, worshipped with marrow, evermore resplendent.
Sloka : 6.1.4
प॒दं दे॒वस्य॒ नम॑सा॒ व्यन्तः॑ श्रव॒स्यवः॒ श्रव॑ आप॒न्नमृ॑क्तम् ।
नामा॑नि चिद्दधिरे य॒ज्ञिया॑नि भ॒द्रायां॑ ते रणयन्त॒ संदृ॑ष्टौ ॥ ६.००१.०४
pa̱daṃ de̱vasya̱ nama̍sā̱ vyanta̍ḥ śrava̱syava̱ḥ śrava̍ āpa̱nnamṛ̍ktam .
nāmā̍ni ciddadhire ya̱jñiyā̍ni bha̱drāyā̍ṃ te raṇayanta̱ saṃdṛ̍ṣṭau .. 6.001.04
4 They who approached the God's abode with homage, eager for glory, won them perfect glory:-
Yea, they gained even sacrificial titles, and found delight in thine auspicious aspect.
Sloka : 6.1.5
त्वां व॑र्धन्ति क्षि॒तयः॑ पृथि॒व्यां त्वां राय॑ उ॒भया॑सो॒ जना॑नाम् ।
त्वं त्रा॒ता त॑रणे॒ चेत्यो॑ भूः पि॒ता मा॒ता सद॒मिन्मानु॑षाणाम् ॥ ६.००१.०५
tvāṃ va̍rdhanti kṣi̱taya̍ḥ pṛthi̱vyāṃ tvāṃ rāya̍ u̱bhayā̍so̱ janā̍nām .
tvaṃ trā̱tā ta̍raṇe̱ cetyo̍ bhūḥ pi̱tā mā̱tā sada̱minmānu̍ṣāṇām .. 6.001.05
5 On earth the people magnify thee greatly, thee their celestial and terrestrial riches.
Thou, Helper, must be known as our Preserver, Father and Mother of mankind for ever.
Sloka : 6.1.6
स॒प॒र्येण्यः॒ स प्रि॒यो वि॒क्ष्व१॒॑ग्निर्होता॑ म॒न्द्रो नि ष॑सादा॒ यजी॑यान् ।
तं त्वा॑ व॒यं दम॒ आ दी॑दि॒वांस॒मुप॑ ज्ञु॒बाधो॒ नम॑सा सदेम ॥ ६.००१.०६
sa̱pa̱ryeṇya̱ḥ sa pri̱yo vi̱kṣva1̱̍gnirhotā̍ ma̱ndro ni ṣa̍sādā̱ yajī̍yān .
taṃ tvā̍ va̱yaṃ dama̱ ā dī̍di̱vāṃsa̱mupa̍ jñu̱bādho̱ nama̍sā sadema .. 6.001.06
6 Dear priest among mankind, adorable Agni hath seated him, joy-giver, skilled in worship.
Let us approach thee shining in thy dwelling, kneeling upon our knees, with adoration.
Sloka : 6.1.7
तं त्वा॑ व॒यं सु॒ध्यो॒३॒॑ नव्य॑मग्ने सुम्ना॒यव॑ ईमहे देव॒यन्तः॑ ।
त्वं विशो॑ अनयो॒ दीद्या॑नो दि॒वो अ॑ग्ने बृह॒ता रो॑च॒नेन॑ ॥ ६.००१.०७
taṃ tvā̍ va̱yaṃ su̱dhyo̱3̱̍ navya̍magne sumnā̱yava̍ īmahe deva̱yanta̍ḥ .
tvaṃ viśo̍ anayo̱ dīdyā̍no di̱vo a̍gne bṛha̱tā ro̍ca̱nena̍ .. 6.001.07
7 Longing for bliss, pure-minded, God-devoted, Agni, we seek thee, such, meet to be lauded.
Thou, Agni, leddest forth our men to battle, refulgent with the heaven's exalted splendour.
Sloka : 6.1.8
वि॒शां क॒विं वि॒श्पतिं॒ शश्व॑तीनां नि॒तोश॑नं वृष॒भं च॑र्षणी॒नाम् ।
प्रेती॑षणिमि॒षय॑न्तं पाव॒कं राज॑न्तम॒ग्निं य॑ज॒तं र॑यी॒णाम् ॥ ६.००१.०८
vi̱śāṃ ka̱viṃ vi̱śpati̱ṃ śaśva̍tīnāṃ ni̱tośa̍naṃ vṛṣa̱bhaṃ ca̍rṣaṇī̱nām .
pretī̍ṣaṇimi̱ṣaya̍ntaṃ pāva̱kaṃ rāja̍ntama̱gniṃ ya̍ja̱taṃ ra̍yī̱ṇām .. 6.001.08
8 Sage of mankind, all peoples' Lord and Master, the Bull of men, the sender down of blessings,
Still pressing on, promoting, purifying, Agni the Holy One, the Lord of riches.
Sloka : 6.1.9
सो अ॑ग्न ईजे शश॒मे च॒ मर्तो॒ यस्त॒ आन॑ट् स॒मिधा॑ ह॒व्यदा॑तिम् ।
य आहु॑तिं॒ परि॒ वेदा॒ नमो॑भि॒र्विश्वेत्स वा॒मा द॑धते॒ त्वोतः॑ ॥ ६.००१.०९
so a̍gna īje śaśa̱me ca̱ marto̱ yasta̱ āna̍ṭ sa̱midhā̍ ha̱vyadā̍tim .
ya āhu̍ti̱ṃ pari̱ vedā̱ namo̍bhi̱rviśvetsa vā̱mā da̍dhate̱ tvota̍ḥ .. 6.001.09
9 Agni, the mortal who hath toiled and worshipped, brought thee oblations with his kindled fuel,
And well knows sacrifice with adoration, gains every joy with thee to guard and help him.
Sloka : 6.1.10
अ॒स्मा उ॑ ते॒ महि॑ म॒हे वि॑धेम॒ नमो॑भिरग्ने स॒मिधो॒त ह॒व्यैः ।
वेदी॑ सूनो सहसो गी॒र्भिरु॒क्थैरा ते॑ भ॒द्रायां॑ सुम॒तौ य॑तेम ॥ ६.००१.१०
a̱smā u̍ te̱ mahi̍ ma̱he vi̍dhema̱ namo̍bhiragne sa̱midho̱ta ha̱vyaiḥ .
vedī̍ sūno sahaso gī̱rbhiru̱kthairā te̍ bha̱drāyā̍ṃ suma̱tau ya̍tema .. 6.001.10
10 Mightily let us worship thee the Mighty, with reverence, Agni! fuel and oblations,
With songs, O Son of Strength, with hymns, with altar:- so may we strive for thine auspicious favour.
Sloka : 6.1.11
आ यस्त॒तन्थ॒ रोद॑सी॒ वि भा॒सा श्रवो॑भिश्च श्रव॒स्य१॒॑स्तरु॑त्रः ।
बृ॒हद्भि॒र्वाजैः॒ स्थवि॑रेभिर॒स्मे रे॒वद्भि॑रग्ने वित॒रं वि भा॑हि ॥ ६.००१.११
ā yasta̱tantha̱ roda̍sī̱ vi bhā̱sā śravo̍bhiśca śrava̱sya1̱̍staru̍traḥ .
bṛ̱hadbhi̱rvājai̱ḥ sthavi̍rebhira̱sme re̱vadbhi̍ragne vita̱raṃ vi bhā̍hi .. 6.001.11
11 Thou who hast covered heaven and earth with splendour and with thy glories, glorious and triumphant.
Continue thou to shine on us, O Agni, with strength abundant, rich, and long enduring.
Sloka : 6.1.12
नृ॒वद्व॑सो॒ सद॒मिद्धे॑ह्य॒स्मे भूरि॑ तो॒काय॒ तन॑याय प॒श्वः ।
पू॒र्वीरिषो॑ बृह॒तीरा॒रेअ॑घा अ॒स्मे भ॒द्रा सौ॑श्रव॒सानि॑ सन्तु ॥ ६.००१.१२
nṛ̱vadva̍so̱ sada̱middhe̍hya̱sme bhūri̍ to̱kāya̱ tana̍yāya pa̱śvaḥ .
pū̱rvīriṣo̍ bṛha̱tīrā̱rea̍ghā a̱sme bha̱drā sau̍śrava̱sāni̍ santu .. 6.001.12
12 Vouchsafe us ever, as man needs, O Vasu, abundant wealth of kine for son and offspring.
Food noble, plenteous, far from sin and evil, he with us, and fair fame to make us happy.
Sloka : 6.1.13
पु॒रूण्य॑ग्ने पुरु॒धा त्वा॒या वसू॑नि राजन्व॒सुता॑ ते अश्याम् ।
पु॒रूणि॒ हि त्वे पु॑रुवार॒ सन्त्यग्ने॒ वसु॑ विध॒ते राज॑नि॒ त्वे ॥ ६.००१.१३
pu̱rūṇya̍gne puru̱dhā tvā̱yā vasū̍ni rājanva̱sutā̍ te aśyām .
pu̱rūṇi̱ hi tve pu̍ruvāra̱ santyagne̱ vasu̍ vidha̱te rāja̍ni̱ tve .. 6.001.13
13 May I obtain much wealth in many places by love of thee and through thy grace, King Agni;
For in thee Bounteous One, in thee the Sovran, Agni, are many boons for him who serves thee.
Sloka : 6.2.1
त्वं हि क्षैत॑व॒द्यशोऽग्ने॑ मि॒त्रो न पत्य॑से ।
त्वं वि॑चर्षणे॒ श्रवो॒ वसो॑ पु॒ष्टिं न पु॑ष्यसि ॥ ६.००२.०१
tvaṃ hi kṣaita̍va̱dyaśo'gne̍ mi̱tro na patya̍se .
tvaṃ vi̍carṣaṇe̱ śravo̱ vaso̍ pu̱ṣṭiṃ na pu̍ṣyasi .. 6.002.01
1. THOU, Agni, even as Mitra, hast a princely glory of thine own.
Thou, active Vasu, makest fame increase like full prosperity.
Sloka : 6.2.2
त्वां हि ष्मा॑ चर्ष॒णयो॑ य॒ज्ञेभि॑र्गी॒र्भिरीळ॑ते ।
त्वां वा॒जी या॑त्यवृ॒को र॑ज॒स्तूर्वि॒श्वच॑र्षणिः ॥ ६.००२.०२
tvāṃ hi ṣmā̍ carṣa̱ṇayo̍ ya̱jñebhi̍rgī̱rbhirīl̤a̍te .
tvāṃ vā̱jī yā̍tyavṛ̱ko ra̍ja̱stūrvi̱śvaca̍rṣaṇiḥ .. 6.002.02
2 For, verily, men pray to thee with sacrifices and with songs.
To thee the Friendly Courser, seen of all, comes speeding through the air.
Sloka : 6.2.3
स॒जोष॑स्त्वा दि॒वो नरो॑ य॒ज्ञस्य॑ के॒तुमि॑न्धते ।
यद्ध॒ स्य मानु॑षो॒ जनः॑ सुम्ना॒युर्जु॒ह्वे अ॑ध्व॒रे ॥ ६.००२.०३
sa̱joṣa̍stvā di̱vo naro̍ ya̱jñasya̍ ke̱tumi̍ndhate .
yaddha̱ sya mānu̍ṣo̱ jana̍ḥ sumnā̱yurju̱hve a̍dhva̱re .. 6.002.03
3 Of one accord men kindle thee Heaven's signal of the sacrifice,
When, craving bliss, this race of man invites thee to the solemn rite.
Sloka : 6.2.4
ऋध॒द्यस्ते॑ सु॒दान॑वे धि॒या मर्तः॑ श॒शम॑ते ।
ऊ॒ती ष बृ॑ह॒तो दि॒वो द्वि॒षो अंहो॒ न त॑रति ॥ ६.००२.०४
ṛdha̱dyaste̍ su̱dāna̍ve dhi̱yā marta̍ḥ śa̱śama̍te .
ū̱tī ṣa bṛ̍ha̱to di̱vo dvi̱ṣo aṃho̱ na ta̍rati .. 6.002.04
4 Let the man thrive who travails sore, in prayer, far thee the Bountiful.
He with the help of lofty Dyaus comes safe through straits of enmity.
Sloka : 6.2.5
स॒मिधा॒ यस्त॒ आहु॑तिं॒ निशि॑तिं॒ मर्त्यो॒ नश॑त् ।
व॒याव॑न्तं॒ स पु॑ष्यति॒ क्षय॑मग्ने श॒तायु॑षम् ॥ ६.००२.०५
sa̱midhā̱ yasta̱ āhu̍ti̱ṃ niśi̍ti̱ṃ martyo̱ naśa̍t .
va̱yāva̍nta̱ṃ sa pu̍ṣyati̱ kṣaya̍magne śa̱tāyu̍ṣam .. 6.002.05
5 The mortal who with fuel lights thy flame and offers unto thee,
Supports a house with many a branch, Agni, to live a hundred years.
Sloka : 6.2.6
त्वे॒षस्ते॑ धू॒म ऋ॑ण्वति दि॒वि षञ्छु॒क्र आत॑तः ।
सूरो॒ न हि द्यु॒ता त्वं कृ॒पा पा॑वक॒ रोच॑से ॥ ६.००२.०६
tve̱ṣaste̍ dhū̱ma ṛ̍ṇvati di̱vi ṣañchu̱kra āta̍taḥ .
sūro̱ na hi dyu̱tā tvaṃ kṛ̱pā pā̍vaka̱ roca̍se .. 6.002.06
6 Thy bright smoke lifts itself aloft, and far-extended shines in heaven.
For, Purifier! like the Sun thou beamest with thy radiant glow.
Sloka : 6.2.7
अधा॒ हि वि॒क्ष्वीड्योऽसि॑ प्रि॒यो नो॒ अति॑थिः ।
र॒ण्वः पु॒री॑व॒ जूर्यः॑ सू॒नुर्न त्र॑य॒याय्यः॑ ॥ ६.००२.०७
adhā̱ hi vi̱kṣvīḍyo'si̍ pri̱yo no̱ ati̍thiḥ .
ra̱ṇvaḥ pu̱rī̍va̱ jūrya̍ḥ sū̱nurna tra̍ya̱yāyya̍ḥ .. 6.002.07
7 For in men's houses thou must be glorified as a well-loved guest,
Gay like an elder in a fort, claiming protection like a son.
Sloka : 6.2.8
क्रत्वा॒ हि द्रोणे॑ अ॒ज्यसेऽग्ने॑ वा॒जी न कृत्व्यः॑ ।
परि॑ज्मेव स्व॒धा गयोऽत्यो॒ न ह्वा॒र्यः शिशुः॑ ॥ ६.००२.०८
kratvā̱ hi droṇe̍ a̱jyase'gne̍ vā̱jī na kṛtvya̍ḥ .
pari̍jmeva sva̱dhā gayo'tyo̱ na hvā̱ryaḥ śiśu̍ḥ .. 6.002.08
8 Thou, Agni, like an able steed, art urged by wisdom in the wood.
Thou art like wind; food, home art thou, like a young horse that runs astray.
Sloka : 6.2.9
त्वं त्या चि॒दच्यु॒ताग्ने॑ प॒शुर्न यव॑से ।
धामा॑ ह॒ यत्ते॑ अजर॒ वना॑ वृ॒श्चन्ति॒ शिक्व॑सः ॥ ६.००२.०९
tvaṃ tyā ci̱dacyu̱tāgne̍ pa̱śurna yava̍se .
dhāmā̍ ha̱ yatte̍ ajara̱ vanā̍ vṛ̱ścanti̱ śikva̍saḥ .. 6.002.09
9 E’en things imperishable, thou, O Agni, like a gazing ox,
Eatest, when hosts, Eternal One! of thee the Mighty rend the woods.
Sloka : 6.2.10
वेषि॒ ह्य॑ध्वरीय॒तामग्ने॒ होता॒ दमे॑ वि॒शाम् ।
स॒मृधो॑ विश्पते कृणु जु॒षस्व॑ ह॒व्यम॑ङ्गिरः ॥ ६.००२.१०
veṣi̱ hya̍dhvarīya̱tāmagne̱ hotā̱ dame̍ vi̱śām .
sa̱mṛdho̍ viśpate kṛṇu ju̱ṣasva̍ ha̱vyama̍ṅgiraḥ .. 6.002.10
10 Agni, thou enterest as Priest the home of men who sacrifice.
Lord of the people, prosper them. Accept the ofrering, Aṅgiras!
Sloka : 6.2.11
अच्छा॑ नो मित्रमहो देव दे॒वानग्ने॒ वोचः॑ सुम॒तिं रोद॑स्योः ।
वी॒हि स्व॒स्तिं सु॑क्षि॒तिं दि॒वो नॄन्द्वि॒षो अंहां॑सि दुरि॒ता त॑रेम॒ ता त॑रेम॒ तवाव॑सा तरेम ॥ ६.००२.११
acchā̍ no mitramaho deva de̱vānagne̱ voca̍ḥ suma̱tiṃ roda̍syoḥ .
vī̱hi sva̱stiṃ su̍kṣi̱tiṃ di̱vo nṝndvi̱ṣo aṃhā̍ṃsi duri̱tā ta̍rema̱ tā ta̍rema̱ tavāva̍sā tarema .. 6.002.11
11 O Agni, God with Mitra's might, call hither the favour of the Gods from earth and heaven.
Bring weal from heaven, that men may dwell securely. May we o’ercome the foe's malign oppressions, may we o’ercome them, through thy help o’ercome them.
Sloka : 6.3.1
अग्ने॒ स क्षे॑षदृत॒पा ऋ॑ते॒जा उ॒रु ज्योति॑र्नशते देव॒युष्टे॑ ।
यं त्वं मि॒त्रेण॒ वरु॑णः स॒जोषा॒ देव॒ पासि॒ त्यज॑सा॒ मर्त॒मंहः॑ ॥ ६.००३.०१
agne̱ sa kṣe̍ṣadṛta̱pā ṛ̍te̱jā u̱ru jyoti̍rnaśate deva̱yuṣṭe̍ .
yaṃ tvaṃ mi̱treṇa̱ varu̍ṇaḥ sa̱joṣā̱ deva̱ pāsi̱ tyaja̍sā̱ marta̱maṃha̍ḥ .. 6.003.01
1. TRUE, guardian of the Law, thy faithful servant wins ample light and dwells in peace, O Agni,
Whom thou, as Varuṇa in accord with Mitra, guardest, O God, by banishing his trouble.
Sloka : 6.3.2
ई॒जे य॒ज्ञेभिः॑ शश॒मे शमी॑भिरृ॒धद्वा॑राया॒ग्नये॑ ददाश ।
ए॒वा च॒न तं य॒शसा॒मजु॑ष्टि॒र्नांहो॒ मर्तं॑ नशते॒ न प्रदृ॑प्तिः ॥ ६.००३.०२
ī̱je ya̱jñebhi̍ḥ śaśa̱me śamī̍bhirṛ̱dhadvā̍rāyā̱gnaye̍ dadāśa .
e̱vā ca̱na taṃ ya̱śasā̱maju̍ṣṭi̱rnāṃho̱ marta̍ṃ naśate̱ na pradṛ̍ptiḥ .. 6.003.02
2 He hath paid sacrifices, toiled in worship, and offered gifts to wealth-increasing Agni.
Him the displeasure of the famous moves not, outrage and scorn affect not such a mortal.
Sloka : 6.3.3
सूरो॒ न यस्य॑ दृश॒तिर॑रे॒पा भी॒मा यदेति॑ शुच॒तस्त॒ आ धीः ।
हेष॑स्वतः शु॒रुधो॒ नायम॒क्तोः कुत्रा॑ चिद्र॒ण्वो व॑स॒तिर्व॑ने॒जाः ॥ ६.००३.०३
sūro̱ na yasya̍ dṛśa̱tira̍re̱pā bhī̱mā yadeti̍ śuca̱tasta̱ ā dhīḥ .
heṣa̍svataḥ śu̱rudho̱ nāyama̱ktoḥ kutrā̍ cidra̱ṇvo va̍sa̱tirva̍ne̱jāḥ .. 6.003.03
3 Bright God, whose look is free from stain like Sūrya's, thou, swift, what time thou earnestly desirest,
Hast gear to give us. Come with joy at evening, where, Child of Wood, thou mayest also tarry.
Sloka : 6.3.4
ति॒ग्मं चि॒देम॒ महि॒ वर्पो॑ अस्य॒ भस॒दश्वो॒ न य॑मसा॒न आ॒सा ।
वि॒जेह॑मानः पर॒शुर्न जि॒ह्वां द्र॒विर्न द्रा॑वयति॒ दारु॒ धक्ष॑त् ॥ ६.००३.०४
ti̱gmaṃ ci̱dema̱ mahi̱ varpo̍ asya̱ bhasa̱daśvo̱ na ya̍masā̱na ā̱sā .
vi̱jeha̍mānaḥ para̱śurna ji̱hvāṃ dra̱virna drā̍vayati̱ dāru̱ dhakṣa̍t .. 6.003.04
4 Fierce is his gait and vast his wondrous body:- he champeth like a horse with bit and bridle,
And, darting forth his tongue, as ’twere a hatchet, burning the woods, smelteth them like a smelter.
Sloka : 6.3.5
स इदस्ते॑व॒ प्रति॑ धादसि॒ष्यञ्छिशी॑त॒ तेजोऽय॑सो॒ न धारा॑म् ।
चि॒त्रध्र॑जतिरर॒तिर्यो अ॒क्तोर्वेर्न द्रु॒षद्वा॑ रघु॒पत्म॑जंहाः ॥ ६.००३.०५
sa idaste̍va̱ prati̍ dhādasi̱ṣyañchiśī̍ta̱ tejo'ya̍so̱ na dhārā̍m .
ci̱tradhra̍jatirara̱tiryo a̱ktorverna dru̱ṣadvā̍ raghu̱patma̍jaṃhāḥ .. 6.003.05
5 Archer-like, fain toshoot, he sets his arrow, and whets his splendour like the edge of iron:-
The messenger of night with brilliant pathway, like a tree-roosting bird of rapid pinion.
Sloka : 6.3.6
स ईं॑ रे॒भो न प्रति॑ वस्त उ॒स्राः शो॒चिषा॑ रारपीति मि॒त्रम॑हाः ।
नक्तं॒ य ई॑मरु॒षो यो दिवा॒ नॄनम॑र्त्यो अरु॒षो यो दिवा॒ नॄन् ॥ ६.००३.०६
sa ī̍ṃ re̱bho na prati̍ vasta u̱srāḥ śo̱ciṣā̍ rārapīti mi̱trama̍hāḥ .
nakta̱ṃ ya ī̍maru̱ṣo yo divā̱ nṝnama̍rtyo aru̱ṣo yo divā̱ nṝn .. 6.003.06
6 In beams of morn he clothes him like the singer, and bright as Mitra with his splendour crackles.
Red in the night, by day the men's possession:- red, he belongs to men by day, Immortal.
Sloka : 6.3.7
दि॒वो न यस्य॑ विध॒तो नवी॑नो॒द्वृषा॑ रु॒क्ष ओष॑धीषु नूनोत् ।
घृणा॒ न यो ध्रज॑सा॒ पत्म॑ना॒ यन्ना रोद॑सी॒ वसु॑ना॒ दं सु॒पत्नी॑ ॥ ६.००३.०७
di̱vo na yasya̍ vidha̱to navī̍no̱dvṛṣā̍ ru̱kṣa oṣa̍dhīṣu nūnot .
ghṛṇā̱ na yo dhraja̍sā̱ patma̍nā̱ yannā roda̍sī̱ vasu̍nā̱ daṃ su̱patnī̍ .. 6.003.07
7 Like Heaven's when scattering beams his voice was uttered:- among the plants the radiant Hero shouted,
Who with his glow in rapid course came hither to fill both worlds, well-wedded Dames, with treasure.
Sloka : 6.3.8
धायो॑भिर्वा॒ यो युज्ये॑भिर॒र्कैर्वि॒द्युन्न द॑विद्यो॒त्स्वेभिः॒ शुष्मैः॑ ।
शर्धो॑ वा॒ यो म॒रुतां॑ त॒तक्ष॑ ऋ॒भुर्न त्वे॒षो र॑भसा॒नो अ॑द्यौत् ॥ ६.००३.०८
dhāyo̍bhirvā̱ yo yujye̍bhira̱rkairvi̱dyunna da̍vidyo̱tsvebhi̱ḥ śuṣmai̍ḥ .
śardho̍ vā̱ yo ma̱rutā̍ṃ ta̱takṣa̍ ṛ̱bhurna tve̱ṣo ra̍bhasā̱no a̍dyaut .. 6.003.08
8 Who, with supporting streams and rays that suit him, hath flashed like lightning with his native vigour.
Like the deft Maker of the band of Maruts, the bright impetuous One hath shone refulgent.
Sloka : 6.4.1
यथा॑ होत॒र्मनु॑षो दे॒वता॑ता य॒ज्ञेभिः॑ सूनो सहसो॒ यजा॑सि ।
ए॒वा नो॑ अ॒द्य स॑म॒ना स॑मा॒नानु॒शन्न॑ग्न उश॒तो य॑क्षि दे॒वान् ॥ ६.००४.०१
yathā̍ hota̱rmanu̍ṣo de̱vatā̍tā ya̱jñebhi̍ḥ sūno sahaso̱ yajā̍si .
e̱vā no̍ a̱dya sa̍ma̱nā sa̍mā̱nānu̱śanna̍gna uśa̱to ya̍kṣi de̱vān .. 6.004.01
1. As at man's service of the Gods, Invoker, thou, Son of Strength, dost sacrifice and worship,
So bring for us to-day all Gods together, bring willingly the willing Gods, O Agni.
Sloka : 6.4.2
स नो॑ वि॒भावा॑ च॒क्षणि॒र्न वस्तो॑र॒ग्निर्व॒न्दारु॒ वेद्य॒श्चनो॑ धात् ।
वि॒श्वायु॒र्यो अ॒मृतो॒ मर्त्ये॑षूष॒र्भुद्भूदति॑थिर्जा॒तवे॑दाः ॥ ६.००४.०२
sa no̍ vi̱bhāvā̍ ca̱kṣaṇi̱rna vasto̍ra̱gnirva̱ndāru̱ vedya̱ścano̍ dhāt .
vi̱śvāyu̱ryo a̱mṛto̱ martye̍ṣūṣa̱rbhudbhūdati̍thirjā̱tave̍dāḥ .. 6.004.02
2 May Agni, radiant Herald of the morning, meet to be known, accept our praise with favour.
Dear to all life, mid mortal men Immortal, our guest, awake at dawn, is Jātavedas.
Sloka : 6.4.3
द्यावो॒ न यस्य॑ प॒नय॒न्त्यभ्वं॒ भासां॑सि वस्ते॒ सूर्यो॒ न शु॒क्रः ।
वि य इ॒नोत्य॒जरः॑ पाव॒कोऽश्न॑स्य चिच्छिश्नथत्पू॒र्व्याणि॑ ॥ ६.००४.०३
dyāvo̱ na yasya̍ pa̱naya̱ntyabhva̱ṃ bhāsā̍ṃsi vaste̱ sūryo̱ na śu̱kraḥ .
vi ya i̱notya̱jara̍ḥ pāva̱ko'śna̍sya cicchiśnathatpū̱rvyāṇi̍ .. 6.004.03
3 Whose might the very heavens regard with wonder:- bright as the Sun he clothes himself with lustre.
He who sends forth,, Eternal Purifier, hath shattered e’en the ancient works of Aśna.
Sloka : 6.4.4
व॒द्मा हि सू॑नो॒ अस्य॑द्म॒सद्वा॑ च॒क्रे अ॒ग्निर्ज॒नुषाज्मान्न॑म् ।
स त्वं न॑ ऊर्जसन॒ ऊर्जं॑ धा॒ राजे॑व जेरवृ॒के क्षे॑ष्य॒न्तः ॥ ६.००४.०४
va̱dmā hi sū̍no̱ asya̍dma̱sadvā̍ ca̱kre a̱gnirja̱nuṣājmānna̍m .
sa tvaṃ na̍ ūrjasana̱ ūrja̍ṃ dhā̱ rāje̍va jeravṛ̱ke kṣe̍ṣya̱ntaḥ .. 6.004.04
4 Thou art a Singer, Son! our feast-companion:- Agni at birth prepared his food and pathway.
Therefore vouchsafe us strength, O Strength-bestower. Win like a King:- foes trouble not thy dwelling.
Sloka : 6.4.5
निति॑क्ति॒ यो वा॑र॒णमन्न॒मत्ति॑ वा॒युर्न राष्ट्र्यत्ये॑त्य॒क्तून् ।
तु॒र्याम॒ यस्त॑ आ॒दिशा॒मरा॑ती॒रत्यो॒ न ह्रुतः॒ पत॑तः परि॒ह्रुत् ॥ ६.००४.०५
niti̍kti̱ yo vā̍ra̱ṇamanna̱matti̍ vā̱yurna rāṣṭryatye̍tya̱ktūn .
tu̱ryāma̱ yasta̍ ā̱diśā̱marā̍tī̱ratyo̱ na hruta̱ḥ pata̍taḥ pari̱hrut .. 6.004.05
5 Even he who cats his firm hard food with swiftness,and overtakes the nights as Vāyu kingdoms.
May we o’ercome those who resist thine orders, like a steed casting down the flying foemen.
Sloka : 6.4.6
आ सूर्यो॒ न भा॑नु॒मद्भि॑र॒र्कैरग्ने॑ त॒तन्थ॒ रोद॑सी॒ वि भा॒सा ।
चि॒त्रो न॑य॒त्परि॒ तमां॑स्य॒क्तः शो॒चिषा॒ पत्म॑न्नौशि॒जो न दीय॑न् ॥ ६.००४.०६
ā sūryo̱ na bhā̍nu̱madbhi̍ra̱rkairagne̍ ta̱tantha̱ roda̍sī̱ vi bhā̱sā .
ci̱tro na̍ya̱tpari̱ tamā̍ṃsya̱ktaḥ śo̱ciṣā̱ patma̍nnauśi̱jo na dīya̍n .. 6.004.06
6 Like Sūrya with his fulgent rays, O Agni, thou overspreadest both the worlds with splendour.
Decked with bright colour he dispels the darkness, like Auśija, with clear flame swifily flying.
Sloka : 6.4.7
त्वां हि म॒न्द्रत॑ममर्कशो॒कैर्व॑वृ॒महे॒ महि॑ नः॒ श्रोष्य॑ग्ने ।
इन्द्रं॒ न त्वा॒ शव॑सा दे॒वता॑ वा॒युं पृ॑णन्ति॒ राध॑सा॒ नृत॑माः ॥ ६.००४.०७
tvāṃ hi ma̱ndrata̍mamarkaśo̱kairva̍vṛ̱mahe̱ mahi̍ na̱ḥ śroṣya̍gne .
indra̱ṃ na tvā̱ śava̍sā de̱vatā̍ vā̱yuṃ pṛ̍ṇanti̱ rādha̍sā̱ nṛta̍māḥ .. 6.004.07
7 We have elected thee as most delightful for thy beams' glow:- hear our great laud, O Agni.
The best men praise thee as the peer of Indra in strength, mid Gods, like Viyu in thy bounty.
Sloka : 6.4.8
नू नो॑ अग्नेऽवृ॒केभिः॑ स्व॒स्ति वेषि॑ रा॒यः प॒थिभिः॒ पर्ष्यंहः॑ ।
ता सू॒रिभ्यो॑ गृण॒ते रा॑सि सु॒म्नं मदे॑म श॒तहि॑माः सु॒वीराः॑ ॥ ६.००४.०८
nū no̍ agne'vṛ̱kebhi̍ḥ sva̱sti veṣi̍ rā̱yaḥ pa̱thibhi̱ḥ parṣyaṃha̍ḥ .
tā sū̱ribhyo̍ gṛṇa̱te rā̍si su̱mnaṃ made̍ma śa̱tahi̍māḥ su̱vīrā̍ḥ .. 6.004.08
8 Now, Agni, on the tranquil paths of riches come to us for our weal:- save us from sorrow.
Grant chiefs and bard this boon. May we live happy, with hero children, through a hundred winters.
Sloka : 6.5.1
हु॒वे वः॑ सू॒नुं सह॑सो॒ युवा॑न॒मद्रो॑घवाचं म॒तिभि॒र्यवि॑ष्ठम् ।
य इन्व॑ति॒ द्रवि॑णानि॒ प्रचे॑ता वि॒श्ववा॑राणि पुरु॒वारो॑ अ॒ध्रुक् ॥ ६.००५.०१
hu̱ve va̍ḥ sū̱nuṃ saha̍so̱ yuvā̍na̱madro̍ghavācaṃ ma̱tibhi̱ryavi̍ṣṭham .
ya inva̍ti̱ dravi̍ṇāni̱ prace̍tā vi̱śvavā̍rāṇi puru̱vāro̍ a̱dhruk .. 6.005.01
1. I INVOCATE your Son of Strength, the Youthful, with hymns, the Youngest God, whose speech is guileless;
Sage who sends wealth comprising every treasure, bringer of many boons, devoid of malice.
Sloka : 6.5.2
त्वे वसू॑नि पुर्वणीक होतर्दो॒षा वस्तो॒रेरि॑रे य॒ज्ञिया॑सः ।
क्षामे॑व॒ विश्वा॒ भुव॑नानि॒ यस्मि॒न्सं सौभ॑गानि दधि॒रे पा॑व॒के ॥ ६.००५.०२
tve vasū̍ni purvaṇīka hotardo̱ṣā vasto̱reri̍re ya̱jñiyā̍saḥ .
kṣāme̍va̱ viśvā̱ bhuva̍nāni̱ yasmi̱nsaṃ saubha̍gāni dadhi̱re pā̍va̱ke .. 6.005.02
2 At eve and morn thy pious servants bring thee their precious gifts, O Priest of many aspects,
On whom, the Purifier, all things living as on firm. ground their happiness have stablished.
Sloka : 6.5.3
त्वं वि॒क्षु प्र॒दिवः॑ सीद आ॒सु क्रत्वा॑ र॒थीर॑भवो॒ वार्या॑णाम् ।
अत॑ इनोषि विध॒ते चि॑कित्वो॒ व्या॑नु॒षग्जा॑तवेदो॒ वसू॑नि ॥ ६.००५.०३
tvaṃ vi̱kṣu pra̱diva̍ḥ sīda ā̱su kratvā̍ ra̱thīra̍bhavo̱ vāryā̍ṇām .
ata̍ inoṣi vidha̱te ci̍kitvo̱ vyā̍nu̱ṣagjā̍tavedo̱ vasū̍ni .. 6.005.03
3 Thou from of old hast dwelt among these people, by mental power the charioteer of blessings.
Hence sendest thou, O sapient Jātavedas, to him who serves thee treasures in succession.
Sloka : 6.5.4
यो नः॒ सनु॑त्यो अभि॒दास॑दग्ने॒ यो अन्त॑रो मित्रमहो वनु॒ष्यात् ।
तम॒जरे॑भि॒र्वृष॑भि॒स्तव॒ स्वैस्तपा॑ तपिष्ठ॒ तप॑सा॒ तप॑स्वान् ॥ ६.००५.०४
yo na̱ḥ sanu̍tyo abhi̱dāsa̍dagne̱ yo anta̍ro mitramaho vanu̱ṣyāt .
tama̱jare̍bhi̱rvṛṣa̍bhi̱stava̱ svaistapā̍ tapiṣṭha̱ tapa̍sā̱ tapa̍svān .. 6.005.04
4 Agni, whoever secretly attacks us, the neighbour, thou with Mitra's might! who harms us,
Burn him with thine own Steers for ever youthful, burning with burning heat, thou fiercest burner.
Sloka : 6.5.5
यस्ते॑ य॒ज्ञेन॑ स॒मिधा॒ य उ॒क्थैर॒र्केभिः॑ सूनो सहसो॒ ददा॑शत् ।
स मर्त्ये॑ष्वमृत॒ प्रचे॑ता रा॒या द्यु॒म्नेन॒ श्रव॑सा॒ वि भा॑ति ॥ ६.००५.०५
yaste̍ ya̱jñena̍ sa̱midhā̱ ya u̱kthaira̱rkebhi̍ḥ sūno sahaso̱ dadā̍śat .
sa martye̍ṣvamṛta̱ prace̍tā rā̱yā dyu̱mnena̱ śrava̍sā̱ vi bhā̍ti .. 6.005.05
5 He who serves thee with sacrifice and fuel, with hymn, O Son of Strength, and chanted praises,
Shines out, Immortal! in the midst of mortals, a sage, with wealth, with splendour and with glory.
Sloka : 6.5.6
स तत्कृ॑धीषि॒तस्तूय॑मग्ने॒ स्पृधो॑ बाधस्व॒ सह॑सा॒ सह॑स्वान् ।
यच्छ॒स्यसे॒ द्युभि॑र॒क्तो वचो॑भि॒स्तज्जु॑षस्व जरि॒तुर्घोषि॒ मन्म॑ ॥ ६.००५.०६
sa tatkṛ̍dhīṣi̱tastūya̍magne̱ spṛdho̍ bādhasva̱ saha̍sā̱ saha̍svān .
yaccha̱syase̱ dyubhi̍ra̱kto vaco̍bhi̱stajju̍ṣasva jari̱turghoṣi̱ manma̍ .. 6.005.06
6 Do this, O Agni, when we urge thee, quickly, triumphant in thy might subdue our foemen.
When thou art praised with words and decked with brightness, accept this chanted hymn, the singer's worship.
Sloka : 6.5.7
अ॒श्याम॒ तं काम॑मग्ने॒ तवो॒ती अ॒श्याम॑ र॒यिं र॑यिवः सु॒वीर॑म् ।
अ॒श्याम॒ वाज॑म॒भि वा॒जय॑न्तो॒ऽश्याम॑ द्यु॒म्नम॑जरा॒जरं॑ ते ॥ ६.००५.०७
a̱śyāma̱ taṃ kāma̍magne̱ tavo̱tī a̱śyāma̍ ra̱yiṃ ra̍yivaḥ su̱vīra̍m .
a̱śyāma̱ vāja̍ma̱bhi vā̱jaya̍nto̱'śyāma̍ dyu̱mnama̍jarā̱jara̍ṃ te .. 6.005.07
7 Help us, that we may gain this wish, O Agni, gain riches, Wealthy One! with store of heroes.
Desiring strength from thee may we be strengthened, and win, Eternal! thine eternal glory.
Sloka : 6.6.1
प्र नव्य॑सा॒ सह॑सः सू॒नुमच्छा॑ य॒ज्ञेन॑ गा॒तुमव॑ इ॒च्छमा॑नः ।
वृ॒श्चद्व॑नं कृ॒ष्णया॑मं॒ रुश॑न्तं वी॒ती होता॑रं दि॒व्यं जि॑गाति ॥ ६.००६.०१
pra navya̍sā̱ saha̍saḥ sū̱numacchā̍ ya̱jñena̍ gā̱tumava̍ i̱cchamā̍naḥ .
vṛ̱ścadva̍naṃ kṛ̱ṣṇayā̍ma̱ṃ ruśa̍ntaṃ vī̱tī hotā̍raṃ di̱vyaṃ ji̍gāti .. 6.006.01
1. HE who seeks furtherance and grace to help him goes to the Son of Strength with newest worship,
Calling the heavenly Priest to share the banquet, who rends the wood, bright, with his blackened pathway.
Sloka : 6.6.2
स श्वि॑ता॒नस्त॑न्य॒तू रो॑चन॒स्था अ॒जरे॑भि॒र्नान॑दद्भि॒र्यवि॑ष्ठः ।
यः पा॑व॒कः पु॑रु॒तमः॑ पु॒रूणि॑ पृ॒थून्य॒ग्निर॑नु॒याति॒ भर्व॑न् ॥ ६.००६.०२
sa śvi̍tā̱nasta̍nya̱tū ro̍cana̱sthā a̱jare̍bhi̱rnāna̍dadbhi̱ryavi̍ṣṭhaḥ .
yaḥ pā̍va̱kaḥ pu̍ru̱tama̍ḥ pu̱rūṇi̍ pṛ̱thūnya̱gnira̍nu̱yāti̱ bharva̍n .. 6.006.02
2 White-hued and thundering he dwells in splendour, Most Youthful, with the loudvoiced and eternal-
Agni, most variform, the Purifier, who follows crunching many ample forests.
Sloka : 6.6.3
वि ते॒ विष्व॒ग्वात॑जूतासो अग्ने॒ भामा॑सः शुचे॒ शुच॑यश्चरन्ति ।
तु॒वि॒म्र॒क्षासो॑ दि॒व्या नव॑ग्वा॒ वना॑ वनन्ति धृष॒ता रु॒जन्तः॑ ॥ ६.००६.०३
vi te̱ viṣva̱gvāta̍jūtāso agne̱ bhāmā̍saḥ śuce̱ śuca̍yaścaranti .
tu̱vi̱mra̱kṣāso̍ di̱vyā nava̍gvā̱ vanā̍ vananti dhṛṣa̱tā ru̱janta̍ḥ .. 6.006.03
3 Incited by the wind thy flames, O Agni, move onward, Pure One! pure, in all directions.
Thy most destructive heavenly Navagvas break the woods down and devastate them boldly.
Sloka : 6.6.4
ये ते॑ शु॒क्रासः॒ शुच॑यः शुचिष्मः॒ क्षां वप॑न्ति॒ विषि॑तासो॒ अश्वाः॑ ।
अध॑ भ्र॒मस्त॑ उर्वि॒या वि भा॑ति या॒तय॑मानो॒ अधि॒ सानु॒ पृश्नेः॑ ॥ ६.००६.०४
ye te̍ śu̱krāsa̱ḥ śuca̍yaḥ śuciṣma̱ḥ kṣāṃ vapa̍nti̱ viṣi̍tāso̱ aśvā̍ḥ .
adha̍ bhra̱masta̍ urvi̱yā vi bhā̍ti yā̱taya̍māno̱ adhi̱ sānu̱ pṛśne̍ḥ .. 6.006.04
4 Thy pure white horses from their bonds are loosened:- O Radiant One, they shear the ground beneath them,
And far and wide shines out thy flame, and flickers rapidly moving over earth's high ridges.
Sloka : 6.6.5
अध॑ जि॒ह्वा पा॑पतीति॒ प्र वृष्णो॑ गोषु॒युधो॒ नाशनिः॑ सृजा॒ना ।
शूर॑स्येव॒ प्रसि॑तिः क्षा॒तिर॒ग्नेर्दु॒र्वर्तु॑र्भी॒मो द॑यते॒ वना॑नि ॥ ६.००६.०५
adha̍ ji̱hvā pā̍patīti̱ pra vṛṣṇo̍ goṣu̱yudho̱ nāśani̍ḥ sṛjā̱nā .
śūra̍syeva̱ prasi̍tiḥ kṣā̱tira̱gnerdu̱rvartu̍rbhī̱mo da̍yate̱ vanā̍ni .. 6.006.05
5 Forth darts the Bull's tongue like the sharp stone weapon discharged by him who fights to win the cattle.
Agni's fierce flame is like a hero's onset:- dread and resistless he destroys the forests.
Sloka : 6.6.6
आ भा॒नुना॒ पार्थि॑वानि॒ ज्रयां॑सि म॒हस्तो॒दस्य॑ धृष॒ता त॑तन्थ ।
स बा॑ध॒स्वाप॑ भ॒या सहो॑भिः॒ स्पृधो॑ वनु॒ष्यन्व॒नुषो॒ नि जू॑र्व ॥ ६.००६.०६
ā bhā̱nunā̱ pārthi̍vāni̱ jrayā̍ṃsi ma̱hasto̱dasya̍ dhṛṣa̱tā ta̍tantha .
sa bā̍dha̱svāpa̍ bha̱yā saho̍bhi̱ḥ spṛdho̍ vanu̱ṣyanva̱nuṣo̱ ni jū̍rva .. 6.006.06
6 Thou with the sunlight of the great Impeller hast boldly over-spread the earth's expanses.
So drive away with conquering might all perils. fighting out foemen burn up those who harm us.
Sloka : 6.6.7
स चि॑त्र चि॒त्रं चि॒तय॑न्तम॒स्मे चित्र॑क्षत्र चि॒त्रत॑मं वयो॒धाम् ।
च॒न्द्रं र॒यिं पु॑रु॒वीरं॑ बृ॒हन्तं॒ चन्द्र॑ च॒न्द्राभि॑र्गृण॒ते यु॑वस्व ॥ ६.००६.०७
sa ci̍tra ci̱traṃ ci̱taya̍ntama̱sme citra̍kṣatra ci̱trata̍maṃ vayo̱dhām .
ca̱ndraṃ ra̱yiṃ pu̍ru̱vīra̍ṃ bṛ̱hanta̱ṃ candra̍ ca̱ndrābhi̍rgṛṇa̱te yu̍vasva .. 6.006.07
7 Wondrous! of wondrous power! give to the singer wealth wondrous, marked, most wonderful, life-giving.
Wealth bright, O Bright One, vast, with many heroes, give with thy bright flames to the man who lauds thee.
Sloka : 6.7.1
मू॒र्धानं॑ दि॒वो अ॑र॒तिं पृ॑थि॒व्या वै॑श्वान॒रमृ॒त आ जा॒तम॒ग्निम् ।
क॒विं स॒म्राज॒मति॑थिं॒ जना॑नामा॒सन्ना पात्रं॑ जनयन्त दे॒वाः ॥ ६.००७.०१
mū̱rdhāna̍ṃ di̱vo a̍ra̱tiṃ pṛ̍thi̱vyā vai̍śvāna̱ramṛ̱ta ā jā̱tama̱gnim .
ka̱viṃ sa̱mrāja̱mati̍thi̱ṃ janā̍nāmā̱sannā pātra̍ṃ janayanta de̱vāḥ .. 6.007.01
1. Him, messenger of earth and head of heaven, Agni Vaiśvānara, born in holy Order,
The Sage, the King, the guest of men, a vessel fit for their mouths, the Gods have generated.
Sloka : 6.7.2
नाभिं॑ य॒ज्ञानां॒ सद॑नं रयी॒णां म॒हामा॑हा॒वम॒भि सं न॑वन्त ।
वै॒श्वा॒न॒रं र॒थ्य॑मध्व॒राणां॑ य॒ज्ञस्य॑ के॒तुं ज॑नयन्त दे॒वाः ॥ ६.००७.०२
nābhi̍ṃ ya̱jñānā̱ṃ sada̍naṃ rayī̱ṇāṃ ma̱hāmā̍hā̱vama̱bhi saṃ na̍vanta .
vai̱śvā̱na̱raṃ ra̱thya̍madhva̱rāṇā̍ṃ ya̱jñasya̍ ke̱tuṃ ja̍nayanta de̱vāḥ .. 6.007.02
2 Him have they praised, mid-point of sacrifices, great cistern of libations, seat of riches.
Vaiśvānara, conveyer of oblations, ensign of worship, have the Gods engendered.
Sloka : 6.7.3
त्वद्विप्रो॑ जायते वा॒ज्य॑ग्ने॒ त्वद्वी॒रासो॑ अभिमाति॒षाहः॑ ।
वैश्वा॑नर॒ त्वम॒स्मासु॑ धेहि॒ वसू॑नि राजन्स्पृह॒याय्या॑णि ॥ ६.००७.०३
tvadvipro̍ jāyate vā̱jya̍gne̱ tvadvī̱rāso̍ abhimāti̱ṣāha̍ḥ .
vaiśvā̍nara̱ tvama̱smāsu̍ dhehi̱ vasū̍ni rājanspṛha̱yāyyā̍ṇi .. 6.007.03
3 From thee, O Agni, springs the mighty singer, from thee come heroes who subdue the foeman.
O King, Vaiśvānara, bestow thou on us excellent treasures worthy to belonged fo r.
Sloka : 6.7.4
त्वां विश्वे॑ अमृत॒ जाय॑मानं॒ शिशुं॒ न दे॒वा अ॒भि सं न॑वन्ते ।
तव॒ क्रतु॑भिरमृत॒त्वमा॑य॒न्वैश्वा॑नर॒ यत्पि॒त्रोरदी॑देः ॥ ६.००७.०४
tvāṃ viśve̍ amṛta̱ jāya̍māna̱ṃ śiśu̱ṃ na de̱vā a̱bhi saṃ na̍vante .
tava̱ kratu̍bhiramṛta̱tvamā̍ya̱nvaiśvā̍nara̱ yatpi̱troradī̍deḥ .. 6.007.04
4 To thee, Immortal! when to life thou springest, all the Gods sing for joy as to their infant.
They by thy mental powers were made immortal, Vaiśvānara, when thou shonest from thy Parents.
Sloka : 6.7.5
वैश्वा॑नर॒ तव॒ तानि॑ व्र॒तानि॑ म॒हान्य॑ग्ने॒ नकि॒रा द॑धर्ष ।
यज्जाय॑मानः पि॒त्रोरु॒पस्थेऽवि॑न्दः के॒तुं व॒युने॒ष्वह्ना॑म् ॥ ६.००७.०५
vaiśvā̍nara̱ tava̱ tāni̍ vra̱tāni̍ ma̱hānya̍gne̱ naki̱rā da̍dharṣa .
yajjāya̍mānaḥ pi̱troru̱pasthe'vi̍ndaḥ ke̱tuṃ va̱yune̱ṣvahnā̍m .. 6.007.05
5 Agni Vaiśvānara, no one hath ever resisted these thy mighty ordinances,
When thou, arising from thy Parents' bosom, foundest the light for days' appointed courses.
Sloka : 6.7.6
वै॒श्वा॒न॒रस्य॒ विमि॑तानि॒ चक्ष॑सा॒ सानू॑नि दि॒वो अ॒मृत॑स्य के॒तुना॑ ।
तस्येदु॒ विश्वा॒ भुव॒नाधि॑ मू॒र्धनि॑ व॒या इ॑व रुरुहुः स॒प्त वि॒स्रुहः॑ ॥ ६.००७.०६
vai̱śvā̱na̱rasya̱ vimi̍tāni̱ cakṣa̍sā̱ sānū̍ni di̱vo a̱mṛta̍sya ke̱tunā̍ .
tasyedu̱ viśvā̱ bhuva̱nādhi̍ mū̱rdhani̍ va̱yā i̍va ruruhuḥ sa̱pta vi̱sruha̍ḥ .. 6.007.06
6 The summits of the heaven are traversed through and through by the Immortal's light, Vaiśvānara's brilliancy.
All creatures in existence rest upon his head. The Seven swift-flowing Streams have grown like branches forth,
Sloka : 6.7.7
वि यो रजां॒स्यमि॑मीत सु॒क्रतु॑र्वैश्वान॒रो वि दि॒वो रो॑च॒ना क॒विः ।
परि॒ यो विश्वा॒ भुव॑नानि पप्र॒थेऽद॑ब्धो गो॒पा अ॒मृत॑स्य रक्षि॒ता ॥ ६.००७.०७
vi yo rajā̱ṃsyami̍mīta su̱kratu̍rvaiśvāna̱ro vi di̱vo ro̍ca̱nā ka̱viḥ .
pari̱ yo viśvā̱ bhuva̍nāni papra̱the'da̍bdho go̱pā a̱mṛta̍sya rakṣi̱tā .. 6.007.07
7 Vaiśvānara, who measured out the realms of air, Sage very wise who made the lucid spheres of heaven,
The Undeceivable who spread out all the worlds, keeper is he and guard of immortality.
Sloka : 6.8.1
पृ॒क्षस्य॒ वृष्णो॑ अरु॒षस्य॒ नू सहः॒ प्र नु वो॑चं वि॒दथा॑ जा॒तवे॑दसः ।
वै॒श्वा॒न॒राय॑ म॒तिर्नव्य॑सी॒ शुचिः॒ सोम॑ इव पवते॒ चारु॑र॒ग्नये॑ ॥ ६.००८.०१
pṛ̱kṣasya̱ vṛṣṇo̍ aru̱ṣasya̱ nū saha̱ḥ pra nu vo̍caṃ vi̱dathā̍ jā̱tave̍dasaḥ .
vai̱śvā̱na̱rāya̍ ma̱tirnavya̍sī̱ śuci̱ḥ soma̍ iva pavate̱ cāru̍ra̱gnaye̍ .. 6.008.01
1. AT Jātavedas' holy gathering I will tell aloud the conquering might of the swift red-hued Steer.
A pure and fresher hymn flows to Vaiśvānara, even as for Agni lovely Soma is made pure.
Sloka : 6.8.2
स जाय॑मानः पर॒मे व्यो॑मनि व्र॒तान्य॒ग्निर्व्र॑त॒पा अ॑रक्षत ।
व्य१॒॑न्तरि॑क्षममिमीत सु॒क्रतु॑र्वैश्वान॒रो म॑हि॒ना नाक॑मस्पृशत् ॥ ६.००८.०२
sa jāya̍mānaḥ para̱me vyo̍mani vra̱tānya̱gnirvra̍ta̱pā a̍rakṣata .
vya1̱̍ntari̍kṣamamimīta su̱kratu̍rvaiśvāna̱ro ma̍hi̱nā nāka̍maspṛśat .. 6.008.02
2 That Agni, when in loftiest heaven he sprang to life, Guardian of Holy Laws, kept and observed them well.
Exceeding wise, he measured out the firmament. Vaiśvānara attained to heaven by mightiness.
Sloka : 6.8.3
व्य॑स्तभ्ना॒द्रोद॑सी मि॒त्रो अद्भु॑तोऽन्त॒र्वाव॑दकृणो॒ज्ज्योति॑षा॒ तमः॑ ।
वि चर्म॑णीव धि॒षणे॑ अवर्तयद्वैश्वान॒रो विश्व॑मधत्त॒ वृष्ण्य॑म् ॥ ६.००८.०३
vya̍stabhnā̱droda̍sī mi̱tro adbhu̍to'nta̱rvāva̍dakṛṇo̱jjyoti̍ṣā̱ tama̍ḥ .
vi carma̍ṇīva dhi̱ṣaṇe̍ avartayadvaiśvāna̱ro viśva̍madhatta̱ vṛṣṇya̍m .. 6.008.03
3 Wonderful Mitra propped the heaven and earth apart, and covered and concealed
the darkness with his light.
He made the two bowls part asunder like two skins. Vaiśvānara put forth all his creative power.
Sloka : 6.8.4
अ॒पामु॒पस्थे॑ महि॒षा अ॑गृभ्णत॒ विशो॒ राजा॑न॒मुप॑ तस्थुरृ॒ग्मिय॑म् ।
आ दू॒तो अ॒ग्निम॑भरद्वि॒वस्व॑तो वैश्वान॒रं मा॑त॒रिश्वा॑ परा॒वतः॑ ॥ ६.००८.०४
a̱pāmu̱pasthe̍ mahi̱ṣā a̍gṛbhṇata̱ viśo̱ rājā̍na̱mupa̍ tasthurṛ̱gmiya̍m .
ā dū̱to a̱gnima̍bharadvi̱vasva̍to vaiśvāna̱raṃ mā̍ta̱riśvā̍ parā̱vata̍ḥ .. 6.008.04
4 The Migbty seized him in the bosom of the floods:- the people waited on the King who should be praised.
As envoy of Vivasvān MatariSvan brought Agni Vaiśvānara hither from far away.
Sloka : 6.8.5
यु॒गेयु॑गे विद॒थ्यं॑ गृ॒णद्भ्योऽग्ने॑ र॒यिं य॒शसं॑ धेहि॒ नव्य॑सीम् ।
प॒व्येव॑ राजन्न॒घशं॑समजर नी॒चा नि वृ॑श्च व॒निनं॒ न तेज॑सा ॥ ६.००८.०५
yu̱geyu̍ge vida̱thya̍ṃ gṛ̱ṇadbhyo'gne̍ ra̱yiṃ ya̱śasa̍ṃ dhehi̱ navya̍sīm .
pa̱vyeva̍ rājanna̱ghaśa̍ṃsamajara nī̱cā ni vṛ̍śca va̱nina̱ṃ na teja̍sā .. 6.008.05
5 In every age bestow upon the singers wealth, worthy of holy synods, glorious, ever new.
King, undecaying, as it were with sharpened bolt, smite down the sinner like a tree with lightning-flash.
Sloka : 6.8.6
अ॒स्माक॑मग्ने म॒घव॑त्सु धार॒याना॑मि क्ष॒त्रम॒जरं॑ सु॒वीर्य॑म् ।
व॒यं ज॑येम श॒तिनं॑ सह॒स्रिणं॒ वैश्वा॑नर॒ वाज॑मग्ने॒ तवो॒तिभिः॑ ॥ ६.००८.०६
a̱smāka̍magne ma̱ghava̍tsu dhāra̱yānā̍mi kṣa̱trama̱jara̍ṃ su̱vīrya̍m .
va̱yaṃ ja̍yema śa̱tina̍ṃ saha̱sriṇa̱ṃ vaiśvā̍nara̱ vāja̍magne̱ tavo̱tibhi̍ḥ .. 6.008.06
6 Do thou bestow, O Agni, on our wealthy chiefs, rule, with good heroes, undecaying, bending not.
So may we win for us strength. O Vaiśvānara, hundredfold, thousandfold, O Agni, by thy help.
Sloka : 6.8.7
अद॑ब्धेभि॒स्तव॑ गो॒पाभि॑रिष्टे॒ऽस्माकं॑ पाहि त्रिषधस्थ सू॒रीन् ।
रक्षा॑ च नो द॒दुषां॒ शर्धो॑ अग्ने॒ वैश्वा॑नर॒ प्र च॑ तारीः॒ स्तवा॑नः ॥ ६.००८.०७
ada̍bdhebhi̱stava̍ go̱pābhi̍riṣṭe̱'smāka̍ṃ pāhi triṣadhastha sū̱rīn .
rakṣā̍ ca no da̱duṣā̱ṃ śardho̍ agne̱ vaiśvā̍nara̱ pra ca̍ tārī̱ḥ stavā̍naḥ .. 6.008.07
7 O thou who dwellest in three places, Helper, keep with effective guards our princely patrons.
Keep our band, Agni, who have brought thee presents. Lengthen their lives, Vaiśvānara, when lauded.
Sloka : 6.9.1
अह॑श्च कृ॒ष्णमह॒रर्जु॑नं च॒ वि व॑र्तेते॒ रज॑सी वे॒द्याभिः॑ ।
वै॒श्वा॒न॒रो जाय॑मानो॒ न राजावा॑तिर॒ज्ज्योति॑षा॒ग्निस्तमां॑सि ॥ ६.००९.०१
aha̍śca kṛ̱ṣṇamaha̱rarju̍naṃ ca̱ vi va̍rtete̱ raja̍sī ve̱dyābhi̍ḥ .
vai̱śvā̱na̱ro jāya̍māno̱ na rājāvā̍tira̱jjyoti̍ṣā̱gnistamā̍ṃsi .. 6.009.01
1. ONE half of day is dark, and bright the other:- both atmospheres move on by sage devices.
Agni Vaiśvānara, when born as Sovran, hath with his lustre overcome the darkness.
Sloka : 6.9.2
नाहं तन्तुं॒ न वि जा॑ना॒म्योतुं॒ न यं वय॑न्ति सम॒रेऽत॑मानाः ।
कस्य॑ स्वित्पु॒त्र इ॒ह वक्त्वा॑नि प॒रो व॑दा॒त्यव॑रेण पि॒त्रा ॥ ६.००९.०२
nāhaṃ tantu̱ṃ na vi jā̍nā̱myotu̱ṃ na yaṃ vaya̍nti sama̱re'ta̍mānāḥ .
kasya̍ svitpu̱tra i̱ha vaktvā̍ni pa̱ro va̍dā̱tyava̍reṇa pi̱trā .. 6.009.02
2 I know not either warp or woof, I know not the web they weave when moving to the contest.
Whose son shall here speak words that must be spoken without assistance from the Father near him?
Sloka : 6.9.3
स इत्तन्तुं॒ स वि जा॑ना॒त्योतुं॒ स वक्त्वा॑न्यृतु॒था व॑दाति ।
य ईं॒ चिके॑तद॒मृत॑स्य गो॒पा अ॒वश्चर॑न्प॒रो अ॒न्येन॒ पश्य॑न् ॥ ६.००९.०३
sa ittantu̱ṃ sa vi jā̍nā̱tyotu̱ṃ sa vaktvā̍nyṛtu̱thā va̍dāti .
ya ī̱ṃ cike̍tada̱mṛta̍sya go̱pā a̱vaścara̍npa̱ro a̱nyena̱ paśya̍n .. 6.009.03
3 For both the warp and woof he understandeth, and in due time shall speak what should be spoken,
Who knoweth as the immortal world's Protector, descending, seeing with no aid from other.
Sloka : 6.9.4
अ॒यं होता॑ प्रथ॒मः पश्य॑ते॒ममि॒दं ज्योति॑र॒मृतं॒ मर्त्ये॑षु ।
अ॒यं स ज॑ज्ञे ध्रु॒व आ निष॒त्तोऽम॑र्त्यस्त॒न्वा॒३॒॑ वर्ध॑मानः ॥ ६.००९.०४
a̱yaṃ hotā̍ pratha̱maḥ paśya̍te̱mami̱daṃ jyoti̍ra̱mṛta̱ṃ martye̍ṣu .
a̱yaṃ sa ja̍jñe dhru̱va ā niṣa̱tto'ma̍rtyasta̱nvā̱3̱̍ vardha̍mānaḥ .. 6.009.04
4 He is the Priest, the first of all:- behold him. Mid mortal men he is the light immortal.
Here was he born, firm-seated in his station Immortal, ever waxing in his body.
Sloka : 6.9.5
ध्रु॒वं ज्योति॒र्निहि॑तं दृ॒शये॒ कं मनो॒ जवि॑ष्ठं प॒तय॑त्स्व॒न्तः ।
विश्वे॑ दे॒वाः सम॑नसः॒ सके॑ता॒ एकं॒ क्रतु॑म॒भि वि य॑न्ति सा॒धु ॥ ६.००९.०५
dhru̱vaṃ jyoti̱rnihi̍taṃ dṛ̱śaye̱ kaṃ mano̱ javi̍ṣṭhaṃ pa̱taya̍tsva̱ntaḥ .
viśve̍ de̱vāḥ sama̍nasa̱ḥ sake̍tā̱ eka̱ṃ kratu̍ma̱bhi vi ya̍nti sā̱dhu .. 6.009.05
5 A firm light hath been set for men to look on:- among all things that fly the mind is swiftest.
All Gods of one accord, with one intention, move unobstructed to a single purpose.
Sloka : 6.9.6
वि मे॒ कर्णा॑ पतयतो॒ वि चक्षु॒र्वी॒३॒॑दं ज्योति॒र्हृद॑य॒ आहि॑तं॒ यत् ।
वि मे॒ मन॑श्चरति दू॒रआ॑धीः॒ किं स्वि॑द्व॒क्ष्यामि॒ किमु॒ नू म॑निष्ये ॥ ६.००९.०६
vi me̱ karṇā̍ patayato̱ vi cakṣu̱rvī̱3̱̍daṃ jyoti̱rhṛda̍ya̱ āhi̍ta̱ṃ yat .
vi me̱ mana̍ścarati dū̱raā̍dhī̱ḥ kiṃ svi̍dva̱kṣyāmi̱ kimu̱ nū ma̍niṣye .. 6.009.06
6 Mine ears unclose to hear, mine eye to see him; the light that harbours in my spirit broadens.
Far roams my mind whose thoughts are in the distance. What shall I speak, what shall I now imagine?
Sloka : 6.9.7
विश्वे॑ दे॒वा अ॑नमस्यन्भिया॒नास्त्वाम॑ग्ने॒ तम॑सि तस्थि॒वांस॑म् ।
वै॒श्वा॒न॒रो॑ऽवतू॒तये॒ नोऽम॑र्त्योऽवतू॒तये॑ नः ॥ ६.००९.०७
viśve̍ de̱vā a̍namasyanbhiyā̱nāstvāma̍gne̱ tama̍si tasthi̱vāṃsa̍m .
vai̱śvā̱na̱ro̎vatū̱taye̱ no'ma̍rtyo'vatū̱taye̍ naḥ .. 6.009.07
7 All the Gods bowed them down in fear before thee, Agni, when thou wast dwelling in the darkness.
Vaiśvānara be gracious to assist us, may the Immortal favour us and help us.
Sloka : 6.10.1
पु॒रो वो॑ म॒न्द्रं दि॒व्यं सु॑वृ॒क्तिं प्र॑य॒ति य॒ज्ञे अ॒ग्निम॑ध्व॒रे द॑धिध्वम् ।
पु॒र उ॒क्थेभिः॒ स हि नो॑ वि॒भावा॑ स्वध्व॒रा क॑रति जा॒तवे॑दाः ॥ ६.०१०.०१
pu̱ro vo̍ ma̱ndraṃ di̱vyaṃ su̍vṛ̱ktiṃ pra̍ya̱ti ya̱jñe a̱gnima̍dhva̱re da̍dhidhvam .
pu̱ra u̱kthebhi̱ḥ sa hi no̍ vi̱bhāvā̍ svadhva̱rā ka̍rati jā̱tave̍dāḥ .. 6.010.01
1. INSTALL at sacrifice, while the rite advances, your pleasant, heavenly Agni, meet for praises.
With hymns-for he illumines us-install him. He, Jātavedas, makes our rites successful.
Sloka : 6.10.2
तमु॑ द्युमः पुर्वणीक होत॒रग्ने॑ अ॒ग्निभि॒र्मनु॑ष इधा॒नः ।
स्तोमं॒ यम॑स्मै म॒मते॑व शू॒षं घृ॒तं न शुचि॑ म॒तयः॑ पवन्ते ॥ ६.०१०.०२
tamu̍ dyumaḥ purvaṇīka hota̱ragne̍ a̱gnibhi̱rmanu̍ṣa idhā̱naḥ .
stoma̱ṃ yama̍smai ma̱mate̍va śū̱ṣaṃ ghṛ̱taṃ na śuci̍ ma̱taya̍ḥ pavante .. 6.010.02
2 Hear this laud, Radiant Priest of many aspects, O Agni with the fires of man enkindled,
Laud which bards send forth pure as sacred butter, strength to this man, as ’twere for self-advantage.
Sloka : 6.10.3
पी॒पाय॒ स श्रव॑सा॒ मर्त्ये॑षु॒ यो अ॒ग्नये॑ द॒दाश॒ विप्र॑ उ॒क्थैः ।
चि॒त्राभि॒स्तमू॒तिभि॑श्चि॒त्रशो॑चिर्व्र॒जस्य॑ सा॒ता गोम॑तो दधाति ॥ ६.०१०.०३
pī̱pāya̱ sa śrava̍sā̱ martye̍ṣu̱ yo a̱gnaye̍ da̱dāśa̱ vipra̍ u̱kthaiḥ .
ci̱trābhi̱stamū̱tibhi̍ści̱traśo̍cirvra̱jasya̍ sā̱tā goma̍to dadhāti .. 6.010.03
3 Mid mortal men that singer thrives in glory who offers gifts with hymns of praise to Agni,
And the God, wondrous bright, with wondrous succours helps him to win a stable filled with cattle.
Sloka : 6.10.4
आ यः प॒प्रौ जाय॑मान उ॒र्वी दू॑रे॒दृशा॑ भा॒सा कृ॒ष्णाध्वा॑ ।
अध॑ ब॒हु चि॒त्तम॒ ऊर्म्या॑यास्ति॒रः शो॒चिषा॑ ददृशे पाव॒कः ॥ ६.०१०.०४
ā yaḥ pa̱prau jāya̍māna u̱rvī dū̍re̱dṛśā̍ bhā̱sā kṛ̱ṣṇādhvā̍ .
adha̍ ba̱hu ci̱ttama̱ ūrmyā̍yāsti̱raḥ śo̱ciṣā̍ dadṛśe pāva̱kaḥ .. 6.010.04
4 He, at his birth, whose path is black behind him, filled heaven and earth with far-apparent splendour:-
And he himself hath been. through night's thick darkness, made manifest by light, the Purifier.
Sloka : 6.10.5
नू न॑श्चि॒त्रं पु॑रु॒वाजा॑भिरू॒ती अग्ने॑ र॒यिं म॒घव॑द्भ्यश्च धेहि ।
ये राध॑सा॒ श्रव॑सा॒ चात्य॒न्यान्सु॒वीर्ये॑भिश्चा॒भि सन्ति॒ जना॑न् ॥ ६.०१०.०५
nū na̍ści̱traṃ pu̍ru̱vājā̍bhirū̱tī agne̍ ra̱yiṃ ma̱ghava̍dbhyaśca dhehi .
ye rādha̍sā̱ śrava̍sā̱ cātya̱nyānsu̱vīrye̍bhiścā̱bhi santi̱ janā̍n .. 6.010.05
5 With thy most mighty aid, confer, O Agni, wonderful wealth on us and on our princes,
Who stand preeminent, surpassing others in liberal gifts, in fame, and hero virtues.
Sloka : 6.10.6
इ॒मं य॒ज्ञं चनो॑ धा अग्न उ॒शन्यं त॑ आसा॒नो जु॑हु॒ते ह॒विष्मा॑न् ।
भ॒रद्वा॑जेषु दधिषे सुवृ॒क्तिमवी॒र्वाज॑स्य॒ गध्य॑स्य सा॒तौ ॥ ६.०१०.०६
i̱maṃ ya̱jñaṃ cano̍ dhā agna u̱śanyaṃ ta̍ āsā̱no ju̍hu̱te ha̱viṣmā̍n .
bha̱radvā̍jeṣu dadhiṣe suvṛ̱ktimavī̱rvāja̍sya̱ gadhya̍sya sā̱tau .. 6.010.06
6 Agni, accept this sacrifice with gladness, which, seated here, the worshipper presenteth.
Fair hymns hadst thou among the Bharadvājas, and holpest them to gain abundant vigour.
Sloka : 6.10.7
वि द्वेषां॑सीनु॒हि व॒र्धयेळां॒ मदे॑म श॒तहि॑माः सु॒वीराः॑ ॥ ६.०१०.०७
vi dveṣā̍ṃsīnu̱hi va̱rdhayel̤ā̱ṃ made̍ma śa̱tahi̍māḥ su̱vīrā̍ḥ .. 6.010.07
7 Scatter our foes, increase our store. May we he glad a hundred winters with brave sons.
Sloka : 6.11.1
यज॑स्व होतरिषि॒तो यजी॑या॒नग्ने॒ बाधो॑ म॒रुतां॒ न प्रयु॑क्ति ।
आ नो॑ मि॒त्रावरु॑णा॒ नास॑त्या॒ द्यावा॑ हो॒त्राय॑ पृथि॒वी व॑वृत्याः ॥ ६.०११.०१
yaja̍sva hotariṣi̱to yajī̍yā̱nagne̱ bādho̍ ma̱rutā̱ṃ na prayu̍kti .
ā no̍ mi̱trāvaru̍ṇā̱ nāsa̍tyā̱ dyāvā̍ ho̱trāya̍ pṛthi̱vī va̍vṛtyāḥ .. 6.011.01
1. EAGERLY Sacrifice thou, most skilful, Agni! Priest, pressing on as if the Maruts sent thee.
To our oblation bring the two Nāsatyas, Mitra and Varuṇa and Earth and Heaven.
Sloka : 6.11.2
त्वं होता॑ म॒न्द्रत॑मो नो अ॒ध्रुग॒न्तर्दे॒वो वि॒दथा॒ मर्त्ये॑षु ।
पा॒व॒कया॑ जु॒ह्वा॒३॒॑ वह्नि॑रा॒साग्ने॒ यज॑स्व त॒न्वं१॒॑ तव॒ स्वाम् ॥ ६.०११.०२
tvaṃ hotā̍ ma̱ndrata̍mo no a̱dhruga̱ntarde̱vo vi̱dathā̱ martye̍ṣu .
pā̱va̱kayā̍ ju̱hvā̱3̱̍ vahni̍rā̱sāgne̱ yaja̍sva ta̱nvaṃ1̱̍ tava̱ svām .. 6.011.02
2 Thou art our guileless, most delightful Herald, the God, among mankind, of holy synods.
A Priest with purifying tongue, O Agni, sacrifice with thy mouth to thine own body.
Sloka : 6.11.3
धन्या॑ चि॒द्धि त्वे धि॒षणा॒ वष्टि॒ प्र दे॒वाञ्जन्म॑ गृण॒ते यज॑ध्यै ।
वेपि॑ष्ठो॒ अङ्गि॑रसां॒ यद्ध॒ विप्रो॒ मधु॑ च्छ॒न्दो भन॑ति रे॒भ इ॒ष्टौ ॥ ६.०११.०३
dhanyā̍ ci̱ddhi tve dhi̱ṣaṇā̱ vaṣṭi̱ pra de̱vāñjanma̍ gṛṇa̱te yaja̍dhyai .
vepi̍ṣṭho̱ aṅgi̍rasā̱ṃ yaddha̱ vipro̱ madhu̍ ccha̱ndo bhana̍ti re̱bha i̱ṣṭau .. 6.011.03
3 For even the blessed longing that is in thee would bring the Gods down to the singer's worship,
When the Aṅgirases' sagest Sage, the Poet, sings the sweet measure at the solemn service.
Sloka : 6.11.4
अदि॑द्युत॒त्स्वपा॑को वि॒भावाग्ने॒ यज॑स्व॒ रोद॑सी उरू॒ची ।
आ॒युं न यं नम॑सा रा॒तह॑व्या अ॒ञ्जन्ति॑ सुप्र॒यसं॒ पञ्च॒ जनाः॑ ॥ ६.०११.०४
adi̍dyuta̱tsvapā̍ko vi̱bhāvāgne̱ yaja̍sva̱ roda̍sī urū̱cī .
ā̱yuṃ na yaṃ nama̍sā rā̱taha̍vyā a̱ñjanti̍ supra̱yasa̱ṃ pañca̱ janā̍ḥ .. 6.011.04
4 Bright hath he beamed, the wise, the far-refulgent. Worship the two widespreading Worlds, O Agni,
Whom as the Living One rich in oblations the Five Tribes, bringing gifts, adorn with homage.
Sloka : 6.11.5
वृ॒ञ्जे ह॒ यन्नम॑सा ब॒र्हिर॒ग्नावया॑मि॒ स्रुग्घृ॒तव॑ती सुवृ॒क्तिः ।
अम्य॑क्षि॒ सद्म॒ सद॑ने पृथि॒व्या अश्रा॑यि य॒ज्ञः सूर्ये॒ न चक्षुः॑ ॥ ६.०११.०५
vṛ̱ñje ha̱ yannama̍sā ba̱rhira̱gnāvayā̍mi̱ srugghṛ̱tava̍tī suvṛ̱ktiḥ .
amya̍kṣi̱ sadma̱ sada̍ne pṛthi̱vyā aśrā̍yi ya̱jñaḥ sūrye̱ na cakṣu̍ḥ .. 6.011.05
5 When I with reverence clip the grass for Agni, when the trimmed ladle, fullof oil, is lifted,
Firm on the seat of earth is based the altar:- eye-like, the sacrifice is directed Sun-ward.
Sloka : 6.11.6
द॒श॒स्या नः॑ पुर्वणीक होतर्दे॒वेभि॑रग्ने अ॒ग्निभि॑रिधा॒नः ।
रा॒यः सू॑नो सहसो वावसा॒ना अति॑ स्रसेम वृ॒जनं॒ नांहः॑ ॥ ६.०११.०६
da̱śa̱syā na̍ḥ purvaṇīka hotarde̱vebhi̍ragne a̱gnibhi̍ridhā̱naḥ .
rā̱yaḥ sū̍no sahaso vāvasā̱nā ati̍ srasema vṛ̱jana̱ṃ nāṃha̍ḥ .. 6.011.06
6 Enrich us, O thou Priest of many aspects, with the Gods, Agni, with thy fires, enkindled.
O Son of Strength, clad in the robe of riches, may we escape from woe as from
a prison.
Sloka : 6.12.1
मध्ये॒ होता॑ दुरो॒णे ब॒र्हिषो॒ राळ॒ग्निस्तो॒दस्य॒ रोद॑सी॒ यज॑ध्यै ।
अ॒यं स सू॒नुः सह॑स ऋ॒तावा॑ दू॒रात्सूर्यो॒ न शो॒चिषा॑ ततान ॥ ६.०१२.०१
madhye̱ hotā̍ duro̱ṇe ba̱rhiṣo̱ rāl̤a̱gnisto̱dasya̱ roda̍sī̱ yaja̍dhyai .
a̱yaṃ sa sū̱nuḥ saha̍sa ṛ̱tāvā̍ dū̱rātsūryo̱ na śo̱ciṣā̍ tatāna .. 6.012.01
1. KING of trimmed grass, Herald within the dwelling, may Agni worship the Impeller's World-halves.
He, Son of Strength, the Holy, from a distance hath spread himself abroad with light like Sūrya.
Sloka : 6.12.2
आ यस्मि॒न्त्वे स्वपा॑के यजत्र॒ यक्ष॑द्राजन्स॒र्वता॑तेव॒ नु द्यौः ।
त्रि॒ष॒धस्थ॑स्तत॒रुषो॒ न जंहो॑ ह॒व्या म॒घानि॒ मानु॑षा॒ यज॑ध्यै ॥ ६.०१२.०२
ā yasmi̱ntve svapā̍ke yajatra̱ yakṣa̍drājansa̱rvatā̍teva̱ nu dyauḥ .
tri̱ṣa̱dhastha̍stata̱ruṣo̱ na jaṃho̍ ha̱vyā ma̱ghāni̱ mānu̍ṣā̱ yaja̍dhyai .. 6.012.02
2 In thee, most wise, shall Dyaus, for full perfection, King! Holy One! pronounce the call to worship.
Found in three places, like the Speeder's footstep, come to present men's riches as oblations!
Sloka : 6.12.3
तेजि॑ष्ठा॒ यस्या॑र॒तिर्व॑ने॒राट् तो॒दो अध्व॒न्न वृ॑धसा॒नो अ॑द्यौत् ।
अ॒द्रो॒घो न द्र॑वि॒ता चे॑तति॒ त्मन्नम॑र्त्योऽव॒र्त्र ओष॑धीषु ॥ ६.०१२.०३
teji̍ṣṭhā̱ yasyā̍ra̱tirva̍ne̱rāṭ to̱do adhva̱nna vṛ̍dhasā̱no a̍dyaut .
a̱dro̱gho na dra̍vi̱tā ce̍tati̱ tmannama̍rtyo'va̱rtra oṣa̍dhīṣu .. 6.012.03
3 Whose blaze most splendid, sovran in the forest, shines waxing on his way like the - Impeller.
He knows himself, like as a guileless smelter, not to be stayed among the plants, Immortal.
Sloka : 6.12.4
सास्माके॑भिरे॒तरी॒ न शू॒षैर॒ग्निः ष्ट॑वे॒ दम॒ आ जा॒तवे॑दाः ।
द्र्व॑न्नो व॒न्वन्क्रत्वा॒ नार्वो॒स्रः पि॒तेव॑ जार॒यायि॑ य॒ज्ञैः ॥ ६.०१२.०४
sāsmāke̍bhire̱tarī̱ na śū̱ṣaira̱gniḥ ṣṭa̍ve̱ dama̱ ā jā̱tave̍dāḥ .
drva̍nno va̱nvankratvā̱ nārvo̱sraḥ pi̱teva̍ jāra̱yāyi̍ ya̱jñaiḥ .. 6.012.04
4 Our friends extol him like a steed for vigour even Agni in the dwelling, jatave~as.
Trce-fed, he fights with power as doth a champion, like Dawn's Sire to be praised with sacrifices.
Sloka : 6.12.5
अध॑ स्मास्य पनयन्ति॒ भासो॒ वृथा॒ यत्तक्ष॑दनु॒याति॑ पृ॒थ्वीम् ।
स॒द्यो यः स्य॒न्द्रो विषि॑तो॒ धवी॑यानृ॒णो न ता॒युरति॒ धन्वा॑ राट् ॥ ६.०१२.०५
adha̍ smāsya panayanti̱ bhāso̱ vṛthā̱ yattakṣa̍danu̱yāti̍ pṛ̱thvīm .
sa̱dyo yaḥ sya̱ndro viṣi̍to̱ dhavī̍yānṛ̱ṇo na tā̱yurati̱ dhanvā̍ rāṭ .. 6.012.05
5 Men wonder at his shining glows when, paring the woods with case, o’er the broad earth he goeth,
And, like a rushing flood, loosed quickly, burneth, swift as a guilty thief, o’er desert places.
Sloka : 6.12.6
स त्वं नो॑ अर्व॒न्निदा॑या॒ विश्वे॑भिरग्ने अ॒ग्निभि॑रिधा॒नः ।
वेषि॑ रा॒यो वि या॑सि दु॒च्छुना॒ मदे॑म श॒तहि॑माः सु॒वीराः॑ ॥ ६.०१२.०६
sa tvaṃ no̍ arva̱nnidā̍yā̱ viśve̍bhiragne a̱gnibhi̍ridhā̱naḥ .
veṣi̍ rā̱yo vi yā̍si du̱cchunā̱ made̍ma śa̱tahi̍māḥ su̱vīrā̍ḥ .. 6.012.06
6 So mighty thou protectest us from slander, O Champion, Agni! with all fires enkindled.
Bring opulence and drive away affliction. May brave sons gladden us through a hundred winters.
Sloka : 6.13.1
त्वद्विश्वा॑ सुभग॒ सौभ॑गा॒न्यग्ने॒ वि य॑न्ति व॒निनो॒ न व॒याः ।
श्रु॒ष्टी र॒यिर्वाजो॑ वृत्र॒तूर्ये॑ दि॒वो वृ॒ष्टिरीड्यो॑ री॒तिर॒पाम् ॥ ६.०१३.०१
tvadviśvā̍ subhaga̱ saubha̍gā̱nyagne̱ vi ya̍nti va̱nino̱ na va̱yāḥ .
śru̱ṣṭī ra̱yirvājo̍ vṛtra̱tūrye̍ di̱vo vṛ̱ṣṭirīḍyo̍ rī̱tira̱pām .. 6.013.01
1. FROM thee, as branches from a tree, O Agni, from thee, Auspicious God! spring all our blessings-
Wealth swiftly, strength in battle with our foemen, the rain besought of heaven, the flow of waters.
Sloka : 6.13.2
त्वं भगो॑ न॒ आ हि रत्न॑मि॒षे परि॑ज्मेव क्षयसि द॒स्मव॑र्चाः ।
अग्ने॑ मि॒त्रो न बृ॑ह॒त ऋ॒तस्यासि॑ क्ष॒त्ता वा॒मस्य॑ देव॒ भूरेः॑ ॥ ६.०१३.०२
tvaṃ bhago̍ na̱ ā hi ratna̍mi̱ṣe pari̍jmeva kṣayasi da̱smava̍rcāḥ .
agne̍ mi̱tro na bṛ̍ha̱ta ṛ̱tasyāsi̍ kṣa̱ttā vā̱masya̍ deva̱ bhūre̍ḥ .. 6.013.02
2 Thou art our Bhaga to send wealth thou dwellest, like circumambient air, with wondrous splendour.
Friend art thou of the lofty Law, like Mitra, Controller, Agni! God! of many a blessing.
Sloka : 6.13.3
स सत्प॑तिः॒ शव॑सा हन्ति वृ॒त्रमग्ने॒ विप्रो॒ वि प॒णेर्भ॑र्ति॒ वाज॑म् ।
यं त्वं प्र॑चेत ऋतजात रा॒या स॒जोषा॒ नप्त्रा॒पां हि॒नोषि॑ ॥ ६.०१३.०३
sa satpa̍ti̱ḥ śava̍sā hanti vṛ̱tramagne̱ vipro̱ vi pa̱ṇerbha̍rti̱ vāja̍m .
yaṃ tvaṃ pra̍ceta ṛtajāta rā̱yā sa̱joṣā̱ naptrā̱pāṃ hi̱noṣi̍ .. 6.013.03
3 Agni! the hero slays with might his foeman; the singer bears away the Paṇi's booty-
Even he whom thou, Sage, born in Law, incitest by wealth, accordant with the Child of Waters.
Sloka : 6.13.4
यस्ते॑ सूनो सहसो गी॒र्भिरु॒क्थैर्य॒ज्ञैर्मर्तो॒ निशि॑तिं वे॒द्यान॑ट् ।
विश्वं॒ स दे॑व॒ प्रति॒ वार॑मग्ने ध॒त्ते धा॒न्यं१॒॑ पत्य॑ते वस॒व्यैः॑ ॥ ६.०१३.०४
yaste̍ sūno sahaso gī̱rbhiru̱kthairya̱jñairmarto̱ niśi̍tiṃ ve̱dyāna̍ṭ .
viśva̱ṃ sa de̍va̱ prati̱ vāra̍magne dha̱tte dhā̱nyaṃ1̱̍ patya̍te vasa̱vyai̍ḥ .. 6.013.04
4 The man who, Son of Strength l with sacrifices, hymns, lauds, attracts thy fervour to the altar,
Enjoys each precious thing, O God, O Agni, gains wealth of corn and is the lord of treasures.
Sloka : 6.13.5
ता नृभ्य॒ आ सौ॑श्रव॒सा सु॒वीराग्ने॑ सूनो सहसः पु॒ष्यसे॑ धाः ।
कृ॒णोषि॒ यच्छव॑सा॒ भूरि॑ प॒श्वो वयो॒ वृका॑या॒रये॒ जसु॑रये ॥ ६.०१३.०५
tā nṛbhya̱ ā sau̍śrava̱sā su̱vīrāgne̍ sūno sahasaḥ pu̱ṣyase̍ dhāḥ .
kṛ̱ṇoṣi̱ yacchava̍sā̱ bhūri̍ pa̱śvo vayo̱ vṛkā̍yā̱raye̱ jasu̍raye .. 6.013.05
5 Grant, Son of Strength, to men for their subsistence such things as bring high fame and hero children.
For thou with might givest much food in cattle even to the wicked wolf when he is hungry.
Sloka : 6.13.6
व॒द्मा सू॑नो सहसो नो॒ विहा॑या॒ अग्ने॑ तो॒कं तन॑यं वा॒जि नो॑ दाः ।
विश्वा॑भिर्गी॒र्भिर॒भि पू॒र्तिम॑श्यां॒ मदे॑म श॒तहि॑माः सु॒वीराः॑ ॥ ६.०१३.०६
va̱dmā sū̍no sahaso no̱ vihā̍yā̱ agne̍ to̱kaṃ tana̍yaṃ vā̱ji no̍ dāḥ .
viśvā̍bhirgī̱rbhira̱bhi pū̱rtima̍śyā̱ṃ made̍ma śa̱tahi̍māḥ su̱vīrā̍ḥ .. 6.013.06
6 Eloquent, Son of Strength, Most Mighty, Agni, vouchsafe us seed and offspring, full of vigour.
May I by all my songs obtain abundance. May brave sons gladden us through a hundred winters.
Sloka : 6.14.1
अ॒ग्ना यो मर्त्यो॒ दुवो॒ धियं॑ जु॒जोष॑ धी॒तिभिः॑ ।
भस॒न्नु ष प्र पू॒र्व्य इषं॑ वुरी॒ताव॑से ॥ ६.०१४.०१
a̱gnā yo martyo̱ duvo̱ dhiya̍ṃ ju̱joṣa̍ dhī̱tibhi̍ḥ .
bhasa̱nnu ṣa pra pū̱rvya iṣa̍ṃ vurī̱tāva̍se .. 6.014.01
1. WHOSO to Agni hath endeared his thought and service by his hymns,
That mortal cats before the rest, and finds sufficiency of food.
Sloka : 6.14.2
अ॒ग्निरिद्धि प्रचे॑ता अ॒ग्निर्वे॒धस्त॑म॒ ऋषिः॑ ।
अ॒ग्निं होता॑रमीळते य॒ज्ञेषु॒ मनु॑षो॒ विशः॑ ॥ ६.०१४.०२
a̱gniriddhi prace̍tā a̱gnirve̱dhasta̍ma̱ ṛṣi̍ḥ .
a̱gniṃ hotā̍ramīl̤ate ya̱jñeṣu̱ manu̍ṣo̱ viśa̍ḥ .. 6.014.02
2 Agni, in truth, is passing wise, most skilled in ordering, a Seer.
At sacrifices Manus' sons glorify Agni as their Priest.
Sloka : 6.14.3
नाना॒ ह्य१॒॑ग्नेऽव॑से॒ स्पर्ध॑न्ते॒ रायो॑ अ॒र्यः ।
तूर्व॑न्तो॒ दस्यु॑मा॒यवो॑ व्र॒तैः सीक्ष॑न्तो अव्र॒तम् ॥ ६.०१४.०३
nānā̱ hya1̱̍gne'va̍se̱ spardha̍nte̱ rāyo̍ a̱ryaḥ .
tūrva̍nto̱ dasyu̍mā̱yavo̍ vra̱taiḥ sīkṣa̍nto avra̱tam .. 6.014.03
3 The foeman's wealth in many a place, Agni, is emulous to help.
Men fight the fiend, and seek by rites to overcome the riteless foe.
Sloka : 6.14.4
अ॒ग्निर॒प्सामृ॑ती॒षहं॑ वी॒रं द॑दाति॒ सत्प॑तिम् ।
यस्य॒ त्रस॑न्ति॒ शव॑सः सं॒चक्षि॒ शत्र॑वो भि॒या ॥ ६.०१४.०४
a̱gnira̱psāmṛ̍tī̱ṣaha̍ṃ vī̱raṃ da̍dāti̱ satpa̍tim .
yasya̱ trasa̍nti̱ śava̍saḥ sa̱ṃcakṣi̱ śatra̍vo bhi̱yā .. 6.014.04
4 Agni bestows the hero chief, winner of waters, firm in fray.
Soon as they look upon his might his enemies tremble in alarm.
Sloka : 6.14.5
अ॒ग्निर्हि वि॒द्मना॑ नि॒दो दे॒वो मर्त॑मुरु॒ष्यति॑ ।
स॒हावा॒ यस्यावृ॑तो र॒यिर्वाजे॒ष्ववृ॑तः ॥ ६.०१४.०५
a̱gnirhi vi̱dmanā̍ ni̱do de̱vo marta̍muru̱ṣyati̍ .
sa̱hāvā̱ yasyāvṛ̍to ra̱yirvāje̱ṣvavṛ̍taḥ .. 6.014.05
5 For with his wisdom Agni, God, protects the mortal from reproach,
Whose conquering wealth is never checked, is never checked in deeds of might.
Sloka : 6.14.6
अच्छा॑ नो मित्रमहो देव दे॒वानग्ने॒ वोचः॑ सुम॒तिं रोद॑स्योः ।
वी॒हि स्व॒स्तिं सु॑क्षि॒तिं दि॒वो नॄन्द्वि॒षो अंहां॑सि दुरि॒ता त॑रेम॒ ता त॑रेम॒ तवाव॑सा तरेम ॥ ६.०१४.०६
acchā̍ no mitramaho deva de̱vānagne̱ voca̍ḥ suma̱tiṃ roda̍syoḥ .
vī̱hi sva̱stiṃ su̍kṣi̱tiṃ di̱vo nṝndvi̱ṣo aṃhā̍ṃsi duri̱tā ta̍rema̱ tā ta̍rema̱ tavāva̍sā tarema .. 6.014.06
6 O Agni, God with Mitra's might call hither the favour of the Gods from earth and heaven.
Bring weal from heaven that men may dwell securely. May we o’ercome the foe's malign oppressions, may we o’ercome them, through thy help o’ercome them.
Sloka : 6.15.1
इ॒ममू॒ षु वो॒ अति॑थिमुष॒र्बुधं॒ विश्वा॑सां वि॒शां पति॑मृञ्जसे गि॒रा ।
वेतीद्दि॒वो ज॒नुषा॒ कच्चि॒दा शुचि॒र्ज्योक्चि॑दत्ति॒ गर्भो॒ यदच्यु॑तम् ॥ ६.०१५.०१
i̱mamū̱ ṣu vo̱ ati̍thimuṣa̱rbudha̱ṃ viśvā̍sāṃ vi̱śāṃ pati̍mṛñjase gi̱rā .
vetīddi̱vo ja̱nuṣā̱ kacci̱dā śuci̱rjyokci̍datti̱ garbho̱ yadacyu̍tam .. 6.015.01
1. WITH this my song I strive to reach this guest of yours, who wakes at early morn, the Lord of all the tribes.
Each time he comes from heaven, the Pure One from of old:- from ancient days the Child cats everlasting food.
Sloka : 6.15.2
मि॒त्रं न यं सुधि॑तं॒ भृग॑वो द॒धुर्वन॒स्पता॒वीड्य॑मू॒र्ध्वशो॑चिषम् ।
स त्वं सुप्री॑तो वी॒तह॑व्ये अद्भुत॒ प्रश॑स्तिभिर्महयसे दि॒वेदि॑वे ॥ ६.०१५.०२
mi̱traṃ na yaṃ sudhi̍ta̱ṃ bhṛga̍vo da̱dhurvana̱spatā̱vīḍya̍mū̱rdhvaśo̍ciṣam .
sa tvaṃ suprī̍to vī̱taha̍vye adbhuta̱ praśa̍stibhirmahayase di̱vedi̍ve .. 6.015.02
2 Whom, well-dis sed, the Blirgus stablished as a rriend, whom men must glorify, high-flaming in the wood.
As such, most friendly, thou art every day extolled in lauds by Vitahavya, O thou wondrous God.
Sloka : 6.15.3
स त्वं दक्ष॑स्यावृ॒को वृ॒धो भू॑र॒र्यः पर॒स्यान्त॑रस्य॒ तरु॑षः ।
रा॒यः सू॑नो सहसो॒ मर्त्ये॒ष्वा छ॒र्दिर्य॑च्छ वी॒तह॑व्याय स॒प्रथो॑ भ॒रद्वा॑जाय स॒प्रथः॑ ॥ ६.०१५.०३
sa tvaṃ dakṣa̍syāvṛ̱ko vṛ̱dho bhū̍ra̱ryaḥ para̱syānta̍rasya̱ taru̍ṣaḥ .
rā̱yaḥ sū̍no sahaso̱ martye̱ṣvā cha̱rdirya̍ccha vī̱taha̍vyāya sa̱pratho̍ bha̱radvā̍jāya sa̱pratha̍ḥ .. 6.015.03
3 Be thou the foeless helper of the skilful man, subduer of the enemy near or far away.
Bestow a wealthy home on men, O Son of Strength. Give Vitahavya riches spreading far and wide, give Bharadvāja wide-spread wealth.
Sloka : 6.15.4
द्यु॒ता॒नं वो॒ अति॑थिं॒ स्व॑र्णरम॒ग्निं होता॑रं॒ मनु॑षः स्वध्व॒रम् ।
विप्रं॒ न द्यु॒क्षव॑चसं सुवृ॒क्तिभि॑र्हव्य॒वाह॑मर॒तिं दे॒वमृ॑ञ्जसे ॥ ६.०१५.०४
dyu̱tā̱naṃ vo̱ ati̍thi̱ṃ sva̍rṇarama̱gniṃ hotā̍ra̱ṃ manu̍ṣaḥ svadhva̱ram .
vipra̱ṃ na dyu̱kṣava̍casaṃ suvṛ̱ktibhi̍rhavya̱vāha̍mara̱tiṃ de̱vamṛ̍ñjase .. 6.015.04
4 Him, your refulgent guest, Agni who comes from heaven, the Herald of mankind, well-skilled in sacred rites,
Who, like a holy singer, utters heavenly words, oblation-bearer, envoy, God, I seek with hymns.
Sloka : 6.15.5
पा॒व॒कया॒ यश्चि॒तय॑न्त्या कृ॒पा क्षाम॑न्रुरु॒च उ॒षसो॒ न भा॒नुना॑ ।
तूर्व॒न्न याम॒न्नेत॑शस्य॒ नू रण॒ आ यो घृ॒णे न त॑तृषा॒णो अ॒जरः॑ ॥ ६.०१५.०५
pā̱va̱kayā̱ yaści̱taya̍ntyā kṛ̱pā kṣāma̍nruru̱ca u̱ṣaso̱ na bhā̱nunā̍ .
tūrva̱nna yāma̱nneta̍śasya̱ nū raṇa̱ ā yo ghṛ̱ṇe na ta̍tṛṣā̱ṇo a̱jara̍ḥ .. 6.015.05
5 Who with his purifying, eye-attracting form hath shone upon the earth as with the light of Dawn;
Who speeding on, as in the fight of Etaia, cometh, untouched by age, as one athirst in heat.
Sloka : 6.15.6
अ॒ग्निम॑ग्निं वः स॒मिधा॑ दुवस्यत प्रि॒यम्प्रि॑यं वो॒ अति॑थिं गृणी॒षणि॑ ।
उप॑ वो गी॒र्भिर॒मृतं॑ विवासत दे॒वो दे॒वेषु॒ वन॑ते॒ हि वार्यं॑ दे॒वो दे॒वेषु॒ वन॑ते॒ हि नो॒ दुवः॑ ॥ ६.०१५.०६
a̱gnima̍gniṃ vaḥ sa̱midhā̍ duvasyata pri̱yampri̍yaṃ vo̱ ati̍thiṃ gṛṇī̱ṣaṇi̍ .
upa̍ vo gī̱rbhira̱mṛta̍ṃ vivāsata de̱vo de̱veṣu̱ vana̍te̱ hi vārya̍ṃ de̱vo de̱veṣu̱ vana̍te̱ hi no̱ duva̍ḥ .. 6.015.06
6 Worship ye Agni, Agni, with your log of wood; praise your beloved, your beloved guest with songs.
Invite ye the Immortal hither with your hymns. A God among the Gods, he loveth what is choice, loveth our service, God mid Gods.
Sloka : 6.15.7
समि॑द्धम॒ग्निं स॒मिधा॑ गि॒रा गृ॑णे॒ शुचिं॑ पाव॒कं पु॒रो अ॑ध्व॒रे ध्रु॒वम् ।
विप्रं॒ होता॑रं पुरु॒वार॑म॒द्रुहं॑ क॒विं सु॒म्नैरी॑महे जा॒तवे॑दसम् ॥ ६.०१५.०७
sami̍ddhama̱gniṃ sa̱midhā̍ gi̱rā gṛ̍ṇe̱ śuci̍ṃ pāva̱kaṃ pu̱ro a̍dhva̱re dhru̱vam .
vipra̱ṃ hotā̍raṃ puru̱vāra̍ma̱druha̍ṃ ka̱viṃ su̱mnairī̍mahe jā̱tave̍dasam .. 6.015.07
7 Agni inflamed with fuel in my song I sing, pure, Cleanser, steadlast, set in tront at sacrifice.
Wise Jātavedas we implore with prayers for bliss the Priest, the holy Singer, bounteous, void of guile.
Sloka : 6.15.8
त्वां दू॒तम॑ग्ने अ॒मृतं॑ यु॒गेयु॑गे हव्य॒वाहं॑ दधिरे पा॒युमीड्य॑म् ।
दे॒वास॑श्च॒ मर्ता॑सश्च॒ जागृ॑विं वि॒भुं वि॒श्पतिं॒ नम॑सा॒ नि षे॑दिरे ॥ ६.०१५.०८
tvāṃ dū̱tama̍gne a̱mṛta̍ṃ yu̱geyu̍ge havya̱vāha̍ṃ dadhire pā̱yumīḍya̍m .
de̱vāsa̍śca̱ martā̍saśca̱ jāgṛ̍viṃ vi̱bhuṃ vi̱śpati̱ṃ nama̍sā̱ ni ṣe̍dire .. 6.015.08
8 Men, Agni, in each age have made thee, Deathiess One, their envoy, offering-bearer, guard adorable.
With reverence Gods and mortals have established thee, the ever-watchful, omnipresent Household Lord.
Sloka : 6.15.9
वि॒भूष॑न्नग्न उ॒भया॒ँ अनु॑ व्र॒ता दू॒तो दे॒वानां॒ रज॑सी॒ समी॑यसे ।
यत्ते॑ धी॒तिं सु॑म॒तिमा॑वृणी॒महेऽध॑ स्मा नस्त्रि॒वरू॑थः शि॒वो भ॑व ॥ ६.०१५.०९
vi̱bhūṣa̍nnagna u̱bhayā̱m̐ anu̍ vra̱tā dū̱to de̱vānā̱ṃ raja̍sī̱ samī̍yase .
yatte̍ dhī̱tiṃ su̍ma̱timā̍vṛṇī̱mahe'dha̍ smā nastri̱varū̍thaḥ śi̱vo bha̍va .. 6.015.09
9 Thou, Agni, ordering the works and ways of both, as envoy of the Gods traversest both the worlds.
When we lay claim to thy regard and gracious fare, be thou to us a thriceprotecting friendly guard.
Sloka : 6.15.10
तं सु॒प्रती॑कं सु॒दृशं॒ स्वञ्च॒मवि॑द्वांसो वि॒दुष्ट॑रं सपेम ।
स य॑क्ष॒द्विश्वा॑ व॒युना॑नि वि॒द्वान्प्र ह॒व्यम॒ग्निर॒मृते॑षु वोचत् ॥ ६.०१५.१०
taṃ su̱pratī̍kaṃ su̱dṛśa̱ṃ svañca̱mavi̍dvāṃso vi̱duṣṭa̍raṃ sapema .
sa ya̍kṣa̱dviśvā̍ va̱yunā̍ni vi̱dvānpra ha̱vyama̱gnira̱mṛte̍ṣu vocat .. 6.015.10
10 Him fair of face, rapid, and fair to look on, him very wise may we who know not follow.
Let him who knows all rules invite for worship, Agru announce our offering to the Immortals.
Sloka : 6.15.11
तम॑ग्ने पास्यु॒त तं पि॑पर्षि॒ यस्त॒ आन॑ट् क॒वये॑ शूर धी॒तिम् ।
य॒ज्ञस्य॑ वा॒ निशि॑तिं॒ वोदि॑तिं वा॒ तमित्पृ॑णक्षि॒ शव॑सो॒त रा॒या ॥ ६.०१५.११
tama̍gne pāsyu̱ta taṃ pi̍parṣi̱ yasta̱ āna̍ṭ ka̱vaye̍ śūra dhī̱tim .
ya̱jñasya̍ vā̱ niśi̍ti̱ṃ vodi̍tiṃ vā̱ tamitpṛ̍ṇakṣi̱ śava̍so̱ta rā̱yā .. 6.015.11
11 Him, Agni, thou deliverest and savest who brings him prayer to thee the Wise, O Hero,
The end of sacrifice or its inception; yea, thou endowest him with power and riches.
Sloka : 6.15.12
त्वम॑ग्ने वनुष्य॒तो नि पा॑हि॒ त्वमु॑ नः सहसावन्नव॒द्यात् ।
सं त्वा॑ ध्वस्म॒न्वद॒भ्ये॑तु॒ पाथः॒ सं र॒यिः स्पृ॑ह॒याय्यः॑ सह॒स्री ॥ ६.०१५.१२
tvama̍gne vanuṣya̱to ni pā̍hi̱ tvamu̍ naḥ sahasāvannava̱dyāt .
saṃ tvā̍ dhvasma̱nvada̱bhye̍tu̱ pātha̱ḥ saṃ ra̱yiḥ spṛ̍ha̱yāyya̍ḥ saha̱srī .. 6.015.12
12 Guard us from him who would assail us, Agni; preserve us, O thou Victor, from dishonour.
Here let the place of darkening come upon thee:- may wealth be ours, desirable in thousands.
Sloka : 6.15.13
अ॒ग्निर्होता॑ गृ॒हप॑तिः॒ स राजा॒ विश्वा॑ वेद॒ जनि॑मा जा॒तवे॑दाः ।
दे॒वाना॑मु॒त यो मर्त्या॑नां॒ यजि॑ष्ठः॒ स प्र य॑जतामृ॒तावा॑ ॥ ६.०१५.१३
a̱gnirhotā̍ gṛ̱hapa̍ti̱ḥ sa rājā̱ viśvā̍ veda̱ jani̍mā jā̱tave̍dāḥ .
de̱vānā̍mu̱ta yo martyā̍nā̱ṃ yaji̍ṣṭha̱ḥ sa pra ya̍jatāmṛ̱tāvā̍ .. 6.015.13
13 Agni, the Priest, is King, Lord of the homestead, he, Jatayedas, knows all generations.
Most skilful worshipper mid Gods and mortals, may he begin the sacrifice, the Holy.
Sloka : 6.15.14
अग्ने॒ यद॒द्य वि॒शो अ॑ध्वरस्य होतः॒ पाव॑कशोचे॒ वेष्ट्वं हि यज्वा॑ ।
ऋ॒ता य॑जासि महि॒ना वि यद्भूर्ह॒व्या व॑ह यविष्ठ॒ या ते॑ अ॒द्य ॥ ६.०१५.१४
agne̱ yada̱dya vi̱śo a̍dhvarasya hota̱ḥ pāva̍kaśoce̱ veṣṭvaṃ hi yajvā̍ .
ṛ̱tā ya̍jāsi mahi̱nā vi yadbhūrha̱vyā va̍ha yaviṣṭha̱ yā te̍ a̱dya .. 6.015.14
14 Whate’er to-day thou, bright-flamed Priest, enjoyest from the man's rite-for thou art sacrificer-
Worship, for duly dost thou spread in greatness:- bear off thine ofrerings of to-day, Most Youthful.
Sloka : 6.15.15
अ॒भि प्रयां॑सि॒ सुधि॑तानि॒ हि ख्यो नि त्वा॑ दधीत॒ रोद॑सी॒ यज॑ध्यै ।
अवा॑ नो मघव॒न्वाज॑साता॒वग्ने॒ विश्वा॑नि दुरि॒ता त॑रेम॒ ता त॑रेम॒ तवाव॑सा तरेम ॥ ६.०१५.१५
a̱bhi prayā̍ṃsi̱ sudhi̍tāni̱ hi khyo ni tvā̍ dadhīta̱ roda̍sī̱ yaja̍dhyai .
avā̍ no maghava̱nvāja̍sātā̱vagne̱ viśvā̍ni duri̱tā ta̍rema̱ tā ta̍rema̱ tavāva̍sā tarema .. 6.015.15
15 Look thou upon the viands duly laid for thee. Fain would he set thee here to worship Heaven and,Earth.
Help us, O liberal Agni, in the strife for spoil, so that we may o’ercome all things that trouble us, o’ercome, o’ercome them with thy help.
Sloka : 6.15.16
अग्ने॒ विश्वे॑भिः स्वनीक दे॒वैरूर्णा॑वन्तं प्रथ॒मः सी॑द॒ योनि॑म् ।
कु॒ला॒यिनं॑ घृ॒तव॑न्तं सवि॒त्रे य॒ज्ञं न॑य॒ यज॑मानाय सा॒धु ॥ ६.०१५.१६
agne̱ viśve̍bhiḥ svanīka de̱vairūrṇā̍vantaṃ pratha̱maḥ sī̍da̱ yoni̍m .
ku̱lā̱yina̍ṃ ghṛ̱tava̍ntaṃ savi̱tre ya̱jñaṃ na̍ya̱ yaja̍mānāya sā̱dhu .. 6.015.16
16 Together with all Gods, O fair-faced Agni, be seated first upon the woollined altar,
Nest-like, bedewed with oil. Bear this our worship to Savitar who sacrifices rightly.
Sloka : 6.15.17
इ॒ममु॒ त्यम॑थर्व॒वद॒ग्निं म॑न्थन्ति वे॒धसः॑ ।
यम॑ङ्कू॒यन्त॒मान॑य॒न्नमू॑रं श्या॒व्या॑भ्यः ॥ ६.०१५.१७
i̱mamu̱ tyama̍tharva̱vada̱gniṃ ma̍nthanti ve̱dhasa̍ḥ .
yama̍ṅkū̱yanta̱māna̍ya̱nnamū̍raṃ śyā̱vyā̍bhyaḥ .. 6.015.17
17 Here the arranging priests, as did Atharvan, rub this Agni forth,
Whom, not bewildered, as he moved in winding ways, they brought from gloom.
Sloka : 6.15.18
जनि॑ष्वा दे॒ववी॑तये स॒र्वता॑ता स्व॒स्तये॑ ।
आ दे॒वान्व॑क्ष्य॒मृता॑ँ ऋता॒वृधो॑ य॒ज्ञं दे॒वेषु॑ पिस्पृशः ॥ ६.०१५.१८
jani̍ṣvā de̱vavī̍taye sa̱rvatā̍tā sva̱staye̍ .
ā de̱vānva̍kṣya̱mṛtā̍m̐ ṛtā̱vṛdho̍ ya̱jñaṃ de̱veṣu̍ pispṛśaḥ .. 6.015.18
18 For the Gods’ banquet be thou born, for full perfection and for weal.
Bring the Immortal Gods who strengthen holy Law:- so let our sacrifice reach the Gods.
Sloka : 6.15.19
व॒यमु॑ त्वा गृहपते जनाना॒मग्ने॒ अक॑र्म स॒मिधा॑ बृ॒हन्त॑म् ।
अ॒स्थू॒रि नो॒ गार्ह॑पत्यानि सन्तु ति॒ग्मेन॑ न॒स्तेज॑सा॒ सं शि॑शाधि ॥ ६.०१५.१९
va̱yamu̍ tvā gṛhapate janānā̱magne̱ aka̍rma sa̱midhā̍ bṛ̱hanta̍m .
a̱sthū̱ri no̱ gārha̍patyāni santu ti̱gmena̍ na̱steja̍sā̱ saṃ śi̍śādhi .. 6.015.19
19 O Agni, Lord and Master of men's homesteads, with kindled fuel we have made thee mighty.
Let not our household gear be found defective. Sharpen us with thy penetrating splendour.
Sloka : 6.16.1
त्वम॑ग्ने य॒ज्ञानां॒ होता॒ विश्वे॑षां हि॒तः ।
दे॒वेभि॒र्मानु॑षे॒ जने॑ ॥ ६.०१६.०१
tvama̍gne ya̱jñānā̱ṃ hotā̱ viśve̍ṣāṃ hi̱taḥ .
de̱vebhi̱rmānu̍ṣe̱ jane̍ .. 6.016.01
1. PRIEST of all sacrifices hast thou been appointed by the Gods,
Agni, amid the race of man.
Sloka : 6.16.2
स नो॑ म॒न्द्राभि॑रध्व॒रे जि॒ह्वाभि॑र्यजा म॒हः ।
आ दे॒वान्व॑क्षि॒ यक्षि॑ च ॥ ६.०१६.०२
sa no̍ ma̱ndrābhi̍radhva̱re ji̱hvābhi̍ryajā ma̱haḥ .
ā de̱vānva̍kṣi̱ yakṣi̍ ca .. 6.016.02
2 So with thy joyous tongues for us sacrifice nobly in this rite.
Bring thou the Gods and worship them.
Sloka : 6.16.3
वेत्था॒ हि वे॑धो॒ अध्व॑नः प॒थश्च॑ दे॒वाञ्ज॑सा ।
अग्ने॑ य॒ज्ञेषु॑ सुक्रतो ॥ ६.०१६.०३
vetthā̱ hi ve̍dho̱ adhva̍naḥ pa̱thaśca̍ de̱vāñja̍sā .
agne̍ ya̱jñeṣu̍ sukrato .. 6.016.03
3 For well, O God, Disposer, thou knowest, straight on, the paths and ways,
Agni, most wise in sacrifice.
Sloka : 6.16.4
त्वामी॑ळे॒ अध॑ द्वि॒ता भ॑र॒तो वा॒जिभिः॑ शु॒नम् ।
ई॒जे य॒ज्ञेषु॑ य॒ज्ञिय॑म् ॥ ६.०१६.०४
tvāmī̍l̤e̱ adha̍ dvi̱tā bha̍ra̱to vā̱jibhi̍ḥ śu̱nam .
ī̱je ya̱jñeṣu̍ ya̱jñiya̍m .. 6.016.04
4 Thee, too, hath Bhārata of old, with mighty men, implored for bliss.
And worshipped thee the worshipful.
Sloka : 6.16.5
त्वमि॒मा वार्या॑ पु॒रु दिवो॑दासाय सुन्व॒ते ।
भ॒रद्वा॑जाय दा॒शुषे॑ ॥ ६.०१६.०५
tvami̱mā vāryā̍ pu̱ru divo̍dāsāya sunva̱te .
bha̱radvā̍jāya dā̱śuṣe̍ .. 6.016.05
5 Thou givest these abundant boons to Divodāsa pouring forth,
To Bharadvāja offering gifts.
Sloka : 6.16.6
त्वं दू॒तो अम॑र्त्य॒ आ व॑हा॒ दैव्यं॒ जन॑म् ।
शृ॒ण्वन्विप्र॑स्य सुष्टु॒तिम् ॥ ६.०१६.०६
tvaṃ dū̱to ama̍rtya̱ ā va̍hā̱ daivya̱ṃ jana̍m .
śṛ̱ṇvanvipra̍sya suṣṭu̱tim .. 6.016.06
6 Do thou, Immortal Messenger, bring hither the Celestial Folk;
Hearing the singer's eulogy.
Sloka : 6.16.7
त्वाम॑ग्ने स्वा॒ध्यो॒३॒॑ मर्ता॑सो दे॒ववी॑तये ।
य॒ज्ञेषु॑ दे॒वमी॑ळते ॥ ६.०१६.०७
tvāma̍gne svā̱dhyo̱3̱̍ martā̍so de̱vavī̍taye .
ya̱jñeṣu̍ de̱vamī̍l̤ate .. 6.016.07
7 Mortals with pious thought implore thee, Agni, God, at holy rites,
To come unto the feast of Gods.
Sloka : 6.16.8
तव॒ प्र य॑क्षि सं॒दृश॑मु॒त क्रतुं॑ सु॒दान॑वः ।
विश्वे॑ जुषन्त का॒मिनः॑ ॥ ६.०१६.०८
tava̱ pra ya̍kṣi sa̱ṃdṛśa̍mu̱ta kratu̍ṃ su̱dāna̍vaḥ .
viśve̍ juṣanta kā̱mina̍ḥ .. 6.016.08
8 I glorify thine aspect and the might of thee the Bountilul.
All those who love shall joy in thee,
Sloka : 6.16.9
त्वं होता॒ मनु॑र्हितो॒ वह्नि॑रा॒सा वि॒दुष्ट॑रः ।
अग्ने॒ यक्षि॑ दि॒वो विशः॑ ॥ ६.०१६.०९
tvaṃ hotā̱ manu̍rhito̱ vahni̍rā̱sā vi̱duṣṭa̍raḥ .
agne̱ yakṣi̍ di̱vo viśa̍ḥ .. 6.016.09
9 Invoker placed by Manus, thou, Agni, art near, the wisest Priest:-
Pay worship to the Tribes of Heaven.
Sloka : 6.16.10
अग्न॒ आ या॑हि वी॒तये॑ गृणा॒नो ह॒व्यदा॑तये ।
नि होता॑ सत्सि ब॒र्हिषि॑ ॥ ६.०१६.१०
agna̱ ā yā̍hi vī̱taye̍ gṛṇā̱no ha̱vyadā̍taye .
ni hotā̍ satsi ba̱rhiṣi̍ .. 6.016.10
10 Come, Agni, lauded, to the feast; come to the offering of the gifts.
As Priest be seated on the grass.
Sloka : 6.16.11
तं त्वा॑ स॒मिद्भि॑रङ्गिरो घृ॒तेन॑ वर्धयामसि ।
बृ॒हच्छो॑चा यविष्ठ्य ॥ ६.०१६.११
taṃ tvā̍ sa̱midbhi̍raṅgiro ghṛ̱tena̍ vardhayāmasi .
bṛ̱haccho̍cā yaviṣṭhya .. 6.016.11
11 So, Aṅgiras, we make thee strong with fuel and with holy oil.
Blaze high, thou youngest of the Gods.
Sloka : 6.16.12
स नः॑ पृ॒थु श्र॒वाय्य॒मच्छा॑ देव विवाससि ।
बृ॒हद॑ग्ने सु॒वीर्य॑म् ॥ ६.०१६.१२
sa na̍ḥ pṛ̱thu śra̱vāyya̱macchā̍ deva vivāsasi .
bṛ̱hada̍gne su̱vīrya̍m .. 6.016.12
12 For us thou winnest, Agni, God, heroic strength exceeding great,
Far-spreading and of high renown.
Sloka : 6.16.13
त्वाम॑ग्ने॒ पुष्क॑रा॒दध्यथ॑र्वा॒ निर॑मन्थत ।
मू॒र्ध्नो विश्व॑स्य वा॒घतः॑ ॥ ६.०१६.१३
tvāma̍gne̱ puṣka̍rā̱dadhyatha̍rvā̱ nira̍manthata .
mū̱rdhno viśva̍sya vā̱ghata̍ḥ .. 6.016.13
13 Agni, Atharvan brought thee forth, by rubbing, from the lotus-flower,
The head of Visva, of the Priest.
Sloka : 6.16.14
तमु॑ त्वा द॒ध्यङ्ङृषिः॑ पु॒त्र ई॑धे॒ अथ॑र्वणः ।
वृ॒त्र॒हणं॑ पुरंद॒रम् ॥ ६.०१६.१४
tamu̍ tvā da̱dhyaṅṅṛṣi̍ḥ pu̱tra ī̍dhe̱ atha̍rvaṇaḥ .
vṛ̱tra̱haṇa̍ṃ puraṃda̱ram .. 6.016.14
14 Thee. Vṛtra's slayer, breaker down of castles, hath Atharvan's son,
Dadhyac the Ṛṣi, lighted up.
Sloka : 6.16.15
तमु॑ त्वा पा॒थ्यो वृषा॒ समी॑धे दस्यु॒हन्त॑मम् ।
ध॒नं॒ज॒यं रणे॑रणे ॥ ६.०१६.१५
tamu̍ tvā pā̱thyo vṛṣā̱ samī̍dhe dasyu̱hanta̍mam .
dha̱na̱ṃja̱yaṃ raṇe̍raṇe .. 6.016.15
15 The hero Pathya kindled thee the Dasyus'. most destructive foe,
Winner of spoil in every fight.
Sloka : 6.16.16
एह्यू॒ षु ब्रवा॑णि॒ तेऽग्न॑ इ॒त्थेत॑रा॒ गिरः॑ ।
ए॒भिर्व॑र्धास॒ इन्दु॑भिः ॥ ६.०१६.१६
ehyū̱ ṣu bravā̍ṇi̱ te'gna̍ i̱ttheta̍rā̱ gira̍ḥ .
e̱bhirva̍rdhāsa̱ indu̍bhiḥ .. 6.016.16
16 Come, here, O Agni, will I sing verily other songs to thee,
And with these drops shalt thou grow strong.
Sloka : 6.16.17
यत्र॒ क्व॑ च ते॒ मनो॒ दक्षं॑ दधस॒ उत्त॑रम् ।
तत्रा॒ सदः॑ कृणवसे ॥ ६.०१६.१७
yatra̱ kva̍ ca te̱ mano̱ dakṣa̍ṃ dadhasa̱ utta̍ram .
tatrā̱ sada̍ḥ kṛṇavase .. 6.016.17
17 Where’er thy mind applies itself, vigour preeminent hast thou:-
There wilt thou gain a dwelling-place.
Sloka : 6.16.18
न॒हि ते॑ पू॒र्तम॑क्षि॒पद्भुव॑न्नेमानां वसो ।
अथा॒ दुवो॑ वनवसे ॥ ६.०१६.१८
na̱hi te̍ pū̱rtama̍kṣi̱padbhuva̍nnemānāṃ vaso .
athā̱ duvo̍ vanavase .. 6.016.18
18 Not for a moment only lasts thy bounty, good to many a one!
Our service therefore shalt thou gain.
Sloka : 6.16.19
आग्निर॑गामि॒ भार॑तो वृत्र॒हा पु॑रु॒चेत॑नः ।
दिवो॑दासस्य॒ सत्प॑तिः ॥ ६.०१६.१९
āgnira̍gāmi̱ bhāra̍to vṛtra̱hā pu̍ru̱ceta̍naḥ .
divo̍dāsasya̱ satpa̍tiḥ .. 6.016.19
19 Agni, the Bhārata, hath been sought, the Vṛtra-slayer, marked of all,
Yea, Divodāsa's Hero Lord.
Sloka : 6.16.20
स हि विश्वाति॒ पार्थि॑वा र॒यिं दाश॑न्महित्व॒ना ।
व॒न्वन्नवा॑तो॒ अस्तृ॑तः ॥ ६.०१६.२०
sa hi viśvāti̱ pārthi̍vā ra̱yiṃ dāśa̍nmahitva̱nā .
va̱nvannavā̍to̱ astṛ̍taḥ .. 6.016.20
20 For he gave riches that surpass in greatness all the things of earth,
Fighting untroubled, unsubdued.
Sloka : 6.16.21
स प्र॑त्न॒वन्नवी॑य॒साग्ने॑ द्यु॒म्नेन॑ सं॒यता॑ ।
बृ॒हत्त॑तन्थ भा॒नुना॑ ॥ ६.०१६.२१
sa pra̍tna̱vannavī̍ya̱sāgne̍ dyu̱mnena̍ sa̱ṃyatā̍ .
bṛ̱hatta̍tantha bhā̱nunā̍ .. 6.016.21
21 Thou, Agni, as in days of old, with recent glory, gathered light,
Hast overspread the lofty heaven.
Sloka : 6.16.22
प्र वः॑ सखायो अ॒ग्नये॒ स्तोमं॑ य॒ज्ञं च॑ धृष्णु॒या ।
अर्च॒ गाय॑ च वे॒धसे॑ ॥ ६.०१६.२२
pra va̍ḥ sakhāyo a̱gnaye̱ stoma̍ṃ ya̱jñaṃ ca̍ dhṛṣṇu̱yā .
arca̱ gāya̍ ca ve̱dhase̍ .. 6.016.22
22 Bring to your Agni, O my friends, boldly your laud and sacrifice:-
Give the Disposer praise and song.
Sloka : 6.16.23
स हि यो मानु॑षा यु॒गा सीद॒द्धोता॑ क॒विक्र॑तुः ।
दू॒तश्च॑ हव्य॒वाह॑नः ॥ ६.०१६.२३
sa hi yo mānu̍ṣā yu̱gā sīda̱ddhotā̍ ka̱vikra̍tuḥ .
dū̱taśca̍ havya̱vāha̍naḥ .. 6.016.23
23 For as sagacious Herald he hath sat through every age of man,
Oblation-bearing messenger.
Sloka : 6.16.24
ता राजा॑ना॒ शुचि॑व्रतादि॒त्यान्मारु॑तं ग॒णम् ।
वसो॒ यक्षी॒ह रोद॑सी ॥ ६.०१६.२४
tā rājā̍nā̱ śuci̍vratādi̱tyānmāru̍taṃ ga̱ṇam .
vaso̱ yakṣī̱ha roda̍sī .. 6.016.24
24 Bring those Two Kings whose ways are pure, Ādityas, and the Marut host,
Excellent God! and Heaven and Earth.
Sloka : 6.16.25
वस्वी॑ ते अग्ने॒ संदृ॑ष्टिरिषय॒ते मर्त्या॑य ।
ऊर्जो॑ नपाद॒मृत॑स्य ॥ ६.०१६.२५
vasvī̍ te agne̱ saṃdṛ̍ṣṭiriṣaya̱te martyā̍ya .
ūrjo̍ napāda̱mṛta̍sya .. 6.016.25
25 For strong and active mortal man, excellent, Agni, is the look Of thee Immortal, Son of Strength
Sloka : 6.16.26
क्रत्वा॒ दा अ॑स्तु॒ श्रेष्ठो॒ऽद्य त्वा॑ व॒न्वन्सु॒रेक्णाः॑ ।
मर्त॑ आनाश सुवृ॒क्तिम् ॥ ६.०१६.२६
kratvā̱ dā a̍stu̱ śreṣṭho̱'dya tvā̍ va̱nvansu̱rekṇā̍ḥ .
marta̍ ānāśa suvṛ̱ktim .. 6.016.26
26 Rich through his wisdom, noblest be the giver serving thee to-day:-
The man hath brought his hymn of praise.
Sloka : 6.16.27
ते ते॑ अग्ने॒ त्वोता॑ इ॒षय॑न्तो॒ विश्व॒मायुः॑ ।
तर॑न्तो अ॒र्यो अरा॑तीर्व॒न्वन्तो॑ अ॒र्यो अरा॑तीः ॥ ६.०१६.२७
te te̍ agne̱ tvotā̍ i̱ṣaya̍nto̱ viśva̱māyu̍ḥ .
tara̍nto a̱ryo arā̍tīrva̱nvanto̍ a̱ryo arā̍tīḥ .. 6.016.27
27 These, Agni, these are helped by thee, who strong and active all their lives,
O'ercome the malice of the foe, fight down the malice ofthe foe.
Sloka : 6.16.28
अ॒ग्निस्ति॒ग्मेन॑ शो॒चिषा॒ यास॒द्विश्वं॒ न्य१॒॑त्रिण॑म् ।
अ॒ग्निर्नो॑ वनते र॒यिम् ॥ ६.०१६.२८
a̱gnisti̱gmena̍ śo̱ciṣā̱ yāsa̱dviśva̱ṃ nya1̱̍triṇa̍m .
a̱gnirno̍ vanate ra̱yim .. 6.016.28
28 May Agni with his pointed blaze cast down each fierce devouring fiend
May Agni win us wealth by war.
Sloka : 6.16.29
सु॒वीरं॑ र॒यिमा भ॑र॒ जात॑वेदो॒ विच॑र्षणे ।
ज॒हि रक्षां॑सि सुक्रतो ॥ ६.०१६.२९
su̱vīra̍ṃ ra̱yimā bha̍ra̱ jāta̍vedo̱ vica̍rṣaṇe .
ja̱hi rakṣā̍ṃsi sukrato .. 6.016.29
29 O active Jātavedas, bring riches with store of hero sons:-
Slay thou the demons, O Most Wise.
Sloka : 6.16.30
त्वं नः॑ पा॒ह्यंह॑सो॒ जात॑वेदो अघाय॒तः ।
रक्षा॑ णो ब्रह्मणस्कवे ॥ ६.०१६.३०
tvaṃ na̍ḥ pā̱hyaṃha̍so̱ jāta̍vedo aghāya̱taḥ .
rakṣā̍ ṇo brahmaṇaskave .. 6.016.30
30 Keep us, O Jātavedas, from the troubling of the man of sin:-
Guard us thou Sage who knowest prayer.
Sloka : 6.16.31
यो नो॑ अग्ने दु॒रेव॒ आ मर्तो॑ व॒धाय॒ दाश॑ति ।
तस्मा॑न्नः पा॒ह्यंह॑सः ॥ ६.०१६.३१
yo no̍ agne du̱reva̱ ā marto̍ va̱dhāya̱ dāśa̍ti .
tasmā̍nnaḥ pā̱hyaṃha̍saḥ .. 6.016.31
31 Whatever sinner, Agni, brings oblations to procure our death,
Save us from woe that he would work.
Sloka : 6.16.32
त्वं तं दे॑व जि॒ह्वया॒ परि॑ बाधस्व दु॒ष्कृत॑म् ।
मर्तो॒ यो नो॒ जिघां॑सति ॥ ६.०१६.३२
tvaṃ taṃ de̍va ji̱hvayā̱ pari̍ bādhasva du̱ṣkṛta̍m .
marto̱ yo no̱ jighā̍ṃsati .. 6.016.32
32 Drive from us with thy tongue, O God, the man who doeth evil deeds,
The mortal who would strike us dead.
Sloka : 6.16.33
भ॒रद्वा॑जाय स॒प्रथः॒ शर्म॑ यच्छ सहन्त्य ।
अग्ने॒ वरे॑ण्यं॒ वसु॑ ॥ ६.०१६.३३
bha̱radvā̍jāya sa̱pratha̱ḥ śarma̍ yaccha sahantya .
agne̱ vare̍ṇya̱ṃ vasu̍ .. 6.016.33
33 Give shelter reaching far and wide to Bharadvāja, conquering Lord!
Agni, send wealth most excellent.
Sloka : 6.16.34
अ॒ग्निर्वृ॒त्राणि॑ जङ्घनद्द्रविण॒स्युर्वि॑प॒न्यया॑ ।
समि॑द्धः शु॒क्र आहु॑तः ॥ ६.०१६.३४
a̱gnirvṛ̱trāṇi̍ jaṅghanaddraviṇa̱syurvi̍pa̱nyayā̍ .
sami̍ddhaḥ śu̱kra āhu̍taḥ .. 6.016.34
34 May Agni slay the Vṛtras,—fain for riches, through the lord of song,
Served with oblation, kindled, bright.
Sloka : 6.16.35
गर्भे॑ मा॒तुः पि॒तुष्पि॒ता वि॑दिद्युता॒नो अ॒क्षरे॑ ।
सीद॑न्नृ॒तस्य॒ योनि॒मा ॥ ६.०१६.३५
garbhe̍ mā̱tuḥ pi̱tuṣpi̱tā vi̍didyutā̱no a̱kṣare̍ .
sīda̍nnṛ̱tasya̱ yoni̱mā .. 6.016.35
35 His Father's Father, shining in his Mother's everlasting side,
Set on the seat of holy Law.
Sloka : 6.16.36
ब्रह्म॑ प्र॒जाव॒दा भ॑र॒ जात॑वेदो॒ विच॑र्षणे ।
अग्ने॒ यद्दी॒दय॑द्दि॒वि ॥ ६.०१६.३६
brahma̍ pra̱jāva̱dā bha̍ra̱ jāta̍vedo̱ vica̍rṣaṇe .
agne̱ yaddī̱daya̍ddi̱vi .. 6.016.36
36 O active Jātavedas, bring devotion that wins progeny, Agni, that it may shine to heaven.
Sloka : 6.16.37
उप॑ त्वा र॒ण्वसं॑दृशं॒ प्रय॑स्वन्तः सहस्कृत ।
अग्ने॑ ससृ॒ज्महे॒ गिरः॑ ॥ ६.०१६.३७
upa̍ tvā ra̱ṇvasa̍ṃdṛśa̱ṃ praya̍svantaḥ sahaskṛta .
agne̍ sasṛ̱jmahe̱ gira̍ḥ .. 6.016.37
37 O Child of Strength, to thee whose look is lovely we with dainty food,
O Agni, have poured forth our songs.
Sloka : 6.16.38
उप॑ च्छा॒यामि॑व॒ घृणे॒रग॑न्म॒ शर्म॑ ते व॒यम् ।
अग्ने॒ हिर॑ण्यसंदृशः ॥ ६.०१६.३८
upa̍ cchā̱yāmi̍va̱ ghṛṇe̱raga̍nma̱ śarma̍ te va̱yam .
agne̱ hira̍ṇyasaṃdṛśaḥ .. 6.016.38
38 To thee for shelter are we come, as to the shade from fervent heat
Agni, who glitterest like gold.
Sloka : 6.16.39
य उ॒ग्र इ॑व शर्य॒हा ति॒ग्मशृ॑ङ्गो॒ न वंस॑गः ।
अग्ने॒ पुरो॑ रु॒रोजि॑थ ॥ ६.०१६.३९
ya u̱gra i̍va śarya̱hā ti̱gmaśṛ̍ṅgo̱ na vaṃsa̍gaḥ .
agne̱ puro̍ ru̱roji̍tha .. 6.016.39
39 Mighty as one who slays with shafts, or like a bull with sharpened horn,
Agni, thou breakest down the forts.
Sloka : 6.16.40
आ यं हस्ते॒ न खा॒दिनं॒ शिशुं॑ जा॒तं न बिभ्र॑ति ।
वि॒शाम॒ग्निं स्व॑ध्व॒रम् ॥ ६.०१६.४०
ā yaṃ haste̱ na khā̱dina̱ṃ śiśu̍ṃ jā̱taṃ na bibhra̍ti .
vi̱śāma̱gniṃ sva̍dhva̱ram .. 6.016.40
40 Whom, like an infant newly born, devourer, in their arms they bear,
Men's Agni, skilled in holy rites.
Sloka : 6.16.41
प्र दे॒वं दे॒ववी॑तये॒ भर॑ता वसु॒वित्त॑मम् ।
आ स्वे योनौ॒ नि षी॑दतु ॥ ६.०१६.४१
pra de̱vaṃ de̱vavī̍taye̱ bhara̍tā vasu̱vitta̍mam .
ā sve yonau̱ ni ṣī̍datu .. 6.016.41
41 Bear to the banquet of the Gods the God best finder-out of wealth,
Let him he seated in his place.
Sloka : 6.16.42
आ जा॒तं जा॒तवे॑दसि प्रि॒यं शि॑शी॒ताति॑थिम् ।
स्यो॒न आ गृ॒हप॑तिम् ॥ ६.०१६.४२
ā jā̱taṃ jā̱tave̍dasi pri̱yaṃ śi̍śī̱tāti̍thim .
syo̱na ā gṛ̱hapa̍tim .. 6.016.42
42 In Jātavedas kindle ye the dear guest who hath now appeared
In a soft place, the homestead's Lord.
Sloka : 6.16.43
अग्ने॑ यु॒क्ष्वा हि ये तवाश्वा॑सो देव सा॒धवः॑ ।
अरं॒ वह॑न्ति म॒न्यवे॑ ॥ ६.०१६.४३
agne̍ yu̱kṣvā hi ye tavāśvā̍so deva sā̱dhava̍ḥ .
ara̱ṃ vaha̍nti ma̱nyave̍ .. 6.016.43
43 Harness, O Agni, O thou God, thy steeds which are most excellent:-
They bear thee as thy spirit wills.
Sloka : 6.16.44
अच्छा॑ नो या॒ह्या व॑हा॒भि प्रयां॑सि वी॒तये॑ ।
आ दे॒वान्सोम॑पीतये ॥ ६.०१६.४४
acchā̍ no yā̱hyā va̍hā̱bhi prayā̍ṃsi vī̱taye̍ .
ā de̱vānsoma̍pītaye .. 6.016.44
44 Come hither, bring the Gods to us to taste the sacrificial feast,
To drink the draught of Soma juice.
Sloka : 6.16.45
उद॑ग्ने भारत द्यु॒मदज॑स्रेण॒ दवि॑द्युतत् ।
शोचा॒ वि भा॑ह्यजर ॥ ६.०१६.४५
uda̍gne bhārata dyu̱madaja̍sreṇa̱ davi̍dyutat .
śocā̱ vi bhā̍hyajara .. 6.016.45
45 O Agni of the Bharatas, blaze high with everlasting might,
Shine forth and gleam, Eternal One.
Sloka : 6.16.46
वी॒ती यो दे॒वं मर्तो॑ दुव॒स्येद॒ग्निमी॑ळीताध्व॒रे ह॒विष्मा॑न् ।
होता॑रं सत्य॒यजं॒ रोद॑स्योरुत्ता॒नह॑स्तो॒ नम॒सा वि॑वासेत् ॥ ६.०१६.४६
vī̱tī yo de̱vaṃ marto̍ duva̱syeda̱gnimī̍l̤ītādhva̱re ha̱viṣmā̍n .
hotā̍raṃ satya̱yaja̱ṃ roda̍syoruttā̱naha̍sto̱ nama̱sā vi̍vāset .. 6.016.46
46 The mortal man who serves the God with banquet, and, bringing gifts at sacrifice, lauds Agni,
May well attract, with prayer and hands uplifted, the Priest of Heaven and Earth, true Sacrificer.
Sloka : 6.16.47
आ ते॑ अग्न ऋ॒चा ह॒विर्हृ॒दा त॒ष्टं भ॑रामसि ।
ते ते॑ भवन्तू॒क्षण॑ ऋष॒भासो॑ व॒शा उ॒त ॥ ६.०१६.४७
ā te̍ agna ṛ̱cā ha̱virhṛ̱dā ta̱ṣṭaṃ bha̍rāmasi .
te te̍ bhavantū̱kṣaṇa̍ ṛṣa̱bhāso̍ va̱śā u̱ta .. 6.016.47
47 Agni, we bring thee, with our hymn, oblation fashioned in the heart.
Let these be oxen unto thee, let these be bulls and kine to thee.
Sloka : 6.16.48
अ॒ग्निं दे॒वासो॑ अग्रि॒यमि॒न्धते॑ वृत्र॒हन्त॑मम् ।
येना॒ वसू॒न्याभृ॑ता तृ॒ळ्हा रक्षां॑सि वा॒जिना॑ ॥ ६.०१६.४८
a̱gniṃ de̱vāso̍ agri̱yami̱ndhate̍ vṛtra̱hanta̍mam .
yenā̱ vasū̱nyābhṛ̍tā tṛ̱l̤hā rakṣā̍ṃsi vā̱jinā̍ .. 6.016.48
48 The Gods enkindle Agni, best slayer of Vṛtra, first in rank,
The Mighty, One who brings us wealth and crushes down the Rākṣasas.
Sloka : 6.17.1
पिबा॒ सोम॑म॒भि यमु॑ग्र॒ तर्द॑ ऊ॒र्वं गव्यं॒ महि॑ गृणा॒न इ॑न्द्र ।
वि यो धृ॑ष्णो॒ वधि॑षो वज्रहस्त॒ विश्वा॑ वृ॒त्रम॑मि॒त्रिया॒ शवो॑भिः ॥ ६.०१७.०१
pibā̱ soma̍ma̱bhi yamu̍gra̱ tarda̍ ū̱rvaṃ gavya̱ṃ mahi̍ gṛṇā̱na i̍ndra .
vi yo dhṛ̍ṣṇo̱ vadhi̍ṣo vajrahasta̱ viśvā̍ vṛ̱trama̍mi̱triyā̱ śavo̍bhiḥ .. 6.017.01
1. DRINK Soma, Mighty One, for which, when lauded, thou breakest through the cattle-stall, O Indra;
Thou who, O Bold One, armed with thunder smotest Vṛtra with might, and every hostile being.
Sloka : 6.17.2
स ईं॑ पाहि॒ य ऋ॑जी॒षी तरु॑त्रो॒ यः शिप्र॑वान्वृष॒भो यो म॑ती॒नाम् ।
यो गो॑त्र॒भिद्व॑ज्र॒भृद्यो ह॑रि॒ष्ठाः स इ॑न्द्र चि॒त्राँ अ॒भि तृ॑न्धि॒ वाजा॑न् ॥ ६.०१७.०२
sa ī̍ṃ pāhi̱ ya ṛ̍jī̱ṣī taru̍tro̱ yaḥ śipra̍vānvṛṣa̱bho yo ma̍tī̱nām .
yo go̍tra̱bhidva̍jra̱bhṛdyo ha̍ri̱ṣṭhāḥ sa i̍ndra ci̱trām̐ a̱bhi tṛ̍ndhi̱ vājā̍n .. 6.017.02
2 Drink it thou God who art impetuous victor, Lord of our hymns, with beauteousjaws, the Hero,
Render of kine-stalls, car-borne, thunder-wielding, so pierce thy way to wondrous strength, O Indra.
Sloka : 6.17.3
ए॒वा पा॑हि प्र॒त्नथा॒ मन्द॑तु त्वा श्रु॒धि ब्रह्म॑ वावृ॒धस्वो॒त गी॒र्भिः ।
आ॒विः सूर्यं॑ कृणु॒हि पी॑पि॒हीषो॑ ज॒हि शत्रू॑ँर॒भि गा इ॑न्द्र तृन्धि ॥ ६.०१७.०३
e̱vā pā̍hi pra̱tnathā̱ manda̍tu tvā śru̱dhi brahma̍ vāvṛ̱dhasvo̱ta gī̱rbhiḥ .
ā̱viḥ sūrya̍ṃ kṛṇu̱hi pī̍pi̱hīṣo̍ ja̱hi śatrū̍m̐ra̱bhi gā i̍ndra tṛndhi .. 6.017.03
3 Drink as of old, and let the draught delight thee. hear thou our prayer and let our songs exalt thee.
Make the Sun visible, make food abundant, slaughter the foes, pierce through and free the cattle.
Sloka : 6.17.4
ते त्वा॒ मदा॑ बृ॒हदि॑न्द्र स्वधाव इ॒मे पी॒ता उ॑क्षयन्त द्यु॒मन्त॑म् ।
म॒हामनू॑नं त॒वसं॒ विभू॑तिं मत्स॒रासो॑ जर्हृषन्त प्र॒साह॑म् ॥ ६.०१७.०४
te tvā̱ madā̍ bṛ̱hadi̍ndra svadhāva i̱me pī̱tā u̍kṣayanta dyu̱manta̍m .
ma̱hāmanū̍naṃ ta̱vasa̱ṃ vibhū̍tiṃ matsa̱rāso̍ jarhṛṣanta pra̱sāha̍m .. 6.017.04
4 These gladdening drops, O Indra, Self-sustainer, quaffed shall augment thee in thy mighty splendour.
Yea, let the cheering drops delight thee greatly, great, perfect, strong, powerful, all-subduing.
Sloka : 6.17.5
येभिः॒ सूर्य॑मु॒षसं॑ मन्दसा॒नोऽवा॑स॒योऽप॑ दृ॒ळ्हानि॒ दर्द्र॑त् ।
म॒हामद्रिं॒ परि॒ गा इ॑न्द्र॒ सन्तं॑ नु॒त्था अच्यु॑तं॒ सद॑स॒स्परि॒ स्वात् ॥ ६.०१७.०५
yebhi̱ḥ sūrya̍mu̱ṣasa̍ṃ mandasā̱no'vā̍sa̱yo'pa̍ dṛ̱l̤hāni̱ dardra̍t .
ma̱hāmadri̱ṃ pari̱ gā i̍ndra̱ santa̍ṃ nu̱tthā acyu̍ta̱ṃ sada̍sa̱spari̱ svāt .. 6.017.05
5 Gladdened whereby, bursting the firm enclosures, thou gavest splendour to the Sun and Morning.
The mighty rock that compassed in the cattle, ne’er moved, thou shookest from its seat, O Indra.
Sloka : 6.17.6
तव॒ क्रत्वा॒ तव॒ तद्दं॒सना॑भिरा॒मासु॑ प॒क्वं शच्या॒ नि दी॑धः ।
और्णो॒र्दुर॑ उ॒स्रिया॑भ्यो॒ वि दृ॒ळ्होदू॒र्वाद्गा अ॑सृजो॒ अङ्गि॑रस्वान् ॥ ६.०१७.०६
tava̱ kratvā̱ tava̱ tadda̱ṃsanā̍bhirā̱māsu̍ pa̱kvaṃ śacyā̱ ni dī̍dhaḥ .
aurṇo̱rdura̍ u̱sriyā̍bhyo̱ vi dṛ̱l̤hodū̱rvādgā a̍sṛjo̱ aṅgi̍rasvān .. 6.017.06
6 Thou with thy wisdom, power, and works of wonder, hast stored the ripe milk in the raw cows' udders
Unbarred the firm doors for the kine of Morning, and, with the Aṅgirases, set free the cattle.
Sloka : 6.17.7
प॒प्राथ॒ क्षां महि॒ दंसो॒ व्यु१॒॑र्वीमुप॒ द्यामृ॒ष्वो बृ॒हदि॑न्द्र स्तभायः ।
अधा॑रयो॒ रोद॑सी दे॒वपु॑त्रे प्र॒त्ने मा॒तरा॑ य॒ह्वी ऋ॒तस्य॑ ॥ ६.०१७.०७
pa̱prātha̱ kṣāṃ mahi̱ daṃso̱ vyu1̱̍rvīmupa̱ dyāmṛ̱ṣvo bṛ̱hadi̍ndra stabhāyaḥ .
adhā̍rayo̱ roda̍sī de̱vapu̍tre pra̱tne mā̱tarā̍ ya̱hvī ṛ̱tasya̍ .. 6.017.07
7 Thou hast spread out wide earth, a mighty marvel, and, high thyself, propped lofty heaven, O Indra.
Both worlds, whose Sons are Gods, thou hast supported, young, Mothers from old time ofholy Order.
Sloka : 6.17.8
अध॑ त्वा॒ विश्वे॑ पु॒र इ॑न्द्र दे॒वा एकं॑ त॒वसं॑ दधिरे॒ भरा॑य ।
अदे॑वो॒ यद॒भ्यौहि॑ष्ट दे॒वान्स्व॑र्षाता वृणत॒ इन्द्र॒मत्र॑ ॥ ६.०१७.०८
adha̍ tvā̱ viśve̍ pu̱ra i̍ndra de̱vā eka̍ṃ ta̱vasa̍ṃ dadhire̱ bharā̍ya .
ade̍vo̱ yada̱bhyauhi̍ṣṭa de̱vānsva̍rṣātā vṛṇata̱ indra̱matra̍ .. 6.017.08
8 Yea, Indra, all the Deities installed thee their one strong Champion in the van for battle.
What time the godless was the Gods’ assailant, Indra they chose to win the light of heaven.
Sloka : 6.17.9
अध॒ द्यौश्चि॑त्ते॒ अप॒ सा नु वज्रा॑द्द्वि॒तान॑मद्भि॒यसा॒ स्वस्य॑ म॒न्योः ।
अहिं॒ यदिन्द्रो॑ अ॒भ्योह॑सानं॒ नि चि॑द्वि॒श्वायुः॑ श॒यथे॑ ज॒घान॑ ॥ ६.०१७.०९
adha̱ dyauści̍tte̱ apa̱ sā nu vajrā̍ddvi̱tāna̍madbhi̱yasā̱ svasya̍ ma̱nyoḥ .
ahi̱ṃ yadindro̍ a̱bhyoha̍sāna̱ṃ ni ci̍dvi̱śvāyu̍ḥ śa̱yathe̍ ja̱ghāna̍ .. 6.017.09
9 Yea, e’en that heaven itself of old bent backward before thy bolt, in terror of its anger,
When Indra, life of every living creature, smote down within his lair the assailing Dragon.
Sloka : 6.17.10
अध॒ त्वष्टा॑ ते म॒ह उ॑ग्र॒ वज्रं॑ स॒हस्र॑भृष्टिं ववृतच्छ॒ताश्रि॑म् ।
निका॑मम॒रम॑णसं॒ येन॒ नव॑न्त॒महिं॒ सं पि॑णगृजीषिन् ॥ ६.०१७.१०
adha̱ tvaṣṭā̍ te ma̱ha u̍gra̱ vajra̍ṃ sa̱hasra̍bhṛṣṭiṃ vavṛtaccha̱tāśri̍m .
nikā̍mama̱rama̍ṇasa̱ṃ yena̱ nava̍nta̱mahi̱ṃ saṃ pi̍ṇagṛjīṣin .. 6.017.10
10 Yea, Strong One! Tvaṣṭar turned for thee, the Mighty, the bolt with thousand spikes and hundred edges,
Eager and prompt at will, wherewith thou crushedst the boasting Dragon, O impetuous Hero.
Sloka : 6.17.11
वर्धा॒न्यं विश्वे॑ म॒रुतः॑ स॒जोषाः॒ पच॑च्छ॒तं म॑हि॒षाँ इ॑न्द्र॒ तुभ्य॑म् ।
पू॒षा विष्णु॒स्त्रीणि॒ सरां॑सि धावन्वृत्र॒हणं॑ मदि॒रमं॒शुम॑स्मै ॥ ६.०१७.११
vardhā̱nyaṃ viśve̍ ma̱ruta̍ḥ sa̱joṣā̱ḥ paca̍ccha̱taṃ ma̍hi̱ṣām̐ i̍ndra̱ tubhya̍m .
pū̱ṣā viṣṇu̱strīṇi̱ sarā̍ṃsi dhāvanvṛtra̱haṇa̍ṃ madi̱rama̱ṃśuma̍smai .. 6.017.11
11 He dressed a hundred buffaloes, O Indra, for thee whom all accordant Maruts strengthen.
He, Pūṣan Viṣṇu, poured forth three great vessels to him, the juice that cheers, that slaughters Vṛtra.
Sloka : 6.17.12
आ क्षोदो॒ महि॑ वृ॒तं न॒दीनां॒ परि॑ष्ठितमसृज ऊ॒र्मिम॒पाम् ।
तासा॒मनु॑ प्र॒वत॑ इन्द्र॒ पन्थां॒ प्रार्द॑यो॒ नीची॑र॒पसः॑ समु॒द्रम् ॥ ६.०१७.१२
ā kṣodo̱ mahi̍ vṛ̱taṃ na̱dīnā̱ṃ pari̍ṣṭhitamasṛja ū̱rmima̱pām .
tāsā̱manu̍ pra̱vata̍ indra̱ panthā̱ṃ prārda̍yo̱ nīcī̍ra̱pasa̍ḥ samu̱dram .. 6.017.12
12 Thou settest free the rushing wave of waters, the floods' great swell encompassed and obstructed.
Along steep slopes their course thou tumedst, Indra, directed downward, speeding to the ocean.
Sloka : 6.17.13
ए॒वा ता विश्वा॑ चकृ॒वांस॒मिन्द्रं॑ म॒हामु॒ग्रम॑जु॒र्यं स॑हो॒दाम् ।
सु॒वीरं॑ त्वा स्वायु॒धं सु॒वज्र॒मा ब्रह्म॒ नव्य॒मव॑से ववृत्यात् ॥ ६.०१७.१३
e̱vā tā viśvā̍ cakṛ̱vāṃsa̱mindra̍ṃ ma̱hāmu̱grama̍ju̱ryaṃ sa̍ho̱dām .
su̱vīra̍ṃ tvā svāyu̱dhaṃ su̱vajra̱mā brahma̱ navya̱mava̍se vavṛtyāt .. 6.017.13
13 So may our new prayer bring thee to protect us, thee well-armed Hero with thy bolt of thunder,
Indra, who made these worlds, the Strong, the ty, who never groweth old, the victory-giver.
Sloka : 6.17.14
स नो॒ वाजा॑य॒ श्रव॑स इ॒षे च॑ रा॒ये धे॑हि द्यु॒मत॑ इन्द्र॒ विप्रा॑न् ।
भ॒रद्वा॑जे नृ॒वत॑ इन्द्र सू॒रीन्दि॒वि च॑ स्मैधि॒ पार्ये॑ न इन्द्र ॥ ६.०१७.१४
sa no̱ vājā̍ya̱ śrava̍sa i̱ṣe ca̍ rā̱ye dhe̍hi dyu̱mata̍ indra̱ viprā̍n .
bha̱radvā̍je nṛ̱vata̍ indra sū̱rīndi̱vi ca̍ smaidhi̱ pārye̍ na indra .. 6.017.14
14 So, Indra, form us brilliant holy singers for strength, for glory, and for food and riches.
Give Bharadvāja hero patrons, Indra Indra, be ours upon the day of trial.
Sloka : 6.17.15
अ॒या वाजं॑ दे॒वहि॑तं सनेम॒ मदे॑म श॒तहि॑माः सु॒वीराः॑ ॥ ६.०१७.१५
a̱yā vāja̍ṃ de̱vahi̍taṃ sanema̱ made̍ma śa̱tahi̍māḥ su̱vīrā̍ḥ .. 6.017.15
15 With this may we obtain strength God-appointed, and brave sons gladden us through a hundred winters.
Sloka : 6.18.1
तमु॑ ष्टुहि॒ यो अ॒भिभू॑त्योजा व॒न्वन्नवा॑तः पुरुहू॒त इन्द्रः॑ ।
अषा॑ळ्हमु॒ग्रं सह॑मानमा॒भिर्गी॒र्भिर्व॑र्ध वृष॒भं च॑र्षणी॒नाम् ॥ ६.०१८.०१
tamu̍ ṣṭuhi̱ yo a̱bhibhū̍tyojā va̱nvannavā̍taḥ puruhū̱ta indra̍ḥ .
aṣā̍l̤hamu̱graṃ saha̍mānamā̱bhirgī̱rbhirva̍rdha vṛṣa̱bhaṃ ca̍rṣaṇī̱nām .. 6.018.01
1. GLORIFY him whose might is all-surpassing, Indra the much-invoked who fights uninjured.
Magnify with these songs the never-vanquished, the Strong, the Bull of men, the Mighty Victor.
Sloka : 6.18.2
स यु॒ध्मः सत्वा॑ खज॒कृत्स॒मद्वा॑ तुविम्र॒क्षो न॑दनु॒माँ ऋ॑जी॒षी ।
बृ॒हद्रे॑णु॒श्च्यव॑नो॒ मानु॑षीणा॒मेकः॑ कृष्टी॒नाम॑भवत्स॒हावा॑ ॥ ६.०१८.०२
sa yu̱dhmaḥ satvā̍ khaja̱kṛtsa̱madvā̍ tuvimra̱kṣo na̍danu̱mām̐ ṛ̍jī̱ṣī .
bṛ̱hadre̍ṇu̱ścyava̍no̱ mānu̍ṣīṇā̱meka̍ḥ kṛṣṭī̱nāma̍bhavatsa̱hāvā̍ .. 6.018.02
2 He, Champion, Hero, Warrior, Lord of battles, impetuous, loudly roaring, great destroyer,
Who whirls the dust on high, alone, oerthrower, hath made all races of mankind his subjects.
Sloka : 6.18.3
त्वं ह॒ नु त्यद॑दमायो॒ दस्यू॒ँरेकः॑ कृ॒ष्टीर॑वनो॒रार्या॑य ।
अस्ति॑ स्वि॒न्नु वी॒र्यं१॒॑ तत्त॑ इन्द्र॒ न स्वि॑दस्ति॒ तदृ॑तु॒था वि वो॑चः ॥ ६.०१८.०३
tvaṃ ha̱ nu tyada̍damāyo̱ dasyū̱m̐reka̍ḥ kṛ̱ṣṭīra̍vano̱rāryā̍ya .
asti̍ svi̱nnu vī̱ryaṃ1̱̍ tatta̍ indra̱ na svi̍dasti̱ tadṛ̍tu̱thā vi vo̍caḥ .. 6.018.03
3 Thou, thou alone, hast tamed the Dasyus; singly thou hast subdued the people for the Ārya.
In this, or is it not, thine hero exploit, Indra? Declare it at the proper season.
Sloka : 6.18.4
सदिद्धि ते॑ तुविजा॒तस्य॒ मन्ये॒ सहः॑ सहिष्ठ तुर॒तस्तु॒रस्य॑ ।
उ॒ग्रमु॒ग्रस्य॑ त॒वस॒स्तवी॒योऽर॑ध्रस्य रध्र॒तुरो॑ बभूव ॥ ६.०१८.०४
sadiddhi te̍ tuvijā̱tasya̱ manye̱ saha̍ḥ sahiṣṭha tura̱tastu̱rasya̍ .
u̱gramu̱grasya̍ ta̱vasa̱stavī̱yo'ra̍dhrasya radhra̱turo̍ babhūva .. 6.018.04
4 For true, I deem, thy strength is, thine the Mighty, thine, O Most Potent, thine the Conquering Victor;
Strong, of the strong, Most Mighty, of the mighty, thine, driver of the churl to acts of bounty.
Sloka : 6.18.5
तन्नः॑ प्र॒त्नं स॒ख्यम॑स्तु यु॒ष्मे इ॒त्था वद॑द्भिर्व॒लमङ्गि॑रोभिः ।
हन्न॑च्युतच्युद्दस्मे॒षय॑न्तमृ॒णोः पुरो॒ वि दुरो॑ अस्य॒ विश्वाः॑ ॥ ६.०१८.०५
tanna̍ḥ pra̱tnaṃ sa̱khyama̍stu yu̱ṣme i̱tthā vada̍dbhirva̱lamaṅgi̍robhiḥ .
hanna̍cyutacyuddasme̱ṣaya̍ntamṛ̱ṇoḥ puro̱ vi duro̍ asya̱ viśvā̍ḥ .. 6.018.05
5 Be this our ancient bond of friendship with you and with Aṅgirases here who speak of Vala.
Thou, Wondrous, Shaker of things firm, didst smite him in his fresh strength, and force his doors and castles.
Sloka : 6.18.6
स हि धी॒भिर्हव्यो॒ अस्त्यु॒ग्र ई॑शान॒कृन्म॑ह॒ति वृ॑त्र॒तूर्ये॑ ।
स तो॒कसा॑ता॒ तन॑ये॒ स व॒ज्री वि॑तन्त॒साय्यो॑ अभवत्स॒मत्सु॑ ॥ ६.०१८.०६
sa hi dhī̱bhirhavyo̱ astyu̱gra ī̍śāna̱kṛnma̍ha̱ti vṛ̍tra̱tūrye̍ .
sa to̱kasā̍tā̱ tana̍ye̱ sa va̱jrī vi̍tanta̱sāyyo̍ abhavatsa̱matsu̍ .. 6.018.06
6 With holy thoughts must he be called, the Mighty, showing his power in the great fight with Vṛtra.
He must be called to give us seed and offspring, the Thunderer must he moved and sped to battle.
Sloka : 6.18.7
स म॒ज्मना॒ जनि॑म॒ मानु॑षाणा॒मम॑र्त्येन॒ नाम्नाति॒ प्र स॑र्स्रे ।
स द्यु॒म्नेन॒ स शव॑सो॒त रा॒या स वी॒र्ये॑ण॒ नृत॑मः॒ समो॑काः ॥ ६.०१८.०७
sa ma̱jmanā̱ jani̍ma̱ mānu̍ṣāṇā̱mama̍rtyena̱ nāmnāti̱ pra sa̍rsre .
sa dyu̱mnena̱ sa śava̍so̱ta rā̱yā sa vī̱rye̍ṇa̱ nṛta̍ma̱ḥ samo̍kāḥ .. 6.018.07
7 He in his might, with name that lives for ever, hath far surpassed all human generations.
He, most heroic, hath his home with splendour, with glory and with riches and with valour.
Sloka : 6.18.8
स यो न मु॒हे न मिथू॒ जनो॒ भूत्सु॒मन्तु॑नामा॒ चुमु॑रिं॒ धुनिं॑ च ।
वृ॒णक्पिप्रुं॒ शम्ब॑रं॒ शुष्ण॒मिन्द्रः॑ पु॒रां च्यौ॒त्नाय॑ श॒यथा॑य॒ नू चि॑त् ॥ ६.०१८.०८
sa yo na mu̱he na mithū̱ jano̱ bhūtsu̱mantu̍nāmā̱ cumu̍ri̱ṃ dhuni̍ṃ ca .
vṛ̱ṇakpipru̱ṃ śamba̍ra̱ṃ śuṣṇa̱mindra̍ḥ pu̱rāṃ cyau̱tnāya̍ śa̱yathā̍ya̱ nū ci̍t .. 6.018.08
8 Stranger to guile, who ne’er was false or faithless, bearing a name that may be well remembered,
Indra crushed Cumuri, Dhuni, Śambara, Pipru, and Śuṣṇa, that their castles fell in ruin.
Sloka : 6.18.9
उ॒दाव॑ता॒ त्वक्ष॑सा॒ पन्य॑सा च वृत्र॒हत्या॑य॒ रथ॑मिन्द्र तिष्ठ ।
धि॒ष्व वज्रं॒ हस्त॒ आ द॑क्षिण॒त्राभि प्र म॑न्द पुरुदत्र मा॒याः ॥ ६.०१८.०९
u̱dāva̍tā̱ tvakṣa̍sā̱ panya̍sā ca vṛtra̱hatyā̍ya̱ ratha̍mindra tiṣṭha .
dhi̱ṣva vajra̱ṃ hasta̱ ā da̍kṣiṇa̱trābhi pra ma̍nda purudatra mā̱yāḥ .. 6.018.09
9 With saving might that must be praised and lauded, Indra, ascend thy car to smite down Vṛtra.
In thy right hand hold fast thy bolt of thunder, and weaken, Bounteous Lord, his art and magic.
Sloka : 6.18.10
अ॒ग्निर्न शुष्कं॒ वन॑मिन्द्र हे॒ती रक्षो॒ नि ध॑क्ष्य॒शनि॒र्न भी॒मा ।
ग॒म्भी॒रय॑ ऋ॒ष्वया॒ यो रु॒रोजाध्वा॑नयद्दुरि॒ता द॒म्भय॑च्च ॥ ६.०१८.१०
a̱gnirna śuṣka̱ṃ vana̍mindra he̱tī rakṣo̱ ni dha̍kṣya̱śani̱rna bhī̱mā .
ga̱mbhī̱raya̍ ṛ̱ṣvayā̱ yo ru̱rojādhvā̍nayadduri̱tā da̱mbhaya̍cca .. 6.018.10
10 As Agni, as the dart burns the dry forest, like the dread shaft burn down the fiends, O Indra;
Thou who with high deep-reaching spear hast broken, hast covered over mischief and destroyed it.
Sloka : 6.18.11
आ स॒हस्रं॑ प॒थिभि॑रिन्द्र रा॒या तुवि॑द्युम्न तुवि॒वाजे॑भिर॒र्वाक् ।
या॒हि सू॑नो सहसो॒ यस्य॒ नू चि॒ददे॑व॒ ईशे॑ पुरुहूत॒ योतोः॑ ॥ ६.०१८.११
ā sa̱hasra̍ṃ pa̱thibhi̍rindra rā̱yā tuvi̍dyumna tuvi̱vāje̍bhira̱rvāk .
yā̱hi sū̍no sahaso̱ yasya̱ nū ci̱dade̍va̱ īśe̍ puruhūta̱ yoto̍ḥ .. 6.018.11
11 With wealth, by thousand paths come hither, Agni, paths that bring ample strength, O thou Most Splendid.
Come, Son of Strength, o’er whom, Invoked of many! the godless hath no power to keep thee distant.
Sloka : 6.18.12
प्र तु॑विद्यु॒म्नस्य॒ स्थवि॑रस्य॒ घृष्वे॑र्दि॒वो र॑रप्शे महि॒मा पृ॑थि॒व्याः ।
नास्य॒ शत्रु॒र्न प्र॑ति॒मान॑मस्ति॒ न प्र॑ति॒ष्ठिः पु॑रुमा॒यस्य॒ सह्योः॑ ॥ ६.०१८.१२
pra tu̍vidyu̱mnasya̱ sthavi̍rasya̱ ghṛṣve̍rdi̱vo ra̍rapśe mahi̱mā pṛ̍thi̱vyāḥ .
nāsya̱ śatru̱rna pra̍ti̱māna̍masti̱ na pra̍ti̱ṣṭhiḥ pu̍rumā̱yasya̱ sahyo̍ḥ .. 6.018.12
12 From heaven, from earth is bruited forth the greatness of him the firm, the fiery, the resplendent.
No foe hath he, no counterpart, no refuge is there from him the Conqueror full of wisdom
Sloka : 6.18.13
प्र तत्ते॑ अ॒द्या कर॑णं कृ॒तं भू॒त्कुत्सं॒ यदा॒युम॑तिथि॒ग्वम॑स्मै ।
पु॒रू स॒हस्रा॒ नि शि॑शा अ॒भि क्षामुत्तूर्व॑याणं धृष॒ता नि॑नेथ ॥ ६.०१८.१३
pra tatte̍ a̱dyā kara̍ṇaṃ kṛ̱taṃ bhū̱tkutsa̱ṃ yadā̱yuma̍tithi̱gvama̍smai .
pu̱rū sa̱hasrā̱ ni śi̍śā a̱bhi kṣāmuttūrva̍yāṇaṃ dhṛṣa̱tā ni̍netha .. 6.018.13
13 This day the deed that thou hast done is famous, when thou, for him, with many thousand others
Laidest low Kutsa, Āyu, Atithigva, and boldly didst deliver Tūrvayāṇa.
Sloka : 6.18.14
अनु॒ त्वाहि॑घ्ने॒ अध॑ देव दे॒वा मद॒न्विश्वे॑ क॒वित॑मं कवी॒नाम् ।
करो॒ यत्र॒ वरि॑वो बाधि॒ताय॑ दि॒वे जना॑य त॒न्वे॑ गृणा॒नः ॥ ६.०१८.१४
anu̱ tvāhi̍ghne̱ adha̍ deva de̱vā mada̱nviśve̍ ka̱vita̍maṃ kavī̱nām .
karo̱ yatra̱ vari̍vo bādhi̱tāya̍ di̱ve janā̍ya ta̱nve̍ gṛṇā̱naḥ .. 6.018.14
14 In thee, O God, the wisest of the Sages, all Gods were joyful when thou slewest Ahi.
When lauded for thyself, thou gavest freedom to sore-afflicted Heaven and to the people.
Sloka : 6.18.15
अनु॒ द्यावा॑पृथि॒वी तत्त॒ ओजोऽम॑र्त्या जिहत इन्द्र दे॒वाः ।
कृ॒ष्वा कृ॑त्नो॒ अकृ॑तं॒ यत्ते॒ अस्त्यु॒क्थं नवी॑यो जनयस्व य॒ज्ञैः ॥ ६.०१८.१५
anu̱ dyāvā̍pṛthi̱vī tatta̱ ojo'ma̍rtyā jihata indra de̱vāḥ .
kṛ̱ṣvā kṛ̍tno̱ akṛ̍ta̱ṃ yatte̱ astyu̱kthaṃ navī̍yo janayasva ya̱jñaiḥ .. 6.018.15
15 This power of thine both heaven and earth acknowledge, the deathless Gods acknowledge it, O Indra.
Do what thou ne’er hast done, O Mighty Worker:- beget a new hymn at thy sacrifices.
Sloka : 6.19.1
म॒हाँ इन्द्रो॑ नृ॒वदा च॑र्षणि॒प्रा उ॒त द्वि॒बर्हा॑ अमि॒नः सहो॑भिः ।
अ॒स्म॒द्र्य॑ग्वावृधे वी॒र्या॑यो॒रुः पृ॒थुः सुकृ॑तः क॒र्तृभि॑र्भूत् ॥ ६.०१९.०१
ma̱hām̐ indro̍ nṛ̱vadā ca̍rṣaṇi̱prā u̱ta dvi̱barhā̍ ami̱naḥ saho̍bhiḥ .
a̱sma̱drya̍gvāvṛdhe vī̱ryā̍yo̱ruḥ pṛ̱thuḥ sukṛ̍taḥ ka̱rtṛbhi̍rbhūt .. 6.019.01
1. GREAT, hero-like controlling men is Indra, unwasting in his powers, doubled in vastness.
He, turned to us, hath grown to hero vigour:- broad, wide, he hath been decked by those who serve him.
Sloka : 6.19.2
इन्द्र॑मे॒व धि॒षणा॑ सा॒तये॑ धाद्बृ॒हन्त॑मृ॒ष्वम॒जरं॒ युवा॑नम् ।
अषा॑ळ्हेन॒ शव॑सा शूशु॒वांसं॑ स॒द्यश्चि॒द्यो वा॑वृ॒धे असा॑मि ॥ ६.०१९.०२
indra̍me̱va dhi̱ṣaṇā̍ sā̱taye̍ dhādbṛ̱hanta̍mṛ̱ṣvama̱jara̱ṃ yuvā̍nam .
aṣā̍l̤hena̱ śava̍sā śūśu̱vāṃsa̍ṃ sa̱dyaści̱dyo vā̍vṛ̱dhe asā̍mi .. 6.019.02
2 The bowl made Indra swift to gather booty, the High, the Lofty, Youthful, Undecaying,
Him who hath waxed by strength which none may conquer, and even at once grown to complete perfection.
Sloka : 6.19.3
पृ॒थू क॒रस्ना॑ बहु॒ला गभ॑स्ती अस्म॒द्र्य१॒॑क्सं मि॑मीहि॒ श्रवां॑सि ।
यू॒थेव॑ प॒श्वः प॑शु॒पा दमू॑ना अ॒स्माँ इ॑न्द्रा॒भ्या व॑वृत्स्वा॒जौ ॥ ६.०१९.०३
pṛ̱thū ka̱rasnā̍ bahu̱lā gabha̍stī asma̱drya1̱̍ksaṃ mi̍mīhi̱ śravā̍ṃsi .
yū̱theva̍ pa̱śvaḥ pa̍śu̱pā damū̍nā a̱smām̐ i̍ndrā̱bhyā va̍vṛtsvā̱jau .. 6.019.03
3 Stretch out those hands of thine, extend to us-ward thy wide capacious arms, and grant us glory.
Like as the household herdsman guards the cattle, so move thou round about us in the combat.
Sloka : 6.19.4
तं व॒ इन्द्रं॑ च॒तिन॑मस्य शा॒कैरि॒ह नू॒नं वा॑ज॒यन्तो॑ हुवेम ।
यथा॑ चि॒त्पूर्वे॑ जरि॒तार॑ आ॒सुरने॑द्या अनव॒द्या अरि॑ष्टाः ॥ ६.०१९.०४
taṃ va̱ indra̍ṃ ca̱tina̍masya śā̱kairi̱ha nū̱naṃ vā̍ja̱yanto̍ huvema .
yathā̍ ci̱tpūrve̍ jari̱tāra̍ ā̱surane̍dyā anava̱dyā ari̍ṣṭāḥ .. 6.019.04
4 Now, fain for strength, let us invite your Indra hither, who lieth hidden with his Heroes,—
Free from all blame, without reproach, uninjured, e’en as were those who sang, of old, his praises.
Sloka : 6.19.5
धृ॒तव्र॑तो धन॒दाः सोम॑वृद्धः॒ स हि वा॒मस्य॒ वसु॑नः पुरु॒क्षुः ।
सं ज॑ग्मिरे प॒थ्या॒३॒॑ रायो॑ अस्मिन्समु॒द्रे न सिन्ध॑वो॒ याद॑मानाः ॥ ६.०१९.०५
dhṛ̱tavra̍to dhana̱dāḥ soma̍vṛddha̱ḥ sa hi vā̱masya̱ vasu̍naḥ puru̱kṣuḥ .
saṃ ja̍gmire pa̱thyā̱3̱̍ rāyo̍ asminsamu̱dre na sindha̍vo̱ yāda̍mānāḥ .. 6.019.05
5 With steadfast laws, wealth-giver, strong through Soma, he hath much fair and precious food to feed us.
In him unite all paths that lead to riches, like rivers that commingle with the ocean.
Sloka : 6.19.6
शवि॑ष्ठं न॒ आ भ॑र शूर॒ शव॒ ओजि॑ष्ठ॒मोजो॑ अभिभूत उ॒ग्रम् ।
विश्वा॑ द्यु॒म्ना वृष्ण्या॒ मानु॑षाणाम॒स्मभ्यं॑ दा हरिवो माद॒यध्यै॑ ॥ ६.०१९.०६
śavi̍ṣṭhaṃ na̱ ā bha̍ra śūra̱ śava̱ oji̍ṣṭha̱mojo̍ abhibhūta u̱gram .
viśvā̍ dyu̱mnā vṛṣṇyā̱ mānu̍ṣāṇāma̱smabhya̍ṃ dā harivo māda̱yadhyai̍ .. 6.019.06
6 Bring unto us the mightiest might, O Hero, strong and most potent force, thou great Subduer!
All splendid vigorous powers of men vouchsafe us, Lord of Bay Steeds, that they may make us joyful.
Sloka : 6.19.7
यस्ते॒ मदः॑ पृतना॒षाळमृ॑ध्र॒ इन्द्र॒ तं न॒ आ भ॑र शूशु॒वांस॑म् ।
येन॑ तो॒कस्य॒ तन॑यस्य सा॒तौ मं॑सी॒महि॑ जिगी॒वांस॒स्त्वोताः॑ ॥ ६.०१९.०७
yaste̱ mada̍ḥ pṛtanā̱ṣāl̤amṛ̍dhra̱ indra̱ taṃ na̱ ā bha̍ra śūśu̱vāṃsa̍m .
yena̍ to̱kasya̱ tana̍yasya sā̱tau ma̍ṃsī̱mahi̍ jigī̱vāṃsa̱stvotā̍ḥ .. 6.019.07
7 Bring us, grown mighty in its strength, O Indra, thy friendly rapturous joy that wins the battle,
Wherewith by thee assisted and triumphant, we may laud thee in gaining seed and offspring.
Sloka : 6.19.8
आ नो॑ भर॒ वृष॑णं॒ शुष्म॑मिन्द्र धन॒स्पृतं॑ शूशु॒वांसं॑ सु॒दक्ष॑म् ।
येन॒ वंसा॑म॒ पृत॑नासु॒ शत्रू॒न्तवो॒तिभि॑रु॒त जा॒मीँरजा॑मीन् ॥ ६.०१९.०८
ā no̍ bhara̱ vṛṣa̍ṇa̱ṃ śuṣma̍mindra dhana̱spṛta̍ṃ śūśu̱vāṃsa̍ṃ su̱dakṣa̍m .
yena̱ vaṃsā̍ma̱ pṛta̍nāsu̱ śatrū̱ntavo̱tibhi̍ru̱ta jā̱mīm̐rajā̍mīn .. 6.019.08
8 Indra, bestow on us the power heroic skilled and exceeding strong, that wins the booty,
Wherewith, by thine assistance, we may conquer our foes in battle, be they kin or stranger.
Sloka : 6.19.9
आ ते॒ शुष्मो॑ वृष॒भ ए॑तु प॒श्चादोत्त॒राद॑ध॒रादा पु॒रस्ता॑त् ।
आ वि॒श्वतो॑ अ॒भि समे॑त्व॒र्वाङिन्द्र॑ द्यु॒म्नं स्व॑र्वद्धेह्य॒स्मे ॥ ६.०१९.०९
ā te̱ śuṣmo̍ vṛṣa̱bha e̍tu pa̱ścādotta̱rāda̍dha̱rādā pu̱rastā̍t .
ā vi̱śvato̍ a̱bhi same̍tva̱rvāṅindra̍ dyu̱mnaṃ sva̍rvaddhehya̱sme .. 6.019.09
9 Let thine heroic strength come from behind us, before us, from above us or below us.
From every side may it approach us, Indra. Give us the glory of the realm of splendour.
Sloka : 6.19.10
नृ॒वत्त॑ इन्द्र॒ नृत॑माभिरू॒ती वं॑सी॒महि॑ वा॒मं श्रोम॑तेभिः ।
ईक्षे॒ हि वस्व॑ उ॒भय॑स्य राज॒न्धा रत्नं॒ महि॑ स्थू॒रं बृ॒हन्त॑म् ॥ ६.०१९.१०
nṛ̱vatta̍ indra̱ nṛta̍mābhirū̱tī va̍ṃsī̱mahi̍ vā̱maṃ śroma̍tebhiḥ .
īkṣe̱ hi vasva̍ u̱bhaya̍sya rāja̱ndhā ratna̱ṃ mahi̍ sthū̱raṃ bṛ̱hanta̍m .. 6.019.10
10 With most heroic aid from thee, like heroes Indra, may we win wealth by deeds glory.
Thou, King, art Lord of earthly, heavenly treasure:- vouchsafe us riches vast, sublime, and lasting.
Sloka : 6.19.11
म॒रुत्व॑न्तं वृष॒भं वा॑वृधा॒नमक॑वारिं दि॒व्यं शा॒समिन्द्र॑म् ।
वि॒श्वा॒साह॒मव॑से॒ नूत॑नायो॒ग्रं स॑हो॒दामि॒ह तं हु॑वेम ॥ ६.०१९.११
ma̱rutva̍ntaṃ vṛṣa̱bhaṃ vā̍vṛdhā̱namaka̍vāriṃ di̱vyaṃ śā̱samindra̍m .
vi̱śvā̱sāha̱mava̍se̱ nūta̍nāyo̱graṃ sa̍ho̱dāmi̱ha taṃ hu̍vema .. 6.019.11
11 The Bull, whose strength hath waxed, whom Maruts follow, free-giving Indra, the Celestial Ruler,
Mighty, all-conquering, the victory-giver, him let us call to grant us new protection.
Sloka : 6.19.12
जनं॑ वज्रि॒न्महि॑ चि॒न्मन्य॑मानमे॒भ्यो नृभ्यो॑ रन्धया॒ येष्वस्मि॑ ।
अधा॒ हि त्वा॑ पृथि॒व्यां शूर॑सातौ॒ हवा॑महे॒ तन॑ये॒ गोष्व॒प्सु ॥ ६.०१९.१२
jana̍ṃ vajri̱nmahi̍ ci̱nmanya̍māname̱bhyo nṛbhyo̍ randhayā̱ yeṣvasmi̍ .
adhā̱ hi tvā̍ pṛthi̱vyāṃ śūra̍sātau̱ havā̍mahe̱ tana̍ye̱ goṣva̱psu .. 6.019.12
12 Give up the people who are high and haughty to these men and to me, O Thunder-wielder!
Therefore upon the earth do we invoke thee, where heroes win, for sons and kine and waters.
Sloka : 6.19.13
व॒यं त॑ ए॒भिः पु॑रुहूत स॒ख्यैः शत्रोः॑शत्रो॒रुत्त॑र॒ इत्स्या॑म ।
घ्नन्तो॑ वृ॒त्राण्यु॒भया॑नि शूर रा॒या म॑देम बृह॒ता त्वोताः॑ ॥ ६.०१९.१३
va̱yaṃ ta̍ e̱bhiḥ pu̍ruhūta sa̱khyaiḥ śatro̍ḥśatro̱rutta̍ra̱ itsyā̍ma .
ghnanto̍ vṛ̱trāṇyu̱bhayā̍ni śūra rā̱yā ma̍dema bṛha̱tā tvotā̍ḥ .. 6.019.13
13 Through these thy friendships, God invoked of many! may we be victors over every foeman.
Slaying both kinds of foe, may we, O Hero, be happy, helped by thee, with ample riches.
Sloka : 6.20.1
द्यौर्न य इ॑न्द्रा॒भि भूमा॒र्यस्त॒स्थौ र॒यिः शव॑सा पृ॒त्सु जना॑न् ।
तं नः॑ स॒हस्र॑भरमुर्वरा॒सां द॒द्धि सू॑नो सहसो वृत्र॒तुर॑म् ॥ ६.०२०.०१
dyaurna ya i̍ndrā̱bhi bhūmā̱ryasta̱sthau ra̱yiḥ śava̍sā pṛ̱tsu janā̍n .
taṃ na̍ḥ sa̱hasra̍bharamurvarā̱sāṃ da̱ddhi sū̍no sahaso vṛtra̱tura̍m .. 6.020.01
1. GIVE us wealth, Indra, that with might, as heaven o’ertops the earth, o’ercomes our foes in battle
Wealth that brings thousands and that wins the corn-lands, wealth, Son of Strength! that vanquishes the foeman.
Sloka : 6.20.2
दि॒वो न तुभ्य॒मन्वि॑न्द्र स॒त्रासु॒र्यं॑ दे॒वेभि॑र्धायि॒ विश्व॑म् ।
अहिं॒ यद्वृ॒त्रम॒पो व॑व्रि॒वांसं॒ हन्नृ॑जीषि॒न्विष्णु॑ना सचा॒नः ॥ ६.०२०.०२
di̱vo na tubhya̱manvi̍ndra sa̱trāsu̱rya̍ṃ de̱vebhi̍rdhāyi̱ viśva̍m .
ahi̱ṃ yadvṛ̱trama̱po va̍vri̱vāṃsa̱ṃ hannṛ̍jīṣi̱nviṣṇu̍nā sacā̱naḥ .. 6.020.02
2 Even as the power of Dyaus, to thee, O Indra, all Asura sway was by the Gods entrusted,
When thou, Impetuous! leagued with Viṣṇu, slewest Vṛtra the Dragon who enclosed the waters.
Sloka : 6.20.3
तूर्व॒न्नोजी॑यान्त॒वस॒स्तवी॑यान्कृ॒तब्र॒ह्मेन्द्रो॑ वृ॒द्धम॑हाः ।
राजा॑भव॒न्मधु॑नः सो॒म्यस्य॒ विश्वा॑सां॒ यत्पु॒रां द॒र्त्नुमाव॑त् ॥ ६.०२०.०३
tūrva̱nnojī̍yānta̱vasa̱stavī̍yānkṛ̱tabra̱hmendro̍ vṛ̱ddhama̍hāḥ .
rājā̍bhava̱nmadhu̍naḥ so̱myasya̱ viśvā̍sā̱ṃ yatpu̱rāṃ da̱rtnumāva̍t .. 6.020.03
3 Indra, Strong, Victor, Mightier than the mighty, addressed with prayer and perfect in his splendour,
Lord of the bolt that breaketh forts in pieces, became the King of the sweet juice of Soma..
Sloka : 6.20.4
श॒तैर॑पद्रन्प॒णय॑ इ॒न्द्रात्र॒ दशो॑णये क॒वये॒ऽर्कसा॑तौ ।
व॒धैः शुष्ण॑स्या॒शुष॑स्य मा॒याः पि॒त्वो नारि॑रेची॒त्किं च॒न प्र ॥ ६.०२०.०४
śa̱taira̍padranpa̱ṇaya̍ i̱ndrātra̱ daśo̍ṇaye ka̱vaye̱'rkasā̍tau .
va̱dhaiḥ śuṣṇa̍syā̱śuṣa̍sya mā̱yāḥ pi̱tvo nāri̍recī̱tkiṃ ca̱na pra .. 6.020.04
4 There, Indra, while the light was won, the Paṇis f1ed, 'neath a hundred blows, for wise Dasoni,
And greedy Śuṣṇa's magical devices nor left he any of their food remaining.
Sloka : 6.20.5
म॒हो द्रु॒हो अप॑ वि॒श्वायु॑ धायि॒ वज्र॑स्य॒ यत्पत॑ने॒ पादि॒ शुष्णः॑ ।
उ॒रु ष स॒रथं॒ सार॑थये क॒रिन्द्रः॒ कुत्सा॑य॒ सूर्य॑स्य सा॒तौ ॥ ६.०२०.०५
ma̱ho dru̱ho apa̍ vi̱śvāyu̍ dhāyi̱ vajra̍sya̱ yatpata̍ne̱ pādi̱ śuṣṇa̍ḥ .
u̱ru ṣa sa̱ratha̱ṃ sāra̍thaye ka̱rindra̱ḥ kutsā̍ya̱ sūrya̍sya sā̱tau .. 6.020.05
5 What time the thunder fell and Śuṣṇa perished, all life's support from the great Druh was taken.
Indra made room for his car-drivcr Kutsa who sate beside him, when he gained the sunlight.
Sloka : 6.20.6
प्र श्ये॒नो न म॑दि॒रमं॒शुम॑स्मै॒ शिरो॑ दा॒सस्य॒ नमु॑चेर्मथा॒यन् ।
प्राव॒न्नमीं॑ सा॒प्यं स॒सन्तं॑ पृ॒णग्रा॒या समि॒षा सं स्व॒स्ति ॥ ६.०२०.०६
pra śye̱no na ma̍di̱rama̱ṃśuma̍smai̱ śiro̍ dā̱sasya̱ namu̍cermathā̱yan .
prāva̱nnamī̍ṃ sā̱pyaṃ sa̱santa̍ṃ pṛ̱ṇagrā̱yā sami̱ṣā saṃ sva̱sti .. 6.020.06
6 As the Hawk rent for him the stalk that gladdens, he wrenched the head from Namuci the Dāsa.
He guarded Nam, Sayya's son, in slumber, and sated him with food, success, and riches.
Sloka : 6.20.7
वि पिप्रो॒रहि॑मायस्य दृ॒ळ्हाः पुरो॑ वज्रि॒ञ्छव॑सा॒ न द॑र्दः ।
सुदा॑म॒न्तद्रेक्णो॑ अप्रमृ॒ष्यमृ॒जिश्व॑ने दा॒त्रं दा॒शुषे॑ दाः ॥ ६.०२०.०७
vi pipro̱rahi̍māyasya dṛ̱l̤hāḥ puro̍ vajri̱ñchava̍sā̱ na da̍rdaḥ .
sudā̍ma̱ntadrekṇo̍ apramṛ̱ṣyamṛ̱jiśva̍ne dā̱traṃ dā̱śuṣe̍ dāḥ .. 6.020.07
7 Thou, thunder-armed, with thy great might hast shattered Pipru's strong forts who knew the wiles of serpents.
Thou gavest to thy worshipper Ṛjiśvan imperishable Wealth, O Bounteous Giver.
Sloka : 6.20.8
स वे॑त॒सुं दश॑मायं॒ दशो॑णिं॒ तूतु॑जि॒मिन्द्रः॑ स्वभि॒ष्टिसु॑म्नः ।
आ तुग्रं॒ शश्व॒दिभं॒ द्योत॑नाय मा॒तुर्न सी॒मुप॑ सृजा इ॒यध्यै॑ ॥ ६.०२०.०८
sa ve̍ta̱suṃ daśa̍māya̱ṃ daśo̍ṇi̱ṃ tūtu̍ji̱mindra̍ḥ svabhi̱ṣṭisu̍mnaḥ .
ā tugra̱ṃ śaśva̱dibha̱ṃ dyota̍nāya mā̱turna sī̱mupa̍ sṛjā i̱yadhyai̍ .. 6.020.08
8 The crafty Vetasu, the swift Dasni, and Tugra speedily with all his servants,
Hath Indra, gladdening with strong assistance, forced near as ’twere to glorify the Mother.
Sloka : 6.20.9
स ईं॒ स्पृधो॑ वनते॒ अप्र॑तीतो॒ बिभ्र॒द्वज्रं॑ वृत्र॒हणं॒ गभ॑स्तौ ।
तिष्ठ॒द्धरी॒ अध्यस्ते॑व॒ गर्ते॑ वचो॒युजा॑ वहत॒ इन्द्र॑मृ॒ष्वम् ॥ ६.०२०.०९
sa ī̱ṃ spṛdho̍ vanate̱ apra̍tīto̱ bibhra̱dvajra̍ṃ vṛtra̱haṇa̱ṃ gabha̍stau .
tiṣṭha̱ddharī̱ adhyaste̍va̱ garte̍ vaco̱yujā̍ vahata̱ indra̍mṛ̱ṣvam .. 6.020.09
9 Resistless, with the hosts he battles, bearing in both his arms the Vṛtra-slaying thunder.
He mounts his Bays, as the car-seat an archer:- yoked at a word they bear the lofty Indra.
Sloka : 6.20.10
स॒नेम॒ तेऽव॑सा॒ नव्य॑ इन्द्र॒ प्र पू॒रवः॑ स्तवन्त ए॒ना य॒ज्ञैः ।
स॒प्त यत्पुरः॒ शर्म॒ शार॑दी॒र्दर्द्धन्दासीः॑ पुरु॒कुत्सा॑य॒ शिक्ष॑न् ॥ ६.०२०.१०
sa̱nema̱ te'va̍sā̱ navya̍ indra̱ pra pū̱rava̍ḥ stavanta e̱nā ya̱jñaiḥ .
sa̱pta yatpura̱ḥ śarma̱ śāra̍dī̱rdarddhandāsī̍ḥ puru̱kutsā̍ya̱ śikṣa̍n .. 6.020.10
10 May we, O Indra, gain by thy new favour:- so Parus laud thee, with their sacrifices,
That thou hast wrecked seven autumn forts, their shelter, slain Dāsa tribes and aided Purukutsa.
Sloka : 6.20.11
त्वं वृ॒ध इ॑न्द्र पू॒र्व्यो भू॑र्वरिव॒स्यन्नु॒शने॑ का॒व्याय॑ ।
परा॒ नव॑वास्त्वमनु॒देयं॑ म॒हे पि॒त्रे द॑दाथ॒ स्वं नपा॑तम् ॥ ६.०२०.११
tvaṃ vṛ̱dha i̍ndra pū̱rvyo bhū̍rvariva̱syannu̱śane̍ kā̱vyāya̍ .
parā̱ nava̍vāstvamanu̱deya̍ṃ ma̱he pi̱tre da̍dātha̱ svaṃ napā̍tam .. 6.020.11
11 Favouring Uśanā the son of Kavi, thou wast his ancient strengthener, O Indra.
Thou gavest Navavāstva. as a present, to the great father gavest back his grandson.
Sloka : 6.20.12
त्वं धुनि॑रिन्द्र॒ धुनि॑मतीरृ॒णोर॒पः सी॒रा न स्रव॑न्तीः ।
प्र यत्स॑मु॒द्रमति॑ शूर॒ पर्षि॑ पा॒रया॑ तु॒र्वशं॒ यदुं॑ स्व॒स्ति ॥ ६.०२०.१२
tvaṃ dhuni̍rindra̱ dhuni̍matīrṛ̱ṇora̱paḥ sī̱rā na srava̍ntīḥ .
pra yatsa̍mu̱dramati̍ śūra̱ parṣi̍ pā̱rayā̍ tu̱rvaśa̱ṃ yadu̍ṃ sva̱sti .. 6.020.12
12 Thou, roaring Indra, drovest on the waters that made a roaring sound like rushing rivers,
What time, O Hero, o’er the sea thou broughtest, in safety broughtest Turvaśa and Yadu.
Sloka : 6.20.13
तव॑ ह॒ त्यदि॑न्द्र॒ विश्व॑मा॒जौ स॒स्तो धुनी॒चुमु॑री॒ या ह॒ सिष्व॑प् ।
दी॒दय॒दित्तुभ्यं॒ सोमे॑भिः सु॒न्वन्द॒भीति॑रि॒ध्मभृ॑तिः प॒क्थ्य१॒॑र्कैः ॥ ६.०२०.१३
tava̍ ha̱ tyadi̍ndra̱ viśva̍mā̱jau sa̱sto dhunī̱cumu̍rī̱ yā ha̱ siṣva̍p .
dī̱daya̱dittubhya̱ṃ some̍bhiḥ su̱nvanda̱bhīti̍ri̱dhmabhṛ̍tiḥ pa̱kthya1̱̍rkaiḥ .. 6.020.13
13 This Indra, was thy work in war:- thou sentest Dhuni and Cumuri to sleep and slumber.
Dabhīti lit the flame for thee, and worshipped with fuel, hymns, poured Soma, dressed oblations.
Sloka : 6.21.1
इ॒मा उ॑ त्वा पुरु॒तम॑स्य का॒रोर्हव्यं॑ वीर॒ हव्या॑ हवन्ते ।
धियो॑ रथे॒ष्ठाम॒जरं॒ नवी॑यो र॒यिर्विभू॑तिरीयते वच॒स्या ॥ ६.०२१.०१
i̱mā u̍ tvā puru̱tama̍sya kā̱rorhavya̍ṃ vīra̱ havyā̍ havante .
dhiyo̍ rathe̱ṣṭhāma̱jara̱ṃ navī̍yo ra̱yirvibhū̍tirīyate vaca̱syā .. 6.021.01
1. THESE the most constant singer's invocations call thee who art to be invoked, O Hero;
Hymns call anew the chariot-borne, Eternal:- by eloquence men gain abundant riches.
Sloka : 6.21.2
तमु॑ स्तुष॒ इन्द्रं॒ यो विदा॑नो॒ गिर्वा॑हसं गी॒र्भिर्य॒ज्ञवृ॑द्धम् ।
यस्य॒ दिव॒मति॑ म॒ह्ना पृ॑थि॒व्याः पु॑रुमा॒यस्य॑ रिरि॒चे म॑हि॒त्वम् ॥ ६.०२१.०२
tamu̍ stuṣa̱ indra̱ṃ yo vidā̍no̱ girvā̍hasaṃ gī̱rbhirya̱jñavṛ̍ddham .
yasya̱ diva̱mati̍ ma̱hnā pṛ̍thi̱vyāḥ pu̍rumā̱yasya̍ riri̱ce ma̍hi̱tvam .. 6.021.02
2 I praise that Indra, known to all men, honoured with songs, extolled with hymns at sacrifices,
Whose majesty, rich in wondrous arts, surpasseth the magnitude of earth, and heaven in greatness.
Sloka : 6.21.3
स इत्तमो॑ऽवयु॒नं त॑त॒न्वत्सूर्ये॑ण व॒युन॑वच्चकार ।
क॒दा ते॒ मर्ता॑ अ॒मृत॑स्य॒ धामेय॑क्षन्तो॒ न मि॑नन्ति स्वधावः ॥ ६.०२१.०३
sa ittamo̎vayu̱naṃ ta̍ta̱nvatsūrye̍ṇa va̱yuna̍vaccakāra .
ka̱dā te̱ martā̍ a̱mṛta̍sya̱ dhāmeya̍kṣanto̱ na mi̍nanti svadhāvaḥ .. 6.021.03
3 He hath made pathways, with the Sun to aid him, throughout the darkness that extended pathless.
Mortals who yearn to worship ne’er dishonour, O Mighty God, thy Law who art Immortal.
Sloka : 6.21.4
यस्ता च॒कार॒ स कुह॑ स्वि॒दिन्द्रः॒ कमा जनं॑ चरति॒ कासु॑ वि॒क्षु ।
कस्ते॑ य॒ज्ञो मन॑से॒ शं वरा॑य॒ को अ॒र्क इ॑न्द्र कत॒मः स होता॑ ॥ ६.०२१.०४
yastā ca̱kāra̱ sa kuha̍ svi̱dindra̱ḥ kamā jana̍ṃ carati̱ kāsu̍ vi̱kṣu .
kaste̍ ya̱jño mana̍se̱ śaṃ varā̍ya̱ ko a̱rka i̍ndra kata̱maḥ sa hotā̍ .. 6.021.04
4 And he who did these things, where is that Indra? among what tribes? what people doth he visit?
What sacrifice contents thy mind , and wishes? What priest among them all? what hymn, O Indra?
Sloka : 6.21.5
इ॒दा हि ते॒ वेवि॑षतः पुरा॒जाः प्र॒त्नास॑ आ॒सुः पु॑रुकृ॒त्सखा॑यः ।
ये म॑ध्य॒मास॑ उ॒त नूत॑नास उ॒ताव॒मस्य॑ पुरुहूत बोधि ॥ ६.०२१.०५
i̱dā hi te̱ vevi̍ṣataḥ purā̱jāḥ pra̱tnāsa̍ ā̱suḥ pu̍rukṛ̱tsakhā̍yaḥ .
ye ma̍dhya̱māsa̍ u̱ta nūta̍nāsa u̱tāva̱masya̍ puruhūta bodhi .. 6.021.05
5 Yea, here were they who, born of old, have served thee, thy friends of ancient time, thou active Worker.
Bethink thee now of these, Invoked of many! the midmost and the recent, and the youngest.
Sloka : 6.21.6
तं पृ॒च्छन्तोऽव॑रासः॒ परा॑णि प्र॒त्ना त॑ इन्द्र॒ श्रुत्यानु॑ येमुः ।
अर्चा॑मसि वीर ब्रह्मवाहो॒ यादे॒व वि॒द्म तात्त्वा॑ म॒हान्त॑म् ॥ ६.०२१.०६
taṃ pṛ̱cchanto'va̍rāsa̱ḥ parā̍ṇi pra̱tnā ta̍ indra̱ śrutyānu̍ yemuḥ .
arcā̍masi vīra brahmavāho̱ yāde̱va vi̱dma tāttvā̍ ma̱hānta̍m .. 6.021.06
6 Inquiring after him, thy later servants, Indra, have gained thy former old traditions.
Hero, to whom the prayer is brought, we praise thee as great for that wherein we know thee mighty.
Sloka : 6.21.7
अ॒भि त्वा॒ पाजो॑ र॒क्षसो॒ वि त॑स्थे॒ महि॑ जज्ञा॒नम॒भि तत्सु ति॑ष्ठ ।
तव॑ प्र॒त्नेन॒ युज्ये॑न॒ सख्या॒ वज्रे॑ण धृष्णो॒ अप॒ ता नु॑दस्व ॥ ६.०२१.०७
a̱bhi tvā̱ pājo̍ ra̱kṣaso̱ vi ta̍sthe̱ mahi̍ jajñā̱nama̱bhi tatsu ti̍ṣṭha .
tava̍ pra̱tnena̱ yujye̍na̱ sakhyā̱ vajre̍ṇa dhṛṣṇo̱ apa̱ tā nu̍dasva .. 6.021.07
7 The demon's strength is gathered fast against thee:- great as that strength hath grown, go forth to meet it.
With thine own ancient friend and companion, the thunderbolt, brave Champion! drive it backward.
Sloka : 6.21.8
स तु श्रु॑धीन्द्र॒ नूत॑नस्य ब्रह्मण्य॒तो वी॑र कारुधायः ।
त्वं ह्या॒३॒॑पिः प्र॒दिवि॑ पितॄ॒णां शश्व॑द्ब॒भूथ॑ सु॒हव॒ एष्टौ॑ ॥ ६.०२१.०८
sa tu śru̍dhīndra̱ nūta̍nasya brahmaṇya̱to vī̍ra kārudhāyaḥ .
tvaṃ hyā̱3̱̍piḥ pra̱divi̍ pitṝ̱ṇāṃ śaśva̍dba̱bhūtha̍ su̱hava̱ eṣṭau̍ .. 6.021.08
8 Hear, too, the prayer of this thy present beadsman, O Indra, Hero, cherishing the singer.
For thou wast aye our fathers' Friend aforetime, still swift to listen to their supplication.
Sloka : 6.21.9
प्रोतये॒ वरु॑णं मि॒त्रमिन्द्रं॑ म॒रुतः॑ कृ॒ष्वाव॑से नो अ॒द्य ।
प्र पू॒षणं॒ विष्णु॑म॒ग्निं पुरं॑धिं सवि॒तार॒मोष॑धीः॒ पर्व॑ताँश्च ॥ ६.०२१.०९
protaye̱ varu̍ṇaṃ mi̱tramindra̍ṃ ma̱ruta̍ḥ kṛ̱ṣvāva̍se no a̱dya .
pra pū̱ṣaṇa̱ṃ viṣṇu̍ma̱gniṃ pura̍ṃdhiṃ savi̱tāra̱moṣa̍dhī̱ḥ parva̍tām̐śca .. 6.021.09
9 Bring to our help this day, for our protection, Varuṇa, Mitra , Indra, and the Maruts,
Pūṣan and Viṣṇu, Agni and Purandhi, Savitar also, and the Plants and Mountains.
Sloka : 6.21.10
इ॒म उ॑ त्वा पुरुशाक प्रयज्यो जरि॒तारो॑ अ॒भ्य॑र्चन्त्य॒र्कैः ।
श्रु॒धी हव॒मा हु॑व॒तो हु॑वा॒नो न त्वावा॑ँ अ॒न्यो अ॑मृत॒ त्वद॑स्ति ॥ ६.०२१.१०
i̱ma u̍ tvā puruśāka prayajyo jari̱tāro̍ a̱bhya̍rcantya̱rkaiḥ .
śru̱dhī hava̱mā hu̍va̱to hu̍vā̱no na tvāvā̍m̐ a̱nyo a̍mṛta̱ tvada̍sti .. 6.021.10
10 The singers here exalt with hymns and praises thee who art very Mighty and Most Holy.
Hear, when invoked, the invoker's invocation. Beside thee there is nonelike thee, Immortal!
Sloka : 6.21.11
नू म॒ आ वाच॒मुप॑ याहि वि॒द्वान्विश्वे॑भिः सूनो सहसो॒ यज॑त्रैः ।
ये अ॑ग्निजि॒ह्वा ऋ॑त॒साप॑ आ॒सुर्ये मनुं॑ च॒क्रुरुप॑रं॒ दसा॑य ॥ ६.०२१.११
nū ma̱ ā vāca̱mupa̍ yāhi vi̱dvānviśve̍bhiḥ sūno sahaso̱ yaja̍traiḥ .
ye a̍gniji̱hvā ṛ̍ta̱sāpa̍ ā̱surye manu̍ṃ ca̱krurupa̍ra̱ṃ dasā̍ya .. 6.021.11
11 Now to my words come quickly thou who knowest, O Son of Strength, with all who claim our worship,
Who visit sacred rites, whose tongue is Agni, Gods who made Manu stronger than the Dasyu.
Sloka : 6.21.12
स नो॑ बोधि पुरए॒ता सु॒गेषू॒त दु॒र्गेषु॑ पथि॒कृद्विदा॑नः ।
ये अश्र॑मास उ॒रवो॒ वहि॑ष्ठा॒स्तेभि॑र्न इन्द्रा॒भि व॑क्षि॒ वाज॑म् ॥ ६.०२१.१२
sa no̍ bodhi purae̱tā su̱geṣū̱ta du̱rgeṣu̍ pathi̱kṛdvidā̍naḥ .
ye aśra̍māsa u̱ravo̱ vahi̍ṣṭhā̱stebhi̍rna indrā̱bhi va̍kṣi̱ vāja̍m .. 6.021.12
12 On good and evil ways be thou our Leader, thou who art known to all as Path-preparer.
Bring power to us, O Indra, with thy Horses, Steeds that are best to draw, broad-backed, unwearied.
Sloka : 6.22.1
य एक॒ इद्धव्य॑श्चर्षणी॒नामिन्द्रं॒ तं गी॒र्भिर॒भ्य॑र्च आ॒भिः ।
यः पत्य॑ते वृष॒भो वृष्ण्या॑वान्स॒त्यः सत्वा॑ पुरुमा॒यः सह॑स्वान् ॥ ६.०२२.०१
ya eka̱ iddhavya̍ścarṣaṇī̱nāmindra̱ṃ taṃ gī̱rbhira̱bhya̍rca ā̱bhiḥ .
yaḥ patya̍te vṛṣa̱bho vṛṣṇyā̍vānsa̱tyaḥ satvā̍ purumā̱yaḥ saha̍svān .. 6.022.01
1. WITH these my hymns I glorify that Indra who is alone to be invoked by mortals,
The Lord, the Mighty One, of manly vigour, victorious, Hero, true, and full of wisdom.
Sloka : 6.22.2
तमु॑ नः॒ पूर्वे॑ पि॒तरो॒ नव॑ग्वाः स॒प्त विप्रा॑सो अ॒भि वा॒जय॑न्तः ।
न॒क्ष॒द्दा॒भं ततु॑रिं पर्वते॒ष्ठामद्रो॑घवाचं म॒तिभिः॒ शवि॑ष्ठम् ॥ ६.०२२.०२
tamu̍ na̱ḥ pūrve̍ pi̱taro̱ nava̍gvāḥ sa̱pta viprā̍so a̱bhi vā̱jaya̍ntaḥ .
na̱kṣa̱ddā̱bhaṃ tatu̍riṃ parvate̱ṣṭhāmadro̍ghavācaṃ ma̱tibhi̱ḥ śavi̍ṣṭham .. 6.022.02
2 Our sires of old,. Navagvas, sages seven, while urging him to show his might, extolled him,
Dwelling on heights, swift, smiting down opponents, guileless in word, and in his thoughts most mighty.
Sloka : 6.22.3
तमी॑मह॒ इन्द्र॑मस्य रा॒यः पु॑रु॒वीर॑स्य नृ॒वतः॑ पुरु॒क्षोः ।
यो अस्कृ॑धोयुर॒जरः॒ स्व॑र्वा॒न्तमा भ॑र हरिवो माद॒यध्यै॑ ॥ ६.०२२.०३
tamī̍maha̱ indra̍masya rā̱yaḥ pu̍ru̱vīra̍sya nṛ̱vata̍ḥ puru̱kṣoḥ .
yo askṛ̍dhoyura̱jara̱ḥ sva̍rvā̱ntamā bha̍ra harivo māda̱yadhyai̍ .. 6.022.03
3 We seek that Indra to obtain his riches that bring much food, and men, and store of heroes.
Bring us, Lord of Bay Steeds, to make us joyful, celestial wealth, abundant, undecaying.
Sloka : 6.22.4
तन्नो॒ वि वो॑चो॒ यदि॑ ते पु॒रा चि॑ज्जरि॒तार॑ आन॒शुः सु॒म्नमि॑न्द्र ।
कस्ते॑ भा॒गः किं वयो॑ दुध्र खिद्वः॒ पुरु॑हूत पुरूवसोऽसुर॒घ्नः ॥ ६.०२२.०४
tanno̱ vi vo̍co̱ yadi̍ te pu̱rā ci̍jjari̱tāra̍ āna̱śuḥ su̱mnami̍ndra .
kaste̍ bhā̱gaḥ kiṃ vayo̍ dudhra khidva̱ḥ puru̍hūta purūvaso'sura̱ghnaḥ .. 6.022.04
4 Tell thou us this, if at thy hand aforetime the earlier singers have obtained good fortune,
What is thy share and portion, Strong Subduer, Asura-slayer, rich, invoked of many?
Sloka : 6.22.5
तं पृ॒च्छन्ती॒ वज्र॑हस्तं रथे॒ष्ठामिन्द्रं॒ वेपी॒ वक्व॑री॒ यस्य॒ नू गीः ।
तु॒वि॒ग्रा॒भं तु॑विकू॒र्मिं र॑भो॒दां गा॒तुमि॑षे॒ नक्ष॑ते॒ तुम्र॒मच्छ॑ ॥ ६.०२२.०५
taṃ pṛ̱cchantī̱ vajra̍hastaṃ rathe̱ṣṭhāmindra̱ṃ vepī̱ vakva̍rī̱ yasya̱ nū gīḥ .
tu̱vi̱grā̱bhaṃ tu̍vikū̱rmiṃ ra̍bho̱dāṃ gā̱tumi̍ṣe̱ nakṣa̍te̱ tumra̱maccha̍ .. 6.022.05
5 He who for car-borne Indra, armed with thunder, hath a hymn, craving, deeply-piercing, fluent,
Who sends a song effectual, firmly-grasping, and strength-bestowing, he comes near the mighty.
Sloka : 6.22.6
अ॒या ह॒ त्यं मा॒यया॑ वावृधा॒नं म॑नो॒जुवा॑ स्वतवः॒ पर्व॑तेन ।
अच्यु॑ता चिद्वीळि॒ता स्वो॑जो रु॒जो वि दृ॒ळ्हा धृ॑ष॒ता वि॑रप्शिन् ॥ ६.०२२.०६
a̱yā ha̱ tyaṃ mā̱yayā̍ vāvṛdhā̱naṃ ma̍no̱juvā̍ svatava̱ḥ parva̍tena .
acyu̍tā cidvīl̤i̱tā svo̍jo ru̱jo vi dṛ̱l̤hā dhṛ̍ṣa̱tā vi̍rapśin .. 6.022.06
6 Strong of thyself, thou by this art hast shattered, with thought-swift Parvata, him who waxed against thee,
And, Mightiest! roaring! boldly rent in pieces things that were firmly fixed and never shaken.
Sloka : 6.22.7
तं वो॑ धि॒या नव्य॑स्या॒ शवि॑ष्ठं प्र॒त्नं प्र॑त्न॒वत्प॑रितंस॒यध्यै॑ ।
स नो॑ वक्षदनिमा॒नः सु॒वह्मेन्द्रो॒ विश्वा॒न्यति॑ दु॒र्गहा॑णि ॥ ६.०२२.०७
taṃ vo̍ dhi̱yā navya̍syā̱ śavi̍ṣṭhaṃ pra̱tnaṃ pra̍tna̱vatpa̍ritaṃsa̱yadhyai̍ .
sa no̍ vakṣadanimā̱naḥ su̱vahmendro̱ viśvā̱nyati̍ du̱rgahā̍ṇi .. 6.022.07
7 Him will we fit for you with new devotion, the strongest Ancient One, in ancient manner.
So may that Indra, boundless, faithful Leader, conduct us o’er all places hard to traverse.
Sloka : 6.22.8
आ जना॑य॒ द्रुह्व॑णे॒ पार्थि॑वानि दि॒व्यानि॑ दीपयो॒ऽन्तरि॑क्षा ।
तपा॑ वृषन्वि॒श्वतः॑ शो॒चिषा॒ तान्ब्र॑ह्म॒द्विषे॑ शोचय॒ क्षाम॒पश्च॑ ॥ ६.०२२.०८
ā janā̍ya̱ druhva̍ṇe̱ pārthi̍vāni di̱vyāni̍ dīpayo̱'ntari̍kṣā .
tapā̍ vṛṣanvi̱śvata̍ḥ śo̱ciṣā̱ tānbra̍hma̱dviṣe̍ śocaya̱ kṣāma̱paśca̍ .. 6.022.08
8 Thou for the people who oppress hast kindled the earthly firmament and that of heaven.
With heat, O Bull, on every side consume them:- heat earth and flood for him who hates devotion.
Sloka : 6.22.9
भुवो॒ जन॑स्य दि॒व्यस्य॒ राजा॒ पार्थि॑वस्य॒ जग॑तस्त्वेषसंदृक् ।
धि॒ष्व वज्रं॒ दक्षि॑ण इन्द्र॒ हस्ते॒ विश्वा॑ अजुर्य दयसे॒ वि मा॒याः ॥ ६.०२२.०९
bhuvo̱ jana̍sya di̱vyasya̱ rājā̱ pārthi̍vasya̱ jaga̍tastveṣasaṃdṛk .
dhi̱ṣva vajra̱ṃ dakṣi̍ṇa indra̱ haste̱ viśvā̍ ajurya dayase̱ vi mā̱yāḥ .. 6.022.09
9 Of all the Heavenly Folk, of earthly creatures thou art the King, O God of splendid aspect.
In thy right hand, O Indra, grasp die thunder:- Eternal! thou destroyest all enchantments.
Sloka : 6.22.10
आ सं॒यत॑मिन्द्र णः स्व॒स्तिं श॑त्रु॒तूर्या॑य बृह॒तीममृ॑ध्राम् ।
यया॒ दासा॒न्यार्या॑णि वृ॒त्रा करो॑ वज्रिन्सु॒तुका॒ नाहु॑षाणि ॥ ६.०२२.१०
ā sa̱ṃyata̍mindra ṇaḥ sva̱stiṃ śa̍tru̱tūryā̍ya bṛha̱tīmamṛ̍dhrām .
yayā̱ dāsā̱nyāryā̍ṇi vṛ̱trā karo̍ vajrinsu̱tukā̱ nāhu̍ṣāṇi .. 6.022.10
10 Give us confirmed prosperity, O Indra, vast and exhaustless for the foe's subduing.
Strengthen therewith the Ārya's hate and Dāsa's, and let the arms of Nahusas be mighty.
Sloka : 6.22.11
स नो॑ नि॒युद्भिः॑ पुरुहूत वेधो वि॒श्ववा॑राभि॒रा ग॑हि प्रयज्यो ।
न या अदे॑वो॒ वर॑ते॒ न दे॒व आभि॑र्याहि॒ तूय॒मा म॑द्र्य॒द्रिक् ॥ ६.०२२.११
sa no̍ ni̱yudbhi̍ḥ puruhūta vedho vi̱śvavā̍rābhi̱rā ga̍hi prayajyo .
na yā ade̍vo̱ vara̍te̱ na de̱va ābhi̍ryāhi̱ tūya̱mā ma̍drya̱drik .. 6.022.11
11 Come with thy team which brings all blessings hither, Disposer, much-invoked, exceeding holy.
Thou whom no fiend, no God can stay or hinder, come swittly with these Steeds in my direction.
Sloka : 6.23.1
सु॒त इत्त्वं निमि॑श्ल इन्द्र॒ सोमे॒ स्तोमे॒ ब्रह्म॑णि श॒स्यमा॑न उ॒क्थे ।
यद्वा॑ यु॒क्ताभ्यां॑ मघव॒न्हरि॑भ्यां॒ बिभ्र॒द्वज्रं॑ बा॒ह्वोरि॑न्द्र॒ यासि॑ ॥ ६.०२३.०१
su̱ta ittvaṃ nimi̍śla indra̱ some̱ stome̱ brahma̍ṇi śa̱syamā̍na u̱kthe .
yadvā̍ yu̱ktābhyā̍ṃ maghava̱nhari̍bhyā̱ṃ bibhra̱dvajra̍ṃ bā̱hvori̍ndra̱ yāsi̍ .. 6.023.01
1. THOU art attached to pressed-out Soma, Indra, at laud, at prayer, and when the hymn is chanted;
Or when with yoked Bays, Maghavan, thou comest, O Indra, bearing in thine arms the thunder.
Sloka : 6.23.2
यद्वा॑ दि॒वि पार्ये॒ सुष्वि॑मिन्द्र वृत्र॒हत्येऽव॑सि॒ शूर॑सातौ ।
यद्वा॒ दक्ष॑स्य बि॒भ्युषो॒ अबि॑भ्य॒दर॑न्धयः॒ शर्ध॑त इन्द्र॒ दस्यू॑न् ॥ ६.०२३.०२
yadvā̍ di̱vi pārye̱ suṣvi̍mindra vṛtra̱hatye'va̍si̱ śūra̍sātau .
yadvā̱ dakṣa̍sya bi̱bhyuṣo̱ abi̍bhya̱dara̍ndhaya̱ḥ śardha̍ta indra̱ dasyū̍n .. 6.023.02
2 Or when on that decisive day thou holpest the presser of the juice at Vṛtra's slaughter;
Or when thou, while the strong one feared, undaunted, gavest to death, Indra, the daring Dasyus.
Sloka : 6.23.3
पाता॑ सु॒तमिन्द्रो॑ अस्तु॒ सोमं॑ प्रणे॒नीरु॒ग्रो ज॑रि॒तार॑मू॒ती ।
कर्ता॑ वी॒राय॒ सुष्व॑य उ लो॒कं दाता॒ वसु॑ स्तुव॒ते की॒रये॑ चित् ॥ ६.०२३.०३
pātā̍ su̱tamindro̍ astu̱ soma̍ṃ praṇe̱nīru̱gro ja̍ri̱tāra̍mū̱tī .
kartā̍ vī̱rāya̱ suṣva̍ya u lo̱kaṃ dātā̱ vasu̍ stuva̱te kī̱raye̍ cit .. 6.023.03
3 Let Indra drink the pressed-out Soma, Helper and mighty Guide of him who sings his praises.
He gives the hero room who pours oblations, and treasure even to the lowly singer.
Sloka : 6.23.4
गन्तेया॑न्ति॒ सव॑ना॒ हरि॑भ्यां ब॒भ्रिर्वज्रं॑ प॒पिः सोमं॑ द॒दिर्गाः ।
कर्ता॑ वी॒रं नर्यं॒ सर्व॑वीरं॒ श्रोता॒ हवं॑ गृण॒तः स्तोम॑वाहाः ॥ ६.०२३.०४
ganteyā̍nti̱ sava̍nā̱ hari̍bhyāṃ ba̱bhrirvajra̍ṃ pa̱piḥ soma̍ṃ da̱dirgāḥ .
kartā̍ vī̱raṃ narya̱ṃ sarva̍vīra̱ṃ śrotā̱ hava̍ṃ gṛṇa̱taḥ stoma̍vāhāḥ .. 6.023.04
4 E’en humble rites with his Bay steeds he visits:- he wields the bolt, drinks Soma, gives us cattle.
He makes the valiant rich in store of heroes, accepts our praise and hears the singer's calling.
Sloka : 6.23.5
अस्मै॑ व॒यं यद्वा॒वान॒ तद्वि॑विष्म॒ इन्द्रा॑य॒ यो नः॑ प्र॒दिवो॒ अप॒स्कः ।
सु॒ते सोमे॑ स्तु॒मसि॒ शंस॑दु॒क्थेन्द्रा॑य॒ ब्रह्म॒ वर्ध॑नं॒ यथास॑त् ॥ ६.०२३.०५
asmai̍ va̱yaṃ yadvā̱vāna̱ tadvi̍viṣma̱ indrā̍ya̱ yo na̍ḥ pra̱divo̱ apa̱skaḥ .
su̱te some̍ stu̱masi̱ śaṃsa̍du̱kthendrā̍ya̱ brahma̱ vardha̍na̱ṃ yathāsa̍t .. 6.023.05
5 What he hath longed for we have brought to Indra, who from the days of old hath done us service.
While Soma flows we will sing hymn, and laud him, so that our prayer may streng. then Indra's vigour.
Sloka : 6.23.6
ब्रह्मा॑णि॒ हि च॑कृ॒षे वर्ध॑नानि॒ ताव॑त्त इन्द्र म॒तिभि॑र्विविष्मः ।
सु॒ते सोमे॑ सुतपाः॒ शंत॑मानि॒ राण्ड्या॑ क्रियास्म॒ वक्ष॑णानि य॒ज्ञैः ॥ ६.०२३.०६
brahmā̍ṇi̱ hi ca̍kṛ̱ṣe vardha̍nāni̱ tāva̍tta indra ma̱tibhi̍rviviṣmaḥ .
su̱te some̍ sutapā̱ḥ śaṃta̍māni̱ rāṇḍyā̍ kriyāsma̱ vakṣa̍ṇāni ya̱jñaiḥ .. 6.023.06
6 Thou hast made prayer the means of thine exalting, therefore we wait on thee with hymns, O Indra.
May we, by the pressed Soma, Somadrinker! bring thee, with sacrifice, blissful sweet refreshment.
Sloka : 6.23.7
स नो॑ बोधि पुरो॒ळाशं॒ ररा॑णः॒ पिबा॒ तु सोमं॒ गोऋ॑जीकमिन्द्र ।
एदं ब॒र्हिर्यज॑मानस्य सीदो॒रुं कृ॑धि त्वाय॒त उ॑ लो॒कम् ॥ ६.०२३.०७
sa no̍ bodhi puro̱l̤āśa̱ṃ rarā̍ṇa̱ḥ pibā̱ tu soma̱ṃ goṛ̍jīkamindra .
edaṃ ba̱rhiryaja̍mānasya sīdo̱ruṃ kṛ̍dhi tvāya̱ta u̍ lo̱kam .. 6.023.07
7 Mark well our sacrificial cake, delighted Indra, drink Soma and the milk commingled.
Here on the sacrificer's grass be seated:- give ample room to thy devoted servant.
Sloka : 6.23.8
स म॑न्दस्वा॒ ह्यनु॒ जोष॑मुग्र॒ प्र त्वा॑ य॒ज्ञास॑ इ॒मे अ॑श्नुवन्तु ।
प्रेमे हवा॑सः पुरुहू॒तम॒स्मे आ त्वे॒यं धीरव॑स इन्द्र यम्याः ॥ ६.०२३.०८
sa ma̍ndasvā̱ hyanu̱ joṣa̍mugra̱ pra tvā̍ ya̱jñāsa̍ i̱me a̍śnuvantu .
preme havā̍saḥ puruhū̱tama̱sme ā tve̱yaṃ dhīrava̍sa indra yamyāḥ .. 6.023.08
8 O Mighty One, be joyful as thou willest. Let these our sacrifices reach and find thee;
And may this hymn and these our invocations turn thee, whom many men invoke, to help us.
Sloka : 6.23.9
तं वः॑ सखायः॒ सं यथा॑ सु॒तेषु॒ सोमे॑भिरीं पृणता भो॒जमिन्द्र॑म् ।
कु॒वित्तस्मा॒ अस॑ति नो॒ भरा॑य॒ न सुष्वि॒मिन्द्रोऽव॑से मृधाति ॥ ६.०२३.०९
taṃ va̍ḥ sakhāya̱ḥ saṃ yathā̍ su̱teṣu̱ some̍bhirīṃ pṛṇatā bho̱jamindra̍m .
ku̱vittasmā̱ asa̍ti no̱ bharā̍ya̱ na suṣvi̱mindro'va̍se mṛdhāti .. 6.023.09
9 Friends, when thejuices flow, replenish duly your own, your bounteous Indra with the Soma.
Will it not aid him to support us? Indra. spares him who sheds the juice to win his favour.
Sloka : 6.23.10
ए॒वेदिन्द्रः॑ सु॒ते अ॑स्तावि॒ सोमे॑ भ॒रद्वा॑जेषु॒ क्षय॒दिन्म॒घोनः॑ ।
अस॒द्यथा॑ जरि॒त्र उ॒त सू॒रिरिन्द्रो॑ रा॒यो वि॒श्ववा॑रस्य दा॒ता ॥ ६.०२३.१०
e̱vedindra̍ḥ su̱te a̍stāvi̱ some̍ bha̱radvā̍jeṣu̱ kṣaya̱dinma̱ghona̍ḥ .
asa̱dyathā̍ jari̱tra u̱ta sū̱ririndro̍ rā̱yo vi̱śvavā̍rasya dā̱tā .. 6.023.10
10 While Soma flowed, thus Indra hath been lauded, Ruler of nobles, mid the Bharadvājas,
That Indra may become the singer's patron and give him wealth in every kind of treasure.
Sloka : 6.24.1
वृषा॒ मद॒ इन्द्रे॒ श्लोक॑ उ॒क्था सचा॒ सोमे॑षु सुत॒पा ऋ॑जी॒षी ।
अ॒र्च॒त्र्यो॑ म॒घवा॒ नृभ्य॑ उ॒क्थैर्द्यु॒क्षो राजा॑ गि॒रामक्षि॑तोतिः ॥ ६.०२४.०१
vṛṣā̱ mada̱ indre̱ śloka̍ u̱kthā sacā̱ some̍ṣu suta̱pā ṛ̍jī̱ṣī .
a̱rca̱tryo̍ ma̱ghavā̱ nṛbhya̍ u̱kthairdyu̱kṣo rājā̍ gi̱rāmakṣi̍totiḥ .. 6.024.01
1. STRONG rapturous joy, praise, glory are with Indra:- impetuous God, he quaffs the juice of Soma:-
That Maghavan whom men must laud with singing, Heaven-dweller, King of songs, whose help is lasting.
Sloka : 6.24.2
ततु॑रिर्वी॒रो नर्यो॒ विचे॑ताः॒ श्रोता॒ हवं॑ गृण॒त उ॒र्व्यू॑तिः ।
वसुः॒ शंसो॑ न॒रां का॒रुधा॑या वा॒जी स्तु॒तो वि॒दथे॑ दाति॒ वाज॑म् ॥ ६.०२४.०२
tatu̍rirvī̱ro naryo̱ vice̍tā̱ḥ śrotā̱ hava̍ṃ gṛṇa̱ta u̱rvyū̍tiḥ .
vasu̱ḥ śaṃso̍ na̱rāṃ kā̱rudhā̍yā vā̱jī stu̱to vi̱dathe̍ dāti̱ vāja̍m .. 6.024.02
2 He, Friend of man, most wise, victorious Hero, hears, with far-reaching aid, the singer call him.
Excellent, Praise of Men, the bard's Supporter, Strong, he gives strength, extolled in holy synod.
Sloka : 6.24.3
अक्षो॒ न च॒क्र्योः॑ शूर बृ॒हन्प्र ते॑ म॒ह्ना रि॑रिचे॒ रोद॑स्योः ।
वृ॒क्षस्य॒ नु ते॑ पुरुहूत व॒या व्यू॒३॒॑तयो॑ रुरुहुरिन्द्र पू॒र्वीः ॥ ६.०२४.०३
akṣo̱ na ca̱kryo̍ḥ śūra bṛ̱hanpra te̍ ma̱hnā ri̍rice̱ roda̍syoḥ .
vṛ̱kṣasya̱ nu te̍ puruhūta va̱yā vyū̱3̱̍tayo̍ ruruhurindra pū̱rvīḥ .. 6.024.03
3 The lofty axle of thy wheels, O Hero, is not surpassed by heaven and earth in greatness.
Like branches of a tree, Invoked of many manifold aids spring forth from thee, O Indra.
Sloka : 6.24.4
शची॑वतस्ते पुरुशाक॒ शाका॒ गवा॑मिव स्रु॒तयः॑ सं॒चर॑णीः ।
व॒त्सानां॒ न त॒न्तय॑स्त इन्द्र॒ दाम॑न्वन्तो अदा॒मानः॑ सुदामन् ॥ ६.०२४.०४
śacī̍vataste puruśāka̱ śākā̱ gavā̍miva sru̱taya̍ḥ sa̱ṃcara̍ṇīḥ .
va̱tsānā̱ṃ na ta̱ntaya̍sta indra̱ dāma̍nvanto adā̱māna̍ḥ sudāman .. 6.024.04
4 Strong Lord, thine energies, endowed with vigour, are like the paths of kine converging homeward.
Like bonds of cord, Indra, that bind the younglings, no bonds are they, O thou of boundless bounty.
Sloka : 6.24.5
अ॒न्यद॒द्य कर्व॑रम॒न्यदु॒ श्वोऽस॑च्च॒ सन्मुहु॑राच॒क्रिरिन्द्रः॑ ।
मि॒त्रो नो॒ अत्र॒ वरु॑णश्च पू॒षार्यो वश॑स्य पर्ये॒तास्ति॑ ॥ ६.०२४.०५
a̱nyada̱dya karva̍rama̱nyadu̱ śvo'sa̍cca̱ sanmuhu̍rāca̱kririndra̍ḥ .
mi̱tro no̱ atra̱ varu̍ṇaśca pū̱ṣāryo vaśa̍sya parye̱tāsti̍ .. 6.024.05
5 One act to-day, another act tomorrow oft Indra makes what is not yet existeni.
Here have we Mitra, Varuṇa, and Pūṣan to overcome the foeman's domination.
Sloka : 6.24.6
वि त्वदापो॒ न पर्व॑तस्य पृ॒ष्ठादु॒क्थेभि॑रिन्द्रानयन्त य॒ज्ञैः ।
तं त्वा॒भिः सु॑ष्टु॒तिभि॑र्वा॒जय॑न्त आ॒जिं न ज॑ग्मुर्गिर्वाहो॒ अश्वाः॑ ॥ ६.०२४.०६
vi tvadāpo̱ na parva̍tasya pṛ̱ṣṭhādu̱kthebhi̍rindrānayanta ya̱jñaiḥ .
taṃ tvā̱bhiḥ su̍ṣṭu̱tibhi̍rvā̱jaya̍nta ā̱jiṃ na ja̍gmurgirvāho̱ aśvā̍ḥ .. 6.024.06
6 By song and sacrifice men brought the waters from thee, as from a mountain's ridge, O Indra.
Urging thy might, with these fair lauds they seek thee, O theme of song, as horses rush tobattle.
Sloka : 6.24.7
न यं जर॑न्ति श॒रदो॒ न मासा॒ न द्याव॒ इन्द्र॑मवक॒र्शय॑न्ति ।
वृ॒द्धस्य॑ चिद्वर्धतामस्य त॒नूः स्तोमे॑भिरु॒क्थैश्च॑ श॒स्यमा॑ना ॥ ६.०२४.०७
na yaṃ jara̍nti śa̱rado̱ na māsā̱ na dyāva̱ indra̍mavaka̱rśaya̍nti .
vṛ̱ddhasya̍ cidvardhatāmasya ta̱nūḥ stome̍bhiru̱kthaiśca̍ śa̱syamā̍nā .. 6.024.07
7 That Indra whom nor months nor autumn seasons wither with age, nor fleeting days enfeeble,—
Still may his body Wax, e’en now so mighty, glorified by the lauds and hymns that praise him.
Sloka : 6.24.8
न वी॒ळवे॒ नम॑ते॒ न स्थि॒राय॒ न शर्ध॑ते॒ दस्यु॑जूताय स्त॒वान् ।
अज्रा॒ इन्द्र॑स्य गि॒रय॑श्चिदृ॒ष्वा ग॑म्भी॒रे चि॑द्भवति गा॒धम॑स्मै ॥ ६.०२४.०८
na vī̱l̤ave̱ nama̍te̱ na sthi̱rāya̱ na śardha̍te̱ dasyu̍jūtāya sta̱vān .
ajrā̱ indra̍sya gi̱raya̍ścidṛ̱ṣvā ga̍mbhī̱re ci̍dbhavati gā̱dhama̍smai .. 6.024.08
8 Extolled, he bends not to the strong, the steadfast, nor to the bold incited by the Dasyu.
High mountains are as level plains to Indra:- even in the deep he finds firm ground to rest on.
Sloka : 6.24.9
ग॒म्भी॒रेण॑ न उ॒रुणा॑मत्रि॒न्प्रेषो य॑न्धि सुतपाव॒न्वाजा॑न् ।
स्था ऊ॒ षु ऊ॒र्ध्व ऊ॒ती अरि॑षण्यन्न॒क्तोर्व्यु॑ष्टौ॒ परि॑तक्म्यायाम् ॥ ६.०२४.०९
ga̱mbhī̱reṇa̍ na u̱ruṇā̍matri̱npreṣo ya̍ndhi sutapāva̱nvājā̍n .
sthā ū̱ ṣu ū̱rdhva ū̱tī ari̍ṣaṇyanna̱ktorvyu̍ṣṭau̱ pari̍takmyāyām .. 6.024.09
9 Impetuous Speeder through all depth and distance, give strengthening food, thou drinker of the juices.
Stand up erect to help us, unreluctant, what time the gloom of night brightens to morning.
Sloka : 6.24.10
सच॑स्व ना॒यमव॑से अ॒भीक॑ इ॒तो वा॒ तमि॑न्द्र पाहि रि॒षः ।
अ॒मा चै॑न॒मर॑ण्ये पाहि रि॒षो मदे॑म श॒तहि॑माः सु॒वीराः॑ ॥ ६.०२४.१०
saca̍sva nā̱yamava̍se a̱bhīka̍ i̱to vā̱ tami̍ndra pāhi ri̱ṣaḥ .
a̱mā cai̍na̱mara̍ṇye pāhi ri̱ṣo made̍ma śa̱tahi̍māḥ su̱vīrā̍ḥ .. 6.024.10
10 Hasting to help, come hither and protect him, keep him from harm when he is here, O Indra.
At home, abroad, from injury preserve him. May brave sons gladden us through a hundred winters.
Sloka : 6.25.1
या त॑ ऊ॒तिर॑व॒मा या प॑र॒मा या म॑ध्य॒मेन्द्र॑ शुष्मि॒न्नस्ति॑ ।
ताभि॑रू॒ षु वृ॑त्र॒हत्ये॑ऽवीर्न ए॒भिश्च॒ वाजै॑र्म॒हान्न॑ उग्र ॥ ६.०२५.०१
yā ta̍ ū̱tira̍va̱mā yā pa̍ra̱mā yā ma̍dhya̱mendra̍ śuṣmi̱nnasti̍ .
tābhi̍rū̱ ṣu vṛ̍tra̱hatye̎vīrna e̱bhiśca̱ vājai̍rma̱hānna̍ ugra .. 6.025.01
1. WITH thine assistance, O thou Mighty Indra, be it the least, the midmost, or the highest,—
Great with those aids and by these powers support us, Strong God! in battle that subdues our foemen.
Sloka : 6.25.2
आभिः॒ स्पृधो॑ मिथ॒तीररि॑षण्यन्न॒मित्र॑स्य व्यथया म॒न्युमि॑न्द्र ।
आभि॒र्विश्वा॑ अभि॒युजो॒ विषू॑ची॒रार्या॑य॒ विशोऽव॑ तारी॒र्दासीः॑ ॥ ६.०२५.०२
ābhi̱ḥ spṛdho̍ mitha̱tīrari̍ṣaṇyanna̱mitra̍sya vyathayā ma̱nyumi̍ndra .
ābhi̱rviśvā̍ abhi̱yujo̱ viṣū̍cī̱rāryā̍ya̱ viśo'va̍ tārī̱rdāsī̍ḥ .. 6.025.02
2 With these discomfit hosts that fight against us, and check the opponent's wrath, thyself uninjured.
With these chase all our foes to every quarter:- subdue the tribes of Dāsas to the Ārya.
Sloka : 6.25.3
इन्द्र॑ जा॒मय॑ उ॒त येऽजा॑मयोऽर्वाची॒नासो॑ व॒नुषो॑ युयु॒ज्रे ।
त्वमे॑षां विथु॒रा शवां॑सि ज॒हि वृष्ण्या॑नि कृणु॒ही परा॑चः ॥ ६.०२५.०३
indra̍ jā̱maya̍ u̱ta ye'jā̍mayo'rvācī̱nāso̍ va̱nuṣo̍ yuyu̱jre .
tvame̍ṣāṃ vithu̱rā śavā̍ṃsi ja̱hi vṛṣṇyā̍ni kṛṇu̱hī parā̍caḥ .. 6.025.03
3 Those who array themselves as foes to smite us, O Indra, be they kin or be they strangers,—
Strike thou their manly strength that it be feeble, and drive in headlong flight our foemen backward.
Sloka : 6.25.4
शूरो॑ वा॒ शूरं॑ वनते॒ शरी॑रैस्तनू॒रुचा॒ तरु॑षि॒ यत्कृ॒ण्वैते॑ ।
तो॒के वा॒ गोषु॒ तन॑ये॒ यद॒प्सु वि क्रन्द॑सी उ॒र्वरा॑सु॒ ब्रवै॑ते ॥ ६.०२५.०४
śūro̍ vā̱ śūra̍ṃ vanate̱ śarī̍raistanū̱rucā̱ taru̍ṣi̱ yatkṛ̱ṇvaite̍ .
to̱ke vā̱ goṣu̱ tana̍ye̱ yada̱psu vi kranda̍sī u̱rvarā̍su̱ bravai̍te .. 6.025.04
4 With strength of limb the hero slays the hero, when bright in arms they range them for the combat.
When two opposing hosts contend in battle for seed and offspring, waters, kine, or corn-lands.
Sloka : 6.25.5
न॒हि त्वा॒ शूरो॒ न तु॒रो न धृ॒ष्णुर्न त्वा॑ यो॒धो मन्य॑मानो यु॒योध॑ ।
इन्द्र॒ नकि॑ष्ट्वा॒ प्रत्य॑स्त्येषां॒ विश्वा॑ जा॒तान्य॒भ्य॑सि॒ तानि॑ ॥ ६.०२५.०५
na̱hi tvā̱ śūro̱ na tu̱ro na dhṛ̱ṣṇurna tvā̍ yo̱dho manya̍māno yu̱yodha̍ .
indra̱ naki̍ṣṭvā̱ pratya̍styeṣā̱ṃ viśvā̍ jā̱tānya̱bhya̍si̱ tāni̍ .. 6.025.05
5 Yet no strong man hath conquered thee, no hero, no brave, no warrior trusting in his valour.
Not one of these is match for thee, O Indra. Thou far surpassest all these living creatures.
Sloka : 6.25.6
स प॑त्यत उ॒भयो॑र्नृ॒म्णम॒योर्यदी॑ वे॒धसः॑ समि॒थे हव॑न्ते ।
वृ॒त्रे वा॑ म॒हो नृ॒वति॒ क्षये॑ वा॒ व्यच॑स्वन्ता॒ यदि॑ वितन्त॒सैते॑ ॥ ६.०२५.०६
sa pa̍tyata u̱bhayo̍rnṛ̱mṇama̱yoryadī̍ ve̱dhasa̍ḥ sami̱the hava̍nte .
vṛ̱tre vā̍ ma̱ho nṛ̱vati̱ kṣaye̍ vā̱ vyaca̍svantā̱ yadi̍ vitanta̱saite̍ .. 6.025.06
6 He is the Lord of both these armies' valour when the commanders call them to the conflict:-
When with their ranks expanded they are fighting with a great foe or for a home with heroes.
Sloka : 6.25.7
अध॑ स्मा ते चर्ष॒णयो॒ यदेजा॒निन्द्र॑ त्रा॒तोत भ॑वा वरू॒ता ।
अ॒स्माका॑सो॒ ये नृत॑मासो अ॒र्य इन्द्र॑ सू॒रयो॑ दधि॒रे पु॒रो नः॑ ॥ ६.०२५.०७
adha̍ smā te carṣa̱ṇayo̱ yadejā̱nindra̍ trā̱tota bha̍vā varū̱tā .
a̱smākā̍so̱ ye nṛta̍māso a̱rya indra̍ sū̱rayo̍ dadhi̱re pu̱ro na̍ḥ .. 6.025.07
7 And when the people stir themselves for battle, be thou their saviour, Indra, and protector,
And theirs, thy manliest of our friends, the pious, the chiefs who have installed us priests, O Indra.
Sloka : 6.25.8
अनु॑ ते दायि म॒ह इ॑न्द्रि॒याय॑ स॒त्रा ते॒ विश्व॒मनु॑ वृत्र॒हत्ये॑ ।
अनु॑ क्ष॒त्रमनु॒ सहो॑ यज॒त्रेन्द्र॑ दे॒वेभि॒रनु॑ ते नृ॒षह्ये॑ ॥ ६.०२५.०८
anu̍ te dāyi ma̱ha i̍ndri̱yāya̍ sa̱trā te̱ viśva̱manu̍ vṛtra̱hatye̍ .
anu̍ kṣa̱tramanu̱ saho̍ yaja̱trendra̍ de̱vebhi̱ranu̍ te nṛ̱ṣahye̍ .. 6.025.08
8 To thee for high dominion hath been for evermore, for slaughtering the Vṛtras,
All lordly power and might, O Holy Indra, given by Gods for victory in battle.
Sloka : 6.25.9
ए॒वा नः॒ स्पृधः॒ सम॑जा स॒मत्स्विन्द्र॑ रार॒न्धि मि॑थ॒तीरदे॑वीः ।
वि॒द्याम॒ वस्तो॒रव॑सा गृ॒णन्तो॑ भ॒रद्वा॑जा उ॒त त॑ इन्द्र नू॒नम् ॥ ६.०२५.०९
e̱vā na̱ḥ spṛdha̱ḥ sama̍jā sa̱matsvindra̍ rāra̱ndhi mi̍tha̱tīrade̍vīḥ .
vi̱dyāma̱ vasto̱rava̍sā gṛ̱ṇanto̍ bha̱radvā̍jā u̱ta ta̍ indra nū̱nam .. 6.025.09
9 So urge our hosts together in the combats:- yield up the godless bands that fight against us.
Singing, at morn may we find thee with favour, yea, Indra, and e’en now, we Bharadvājas.
Sloka : 6.26.1
श्रु॒धी न॑ इन्द्र॒ ह्वया॑मसि त्वा म॒हो वाज॑स्य सा॒तौ वा॑वृषा॒णाः ।
सं यद्विशोऽय॑न्त॒ शूर॑साता उ॒ग्रं नोऽवः॒ पार्ये॒ अह॑न्दाः ॥ ६.०२६.०१
śru̱dhī na̍ indra̱ hvayā̍masi tvā ma̱ho vāja̍sya sā̱tau vā̍vṛṣā̱ṇāḥ .
saṃ yadviśo'ya̍nta̱ śūra̍sātā u̱graṃ no'va̱ḥ pārye̱ aha̍ndāḥ .. 6.026.01
1. O INDRA, hear us. Raining down the Soma, we call on thee to win us mighty valour.
Give us strong succour on the day of trial, when the tribes gather on the field of battle.
Sloka : 6.26.2
त्वां वा॒जी ह॑वते वाजिने॒यो म॒हो वाज॑स्य॒ गध्य॑स्य सा॒तौ ।
त्वां वृ॒त्रेष्वि॑न्द्र॒ सत्प॑तिं॒ तरु॑त्रं॒ त्वां च॑ष्टे मुष्टि॒हा गोषु॒ युध्य॑न् ॥ ६.०२६.०२
tvāṃ vā̱jī ha̍vate vājine̱yo ma̱ho vāja̍sya̱ gadhya̍sya sā̱tau .
tvāṃ vṛ̱treṣvi̍ndra̱ satpa̍ti̱ṃ taru̍tra̱ṃ tvāṃ ca̍ṣṭe muṣṭi̱hā goṣu̱ yudhya̍n .. 6.026.02
2 The warrior, son of warrior sire, invokes thee, to gain great strength that may be won as booty:-
To thee, the brave man's Lord, the fiends' subduer, he looks when fighting hand to hand for cattle.
Sloka : 6.26.3
त्वं क॒विं चो॑दयो॒ऽर्कसा॑तौ॒ त्वं कुत्सा॑य॒ शुष्णं॑ दा॒शुषे॑ वर्क् ।
त्वं शिरो॑ अम॒र्मणः॒ परा॑हन्नतिथि॒ग्वाय॒ शंस्यं॑ करि॒ष्यन् ॥ ६.०२६.०३
tvaṃ ka̱viṃ co̍dayo̱'rkasā̍tau̱ tvaṃ kutsā̍ya̱ śuṣṇa̍ṃ dā̱śuṣe̍ vark .
tvaṃ śiro̍ ama̱rmaṇa̱ḥ parā̍hannatithi̱gvāya̱ śaṃsya̍ṃ kari̱ṣyan .. 6.026.03
3 Thou didst impel the sage to win the daylight, didst ruin Śuṣṇa for the pious Kutsa.
The invulnerable demon's head thou clavest when thou wouldst win the praise of Atithigva.
Sloka : 6.26.4
त्वं रथं॒ प्र भ॑रो यो॒धमृ॒ष्वमावो॒ युध्य॑न्तं वृष॒भं दश॑द्युम् ।
त्वं तुग्रं॑ वेत॒सवे॒ सचा॑ह॒न्त्वं तुजिं॑ गृ॒णन्त॑मिन्द्र तूतोः ॥ ६.०२६.०४
tvaṃ ratha̱ṃ pra bha̍ro yo̱dhamṛ̱ṣvamāvo̱ yudhya̍ntaṃ vṛṣa̱bhaṃ daśa̍dyum .
tvaṃ tugra̍ṃ veta̱save̱ sacā̍ha̱ntvaṃ tuji̍ṃ gṛ̱ṇanta̍mindra tūtoḥ .. 6.026.04
4 The lofty battle-car thou broughtest forward; thou holpest Dasadyu the strong when fighting.
Along with Vetasu thou slewest Tugra, and madest Tuji strong, who praised thee, Indra.
Sloka : 6.26.5
त्वं तदु॒क्थमि॑न्द्र ब॒र्हणा॑ कः॒ प्र यच्छ॒ता स॒हस्रा॑ शूर॒ दर्षि॑ ।
अव॑ गि॒रेर्दासं॒ शम्ब॑रं ह॒न्प्रावो॒ दिवो॑दासं चि॒त्राभि॑रू॒ती ॥ ६.०२६.०५
tvaṃ tadu̱kthami̍ndra ba̱rhaṇā̍ ka̱ḥ pra yaccha̱tā sa̱hasrā̍ śūra̱ darṣi̍ .
ava̍ gi̱rerdāsa̱ṃ śamba̍raṃ ha̱nprāvo̱ divo̍dāsaṃ ci̱trābhi̍rū̱tī .. 6.026.05
5 Thou madest good the laud, what time thou rentest a hundred thousand fighting foes, O Hero,
Slewest the Dāsa Śambara of the mountain, and with strange aids didst succour Divodāsa.
Sloka : 6.26.6
त्वं श्र॒द्धाभि॑र्मन्दसा॒नः सोमै॑र्द॒भीत॑ये॒ चुमु॑रिमिन्द्र सिष्वप् ।
त्वं र॒जिं पिठी॑नसे दश॒स्यन्ष॒ष्टिं स॒हस्रा॒ शच्या॒ सचा॑हन् ॥ ६.०२६.०६
tvaṃ śra̱ddhābhi̍rmandasā̱naḥ somai̍rda̱bhīta̍ye̱ cumu̍rimindra siṣvap .
tvaṃ ra̱jiṃ piṭhī̍nase daśa̱syanṣa̱ṣṭiṃ sa̱hasrā̱ śacyā̱ sacā̍han .. 6.026.06
6 Made glad with Soma-draughts and faith, thou sentest Cumuri to his sleep, to please Dabhīti.
Thou, kindly giving Raji to Pithinas, slewest with might, at once, the sixty thousand.
Sloka : 6.26.7
अ॒हं च॒न तत्सू॒रिभि॑रानश्यां॒ तव॒ ज्याय॑ इन्द्र सु॒म्नमोजः॑ ।
त्वया॒ यत्स्तव॑न्ते सधवीर वी॒रास्त्रि॒वरू॑थेन॒ नहु॑षा शविष्ठ ॥ ६.०२६.०७
a̱haṃ ca̱na tatsū̱ribhi̍rānaśyā̱ṃ tava̱ jyāya̍ indra su̱mnamoja̍ḥ .
tvayā̱ yatstava̍nte sadhavīra vī̱rāstri̱varū̍thena̱ nahu̍ṣā śaviṣṭha .. 6.026.07
7 May I too, with the liberal chiefs, O Indra, acquire thy blin supreme and domination,
When, Mightiest! Hero-girt! Nahuṣa heroes boast them in thee, the triply-strong Defender.
Sloka : 6.26.8
व॒यं ते॑ अ॒स्यामि॑न्द्र द्यु॒म्नहू॑तौ॒ सखा॑यः स्याम महिन॒ प्रेष्ठाः॑ ।
प्रात॑र्दनिः क्षत्र॒श्रीर॑स्तु॒ श्रेष्ठो॑ घ॒ने वृ॒त्राणां॑ स॒नये॒ धना॑नाम् ॥ ६.०२६.०८
va̱yaṃ te̍ a̱syāmi̍ndra dyu̱mnahū̍tau̱ sakhā̍yaḥ syāma mahina̱ preṣṭhā̍ḥ .
prāta̍rdaniḥ kṣatra̱śrīra̍stu̱ śreṣṭho̍ gha̱ne vṛ̱trāṇā̍ṃ sa̱naye̱ dhanā̍nām .. 6.026.08
8 So may we he thy friends, thy best beloved, O Indra, at this holy invocation.
Best be Pratardani, illustrious ruler, in slaying foemen and in gaining riches.
Sloka : 6.27.1
किम॑स्य॒ मदे॒ किम्व॑स्य पी॒ताविन्द्रः॒ किम॑स्य स॒ख्ये च॑कार ।
रणा॑ वा॒ ये नि॒षदि॒ किं ते अ॑स्य पु॒रा वि॑विद्रे॒ किमु॒ नूत॑नासः ॥ ६.०२७.०१
kima̍sya̱ made̱ kimva̍sya pī̱tāvindra̱ḥ kima̍sya sa̱khye ca̍kāra .
raṇā̍ vā̱ ye ni̱ṣadi̱ kiṃ te a̍sya pu̱rā vi̍vidre̱ kimu̱ nūta̍nāsaḥ .. 6.027.01
1 WHAT deed hath Indra done in the wild transport, in quaffing or in friendship with, the Soma?
What joys have men of ancient times or recent obtained within the chamber of libation?
Sloka : 6.27.2
सद॑स्य॒ मदे॒ सद्व॑स्य पी॒ताविन्द्रः॒ सद॑स्य स॒ख्ये च॑कार ।
रणा॑ वा॒ ये नि॒षदि॒ सत्ते अ॑स्य पु॒रा वि॑विद्रे॒ सदु॒ नूत॑नासः ॥ ६.०२७.०२
sada̍sya̱ made̱ sadva̍sya pī̱tāvindra̱ḥ sada̍sya sa̱khye ca̍kāra .
raṇā̍ vā̱ ye ni̱ṣadi̱ satte a̍sya pu̱rā vi̍vidre̱ sadu̱ nūta̍nāsaḥ .. 6.027.02
2 In its wild joy Indra hath proved him faithful, faithful in quaffing, faithful in its friendship.
His truth is the delight that in this chamber the men of old and recent times have tasted.
Sloka : 6.27.3
न॒हि नु ते॑ महि॒मनः॑ समस्य॒ न म॑घवन्मघव॒त्त्वस्य॑ वि॒द्म ।
न राध॑सोराधसो॒ नूत॑न॒स्येन्द्र॒ नकि॑र्ददृश इन्द्रि॒यं ते॑ ॥ ६.०२७.०३
na̱hi nu te̍ mahi̱mana̍ḥ samasya̱ na ma̍ghavanmaghava̱ttvasya̍ vi̱dma .
na rādha̍sorādhaso̱ nūta̍na̱syendra̱ naki̍rdadṛśa indri̱yaṃ te̍ .. 6.027.03
3 All thy vast power, O Maghavan, we know not, know not the riches of thy full abundance.
No one hath seen that might of thine, productive of bounty every day renewed, O Indra.
Sloka : 6.27.4
ए॒तत्त्यत्त॑ इन्द्रि॒यम॑चेति॒ येनाव॑धीर्व॒रशि॑खस्य॒ शेषः॑ ।
वज्र॑स्य॒ यत्ते॒ निह॑तस्य॒ शुष्मा॑त्स्व॒नाच्चि॑दिन्द्र पर॒मो द॒दार॑ ॥ ६.०२७.०४
e̱tattyatta̍ indri̱yama̍ceti̱ yenāva̍dhīrva̱raśi̍khasya̱ śeṣa̍ḥ .
vajra̍sya̱ yatte̱ niha̍tasya̱ śuṣmā̍tsva̱nācci̍dindra para̱mo da̱dāra̍ .. 6.027.04
4 This one great power of thine our eyes have witnessed, wherewith thou slewest Varasikha's children,
When by the force of thy descending thunder, at the mere solund, their boldest was demolished.
Sloka : 6.27.5
वधी॒दिन्द्रो॑ व॒रशि॑खस्य॒ शेषो॑ऽभ्याव॒र्तिने॑ चायमा॒नाय॒ शिक्ष॑न् ।
वृ॒चीव॑तो॒ यद्ध॑रियू॒पीया॑यां॒ हन्पूर्वे॒ अर्धे॑ भि॒यसाप॑रो॒ दर्त् ॥ ६.०२७.०५
vadhī̱dindro̍ va̱raśi̍khasya̱ śeṣo̎bhyāva̱rtine̍ cāyamā̱nāya̱ śikṣa̍n .
vṛ̱cīva̍to̱ yaddha̍riyū̱pīyā̍yā̱ṃ hanpūrve̱ ardhe̍ bhi̱yasāpa̍ro̱ dart .. 6.027.05
5 In aid of Abhyavartin Cayamana, Indra destroyed the seed of Varasikha.
At Hariyupiya he smote the vanguard of the Vrcivans, and the rear fled frighted.
Sloka : 6.27.6
त्रिं॒शच्छ॑तं व॒र्मिण॑ इन्द्र सा॒कं य॒व्याव॑त्यां पुरुहूत श्रव॒स्या ।
वृ॒चीव॑न्तः॒ शर॑वे॒ पत्य॑मानाः॒ पात्रा॑ भिन्दा॒ना न्य॒र्थान्या॑यन् ॥ ६.०२७.०६
tri̱ṃśaccha̍taṃ va̱rmiṇa̍ indra sā̱kaṃ ya̱vyāva̍tyāṃ puruhūta śrava̱syā .
vṛ̱cīva̍nta̱ḥ śara̍ve̱ patya̍mānā̱ḥ pātrā̍ bhindā̱nā nya̱rthānyā̍yan .. 6.027.06
6 Three thousand, mailed, in quest of fame, together, on the Yavyavati, O much-sought Indra,
Vrcivan's sons, falling before the arrow, like bursting vessels went to their destruction.
Sloka : 6.27.7
यस्य॒ गावा॑वरु॒षा सू॑यव॒स्यू अ॒न्तरू॒ षु चर॑तो॒ रेरि॑हाणा ।
स सृञ्ज॑याय तु॒र्वशं॒ परा॑दाद्वृ॒चीव॑तो दैववा॒ताय॒ शिक्ष॑न् ॥ ६.०२७.०७
yasya̱ gāvā̍varu̱ṣā sū̍yava̱syū a̱ntarū̱ ṣu cara̍to̱ reri̍hāṇā .
sa sṛñja̍yāya tu̱rvaśa̱ṃ parā̍dādvṛ̱cīva̍to daivavā̱tāya̱ śikṣa̍n .. 6.027.07
7 He, whose two red Steers, seeking goodly pasture, plying their tongues move on 'twixt earth and heaven,
Gave Turvaśa to Sṛñjaya, and, to aid him, gave the Vrcivans up to Daivavata.
Sloka : 6.27.8
द्व॒याँ अ॑ग्ने र॒थिनो॑ विंश॒तिं गा व॒धूम॑तो म॒घवा॒ मह्यं॑ स॒म्राट् ।
अ॒भ्या॒व॒र्ती चा॑यमा॒नो द॑दाति दू॒णाशे॒यं दक्षि॑णा पार्थ॒वाना॑म् ॥ ६.०२७.०८
dva̱yām̐ a̍gne ra̱thino̍ viṃśa̱tiṃ gā va̱dhūma̍to ma̱ghavā̱ mahya̍ṃ sa̱mrāṭ .
a̱bhyā̱va̱rtī cā̍yamā̱no da̍dāti dū̱ṇāśe̱yaṃ dakṣi̍ṇā pārtha̱vānā̍m .. 6.027.08
8 Two wagon-teams, with damsels, twenty oxen, O Agni, Abhydvartin Cayamdna,
The liberal Sovran, giveth me. This guerdon of Prthu's seed is hard to win from others.
Sloka : 6.28.1
आ गावो॑ अग्मन्नु॒त भ॒द्रम॑क्र॒न्सीद॑न्तु गो॒ष्ठे र॒णय॑न्त्व॒स्मे ।
प्र॒जाव॑तीः पुरु॒रूपा॑ इ॒ह स्यु॒रिन्द्रा॑य पू॒र्वीरु॒षसो॒ दुहा॑नाः ॥ ६.०२८.०१
ā gāvo̍ agmannu̱ta bha̱drama̍kra̱nsīda̍ntu go̱ṣṭhe ra̱ṇaya̍ntva̱sme .
pra̱jāva̍tīḥ puru̱rūpā̍ i̱ha syu̱rindrā̍ya pū̱rvīru̱ṣaso̱ duhā̍nāḥ .. 6.028.01
1. THE Kine have come and brought good fortune:- let them rest in the cow-pen and be happy near us.
Here let them stay prolific, many-coloured, and yield through many morns their milk for Indra.
Sloka : 6.28.2
इन्द्रो॒ यज्व॑ने पृण॒ते च॑ शिक्ष॒त्युपेद्द॑दाति॒ न स्वं मु॑षायति ।
भूयो॑भूयो र॒यिमिद॑स्य व॒र्धय॒न्नभि॑न्ने खि॒ल्ये नि द॑धाति देव॒युम् ॥ ६.०२८.०२
indro̱ yajva̍ne pṛṇa̱te ca̍ śikṣa̱tyupedda̍dāti̱ na svaṃ mu̍ṣāyati .
bhūyo̍bhūyo ra̱yimida̍sya va̱rdhaya̱nnabhi̍nne khi̱lye ni da̍dhāti deva̱yum .. 6.028.02
2 Indra aids him who offers sacrifice and gifts:- he takes not what is his, and gives him more thereto.
Increasing ever more and ever more his wealth, he makes the pious dwell within unbroken bounds.
Sloka : 6.28.3
न ता न॑शन्ति॒ न द॑भाति॒ तस्क॑रो॒ नासा॑मामि॒त्रो व्यथि॒रा द॑धर्षति ।
दे॒वाँश्च॒ याभि॒र्यज॑ते॒ ददा॑ति च॒ ज्योगित्ताभिः॑ सचते॒ गोप॑तिः स॒ह ॥ ६.०२८.०३
na tā na̍śanti̱ na da̍bhāti̱ taska̍ro̱ nāsā̍māmi̱tro vyathi̱rā da̍dharṣati .
de̱vām̐śca̱ yābhi̱ryaja̍te̱ dadā̍ti ca̱ jyogittābhi̍ḥ sacate̱ gopa̍tiḥ sa̱ha .. 6.028.03
3 These are ne’er lost, no robber ever injures them:- no evil-minded foe attempts to harass them.
The master of the Kine lives many a year with these, the Cows whereby he pours his gifts and serves the Gods.
Sloka : 6.28.4
न ता अर्वा॑ रे॒णुक॑काटो अश्नुते॒ न सं॑स्कृत॒त्रमुप॑ यन्ति॒ ता अ॒भि ।
उ॒रु॒गा॒यमभ॑यं॒ तस्य॒ ता अनु॒ गावो॒ मर्त॑स्य॒ वि च॑रन्ति॒ यज्व॑नः ॥ ६.०२८.०४
na tā arvā̍ re̱ṇuka̍kāṭo aśnute̱ na sa̍ṃskṛta̱tramupa̍ yanti̱ tā a̱bhi .
u̱ru̱gā̱yamabha̍ya̱ṃ tasya̱ tā anu̱ gāvo̱ marta̍sya̱ vi ca̍ranti̱ yajva̍naḥ .. 6.028.04
4 The charger with his dusty brow o’ertakes them not, and never to the shambles do they take their way.
These Cows, the cattle of the pious worshipper, roam over widespread pasture where no danger is.
Sloka : 6.28.5
गावो॒ भगो॒ गाव॒ इन्द्रो॑ मे अच्छा॒न्गावः॒ सोम॑स्य प्रथ॒मस्य॑ भ॒क्षः ।
इ॒मा या गावः॒ स ज॑नास॒ इन्द्र॑ इ॒च्छामीद्धृ॒दा मन॑सा चि॒दिन्द्र॑म् ॥ ६.०२८.०५
gāvo̱ bhago̱ gāva̱ indro̍ me acchā̱ngāva̱ḥ soma̍sya pratha̱masya̍ bha̱kṣaḥ .
i̱mā yā gāva̱ḥ sa ja̍nāsa̱ indra̍ i̱cchāmīddhṛ̱dā mana̍sā ci̱dindra̍m .. 6.028.05
5 To me the Cows seem Bhaga, they seem Indra, they seem a portion of the first-poured Soma.
These present Cows, they, O ye Indra. I long for Indra with my heart and spirit.
Sloka : 6.28.6
यू॒यं गा॑वो मेदयथा कृ॒शं चि॑दश्री॒रं चि॑त्कृणुथा सु॒प्रती॑कम् ।
भ॒द्रं गृ॒हं कृ॑णुथ भद्रवाचो बृ॒हद्वो॒ वय॑ उच्यते स॒भासु॑ ॥ ६.०२८.०६
yū̱yaṃ gā̍vo medayathā kṛ̱śaṃ ci̍daśrī̱raṃ ci̍tkṛṇuthā su̱pratī̍kam .
bha̱draṃ gṛ̱haṃ kṛ̍ṇutha bhadravāco bṛ̱hadvo̱ vaya̍ ucyate sa̱bhāsu̍ .. 6.028.06
6 O Cows, ye fatten e’en the worn and wasted, and make the unlovely beautiful tolook on.
Prosper my house, ye with auspicious voices. Your power is glorified in our assemblies.
Sloka : 6.28.7
प्र॒जाव॑तीः सू॒यव॑सं रि॒शन्तीः॑ शु॒द्धा अ॒पः सु॑प्रपा॒णे पिब॑न्तीः ।
मा वः॑ स्ते॒न ई॑शत॒ माघशं॑सः॒ परि॑ वो हे॒ती रु॒द्रस्य॑ वृज्याः ॥ ६.०२८.०७
pra̱jāva̍tīḥ sū̱yava̍saṃ ri̱śantī̍ḥ śu̱ddhā a̱paḥ su̍prapā̱ṇe piba̍ntīḥ .
mā va̍ḥ ste̱na ī̍śata̱ māghaśa̍ṃsa̱ḥ pari̍ vo he̱tī ru̱drasya̍ vṛjyāḥ .. 6.028.07
7 Crop goodly pasturage and be prolific drink pure sweet water at good drinking places.
Never be thief or sinful man your matter, and may the dart of Rudra still avoid you.
Sloka : 6.28.8
उपे॒दमु॑प॒पर्च॑नमा॒सु गोषूप॑ पृच्यताम् ।
उप॑ ऋष॒भस्य॒ रेत॒स्युपे॑न्द्र॒ तव॑ वी॒र्ये॑ ॥ ६.०२८.०८
upe̱damu̍pa̱parca̍namā̱su goṣūpa̍ pṛcyatām .
upa̍ ṛṣa̱bhasya̱ reta̱syupe̍ndra̱ tava̍ vī̱rye̍ .. 6.028.08
8 Now let this close admixture be close intermigled with these Cows,
Mixt with the Steer's prolific flow, and, Indra, with thy hero might.
Sloka : 6.29.1
इन्द्रं॑ वो॒ नरः॑ स॒ख्याय॑ सेपुर्म॒हो यन्तः॑ सुम॒तये॑ चका॒नाः ।
म॒हो हि दा॒ता वज्र॑हस्तो॒ अस्ति॑ म॒हामु॑ र॒ण्वमव॑से यजध्वम् ॥ ६.०२९.०१
indra̍ṃ vo̱ nara̍ḥ sa̱khyāya̍ sepurma̱ho yanta̍ḥ suma̱taye̍ cakā̱nāḥ .
ma̱ho hi dā̱tā vajra̍hasto̱ asti̍ ma̱hāmu̍ ra̱ṇvamava̍se yajadhvam .. 6.029.01
1. YOUR men have followed Indra for his friendship, and for his loving-kindness glorified him.
For he bestows great wealth, the Thunder-wielder:- worship him, Great and Kind, to win his favour.
Sloka : 6.29.2
आ यस्मि॒न्हस्ते॒ नर्या॑ मिमि॒क्षुरा रथे॑ हिर॒ण्यये॑ रथे॒ष्ठाः ।
आ र॒श्मयो॒ गभ॑स्त्योः स्थू॒रयो॒राध्व॒न्नश्वा॑सो॒ वृष॑णो युजा॒नाः ॥ ६.०२९.०२
ā yasmi̱nhaste̱ naryā̍ mimi̱kṣurā rathe̍ hira̱ṇyaye̍ rathe̱ṣṭhāḥ .
ā ra̱śmayo̱ gabha̍styoḥ sthū̱rayo̱rādhva̱nnaśvā̍so̱ vṛṣa̍ṇo yujā̱nāḥ .. 6.029.02
2 Him to whose hand, men closely cling, and drivers stand on his golden chariot firmly stationed.
With his firm arms he holds the reins; his Horses, the Stallions, are yoked ready for the journey.
Sloka : 6.29.3
श्रि॒ये ते॒ पादा॒ दुव॒ आ मि॑मिक्षुर्धृ॒ष्णुर्व॒ज्री शव॑सा॒ दक्षि॑णावान् ।
वसा॑नो॒ अत्कं॑ सुर॒भिं दृ॒शे कं स्व१॒॑र्ण नृ॑तविषि॒रो ब॑भूथ ॥ ६.०२९.०३
śri̱ye te̱ pādā̱ duva̱ ā mi̍mikṣurdhṛ̱ṣṇurva̱jrī śava̍sā̱ dakṣi̍ṇāvān .
vasā̍no̱ atka̍ṃ sura̱bhiṃ dṛ̱śe kaṃ sva1̱̍rṇa nṛ̍taviṣi̱ro ba̍bhūtha .. 6.029.03
3 Thy devotees embrace thy feet for glory. Bold, thunder-armed, rich, through thy strength, in guerdon,
Robed in a garment fair as heaven to look on, thou hast displayed thee like an active dancer.
Sloka : 6.29.4
स सोम॒ आमि॑श्लतमः सु॒तो भू॒द्यस्मि॑न्प॒क्तिः प॒च्यते॒ सन्ति॑ धा॒नाः ।
इन्द्रं॒ नरः॑ स्तु॒वन्तो॑ ब्रह्मका॒रा उ॒क्था शंस॑न्तो दे॒ववा॑ततमाः ॥ ६.०२९.०४
sa soma̱ āmi̍ślatamaḥ su̱to bhū̱dyasmi̍npa̱ktiḥ pa̱cyate̱ santi̍ dhā̱nāḥ .
indra̱ṃ nara̍ḥ stu̱vanto̍ brahmakā̱rā u̱kthā śaṃsa̍nto de̱vavā̍tatamāḥ .. 6.029.04
4 That Soma when effused hath best consistence, for which the food is dressed and grain is mingled;
By which the men who pray, extolling Indra chief favourites of Gods, recite their praises.
Sloka : 6.29.5
न ते॒ अन्तः॒ शव॑सो धाय्य॒स्य वि तु बा॑बधे॒ रोद॑सी महि॒त्वा ।
आ ता सू॒रिः पृ॑णति॒ तूतु॑जानो यू॒थेवा॒प्सु स॒मीज॑मान ऊ॒ती ॥ ६.०२९.०५
na te̱ anta̱ḥ śava̍so dhāyya̱sya vi tu bā̍badhe̱ roda̍sī mahi̱tvā .
ā tā sū̱riḥ pṛ̍ṇati̱ tūtu̍jāno yū̱thevā̱psu sa̱mīja̍māna ū̱tī .. 6.029.05
5 No limit of thy might hath been appointed, which by its greatness sundered earth and heaven.
These the Prince filleth full with strong endeavour, driving, as ’twere, with help his flocks to waters.
Sloka : 6.29.6
ए॒वेदिन्द्रः॑ सु॒हव॑ ऋ॒ष्वो अ॑स्तू॒ती अनू॑ती हिरिशि॒प्रः सत्वा॑ ।
ए॒वा हि जा॒तो अस॑मात्योजाः पु॒रू च॑ वृ॒त्रा ह॑नति॒ नि दस्यू॑न् ॥ ६.०२९.०६
e̱vedindra̍ḥ su̱hava̍ ṛ̱ṣvo a̍stū̱tī anū̍tī hiriśi̱praḥ satvā̍ .
e̱vā hi jā̱to asa̍mātyojāḥ pu̱rū ca̍ vṛ̱trā ha̍nati̱ ni dasyū̍n .. 6.029.06
6 So be the lofty Indra prompt to listen, Helper unaided, golden-visored Hero.
Yea, so may he, shown forth in might unequalled, smite down the many Vṛtras and the Dasyus.
Sloka : 6.30.1
भूय॒ इद्वा॑वृधे वी॒र्या॑य॒ँ एको॑ अजु॒र्यो द॑यते॒ वसू॑नि ।
प्र रि॑रिचे दि॒व इन्द्रः॑ पृथि॒व्या अ॒र्धमिद॑स्य॒ प्रति॒ रोद॑सी उ॒भे ॥ ६.०३०.०१
bhūya̱ idvā̍vṛdhe vī̱ryā̍ya̱m̐ eko̍ aju̱ryo da̍yate̱ vasū̍ni .
pra ri̍rice di̱va indra̍ḥ pṛthi̱vyā a̱rdhamida̍sya̱ prati̱ roda̍sī u̱bhe .. 6.030.01
1. INDRA hath waxed yet more for hero prowess, alone, Eternal, he bestoweth treasures.
Indra transcendeth both the worlds in greatness:- one half of him equalleth earth and heaven.
Sloka : 6.30.2
अधा॑ मन्ये बृ॒हद॑सु॒र्य॑मस्य॒ यानि॑ दा॒धार॒ नकि॒रा मि॑नाति ।
दि॒वेदि॑वे॒ सूर्यो॑ दर्श॒तो भू॒द्वि सद्मा॑न्युर्वि॒या सु॒क्रतु॑र्धात् ॥ ६.०३०.०२
adhā̍ manye bṛ̱hada̍su̱rya̍masya̱ yāni̍ dā̱dhāra̱ naki̱rā mi̍nāti .
di̱vedi̍ve̱ sūryo̍ darśa̱to bhū̱dvi sadmā̍nyurvi̱yā su̱kratu̍rdhāt .. 6.030.02
2 Yea, mighty I esteem his Godlike nature:- none hindereth what he hath once determined.
Near and afar he spread and set the regions, and every day the Sun became apparent.
Sloka : 6.30.3
अ॒द्या चि॒न्नू चि॒त्तदपो॑ न॒दीनां॒ यदा॑भ्यो॒ अर॑दो गा॒तुमि॑न्द्र ।
नि पर्व॑ता अद्म॒सदो॒ न से॑दु॒स्त्वया॑ दृ॒ळ्हानि॑ सुक्रतो॒ रजां॑सि ॥ ६.०३०.०३
a̱dyā ci̱nnū ci̱ttadapo̍ na̱dīnā̱ṃ yadā̍bhyo̱ ara̍do gā̱tumi̍ndra .
ni parva̍tā adma̱sado̱ na se̍du̱stvayā̍ dṛ̱l̤hāni̍ sukrato̱ rajā̍ṃsi .. 6.030.03
3 E’en now endures thine exploit of the Rivers, when, Indra, for their floods thou clavest passage.
Like men who sit at meat the mountains settled:- by thee, Most Wise! the regions were made steadfast.
Sloka : 6.30.4
स॒त्यमित्तन्न त्वावा॑ँ अ॒न्यो अ॒स्तीन्द्र॑ दे॒वो न मर्त्यो॒ ज्याया॑न् ।
अह॒न्नहिं॑ परि॒शया॑न॒मर्णोऽवा॑सृजो अ॒पो अच्छा॑ समु॒द्रम् ॥ ६.०३०.०४
sa̱tyamittanna tvāvā̍m̐ a̱nyo a̱stīndra̍ de̱vo na martyo̱ jyāyā̍n .
aha̱nnahi̍ṃ pari̱śayā̍na̱marṇo'vā̍sṛjo a̱po acchā̍ samu̱dram .. 6.030.04
4 This is the truth, none else is like thee, Indra, no God superior to thee, no mortal.
Thou slewest Ahi who besieged the waters, and lettest loose the streams to hurry seaward.
Sloka : 6.30.5
त्वम॒पो वि दुरो॒ विषू॑ची॒रिन्द्र॑ दृ॒ळ्हम॑रुजः॒ पर्व॑तस्य ।
राजा॑भवो॒ जग॑तश्चर्षणी॒नां सा॒कं सूर्यं॑ ज॒नय॒न्द्यामु॒षास॑म् ॥ ६.०३०.०५
tvama̱po vi duro̱ viṣū̍cī̱rindra̍ dṛ̱l̤hama̍ruja̱ḥ parva̍tasya .
rājā̍bhavo̱ jaga̍taścarṣaṇī̱nāṃ sā̱kaṃ sūrya̍ṃ ja̱naya̱ndyāmu̱ṣāsa̍m .. 6.030.05
5 Indra, thou breakest up the floods and portals on all sides, and the firmness of the mountain.
Thou art the King of men, of all that liveth, engendering at once Sun, Heaven, and Morning.
Sloka : 6.31.1
अभू॒रेको॑ रयिपते रयी॒णामा हस्त॑योरधिथा इन्द्र कृ॒ष्टीः ।
वि तो॒के अ॒प्सु तन॑ये च॒ सूरेऽवो॑चन्त चर्ष॒णयो॒ विवा॑चः ॥ ६.०३१.०१
abhū̱reko̍ rayipate rayī̱ṇāmā hasta̍yoradhithā indra kṛ̱ṣṭīḥ .
vi to̱ke a̱psu tana̍ye ca̱ sūre'vo̍canta carṣa̱ṇayo̱ vivā̍caḥ .. 6.031.01
1. SOLE Lord of wealth art thou, O Lord of riches:- thou in thine hands hast held the people, Indra!
Men have invoked thee with contending voices for seed and waters, progeny and sunlight.
Sloka : 6.31.2
त्वद्भि॒येन्द्र॒ पार्थि॑वानि॒ विश्वाच्यु॑ता चिच्च्यावयन्ते॒ रजां॑सि ।
द्यावा॒क्षामा॒ पर्व॑तासो॒ वना॑नि॒ विश्वं॑ दृ॒ळ्हं भ॑यते॒ अज्म॒न्ना ते॑ ॥ ६.०३१.०२
tvadbhi̱yendra̱ pārthi̍vāni̱ viśvācyu̍tā ciccyāvayante̱ rajā̍ṃsi .
dyāvā̱kṣāmā̱ parva̍tāso̱ vanā̍ni̱ viśva̍ṃ dṛ̱l̤haṃ bha̍yate̱ ajma̱nnā te̍ .. 6.031.02
2 Through fear of thee, O Indra, all the regions of earth, though naught may move them, shake and tremble.
All that is firm is frightened at thy coming, -the earth, the heaven, the mountain, and the forest.
Sloka : 6.31.3
त्वं कुत्से॑ना॒भि शुष्ण॑मिन्द्रा॒शुषं॑ युध्य॒ कुय॑वं॒ गवि॑ष्टौ ।
दश॑ प्रपि॒त्वे अध॒ सूर्य॑स्य मुषा॒यश्च॒क्रमवि॑वे॒ रपां॑सि ॥ ६.०३१.०३
tvaṃ kutse̍nā̱bhi śuṣṇa̍mindrā̱śuṣa̍ṃ yudhya̱ kuya̍va̱ṃ gavi̍ṣṭau .
daśa̍ prapi̱tve adha̱ sūrya̍sya muṣā̱yaśca̱kramavi̍ve̱ rapā̍ṃsi .. 6.031.03
3 With Kutsa, Indra! thou didst conquer Śuṣṇa, voracious, bane of crops, in fight for cattle.
In the close fray thou rentest him:- thou stolest the Sun's wheel and didst drive away misfortunes.
Sloka : 6.31.4
त्वं श॒तान्यव॒ शम्ब॑रस्य॒ पुरो॑ जघन्थाप्र॒तीनि॒ दस्योः॑ ।
अशि॑क्षो॒ यत्र॒ शच्या॑ शचीवो॒ दिवो॑दासाय सुन्व॒ते सु॑तक्रे भ॒रद्वा॑जाय गृण॒ते वसू॑नि ॥ ६.०३१.०४
tvaṃ śa̱tānyava̱ śamba̍rasya̱ puro̍ jaghanthāpra̱tīni̱ dasyo̍ḥ .
aśi̍kṣo̱ yatra̱ śacyā̍ śacīvo̱ divo̍dāsāya sunva̱te su̍takre bha̱radvā̍jāya gṛṇa̱te vasū̍ni .. 6.031.04
4 Thou smotest to the ground the hundred castles, impregnable, of Śambara the Dasyu,
When, Strong, with might thou holpest Divodāsa who poured libations out, O Soma-buyer, and madest Bharadvāja rich who praised thee.
Sloka : 6.31.5
स स॑त्यसत्वन्मह॒ते रणा॑य॒ रथ॒मा ति॑ष्ठ तुविनृम्ण भी॒मम् ।
या॒हि प्र॑पथि॒न्नव॒सोप॑ म॒द्रिक्प्र च॑ श्रुत श्रावय चर्ष॒णिभ्यः॑ ॥ ६.०३१.०५
sa sa̍tyasatvanmaha̱te raṇā̍ya̱ ratha̱mā ti̍ṣṭha tuvinṛmṇa bhī̱mam .
yā̱hi pra̍pathi̱nnava̱sopa̍ ma̱drikpra ca̍ śruta śrāvaya carṣa̱ṇibhya̍ḥ .. 6.031.05
5 As such, true Hero, for great joy of battle mount thy terrific car, O Brave and Manly.
Come with thine help to me, thou distant Roamer, and, glorious God, spread among men my glory.
Sloka : 6.32.1
अपू॑र्व्या पुरु॒तमा॑न्यस्मै म॒हे वी॒राय॑ त॒वसे॑ तु॒राय॑ ।
वि॒र॒प्शिने॑ व॒ज्रिणे॒ शंत॑मानि॒ वचां॑स्या॒सा स्थवि॑राय तक्षम् ॥ ६.०३२.०१
apū̍rvyā puru̱tamā̍nyasmai ma̱he vī̱rāya̍ ta̱vase̍ tu̱rāya̍ .
vi̱ra̱pśine̍ va̱jriṇe̱ śaṃta̍māni̱ vacā̍ṃsyā̱sā sthavi̍rāya takṣam .. 6.032.01
1. I WITH my lips have fashioned for this Hero words never matched, most plentiful and auspicious,
For him the Ancient, Great, Strong, Energetic, the very mighty Wielder of the Thunder.
Sloka : 6.32.2
स मा॒तरा॒ सूर्ये॑णा कवी॒नामवा॑सयद्रु॒जदद्रिं॑ गृणा॒नः ।
स्वा॒धीभि॒रृक्व॑भिर्वावशा॒न उदु॒स्रिया॑णामसृजन्नि॒दान॑म् ॥ ६.०३२.०२
sa mā̱tarā̱ sūrye̍ṇā kavī̱nāmavā̍sayadru̱jadadri̍ṃ gṛṇā̱naḥ .
svā̱dhībhi̱rṛkva̍bhirvāvaśā̱na udu̱sriyā̍ṇāmasṛjanni̱dāna̍m .. 6.032.02
2 Amid the sages, with the Sun he brightened the Parents:- glorified, he burst the mountain;
And, roaring with the holy-thoughted singers, he loosed the bond that held the beams of Morning.
Sloka : 6.32.3
स वह्नि॑भि॒रृक्व॑भि॒र्गोषु॒ शश्व॑न्मि॒तज्ञु॑भिः पुरु॒कृत्वा॑ जिगाय ।
पुरः॑ पुरो॒हा सखि॑भिः सखी॒यन्दृ॒ळ्हा रु॑रोज क॒विभिः॑ क॒विः सन् ॥ ६.०३२.०३
sa vahni̍bhi̱rṛkva̍bhi̱rgoṣu̱ śaśva̍nmi̱tajñu̍bhiḥ puru̱kṛtvā̍ jigāya .
pura̍ḥ puro̱hā sakhi̍bhiḥ sakhī̱yandṛ̱l̤hā ru̍roja ka̱vibhi̍ḥ ka̱viḥ san .. 6.032.03
3 Famed for great deeds, with priests who kneel and laud him, he still hath conquered in the frays for cattle,
And broken down the forts, the Fort-destroyer, a Friend with friends, a Sage among the sages.
Sloka : 6.32.4
स नी॒व्या॑भिर्जरि॒तार॒मच्छा॑ म॒हो वाजे॑भिर्म॒हद्भि॑श्च॒ शुष्मैः॑ ।
पु॒रु॒वीरा॑भिर्वृषभ क्षिती॒नामा गि॑र्वणः सुवि॒ताय॒ प्र या॑हि ॥ ६.०३२.०४
sa nī̱vyā̍bhirjari̱tāra̱macchā̍ ma̱ho vāje̍bhirma̱hadbhi̍śca̱ śuṣmai̍ḥ .
pu̱ru̱vīrā̍bhirvṛṣabha kṣitī̱nāmā gi̍rvaṇaḥ suvi̱tāya̱ pra yā̍hi .. 6.032.04
4 Come with thy girthed mares, with abundant vigour and plenteous strength to him who sings thy praises.
Come hither, borne by mares with many heroes, Lover of song! Steer! for the people's welfare.
Sloka : 6.32.5
स सर्गे॑ण॒ शव॑सा त॒क्तो अत्यै॑र॒प इन्द्रो॑ दक्षिण॒तस्तु॑रा॒षाट् ।
इ॒त्था सृ॑जा॒ना अन॑पावृ॒दर्थं॑ दि॒वेदि॑वे विविषुरप्रमृ॒ष्यम् ॥ ६.०३२.०५
sa sarge̍ṇa̱ śava̍sā ta̱kto atyai̍ra̱pa indro̍ dakṣiṇa̱tastu̍rā̱ṣāṭ .
i̱tthā sṛ̍jā̱nā ana̍pāvṛ̱dartha̍ṃ di̱vedi̍ve viviṣurapramṛ̱ṣyam .. 6.032.05
5 Indra with rush and might, sped by his Coursers, hath swiftly won the waters from the southward.
Thus set at liberty the rivers daily flow to their goal, incessant and exhaustless.
Sloka : 6.33.1
य ओजि॑ष्ठ इन्द्र॒ तं सु नो॑ दा॒ मदो॑ वृषन्स्वभि॒ष्टिर्दास्वा॑न् ।
सौव॑श्व्यं॒ यो व॒नव॒त्स्वश्वो॑ वृ॒त्रा स॒मत्सु॑ सा॒सह॑द॒मित्रा॑न् ॥ ६.०३३.०१
ya oji̍ṣṭha indra̱ taṃ su no̍ dā̱ mado̍ vṛṣansvabhi̱ṣṭirdāsvā̍n .
sauva̍śvya̱ṃ yo va̱nava̱tsvaśvo̍ vṛ̱trā sa̱matsu̍ sā̱saha̍da̱mitrā̍n .. 6.033.01
1. GIVE us the rapture that is mightiest, Indra, prompt to bestow and swift to aid, O Hero,
That wins with brave steeds where brave steeds encounter, and quells the Vṛtras and the foes in battle.
Sloka : 6.33.2
त्वां ही॒३॒॑न्द्राव॑से॒ विवा॑चो॒ हव॑न्ते चर्ष॒णयः॒ शूर॑सातौ ।
त्वं विप्रे॑भि॒र्वि प॒णीँर॑शाय॒स्त्वोत॒ इत्सनि॑ता॒ वाज॒मर्वा॑ ॥ ६.०३३.०२
tvāṃ hī̱3̱̍ndrāva̍se̱ vivā̍co̱ hava̍nte carṣa̱ṇaya̱ḥ śūra̍sātau .
tvaṃ vipre̍bhi̱rvi pa̱ṇīm̐ra̍śāya̱stvota̱ itsani̍tā̱ vāja̱marvā̍ .. 6.033.02
2 For with loud voice the tribes invoke thee, Indra, to aid them in the battlefield of heroes.
Thou, with the singers, hast pierced through the Paṇis:- the charger whom thou aidest wins the booty.
Sloka : 6.33.3
त्वं ताँ इ॑न्द्रो॒भया॑ँ अ॒मित्रा॒न्दासा॑ वृ॒त्राण्यार्या॑ च शूर ।
वधी॒र्वने॑व॒ सुधि॑तेभि॒रत्कै॒रा पृ॒त्सु द॑र्षि नृ॒णां नृ॑तम ॥ ६.०३३.०३
tvaṃ tām̐ i̍ndro̱bhayā̍m̐ a̱mitrā̱ndāsā̍ vṛ̱trāṇyāryā̍ ca śūra .
vadhī̱rvane̍va̱ sudhi̍tebhi̱ratkai̱rā pṛ̱tsu da̍rṣi nṛ̱ṇāṃ nṛ̍tama .. 6.033.03
3 Both races, Indra, of opposing foemen, O Hero, both the Ārya and the Dāsa,
Hast thou struck down like woods with well-shot lightnings:- thou rentest them in fight, most manly Chieftain!
Sloka : 6.33.4
स त्वं न॑ इ॒न्द्राक॑वाभिरू॒ती सखा॑ वि॒श्वायु॑रवि॒ता वृ॒धे भूः॑ ।
स्व॑र्षाता॒ यद्ध्वया॑मसि त्वा॒ युध्य॑न्तो ने॒मधि॑ता पृ॒त्सु शू॑र ॥ ६.०३३.०४
sa tvaṃ na̍ i̱ndrāka̍vābhirū̱tī sakhā̍ vi̱śvāyu̍ravi̱tā vṛ̱dhe bhū̍ḥ .
sva̍rṣātā̱ yaddhvayā̍masi tvā̱ yudhya̍nto ne̱madhi̍tā pṛ̱tsu śū̍ra .. 6.033.04
4 Indra, befriend us with no scanty succour, prosper and aid us, Loved of all that liveth,
When, fighting for the sunlight, we invoke thee, O Hero, in the fray, in war's division.
Sloka : 6.33.5
नू॒नं न॑ इन्द्राप॒राय॑ च स्या॒ भवा॑ मृळी॒क उ॒त नो॑ अ॒भिष्टौ॑ ।
इ॒त्था गृ॒णन्तो॑ म॒हिन॑स्य॒ शर्म॑न्दि॒वि ष्या॑म॒ पार्ये॑ गो॒षत॑माः ॥ ६.०३३.०५
nū̱naṃ na̍ indrāpa̱rāya̍ ca syā̱ bhavā̍ mṛl̤ī̱ka u̱ta no̍ a̱bhiṣṭau̍ .
i̱tthā gṛ̱ṇanto̍ ma̱hina̍sya̱ śarma̍ndi̱vi ṣyā̍ma̱ pārye̍ go̱ṣata̍māḥ .. 6.033.05
5 Be ours, O Indra, now and for the future, be graciously inclined and near to help us.
Thus may we, singing, sheltered by the Mighty, win many cattle on the day of trial.
Sloka : 6.34.1
सं च॒ त्वे ज॒ग्मुर्गिर॑ इन्द्र पू॒र्वीर्वि च॒ त्वद्य॑न्ति वि॒भ्वो॑ मनी॒षाः ।
पु॒रा नू॒नं च॑ स्तु॒तय॒ ऋषी॑णां पस्पृ॒ध्र इन्द्रे॒ अध्यु॑क्था॒र्का ॥ ६.०३४.०१
saṃ ca̱ tve ja̱gmurgira̍ indra pū̱rvīrvi ca̱ tvadya̍nti vi̱bhvo̍ manī̱ṣāḥ .
pu̱rā nū̱naṃ ca̍ stu̱taya̱ ṛṣī̍ṇāṃ paspṛ̱dhra indre̱ adhyu̍kthā̱rkā .. 6.034.01
1. FULL Many songs have met in thee, O Indra, and many a noble thought from thee proceedeth.
Now and of old the eulogies of sages, their holy hymns and lauds, have yearned for Indra.
Sloka : 6.34.2
पु॒रु॒हू॒तो यः पु॑रुगू॒र्त ऋभ्वा॒ँ एकः॑ पुरुप्रश॒स्तो अस्ति॑ य॒ज्ञैः ।
रथो॒ न म॒हे शव॑से युजा॒नो॒३॒॑ऽस्माभि॒रिन्द्रो॑ अनु॒माद्यो॑ भूत् ॥ ६.०३४.०२
pu̱ru̱hū̱to yaḥ pu̍rugū̱rta ṛbhvā̱m̐ eka̍ḥ purupraśa̱sto asti̍ ya̱jñaiḥ .
ratho̱ na ma̱he śava̍se yujā̱no̱3̱̎smābhi̱rindro̍ anu̱mādyo̍ bhūt .. 6.034.02
2 He, praised of many, bold, invoked of many, alone is glorified at sacrifices.
Like a car harnessed for some great achievement, Indra must be the cause of our rejoicing.
Sloka : 6.34.3
न यं हिंस॑न्ति धी॒तयो॒ न वाणी॒रिन्द्रं॒ नक्ष॒न्तीद॒भि व॒र्धय॑न्तीः ।
यदि॑ स्तो॒तारः॑ श॒तं यत्स॒हस्रं॑ गृ॒णन्ति॒ गिर्व॑णसं॒ शं तद॑स्मै ॥ ६.०३४.०३
na yaṃ hiṃsa̍nti dhī̱tayo̱ na vāṇī̱rindra̱ṃ nakṣa̱ntīda̱bhi va̱rdhaya̍ntīḥ .
yadi̍ sto̱tāra̍ḥ śa̱taṃ yatsa̱hasra̍ṃ gṛ̱ṇanti̱ girva̍ṇasa̱ṃ śaṃ tada̍smai .. 6.034.03
3 They make their way to Indra and exalt him, bim whom no prayers and no laudations trouble;
For when a hundred or a thousand singers. laud him who loves the song their praise delights him.
Sloka : 6.34.4
अस्मा॑ ए॒तद्दि॒व्य१॒॑र्चेव॑ मा॒सा मि॑मि॒क्ष इन्द्रे॒ न्य॑यामि॒ सोमः॑ ।
जनं॒ न धन्व॑न्न॒भि सं यदापः॑ स॒त्रा वा॑वृधु॒र्हव॑नानि य॒ज्ञैः ॥ ६.०३४.०४
asmā̍ e̱taddi̱vya1̱̍rceva̍ mā̱sā mi̍mi̱kṣa indre̱ nya̍yāmi̱ soma̍ḥ .
jana̱ṃ na dhanva̍nna̱bhi saṃ yadāpa̍ḥ sa̱trā vā̍vṛdhu̱rhava̍nāni ya̱jñaiḥ .. 6.034.04
4 As brightness mingles with the Moon in heaven, the offered Soma yearns to mix with Indra.
Like water brought to men in desert places, our gifts at sacrifice have still refreshed him.
Sloka : 6.34.5
अस्मा॑ ए॒तन्मह्या॑ङ्गू॒षम॑स्मा॒ इन्द्रा॑य स्तो॒त्रं म॒तिभि॑रवाचि ।
अस॒द्यथा॑ मह॒ति वृ॑त्र॒तूर्य॒ इन्द्रो॑ वि॒श्वायु॑रवि॒ता वृ॒धश्च॑ ॥ ६.०३४.०५
asmā̍ e̱tanmahyā̍ṅgū̱ṣama̍smā̱ indrā̍ya sto̱traṃ ma̱tibhi̍ravāci .
asa̱dyathā̍ maha̱ti vṛ̍tra̱tūrya̱ indro̍ vi̱śvāyu̍ravi̱tā vṛ̱dhaśca̍ .. 6.034.05
5 To him this mighty eulogy, to Indra hath this our laud been uttered by the poets,
That in the great encounter with the foemen, Loved of all life, Indra may guard and help us.
Sloka : 6.35.1
क॒दा भु॑व॒न्रथ॑क्षयाणि॒ ब्रह्म॑ क॒दा स्तो॒त्रे स॑हस्रपो॒ष्यं॑ दाः ।
क॒दा स्तोमं॑ वासयोऽस्य रा॒या क॒दा धियः॑ करसि॒ वाज॑रत्नाः ॥ ६.०३५.०१
ka̱dā bhu̍va̱nratha̍kṣayāṇi̱ brahma̍ ka̱dā sto̱tre sa̍hasrapo̱ṣya̍ṃ dāḥ .
ka̱dā stoma̍ṃ vāsayo'sya rā̱yā ka̱dā dhiya̍ḥ karasi̱ vāja̍ratnāḥ .. 6.035.01
1. WHEN shall our prayers rest in thy car beside thee? When dost thou give the singer food for thousands?
When wilt thou clothe this poet's laud with plenty, and when wilt thou enrich our hymns with booty?
Sloka : 6.35.2
कर्हि॑ स्वि॒त्तदि॑न्द्र॒ यन्नृभि॒र्नॄन्वी॒रैर्वी॒रान्नी॒ळया॑से॒ जया॒जीन् ।
त्रि॒धातु॒ गा अधि॑ जयासि॒ गोष्विन्द्र॑ द्यु॒म्नं स्व॑र्वद्धेह्य॒स्मे ॥ ६.०३५.०२
karhi̍ svi̱ttadi̍ndra̱ yannṛbhi̱rnṝnvī̱rairvī̱rānnī̱l̤ayā̍se̱ jayā̱jīn .
tri̱dhātu̱ gā adhi̍ jayāsi̱ goṣvindra̍ dyu̱mnaṃ sva̍rvaddhehya̱sme .. 6.035.02
2 When wilt thou gatber men with men, O Indra, heroes with heroes, and prevail in combat?
Thou shalt win triply kine in frays for cattle, so, Indra, give thou us celestial glory.
Sloka : 6.35.3
कर्हि॑ स्वि॒त्तदि॑न्द्र॒ यज्ज॑रि॒त्रे वि॒श्वप्सु॒ ब्रह्म॑ कृ॒णवः॑ शविष्ठ ।
क॒दा धियो॒ न नि॒युतो॑ युवासे क॒दा गोम॑घा॒ हव॑नानि गच्छाः ॥ ६.०३५.०३
karhi̍ svi̱ttadi̍ndra̱ yajja̍ri̱tre vi̱śvapsu̱ brahma̍ kṛ̱ṇava̍ḥ śaviṣṭha .
ka̱dā dhiyo̱ na ni̱yuto̍ yuvāse ka̱dā goma̍ghā̱ hava̍nāni gacchāḥ .. 6.035.03
3 Yea, when wilt thou, O Indra, thou Most Mighty, make the prayer all-sustaining for the singer?
When wilt thou yoke, as we yoke songs, thy Horses, and come to offerings that bring wealth in cattle?
Sloka : 6.35.4
स गोम॑घा जरि॒त्रे अश्व॑श्चन्द्रा॒ वाज॑श्रवसो॒ अधि॑ धेहि॒ पृक्षः॑ ।
पी॒पि॒हीषः॑ सु॒दुघा॑मिन्द्र धे॒नुं भ॒रद्वा॑जेषु सु॒रुचो॑ रुरुच्याः ॥ ६.०३५.०४
sa goma̍ghā jari̱tre aśva̍ścandrā̱ vāja̍śravaso̱ adhi̍ dhehi̱ pṛkṣa̍ḥ .
pī̱pi̱hīṣa̍ḥ su̱dughā̍mindra dhe̱nuṃ bha̱radvā̍jeṣu su̱ruco̍ rurucyāḥ .. 6.035.04
4 Grant to the Singer food with store of cattle, splendid with horses and the fame of riches.
Send food to swell the milch-cow good at milking:- bright be its shine among the Bharadvājas.
Sloka : 6.35.5
तमा नू॒नं वृ॒जन॑म॒न्यथा॑ चि॒च्छूरो॒ यच्छ॑क्र॒ वि दुरो॑ गृणी॒षे ।
मा निर॑रं शुक्र॒दुघ॑स्य धे॒नोरा॑ङ्गिर॒सान्ब्रह्म॑णा विप्र जिन्व ॥ ६.०३५.०५
tamā nū̱naṃ vṛ̱jana̍ma̱nyathā̍ ci̱cchūro̱ yaccha̍kra̱ vi duro̍ gṛṇī̱ṣe .
mā nira̍raṃ śukra̱dugha̍sya dhe̱norā̍ṅgira̱sānbrahma̍ṇā vipra jinva .. 6.035.05
5 Lead otherwise this present foeman, Śakra! Hence art thou praised as Hero, foe destroyer
Him who gives pure gifts may I praise unceasing. Sage, quicken the Aṅgirases by devotion.
Sloka : 6.36.1
स॒त्रा मदा॑स॒स्तव॑ वि॒श्वज॑न्याः स॒त्रा रायोऽध॒ ये पार्थि॑वासः ।
स॒त्रा वाजा॑नामभवो विभ॒क्ता यद्दे॒वेषु॑ धा॒रय॑था असु॒र्य॑म् ॥ ६.०३६.०१
sa̱trā madā̍sa̱stava̍ vi̱śvaja̍nyāḥ sa̱trā rāyo'dha̱ ye pārthi̍vāsaḥ .
sa̱trā vājā̍nāmabhavo vibha̱ktā yadde̱veṣu̍ dhā̱raya̍thā asu̱rya̍m .. 6.036.01
1. THY raptures ever were for all men's profit:- so evermore have been thine earthly riches.
Thou still hast been the dealer-forth of vigour, since among Gods thou hast had power and Godhead.
Sloka : 6.36.2
अनु॒ प्र ये॑जे॒ जन॒ ओजो॑ अस्य स॒त्रा द॑धिरे॒ अनु॑ वी॒र्या॑य ।
स्यू॒म॒गृभे॒ दुध॒येऽर्व॑ते च॒ क्रतुं॑ वृञ्ज॒न्त्यपि॑ वृत्र॒हत्ये॑ ॥ ६.०३६.०२
anu̱ pra ye̍je̱ jana̱ ojo̍ asya sa̱trā da̍dhire̱ anu̍ vī̱ryā̍ya .
syū̱ma̱gṛbhe̱ dudha̱ye'rva̍te ca̱ kratu̍ṃ vṛñja̱ntyapi̍ vṛtra̱hatye̍ .. 6.036.02
2 Men have obtained his strength by sacrificing, and ever urged him, on to hero valour.
For the rein-seizing, the impetuous Charger they furnished power even for Vṛtra's slaughter.
Sloka : 6.36.3
तं स॒ध्रीची॑रू॒तयो॒ वृष्ण्या॑नि॒ पौंस्या॑नि नि॒युतः॑ सश्चु॒रिन्द्र॑म् ।
स॒मु॒द्रं न सिन्ध॑व उ॒क्थशु॑ष्मा उरु॒व्यच॑सं॒ गिर॒ आ वि॑शन्ति ॥ ६.०३६.०३
taṃ sa̱dhrīcī̍rū̱tayo̱ vṛṣṇyā̍ni̱ pauṃsyā̍ni ni̱yuta̍ḥ saścu̱rindra̍m .
sa̱mu̱draṃ na sindha̍va u̱kthaśu̍ṣmā uru̱vyaca̍sa̱ṃ gira̱ ā vi̍śanti .. 6.036.03
3 Associate with him, as teams of horses, help, manly might, and vigour follow Indra.
As rivers reach the sea, so, strong with praises, our holy songs reach him the Comprehensive.
Sloka : 6.36.4
स रा॒यस्खामुप॑ सृजा गृणा॒नः पु॑रुश्च॒न्द्रस्य॒ त्वमि॑न्द्र॒ वस्वः॑ ।
पति॑र्बभू॒थास॑मो॒ जना॑ना॒मेको॒ विश्व॑स्य॒ भुव॑नस्य॒ राजा॑ ॥ ६.०३६.०४
sa rā̱yaskhāmupa̍ sṛjā gṛṇā̱naḥ pu̍ruśca̱ndrasya̱ tvami̍ndra̱ vasva̍ḥ .
pati̍rbabhū̱thāsa̍mo̱ janā̍nā̱meko̱ viśva̍sya̱ bhuva̍nasya̱ rājā̍ .. 6.036.04
4 Lauded by us, let flow the spring, O Indra, of excellent and brightly-shining riches.
For thou art Lord of men, without an equal:- of all the world thou art the only Sovran.
Sloka : 6.36.5
स तु श्रु॑धि॒ श्रुत्या॒ यो दु॑वो॒युर्द्यौर्न भूमा॒भि रायो॑ अ॒र्यः ।
असो॒ यथा॑ नः॒ शव॑सा चका॒नो यु॒गेयु॑गे॒ वय॑सा॒ चेकि॑तानः ॥ ६.०३६.०५
sa tu śru̍dhi̱ śrutyā̱ yo du̍vo̱yurdyaurna bhūmā̱bhi rāyo̍ a̱ryaḥ .
aso̱ yathā̍ na̱ḥ śava̍sā cakā̱no yu̱geyu̍ge̱ vaya̍sā̱ ceki̍tānaḥ .. 6.036.05
5 Hear what thou mayst hear, thou who, fain for worship, as heaven girds earth, guardest thy servant's treasure;
Tlat thou mayst be our own, joying in power, famed through thy might in every generation.
Sloka : 6.37.1
अ॒र्वाग्रथं॑ वि॒श्ववा॑रं त उ॒ग्रेन्द्र॑ यु॒क्तासो॒ हर॑यो वहन्तु ।
की॒रिश्चि॒द्धि त्वा॒ हव॑ते॒ स्व॑र्वानृधी॒महि॑ सध॒माद॑स्ते अ॒द्य ॥ ६.०३७.०१
a̱rvāgratha̍ṃ vi̱śvavā̍raṃ ta u̱grendra̍ yu̱ktāso̱ hara̍yo vahantu .
kī̱riści̱ddhi tvā̱ hava̍te̱ sva̍rvānṛdhī̱mahi̍ sadha̱māda̍ste a̱dya .. 6.037.01
1. LET thy Bay Horses, yoked, O mighty Indra, bring thy car hither fraught with every blessing.
For thee, the Heavenly, e’en the poor invoketh:- may we this day, thy feast-companions, prosper.
Sloka : 6.37.2
प्रो द्रोणे॒ हर॑यः॒ कर्मा॑ग्मन्पुना॒नास॒ ऋज्य॑न्तो अभूवन् ।
इन्द्रो॑ नो अ॒स्य पू॒र्व्यः प॑पीयाद्द्यु॒क्षो मद॑स्य सो॒म्यस्य॒ राजा॑ ॥ ६.०३७.०२
pro droṇe̱ hara̍ya̱ḥ karmā̍gmanpunā̱nāsa̱ ṛjya̍nto abhūvan .
indro̍ no a̱sya pū̱rvyaḥ pa̍pīyāddyu̱kṣo mada̍sya so̱myasya̱ rājā̍ .. 6.037.02
2 Forth to the vat the brown drops flow for service, and purified proceed directly forward.
May Indra drink of this, our guest aforetime, Celestial King of the strong draught of Soma.
Sloka : 6.37.3
आ॒स॒स्रा॒णासः॑ शवसा॒नमच्छेन्द्रं॑ सुच॒क्रे र॒थ्या॑सो॒ अश्वाः॑ ।
अ॒भि श्रव॒ ऋज्य॑न्तो वहेयु॒र्नू चि॒न्नु वा॒योर॒मृतं॒ वि द॑स्येत् ॥ ६.०३७.०३
ā̱sa̱srā̱ṇāsa̍ḥ śavasā̱namacchendra̍ṃ suca̱kre ra̱thyā̍so̱ aśvā̍ḥ .
a̱bhi śrava̱ ṛjya̍nto vaheyu̱rnū ci̱nnu vā̱yora̱mṛta̱ṃ vi da̍syet .. 6.037.03
3 Bringing us hitherward all-potent Indra on well-wheeled chariot, may the Steeds who bear him
Convey him on the road direct to glory, and ne’er may Vāyu's Amṛta cease and fail him.
Sloka : 6.37.4
वरि॑ष्ठो अस्य॒ दक्षि॑णामिय॒र्तीन्द्रो॑ म॒घोनां॑ तुविकू॒र्मित॑मः ।
यया॑ वज्रिवः परि॒यास्यंहो॑ म॒घा च॑ धृष्णो॒ दय॑से॒ वि सू॒रीन् ॥ ६.०३७.०४
vari̍ṣṭho asya̱ dakṣi̍ṇāmiya̱rtīndro̍ ma̱ghonā̍ṃ tuvikū̱rmita̍maḥ .
yayā̍ vajrivaḥ pari̱yāsyaṃho̍ ma̱ghā ca̍ dhṛṣṇo̱ daya̍se̱ vi sū̱rīn .. 6.037.04
4 Supreme, he stirs this man to give the guerdon,—Indra, most efficacious of the princes,—
Wherewith, O Thunderer, thou removest sorrow, and, Bold One! partest wealth among the nobles.
Sloka : 6.37.5
इन्द्रो॒ वाज॑स्य॒ स्थवि॑रस्य दा॒तेन्द्रो॑ गी॒र्भिर्व॑र्धतां वृ॒द्धम॑हाः ।
इन्द्रो॑ वृ॒त्रं हनि॑ष्ठो अस्तु॒ सत्वा ता सू॒रिः पृ॑णति॒ तूतु॑जानः ॥ ६.०३७.०५
indro̱ vāja̍sya̱ sthavi̍rasya dā̱tendro̍ gī̱rbhirva̍rdhatāṃ vṛ̱ddhama̍hāḥ .
indro̍ vṛ̱traṃ hani̍ṣṭho astu̱ satvā tā sū̱riḥ pṛ̍ṇati̱ tūtu̍jānaḥ .. 6.037.05
5 Indra is hewho gives enduring vigour:- may our songs magnify the God Most Mighty.
Best Vṛtra-slayer be the Hero Indra these things he gives as Prince, with strong endeavour.
Sloka : 6.38.1
अपा॑दि॒त उदु॑ नश्चि॒त्रत॑मो म॒हीं भ॑र्षद्द्यु॒मती॒मिन्द्र॑हूतिम् ।
पन्य॑सीं धी॒तिं दैव्य॑स्य॒ याम॒ञ्जन॑स्य रा॒तिं व॑नते सु॒दानुः॑ ॥ ६.०३८.०१
apā̍di̱ta udu̍ naści̱trata̍mo ma̱hīṃ bha̍rṣaddyu̱matī̱mindra̍hūtim .
panya̍sīṃ dhī̱tiṃ daivya̍sya̱ yāma̱ñjana̍sya rā̱tiṃ va̍nate su̱dānu̍ḥ .. 6.038.01
1. HE hath drunk hence, Most Marvellous, and carried away our great and splendid call on Indra.
The Bounteous, when we serve the Gods, accepteth song yet more famous and the gifts we bring him.
Sloka : 6.38.2
दू॒राच्चि॒दा व॑सतो अस्य॒ कर्णा॒ घोषा॒दिन्द्र॑स्य तन्यति ब्रुवा॒णः ।
एयमे॑नं दे॒वहू॑तिर्ववृत्यान्म॒द्र्य१॒॑गिन्द्र॑मि॒यमृ॒च्यमा॑ना ॥ ६.०३८.०२
dū̱rācci̱dā va̍sato asya̱ karṇā̱ ghoṣā̱dindra̍sya tanyati bruvā̱ṇaḥ .
eyame̍naṃ de̱vahū̍tirvavṛtyānma̱drya1̱̍gindra̍mi̱yamṛ̱cyamā̍nā .. 6.038.02
2 The speaker filleth with a cry to Indra his ears who cometh nigh e’en from a distance.
May this my call bring Indra to my presence, this call to Gods composed in sacred verses.
Sloka : 6.38.3
तं वो॑ धि॒या प॑र॒मया॑ पुरा॒जाम॒जर॒मिन्द्र॑म॒भ्य॑नूष्य॒र्कैः ।
ब्रह्मा॑ च॒ गिरो॑ दधि॒रे सम॑स्मिन्म॒हाँश्च॒ स्तोमो॒ अधि॑ वर्ध॒दिन्द्रे॑ ॥ ६.०३८.०३
taṃ vo̍ dhi̱yā pa̍ra̱mayā̍ purā̱jāma̱jara̱mindra̍ma̱bhya̍nūṣya̱rkaiḥ .
brahmā̍ ca̱ giro̍ dadhi̱re sama̍sminma̱hām̐śca̱ stomo̱ adhi̍ vardha̱dindre̍ .. 6.038.03
3 Him have I sung with my best song and praises, Indra of ancient birth and Everlasting.
For prayer and songs in him are concentrated:- let laud wax mighty when addressed to Indra:-
Sloka : 6.38.4
वर्धा॒द्यं य॒ज्ञ उ॒त सोम॒ इन्द्रं॒ वर्धा॒द्ब्रह्म॒ गिर॑ उ॒क्था च॒ मन्म॑ ।
वर्धाहै॑नमु॒षसो॒ याम॑न्न॒क्तोर्वर्धा॒न्मासाः॑ श॒रदो॒ द्याव॒ इन्द्र॑म् ॥ ६.०३८.०४
vardhā̱dyaṃ ya̱jña u̱ta soma̱ indra̱ṃ vardhā̱dbrahma̱ gira̍ u̱kthā ca̱ manma̍ .
vardhāhai̍namu̱ṣaso̱ yāma̍nna̱ktorvardhā̱nmāsā̍ḥ śa̱rado̱ dyāva̱ indra̍m .. 6.038.04
4 Indra, whom sacrifice shall strengthen, Soma, and song and hymn, and praises and devotion,
Whom Dawns shall strengthen when the night departeth, Indra whom days shall strengthen, months, and autumns.
Sloka : 6.38.5
ए॒वा ज॑ज्ञा॒नं सह॑से॒ असा॑मि वावृधा॒नं राध॑से च श्रु॒ताय॑ ।
म॒हामु॒ग्रमव॑से विप्र नू॒नमा वि॑वासेम वृत्र॒तूर्ये॑षु ॥ ६.०३८.०५
e̱vā ja̍jñā̱naṃ saha̍se̱ asā̍mi vāvṛdhā̱naṃ rādha̍se ca śru̱tāya̍ .
ma̱hāmu̱gramava̍se vipra nū̱namā vi̍vāsema vṛtra̱tūrye̍ṣu .. 6.038.05
5 Him, born for conquering might in full perfection, and waxen strongfor bounty and for glory,
Great, Powerful, will we to-day, O singer, invite to aid. us and to quell our foemen.
Sloka : 6.39.1
म॒न्द्रस्य॑ क॒वेर्दि॒व्यस्य॒ वह्ने॒र्विप्र॑मन्मनो वच॒नस्य॒ मध्वः॑ ।
अपा॑ न॒स्तस्य॑ सच॒नस्य॑ दे॒वेषो॑ युवस्व गृण॒ते गोअ॑ग्राः ॥ ६.०३९.०१
ma̱ndrasya̍ ka̱verdi̱vyasya̱ vahne̱rvipra̍manmano vaca̱nasya̱ madhva̍ḥ .
apā̍ na̱stasya̍ saca̱nasya̍ de̱veṣo̍ yuvasva gṛṇa̱te goa̍grāḥ .. 6.039.01
1. OF this our charming, our celestial Soma, eloquent, wise, Priest, with inspired devotion,
Of this thy close attendant, hast thou drunken. God, send the singer food with milk to grace it.
Sloka : 6.39.2
अ॒यमु॑शा॒नः पर्यद्रि॑मु॒स्रा ऋ॒तधी॑तिभिरृत॒युग्यु॑जा॒नः ।
रु॒जदरु॑ग्णं॒ वि व॒लस्य॒ सानुं॑ प॒णीँर्वचो॑भिर॒भि यो॑ध॒दिन्द्रः॑ ॥ ६.०३९.०२
a̱yamu̍śā̱naḥ paryadri̍mu̱srā ṛ̱tadhī̍tibhirṛta̱yugyu̍jā̱naḥ .
ru̱jadaru̍gṇa̱ṃ vi va̱lasya̱ sānu̍ṃ pa̱ṇīm̐rvaco̍bhira̱bhi yo̍dha̱dindra̍ḥ .. 6.039.02
2 Craving the kine, rushing against the mountain led on by Law, with holyminded comrades,
He broke the never-broken ridge of Vala. With words of might Indra subdued the Paṇis.
Sloka : 6.39.3
अ॒यं द्यो॑तयद॒द्युतो॒ व्य१॒॑क्तून्दो॒षा वस्तोः॑ श॒रद॒ इन्दु॑रिन्द्र ।
इ॒मं के॒तुम॑दधु॒र्नू चि॒दह्नां॒ शुचि॑जन्मन उ॒षस॑श्चकार ॥ ६.०३९.०३
a̱yaṃ dyo̍tayada̱dyuto̱ vya1̱̍ktūndo̱ṣā vasto̍ḥ śa̱rada̱ indu̍rindra .
i̱maṃ ke̱tuma̍dadhu̱rnū ci̱dahnā̱ṃ śuci̍janmana u̱ṣasa̍ścakāra .. 6.039.03
3 This Indu lighted darksome nights, O Indra, throughout the years, at morning and at evening.
Him have they stablished as the days' bright ensign. He made the Mornings to be born in splendour.
Sloka : 6.39.4
अ॒यं रो॑चयद॒रुचो॑ रुचा॒नो॒३॒॑ऽयं वा॑सय॒द्व्यृ१॒॑तेन॑ पू॒र्वीः ।
अ॒यमी॑यत ऋत॒युग्भि॒रश्वैः॑ स्व॒र्विदा॒ नाभि॑ना चर्षणि॒प्राः ॥ ६.०३९.०४
a̱yaṃ ro̍cayada̱ruco̍ rucā̱no̱3̱̎yaṃ vā̍saya̱dvyṛ1̱̍tena̍ pū̱rvīḥ .
a̱yamī̍yata ṛta̱yugbhi̱raśvai̍ḥ sva̱rvidā̱ nābhi̍nā carṣaṇi̱prāḥ .. 6.039.04
4 He shone and caused to shme the worlds that shone not. By Law he lighted up the host of Mornings.
He moves with Steeds yoked by eternal Order, contenting men with nave that finds the sunlight.
Sloka : 6.39.5
नू गृ॑णा॒नो गृ॑ण॒ते प्र॑त्न राज॒न्निषः॑ पिन्व वसु॒देया॑य पू॒र्वीः ।
अ॒प ओष॑धीरवि॒षा वना॑नि॒ गा अर्व॑तो॒ नॄनृ॒चसे॑ रिरीहि ॥ ६.०३९.०५
nū gṛ̍ṇā̱no gṛ̍ṇa̱te pra̍tna rāja̱nniṣa̍ḥ pinva vasu̱deyā̍ya pū̱rvīḥ .
a̱pa oṣa̍dhīravi̱ṣā vanā̍ni̱ gā arva̍to̱ nṝnṛ̱case̍ rirīhi .. 6.039.05
5 Now, praised, O Ancient King! fill thou the singer with plenteous food that he may deal forth treasures.
Give waters, herbs that have no poison, forests, and kine, and steeds, and men, to him who lauds thee.
Sloka : 6.40.1
इन्द्र॒ पिब॒ तुभ्यं॑ सु॒तो मदा॒याव॑ स्य॒ हरी॒ वि मु॑चा॒ सखा॑या ।
उ॒त प्र गा॑य ग॒ण आ नि॒षद्याथा॑ य॒ज्ञाय॑ गृण॒ते वयो॑ धाः ॥ ६.०४०.०१
indra̱ piba̱ tubhya̍ṃ su̱to madā̱yāva̍ sya̱ harī̱ vi mu̍cā̱ sakhā̍yā .
u̱ta pra gā̍ya ga̱ṇa ā ni̱ṣadyāthā̍ ya̱jñāya̍ gṛṇa̱te vayo̍ dhāḥ .. 6.040.01
1. DRINK, Indra; juice is shed to make thee joyful:- loose thy Bay Steeds and give thy friends their freedom.
Begin the song, seated in our assembly. Give strength for sacrifice to him who singeth.
Sloka : 6.40.2
अस्य॑ पिब॒ यस्य॑ जज्ञा॒न इ॑न्द्र॒ मदा॑य॒ क्रत्वे॒ अपि॑बो विरप्शिन् ।
तमु॑ ते॒ गावो॒ नर॒ आपो॒ अद्रि॒रिन्दुं॒ सम॑ह्यन्पी॒तये॒ सम॑स्मै ॥ ६.०४०.०२
asya̍ piba̱ yasya̍ jajñā̱na i̍ndra̱ madā̍ya̱ kratve̱ api̍bo virapśin .
tamu̍ te̱ gāvo̱ nara̱ āpo̱ adri̱rindu̱ṃ sama̍hyanpī̱taye̱ sama̍smai .. 6.040.02
2 Drink thou of this whereof at birth, O Indra, thou drankest, Mighty One for power and rapture.
The men, the pressing-stones, the cows, the waters have made this Soma ready for thy drinking.
Sloka : 6.40.3
समि॑द्धे अ॒ग्नौ सु॒त इ॑न्द्र॒ सोम॒ आ त्वा॑ वहन्तु॒ हर॑यो॒ वहि॑ष्ठाः ।
त्वा॒य॒ता मन॑सा जोहवी॒मीन्द्रा या॑हि सुवि॒ताय॑ म॒हे नः॑ ॥ ६.०४०.०३
sami̍ddhe a̱gnau su̱ta i̍ndra̱ soma̱ ā tvā̍ vahantu̱ hara̍yo̱ vahi̍ṣṭhāḥ .
tvā̱ya̱tā mana̍sā johavī̱mīndrā yā̍hi suvi̱tāya̍ ma̱he na̍ḥ .. 6.040.03
3 The fire is kindled, Soma pressed, O Indra:- let thy Bays, best to draw, convey thee hither.
With mind devoted, Indra, I invoke thee. Come, for our great prosperity approach us.
Sloka : 6.40.4
आ या॑हि॒ शश्व॑दुश॒ता य॑या॒थेन्द्र॑ म॒हा मन॑सा सोम॒पेय॑म् ।
उप॒ ब्रह्मा॑णि शृणव इ॒मा नोऽथा॑ ते य॒ज्ञस्त॒न्वे॒३॒॑ वयो॑ धात् ॥ ६.०४०.०४
ā yā̍hi̱ śaśva̍duśa̱tā ya̍yā̱thendra̍ ma̱hā mana̍sā soma̱peya̍m .
upa̱ brahmā̍ṇi śṛṇava i̱mā no'thā̍ te ya̱jñasta̱nve̱3̱̍ vayo̍ dhāt .. 6.040.04
4 Indra, come hither:- evermore thou camest through our great strong desire to drink the Soma.
Listen and hear the prayers which now we offer, and let this sacrifice increase thy vigour.
Sloka : 6.40.5
यदि॑न्द्र दि॒वि पार्ये॒ यदृध॒ग्यद्वा॒ स्वे सद॑ने॒ यत्र॒ वासि॑ ।
अतो॑ नो य॒ज्ञमव॑से नि॒युत्वा॑न्स॒जोषाः॑ पाहि गिर्वणो म॒रुद्भिः॑ ॥ ६.०४०.०५
yadi̍ndra di̱vi pārye̱ yadṛdha̱gyadvā̱ sve sada̍ne̱ yatra̱ vāsi̍ .
ato̍ no ya̱jñamava̍se ni̱yutvā̍nsa̱joṣā̍ḥ pāhi girvaṇo ma̱rudbhi̍ḥ .. 6.040.05
5 Mayst thou, O Indra, on the day of trial, present or absent, wheresoe’er thou dwellest,
Thence, with thy team, accordant with the Maruts, Song-lover! guard our sacrifice, to help us.
Sloka : 6.41.1
अहे॑ळमान॒ उप॑ याहि य॒ज्ञं तुभ्यं॑ पवन्त॒ इन्द॑वः सु॒तासः॑ ।
गावो॒ न व॑ज्रि॒न्स्वमोको॒ अच्छेन्द्रा ग॑हि प्रथ॒मो य॒ज्ञिया॑नाम् ॥ ६.०४१.०१
ahe̍l̤amāna̱ upa̍ yāhi ya̱jñaṃ tubhya̍ṃ pavanta̱ inda̍vaḥ su̱tāsa̍ḥ .
gāvo̱ na va̍jri̱nsvamoko̱ acchendrā ga̍hi pratha̱mo ya̱jñiyā̍nām .. 6.041.01
1. COME gracious to our sacrifice, O Indra:- pressed Soma-drops are purified to please thee.
As cattle seek their home, so Thunderwielder, come, Indra, first of those who claim our worship.
Sloka : 6.41.2
या ते॑ का॒कुत्सुकृ॑ता॒ या वरि॑ष्ठा॒ यया॒ शश्व॒त्पिब॑सि॒ मध्व॑ ऊ॒र्मिम् ।
तया॑ पाहि॒ प्र ते॑ अध्व॒र्युर॑स्था॒त्सं ते॒ वज्रो॑ वर्ततामिन्द्र ग॒व्युः ॥ ६.०४१.०२
yā te̍ kā̱kutsukṛ̍tā̱ yā vari̍ṣṭhā̱ yayā̱ śaśva̱tpiba̍si̱ madhva̍ ū̱rmim .
tayā̍ pāhi̱ pra te̍ adhva̱ryura̍sthā̱tsaṃ te̱ vajro̍ vartatāmindra ga̱vyuḥ .. 6.041.02
2 With that well-formed most wide-extending palate, wherewith thou ever drinkest streams of sweetness,
Drink thou; the Adhvaryu standeth up before thee:- let thy spoil-winning thunderbolt attend thee.
Sloka : 6.41.3
ए॒ष द्र॒प्सो वृ॑ष॒भो वि॒श्वरू॑प॒ इन्द्रा॑य॒ वृष्णे॒ सम॑कारि॒ सोमः॑ ।
ए॒तं पि॑ब हरिवः स्थातरुग्र॒ यस्येशि॑षे प्र॒दिवि॒ यस्ते॒ अन्न॑म् ॥ ६.०४१.०३
e̱ṣa dra̱pso vṛ̍ṣa̱bho vi̱śvarū̍pa̱ indrā̍ya̱ vṛṣṇe̱ sama̍kāri̱ soma̍ḥ .
e̱taṃ pi̍ba harivaḥ sthātarugra̱ yasyeśi̍ṣe pra̱divi̱ yaste̱ anna̍m .. 6.041.03
3 This drop, steer-strong and omniform, the Soma, hath been made ready for the Bull, for India.
Drink this, Lord of the Bays, thou Strong Supporter, this that is thine of old, thy food for ever.
Sloka : 6.41.4
सु॒तः सोमो॒ असु॑तादिन्द्र॒ वस्या॑न॒यं श्रेया॑ञ्चिकि॒तुषे॒ रणा॑य ।
ए॒तं ति॑तिर्व॒ उप॑ याहि य॒ज्ञं तेन॒ विश्वा॒स्तवि॑षी॒रा पृ॑णस्व ॥ ६.०४१.०४
su̱taḥ somo̱ asu̍tādindra̱ vasyā̍na̱yaṃ śreyā̍ñciki̱tuṣe̱ raṇā̍ya .
e̱taṃ ti̍tirva̱ upa̍ yāhi ya̱jñaṃ tena̱ viśvā̱stavi̍ṣī̱rā pṛ̍ṇasva .. 6.041.04
4 Soma when pressed excels the unpressed Soma, better, for one who knows, to give him pleasure.
Come to this sacrifice of ours, O Victor replenish all thy powers with this libation.
Sloka : 6.41.5
ह्वया॑मसि॒ त्वेन्द्र॑ याह्य॒र्वाङरं॑ ते॒ सोम॑स्त॒न्वे॑ भवाति ।
शत॑क्रतो मा॒दय॑स्वा सु॒तेषु॒ प्रास्माँ अ॑व॒ पृत॑नासु॒ प्र वि॒क्षु ॥ ६.०४१.०५
hvayā̍masi̱ tvendra̍ yāhya̱rvāṅara̍ṃ te̱ soma̍sta̱nve̍ bhavāti .
śata̍krato mā̱daya̍svā su̱teṣu̱ prāsmām̐ a̍va̱ pṛta̍nāsu̱ pra vi̱kṣu .. 6.041.05
5 We call on thee, O Indra:- come thou hither:- sufficient be the Soma for thy body.
Rejoice thee, Śatakratu! in the juices guard us in wars, guard us among our people.
Sloka : 6.42.1
प्रत्य॑स्मै॒ पिपी॑षते॒ विश्वा॑नि वि॒दुषे॑ भर ।
अ॒रं॒ग॒माय॒ जग्म॒येऽप॑श्चाद्दघ्वने॒ नरे॑ ॥ ६.०४२.०१
pratya̍smai̱ pipī̍ṣate̱ viśvā̍ni vi̱duṣe̍ bhara .
a̱ra̱ṃga̱māya̱ jagma̱ye'pa̍ścāddaghvane̱ nare̍ .. 6.042.01
1. BRING sacrificial gifts to him, Omniscient, for he longs to drink,
The Wanderer who comes with speed, the Hero ever in the van.
Sloka : 6.42.2
एमे॑नं प्र॒त्येत॑न॒ सोमे॑भिः सोम॒पात॑मम् ।
अम॑त्रेभिरृजी॒षिण॒मिन्द्रं॑ सु॒तेभि॒रिन्दु॑भिः ॥ ६.०४२.०२
eme̍naṃ pra̱tyeta̍na̱ some̍bhiḥ soma̱pāta̍mam .
ama̍trebhirṛjī̱ṣiṇa̱mindra̍ṃ su̱tebhi̱rindu̍bhiḥ .. 6.042.02
2 With Soma go ye nigh to him chief drinker of the Soma's juice:-
With beakers to the Impetuous God, to Indra with the drops effused.
Sloka : 6.42.3
यदी॑ सु॒तेभि॒रिन्दु॑भिः॒ सोमे॑भिः प्रति॒भूष॑थ ।
वेदा॒ विश्व॑स्य॒ मेधि॑रो धृ॒षत्तंत॒मिदेष॑ते ॥ ६.०४२.०३
yadī̍ su̱tebhi̱rindu̍bhi̱ḥ some̍bhiḥ prati̱bhūṣa̍tha .
vedā̱ viśva̍sya̱ medhi̍ro dhṛ̱ṣattaṃta̱mideṣa̍te .. 6.042.03
3 What time, with Soma, with the juice effused, ye come before the God,
Full wise he knows the hope of each, and, Bold One, strikes this foe and that.
Sloka : 6.42.4
अ॒स्माअ॑स्मा॒ इदन्ध॒सोऽध्व॑र्यो॒ प्र भ॑रा सु॒तम् ।
कु॒वित्स॑मस्य॒ जेन्य॑स्य॒ शर्ध॑तो॒ऽभिश॑स्तेरव॒स्पर॑त् ॥ ६.०४२.०४
a̱smāa̍smā̱ idandha̱so'dhva̍ryo̱ pra bha̍rā su̱tam .
ku̱vitsa̍masya̱ jenya̍sya̱ śardha̍to̱'bhiśa̍sterava̱spara̍t .. 6.042.04
4 To him, Adhvaryu! yea, to him give offerings of the juice expressed.
Will he not keep us safely from the spiteful curse of each presumptuous high-born foe?
Sloka : 6.43.1
यस्य॒ त्यच्छम्ब॑रं॒ मदे॒ दिवो॑दासाय र॒न्धयः॑ ।
अ॒यं स सोम॑ इन्द्र ते सु॒तः पिब॑ ॥ ६.०४३.०१
yasya̱ tyacchamba̍ra̱ṃ made̱ divo̍dāsāya ra̱ndhaya̍ḥ .
a̱yaṃ sa soma̍ indra te su̱taḥ piba̍ .. 6.043.01
1. IN whose wild joy thou madest once Śambara Divodāsa's prey,
This Soma is pressed out for thee, O Indra:- drink!
Sloka : 6.43.2
यस्य॑ तीव्र॒सुतं॒ मदं॒ मध्य॒मन्तं॑ च॒ रक्ष॑से ।
अ॒यं स सोम॑ इन्द्र ते सु॒तः पिब॑ ॥ ६.०४३.०२
yasya̍ tīvra̱suta̱ṃ mada̱ṃ madhya̱manta̍ṃ ca̱ rakṣa̍se .
a̱yaṃ sa soma̍ indra te su̱taḥ piba̍ .. 6.043.02
2 Whose gladdening draught, shed from the points, thou guardest in the midst and end,
This Soma is pressed out for thee, O Indra drink!
Sloka : 6.43.3
यस्य॒ गा अ॒न्तरश्म॑नो॒ मदे॑ दृ॒ळ्हा अ॒वासृ॑जः ।
अ॒यं स सोम॑ इन्द्र ते सु॒तः पिब॑ ॥ ६.०४३.०३
yasya̱ gā a̱ntaraśma̍no̱ made̍ dṛ̱l̤hā a̱vāsṛ̍jaḥ .
a̱yaṃ sa soma̍ indra te su̱taḥ piba̍ .. 6.043.03
3 In whose wild joy thou settest free the kine held fast within the rock,
This Soma is pressed out for thee, O Indra:- drink!
Sloka : 6.43.4
यस्य॑ मन्दा॒नो अन्ध॑सो॒ माघो॑नं दधि॒षे शवः॑ ।
अ॒यं स सोम॑ इन्द्र ते सु॒तः पिब॑ ॥ ६.०४३.०४
yasya̍ mandā̱no andha̍so̱ māgho̍naṃ dadhi̱ṣe śava̍ḥ .
a̱yaṃ sa soma̍ indra te su̱taḥ piba̍ .. 6.043.04
4 This, in whose juice delighting thou gainest the might of Maghavan,
This Soma is pressed out for thee, O Indra drink!
Sloka : 6.44.1
यो र॑यिवो र॒यिंत॑मो॒ यो द्यु॒म्नैर्द्यु॒म्नव॑त्तमः ।
सोमः॑ सु॒तः स इ॑न्द्र॒ तेऽस्ति॑ स्वधापते॒ मदः॑ ॥ ६.०४४.०१
yo ra̍yivo ra̱yiṃta̍mo̱ yo dyu̱mnairdyu̱mnava̍ttamaḥ .
soma̍ḥ su̱taḥ sa i̍ndra̱ te'sti̍ svadhāpate̱ mada̍ḥ .. 6.044.01
1. THAT which is wealthiest, Wealthy God in splendoursmost illustrious,
Soma is pressed:- thy gladdening draught, Indra! libation's Lord! is this.
Sloka : 6.44.2
यः श॒ग्मस्तु॑विशग्म ते रा॒यो दा॒मा म॑ती॒नाम् ।
सोमः॑ सु॒तः स इ॑न्द्र॒ तेऽस्ति॑ स्वधापते॒ मदः॑ ॥ ६.०४४.०२
yaḥ śa̱gmastu̍viśagma te rā̱yo dā̱mā ma̍tī̱nām .
soma̍ḥ su̱taḥ sa i̍ndra̱ te'sti̍ svadhāpate̱ mada̍ḥ .. 6.044.02
2 Effectual, Most Effectual One! thine, as bestowing wealth of hymns,
Soma is pressed:- thy gladdening draught, Indra! libation's Lord! is this.
Sloka : 6.44.3
येन॑ वृ॒द्धो न शव॑सा तु॒रो न स्वाभि॑रू॒तिभिः॑ ।
सोमः॑ सु॒तः स इ॑न्द्र॒ तेऽस्ति॑ स्वधापते॒ मदः॑ ॥ ६.०४४.०३
yena̍ vṛ̱ddho na śava̍sā tu̱ro na svābhi̍rū̱tibhi̍ḥ .
soma̍ḥ su̱taḥ sa i̍ndra̱ te'sti̍ svadhāpate̱ mada̍ḥ .. 6.044.03
3 Wherewith thou art increased in strength, and conquerest with thy proper aids,
Soma is pressed:- thy gladdening draught, Indra! libation's Lord! is this.
Sloka : 6.44.4
त्यमु॑ वो॒ अप्र॑हणं गृणी॒षे शव॑स॒स्पति॑म् ।
इन्द्रं॑ विश्वा॒साहं॒ नरं॒ मंहि॑ष्ठं वि॒श्वच॑र्षणिम् ॥ ६.०४४.०४
tyamu̍ vo̱ apra̍haṇaṃ gṛṇī̱ṣe śava̍sa̱spati̍m .
indra̍ṃ viśvā̱sāha̱ṃ nara̱ṃ maṃhi̍ṣṭhaṃ vi̱śvaca̍rṣaṇim .. 6.044.04
4 Him for your sake I glorify as Lord of Strength who wrongeth none,
The Hero Indra, conquering all, Most Bounteous, God of all the tribes.
Sloka : 6.44.5
यं व॒र्धय॒न्तीद्गिरः॒ पतिं॑ तु॒रस्य॒ राध॑सः ।
तमिन्न्व॑स्य॒ रोद॑सी दे॒वी शुष्मं॑ सपर्यतः ॥ ६.०४४.०५
yaṃ va̱rdhaya̱ntīdgira̱ḥ pati̍ṃ tu̱rasya̱ rādha̍saḥ .
taminnva̍sya̱ roda̍sī de̱vī śuṣma̍ṃ saparyataḥ .. 6.044.05
5 Those Goddesses, both Heaven and Earth, revere the power and might of him,
Him whom our songs increase in strength, the Lord of bounty swift to come.
Sloka : 6.44.6
तद्व॑ उ॒क्थस्य॑ ब॒र्हणेन्द्रा॑योपस्तृणी॒षणि॑ ।
विपो॒ न यस्यो॒तयो॒ वि यद्रोह॑न्ति स॒क्षितः॑ ॥ ६.०४४.०६
tadva̍ u̱kthasya̍ ba̱rhaṇendrā̍yopastṛṇī̱ṣaṇi̍ .
vipo̱ na yasyo̱tayo̱ vi yadroha̍nti sa̱kṣita̍ḥ .. 6.044.06
6 To seat your Indra, I will spread abroad with power this song of praise.
The saving succours that abide in him, like songs, extend and grow.
Sloka : 6.44.7
अवि॑द॒द्दक्षं॑ मि॒त्रो नवी॑यान्पपा॒नो दे॒वेभ्यो॒ वस्यो॑ अचैत् ।
स॒स॒वान्स्तौ॒लाभि॑र्धौ॒तरी॑भिरुरु॒ष्या पा॒युर॑भव॒त्सखि॑भ्यः ॥ ६.०४४.०७
avi̍da̱ddakṣa̍ṃ mi̱tro navī̍yānpapā̱no de̱vebhyo̱ vasyo̍ acait .
sa̱sa̱vānstau̱lābhi̍rdhau̱tarī̍bhiruru̱ṣyā pā̱yura̍bhava̱tsakhi̍bhyaḥ .. 6.044.07
7 A recent Friend, he found the skilful priest:- he drank, and showed forth treasure from the Gods.
He conquered, borne by strong all-shaking mares, and was with far-spread power his friends' Protector.
Sloka : 6.44.8
ऋ॒तस्य॑ प॒थि वे॒धा अ॑पायि श्रि॒ये मनां॑सि दे॒वासो॑ अक्रन् ।
दधा॑नो॒ नाम॑ म॒हो वचो॑भि॒र्वपु॑र्दृ॒शये॑ वे॒न्यो व्या॑वः ॥ ६.०४४.०८
ṛ̱tasya̍ pa̱thi ve̱dhā a̍pāyi śri̱ye manā̍ṃsi de̱vāso̍ akran .
dadhā̍no̱ nāma̍ ma̱ho vaco̍bhi̱rvapu̍rdṛ̱śaye̍ ve̱nyo vyā̍vaḥ .. 6.044.08
8 In course of Law the sapient juice was quaffed:- the Deities to glory turned their mind.
Winning through hymns a lofty title, he, the Lovely, made his beauteous form apparent.
Sloka : 6.44.9
द्यु॒मत्त॑मं॒ दक्षं॑ धेह्य॒स्मे सेधा॒ जना॑नां पू॒र्वीररा॑तीः ।
वर्षी॑यो॒ वयः॑ कृणुहि॒ शची॑भि॒र्धन॑स्य सा॒ताव॒स्माँ अ॑विड्ढि ॥ ६.०४४.०९
dyu̱matta̍ma̱ṃ dakṣa̍ṃ dhehya̱sme sedhā̱ janā̍nāṃ pū̱rvīrarā̍tīḥ .
varṣī̍yo̱ vaya̍ḥ kṛṇuhi̱ śacī̍bhi̱rdhana̍sya sā̱tāva̱smām̐ a̍viḍḍhi .. 6.044.09
9 Bestow on us the most illustrious strength ward off men's manifold malignities.
Give with thy might abundant vital force, and aid us graciously in gaining riches.
Sloka : 6.44.10
इन्द्र॒ तुभ्य॒मिन्म॑घवन्नभूम व॒यं दा॒त्रे ह॑रिवो॒ मा वि वे॑नः ।
नकि॑रा॒पिर्द॑दृशे मर्त्य॒त्रा किम॒ङ्ग र॑ध्र॒चोद॑नं त्वाहुः ॥ ६.०४४.१०
indra̱ tubhya̱minma̍ghavannabhūma va̱yaṃ dā̱tre ha̍rivo̱ mā vi ve̍naḥ .
naki̍rā̱pirda̍dṛśe martya̱trā kima̱ṅga ra̍dhra̱coda̍naṃ tvāhuḥ .. 6.044.10
10 We turn to thee as Giver, liberal Indra. Lord of the Bay Steeds, be not thou ungracious.
No friend among mankind have we to lookto:- why have men called thee him who spurs the niggard?
Sloka : 6.44.11
मा जस्व॑ने वृषभ नो ररीथा॒ मा ते॑ रे॒वतः॑ स॒ख्ये रि॑षाम ।
पू॒र्वीष्ट॑ इन्द्र नि॒ष्षिधो॒ जने॑षु ज॒ह्यसु॑ष्वी॒न्प्र वृ॒हापृ॑णतः ॥ ६.०४४.११
mā jasva̍ne vṛṣabha no rarīthā̱ mā te̍ re̱vata̍ḥ sa̱khye ri̍ṣāma .
pū̱rvīṣṭa̍ indra ni̱ṣṣidho̱ jane̍ṣu ja̱hyasu̍ṣvī̱npra vṛ̱hāpṛ̍ṇataḥ .. 6.044.11
11 Give us not up, Strong Hero! to the hungry:- unharmed be we whom thou, so rich, befriendest.
Full many a boon hast thou for men demolish those who present no gifts nor pour oblations.
Sloka : 6.44.12
उद॒भ्राणी॑व स्त॒नय॑न्निय॒र्तीन्द्रो॒ राधां॒स्यश्व्या॑नि॒ गव्या॑ ।
त्वम॑सि प्र॒दिवः॑ का॒रुधा॑या॒ मा त्वा॑दा॒मान॒ आ द॑भन्म॒घोनः॑ ॥ ६.०४४.१२
uda̱bhrāṇī̍va sta̱naya̍nniya̱rtīndro̱ rādhā̱ṃsyaśvyā̍ni̱ gavyā̍ .
tvama̍si pra̱diva̍ḥ kā̱rudhā̍yā̱ mā tvā̍dā̱māna̱ ā da̍bhanma̱ghona̍ḥ .. 6.044.12
12 As Indra thundering impels the rain-clouds, so doth he send us store of kine and horses.
Thou art of old the Cherisher of singers let not the rich who bring no gifts deceive thee.
Sloka : 6.44.13
अध्व॑र्यो वीर॒ प्र म॒हे सु॒ताना॒मिन्द्रा॑य भर॒ स ह्य॑स्य॒ राजा॑ ।
यः पू॒र्व्याभि॑रु॒त नूत॑नाभिर्गी॒र्भिर्वा॑वृ॒धे गृ॑ण॒तामृषी॑णाम् ॥ ६.०४४.१३
adhva̍ryo vīra̱ pra ma̱he su̱tānā̱mindrā̍ya bhara̱ sa hya̍sya̱ rājā̍ .
yaḥ pū̱rvyābhi̍ru̱ta nūta̍nābhirgī̱rbhirvā̍vṛ̱dhe gṛ̍ṇa̱tāmṛṣī̍ṇām .. 6.044.13
13 Adbyaryu, hero, bring to mighty Indrafor he is King thereof-the pressed-out juices;
To him exalted by the hymns and praises, ancient and modern, of the singing Ṛṣis.
Sloka : 6.44.14
अ॒स्य मदे॑ पु॒रु वर्पां॑सि वि॒द्वानिन्द्रो॑ वृ॒त्राण्य॑प्र॒ती ज॑घान ।
तमु॒ प्र हो॑षि॒ मधु॑मन्तमस्मै॒ सोमं॑ वी॒राय॑ शि॒प्रिणे॒ पिब॑ध्यै ॥ ६.०४४.१४
a̱sya made̍ pu̱ru varpā̍ṃsi vi̱dvānindro̍ vṛ̱trāṇya̍pra̱tī ja̍ghāna .
tamu̱ pra ho̍ṣi̱ madhu̍mantamasmai̱ soma̍ṃ vī̱rāya̍ śi̱priṇe̱ piba̍dhyai .. 6.044.14
14 In the wild joy of this hath Indra, knowing full many a form, struck down resistless Vṛtras.
Proclaim aloud to him the savoury Soma so that the Hero, strong of jaw, may drink it.
Sloka : 6.44.15
पाता॑ सु॒तमिन्द्रो॑ अस्तु॒ सोमं॒ हन्ता॑ वृ॒त्रं वज्रे॑ण मन्दसा॒नः ।
गन्ता॑ य॒ज्ञं प॑रा॒वत॑श्चि॒दच्छा॒ वसु॑र्धी॒नाम॑वि॒ता का॒रुधा॑याः ॥ ६.०४४.१५
pātā̍ su̱tamindro̍ astu̱ soma̱ṃ hantā̍ vṛ̱traṃ vajre̍ṇa mandasā̱naḥ .
gantā̍ ya̱jñaṃ pa̍rā̱vata̍ści̱dacchā̱ vasu̍rdhī̱nāma̍vi̱tā kā̱rudhā̍yāḥ .. 6.044.15
15 May Indra drink this Soma poured to please him, and cheered therewith slay Vṛtra with his thunder.
Come to our sacrifice even from a distance, good lover of our songs, the bard's Supporter.
Sloka : 6.44.16
इ॒दं त्यत्पात्र॑मिन्द्र॒पान॒मिन्द्र॑स्य प्रि॒यम॒मृत॑मपायि ।
मत्स॒द्यथा॑ सौमन॒साय॑ दे॒वं व्य१॒॑स्मद्द्वेषो॑ यु॒यव॒द्व्यंहः॑ ॥ ६.०४४.१६
i̱daṃ tyatpātra̍mindra̱pāna̱mindra̍sya pri̱yama̱mṛta̍mapāyi .
matsa̱dyathā̍ saumana̱sāya̍ de̱vaṃ vya1̱̍smaddveṣo̍ yu̱yava̱dvyaṃha̍ḥ .. 6.044.16
16 The cup whence Indra drinks the draught is present:- the Amṛta dear to Indra hath been drunken,
That it may cheer the God to gracious favour, and keep far from us hatred and affliction.
Sloka : 6.44.17
ए॒ना म॑न्दा॒नो ज॒हि शू॑र॒ शत्रू॑ञ्जा॒मिमजा॑मिं मघवन्न॒मित्रा॑न् ।
अ॒भि॒षे॒णाँ अ॒भ्या॒३॒॑देदि॑शाना॒न्परा॑च इन्द्र॒ प्र मृ॑णा ज॒ही च॑ ॥ ६.०४४.१७
e̱nā ma̍ndā̱no ja̱hi śū̍ra̱ śatrū̍ñjā̱mimajā̍miṃ maghavanna̱mitrā̍n .
a̱bhi̱ṣe̱ṇām̐ a̱bhyā̱3̱̍dedi̍śānā̱nparā̍ca indra̱ pra mṛ̍ṇā ja̱hī ca̍ .. 6.044.17
17 Therewith enraptured, Hero, slay our foemen, the unfriendly, Maghavan be they kin or strangers,
Those who still aim their hostile darts to smite us, turn them to flight, O Indra, crush and kill them.
Sloka : 6.44.18
आ॒सु ष्मा॑ णो मघवन्निन्द्र पृ॒त्स्व१॒॑स्मभ्यं॒ महि॒ वरि॑वः सु॒गं कः॑ ।
अ॒पां तो॒कस्य॒ तन॑यस्य जे॒ष इन्द्र॑ सू॒रीन्कृ॑णु॒हि स्मा॑ नो अ॒र्धम् ॥ ६.०४४.१८
ā̱su ṣmā̍ ṇo maghavannindra pṛ̱tsva1̱̍smabhya̱ṃ mahi̱ vari̍vaḥ su̱gaṃ ka̍ḥ .
a̱pāṃ to̱kasya̱ tana̍yasya je̱ṣa indra̍ sū̱rīnkṛ̍ṇu̱hi smā̍ no a̱rdham .. 6.044.18
18 O Indra Maghavan, in these our battles win easy paths for us and ample freedom.
That we may gain waters and seed and offspring, set thou our princes on thy side, O Indra.
Sloka : 6.44.19
आ त्वा॒ हर॑यो॒ वृष॑णो युजा॒ना वृष॑रथासो॒ वृष॑रश्म॒योऽत्याः॑ ।
अ॒स्म॒त्राञ्चो॒ वृष॑णो वज्र॒वाहो॒ वृष्णे॒ मदा॑य सु॒युजो॑ वहन्तु ॥ ६.०४४.१९
ā tvā̱ hara̍yo̱ vṛṣa̍ṇo yujā̱nā vṛṣa̍rathāso̱ vṛṣa̍raśma̱yo'tyā̍ḥ .
a̱sma̱trāñco̱ vṛṣa̍ṇo vajra̱vāho̱ vṛṣṇe̱ madā̍ya su̱yujo̍ vahantu .. 6.044.19
19 Let thy Bay Stallions, harnessed, bring thee hither, Steeds with strong chariot and strong reins to hold them,
Strong Horses, speeding hither, bearing thunder, well-harnessed, for the strong exciting potion.
Sloka : 6.44.20
आ ते॑ वृष॒न्वृष॑णो॒ द्रोण॑मस्थुर्घृत॒प्रुषो॒ नोर्मयो॒ मद॑न्तः ।
इन्द्र॒ प्र तुभ्यं॒ वृष॑भिः सु॒तानां॒ वृष्णे॑ भरन्ति वृष॒भाय॒ सोम॑म् ॥ ६.०४४.२०
ā te̍ vṛṣa̱nvṛṣa̍ṇo̱ droṇa̍masthurghṛta̱pruṣo̱ normayo̱ mada̍ntaḥ .
indra̱ pra tubhya̱ṃ vṛṣa̍bhiḥ su̱tānā̱ṃ vṛṣṇe̍ bharanti vṛṣa̱bhāya̱ soma̍m .. 6.044.20
20 Beside the vat, Strong God! stand thy strong Horses, shining with holy oil, like waves exulting.
Indra, they bring to thee, the Strong and Mighty, Soma of juices shed by mighty press-stones.
Sloka : 6.44.21
वृषा॑सि दि॒वो वृ॑ष॒भः पृ॑थि॒व्या वृषा॒ सिन्धू॑नां वृष॒भः स्तिया॑नाम् ।
वृष्णे॑ त॒ इन्दु॑र्वृषभ पीपाय स्वा॒दू रसो॑ मधु॒पेयो॒ वरा॑य ॥ ६.०४४.२१
vṛṣā̍si di̱vo vṛ̍ṣa̱bhaḥ pṛ̍thi̱vyā vṛṣā̱ sindhū̍nāṃ vṛṣa̱bhaḥ stiyā̍nām .
vṛṣṇe̍ ta̱ indu̍rvṛṣabha pīpāya svā̱dū raso̍ madhu̱peyo̱ varā̍ya .. 6.044.21
21 Thou art the Bull of earth, the Bull of heaven, Bull of the rivers, Bull of standing waters.
For thee, the Strong, O Bull, hath Indu swollen. juice pleasant, sweet to drink, for thine election.
Sloka : 6.44.22
अ॒यं दे॒वः सह॑सा॒ जाय॑मान॒ इन्द्रे॑ण यु॒जा प॒णिम॑स्तभायत् ।
अ॒यं स्वस्य॑ पि॒तुरायु॑धा॒नीन्दु॑रमुष्णा॒दशि॑वस्य मा॒याः ॥ ६.०४४.२२
a̱yaṃ de̱vaḥ saha̍sā̱ jāya̍māna̱ indre̍ṇa yu̱jā pa̱ṇima̍stabhāyat .
a̱yaṃ svasya̍ pi̱turāyu̍dhā̱nīndu̍ramuṣṇā̱daśi̍vasya mā̱yāḥ .. 6.044.22
22 This God, with might, when first he had his being, with Indra for ally, held fast the Paṇi.
This Indu stole away the warlike weapons, and foiled the arts of his malignant father.
Sloka : 6.44.23
अ॒यम॑कृणोदु॒षसः॑ सु॒पत्नी॑र॒यं सूर्ये॑ अदधा॒ज्ज्योति॑र॒न्तः ।
अ॒यं त्रि॒धातु॑ दि॒वि रो॑च॒नेषु॑ त्रि॒तेषु॑ विन्दद॒मृतं॒ निगू॑ळ्हम् ॥ ६.०४४.२३
a̱yama̍kṛṇodu̱ṣasa̍ḥ su̱patnī̍ra̱yaṃ sūrye̍ adadhā̱jjyoti̍ra̱ntaḥ .
a̱yaṃ tri̱dhātu̍ di̱vi ro̍ca̱neṣu̍ tri̱teṣu̍ vindada̱mṛta̱ṃ nigū̍l̤ham .. 6.044.23
23 The Dawns he wedded to a glorious Consort, and set within the Sun the light that lights him.
He found in heaven, in the third lucid regions, the threefold Amṛta in its close concealment.
Sloka : 6.44.24
अ॒यं द्यावा॑पृथि॒वी वि ष्क॑भायद॒यं रथ॑मयुनक्स॒प्तर॑श्मिम् ।
अ॒यं गोषु॒ शच्या॑ प॒क्वम॒न्तः सोमो॑ दाधार॒ दश॑यन्त्र॒मुत्स॑म् ॥ ६.०४४.२४
a̱yaṃ dyāvā̍pṛthi̱vī vi ṣka̍bhāyada̱yaṃ ratha̍mayunaksa̱ptara̍śmim .
a̱yaṃ goṣu̱ śacyā̍ pa̱kvama̱ntaḥ somo̍ dādhāra̱ daśa̍yantra̱mutsa̍m .. 6.044.24
24 He stayed and held the heaven and earth asunder:- the chariot with the sevenfold reins he harnessed.
This Soma Set with power within the milch-kine a spring whose ripe contents ten fingers empty.
Sloka : 6.45.1
य आन॑यत्परा॒वतः॒ सुनी॑ती तु॒र्वशं॒ यदु॑म् ।
इन्द्रः॒ स नो॒ युवा॒ सखा॑ ॥ ६.०४५.०१
ya āna̍yatparā̱vata̱ḥ sunī̍tī tu̱rvaśa̱ṃ yadu̍m .
indra̱ḥ sa no̱ yuvā̱ sakhā̍ .. 6.045.01
1. THAT Indra is our youthful Friend, who with his trusty guidance led
Turvaśa, Yadu from afar.
Sloka : 6.45.2
अ॒वि॒प्रे चि॒द्वयो॒ दध॑दना॒शुना॑ चि॒दर्व॑ता ।
इन्द्रो॒ जेता॑ हि॒तं धन॑म् ॥ ६.०४५.०२
a̱vi̱pre ci̱dvayo̱ dadha̍danā̱śunā̍ ci̱darva̍tā .
indro̱ jetā̍ hi̱taṃ dhana̍m .. 6.045.02
2 Even to the dull and uninspired Indra, gives vital power, and wins
Even with slow steed the offered prize.
Sloka : 6.45.3
म॒हीर॑स्य॒ प्रणी॑तयः पू॒र्वीरु॒त प्रश॑स्तयः ।
नास्य॑ क्षीयन्त ऊ॒तयः॑ ॥ ६.०४५.०३
ma̱hīra̍sya̱ praṇī̍tayaḥ pū̱rvīru̱ta praśa̍stayaḥ .
nāsya̍ kṣīyanta ū̱taya̍ḥ .. 6.045.03
3 Great are his ways of guiding us, andṅanilbld are Ins eulogies:-
His kind protections never fail.
Sloka : 6.45.4
सखा॑यो॒ ब्रह्म॑वाह॒सेऽर्च॑त॒ प्र च॑ गायत ।
स हि नः॒ प्रम॑तिर्म॒ही ॥ ६.०४५.०४
sakhā̍yo̱ brahma̍vāha̱se'rca̍ta̱ pra ca̍ gāyata .
sa hi na̱ḥ prama̍tirma̱hī .. 6.045.04
4 Friends, sing your psalm and offer praise to him to whom the prayer is brought:-
For our great Providence is he.
Sloka : 6.45.5
त्वमेक॑स्य वृत्रहन्नवि॒ता द्वयो॑रसि ।
उ॒तेदृशे॒ यथा॑ व॒यम् ॥ ६.०४५.०५
tvameka̍sya vṛtrahannavi̱tā dvayo̍rasi .
u̱tedṛśe̱ yathā̍ va̱yam .. 6.045.05
5 Thou, Slaughterer of Vṛtra, art Guardian and Friend of one and two,
Yea, of a man like one of us.
Sloka : 6.45.6
नय॒सीद्वति॒ द्विषः॑ कृ॒णोष्यु॑क्थशं॒सिनः॑ ।
नृभिः॑ सु॒वीर॑ उच्यसे ॥ ६.०४५.०६
naya̱sīdvati̱ dviṣa̍ḥ kṛ̱ṇoṣyu̍kthaśa̱ṃsina̍ḥ .
nṛbhi̍ḥ su̱vīra̍ ucyase .. 6.045.06
6 Beyond men's hate thou leadest us, and givest cause to sing thy praise:-
Good hero art thou called by men.
Sloka : 6.45.7
ब्र॒ह्माणं॒ ब्रह्म॑वाहसं गी॒र्भिः सखा॑यमृ॒ग्मिय॑म् ।
गां न दो॒हसे॑ हुवे ॥ ६.०४५.०७
bra̱hmāṇa̱ṃ brahma̍vāhasaṃ gī̱rbhiḥ sakhā̍yamṛ̱gmiya̍m .
gāṃ na do̱hase̍ huve .. 6.045.07
7 I call with hymns, as ’twere a cow to milk, the Friend who merits praise,
The Brahman who accepts the prayer.
Sloka : 6.45.8
यस्य॒ विश्वा॑नि॒ हस्त॑योरू॒चुर्वसू॑नि॒ नि द्वि॒ता ।
वी॒रस्य॑ पृतना॒षहः॑ ॥ ६.०४५.०८
yasya̱ viśvā̍ni̱ hasta̍yorū̱curvasū̍ni̱ ni dvi̱tā .
vī̱rasya̍ pṛtanā̱ṣaha̍ḥ .. 6.045.08
8 Him in whose hands they say are stored all treasures from the days of old,
The Hero, conquering in the fight.
Sloka : 6.45.9
वि दृ॒ळ्हानि॑ चिदद्रिवो॒ जना॑नां शचीपते ।
वृ॒ह मा॒या अ॑नानत ॥ ६.०४५.०९
vi dṛ̱l̤hāni̍ cidadrivo̱ janā̍nāṃ śacīpate .
vṛ̱ha mā̱yā a̍nānata .. 6.045.09
9 Lord of Strength, Caster of the Stone, destroy the firm forts built by men,
And foil their arts, unbending God!
Sloka : 6.45.10
तमु॑ त्वा सत्य सोमपा॒ इन्द्र॑ वाजानां पते ।
अहू॑महि श्रव॒स्यवः॑ ॥ ६.०४५.१०
tamu̍ tvā satya somapā̱ indra̍ vājānāṃ pate .
ahū̍mahi śrava̱syava̍ḥ .. 6.045.10
10 Thee, thee as such, O Lord of Power, O Indra, Soma-drinker, true,
We, fain for glory, have invoked.
Sloka : 6.45.11
तमु॑ त्वा॒ यः पु॒रासि॑थ॒ यो वा॑ नू॒नं हि॒ते धने॑ ।
हव्यः॒ स श्रु॑धी॒ हव॑म् ॥ ६.०४५.११
tamu̍ tvā̱ yaḥ pu̱rāsi̍tha̱ yo vā̍ nū̱naṃ hi̱te dhane̍ .
havya̱ḥ sa śru̍dhī̱ hava̍m .. 6.045.11
11 Such as thou wast of old, and art now to be called on when the prize
lies ready, listen to our call.
Sloka : 6.45.12
धी॒भिरर्व॑द्भि॒रर्व॑तो॒ वाजा॑ँ इन्द्र श्र॒वाय्या॑न् ।
त्वया॑ जेष्म हि॒तं धन॑म् ॥ ६.०४५.१२
dhī̱bhirarva̍dbhi̱rarva̍to̱ vājā̍m̐ indra śra̱vāyyā̍n .
tvayā̍ jeṣma hi̱taṃ dhana̍m .. 6.045.12
12 With hymns and coursers we will gain, Indra, through thee, both steeds and spoil
Most glorious, and the proffered prize.
Sloka : 6.45.13
अभू॑रु वीर गिर्वणो म॒हाँ इ॑न्द्र॒ धने॑ हि॒ते ।
भरे॑ वितन्त॒साय्यः॑ ॥ ६.०४५.१३
abhū̍ru vīra girvaṇo ma̱hām̐ i̍ndra̱ dhane̍ hi̱te .
bhare̍ vitanta̱sāyya̍ḥ .. 6.045.13
13 Thou, Indra, Lover of the Song, whom men must stir to help, hast been
Great in the contest for the prize.
Sloka : 6.45.14
या त॑ ऊ॒तिर॑मित्रहन्म॒क्षूज॑वस्त॒मास॑ति ।
तया॑ नो हिनुही॒ रथ॑म् ॥ ६.०४५.१४
yā ta̍ ū̱tira̍mitrahanma̱kṣūja̍vasta̱māsa̍ti .
tayā̍ no hinuhī̱ ratha̍m .. 6.045.14
14 Slayer of foes, whatever aid of thine imparts the swiftest course,
With that impel our car to speed.
Sloka : 6.45.15
स रथे॑न र॒थीत॑मो॒ऽस्माके॑नाभि॒युग्व॑ना ।
जेषि॑ जिष्णो हि॒तं धन॑म् ॥ ६.०४५.१५
sa rathe̍na ra̱thīta̍mo̱'smāke̍nābhi̱yugva̍nā .
jeṣi̍ jiṣṇo hi̱taṃ dhana̍m .. 6.045.15
15 As skilfullest of those who drive the chariot, with our art and aim,
O Conqueror, win the proffered prize.
Sloka : 6.45.16
य एक॒ इत्तमु॑ ष्टुहि कृष्टी॒नां विच॑र्षणिः ।
पति॑र्ज॒ज्ञे वृष॑क्रतुः ॥ ६.०४५.१६
ya eka̱ ittamu̍ ṣṭuhi kṛṣṭī̱nāṃ vica̍rṣaṇiḥ .
pati̍rja̱jñe vṛṣa̍kratuḥ .. 6.045.16
16 Praise him who, Matchless and Alone, was born the Lord of living men,
Most active, with heroic soul.
Sloka : 6.45.17
यो गृ॑ण॒तामिदासि॑था॒पिरू॒ती शि॒वः सखा॑ ।
स त्वं न॑ इन्द्र मृळय ॥ ६.०४५.१७
yo gṛ̍ṇa̱tāmidāsi̍thā̱pirū̱tī śi̱vaḥ sakhā̍ .
sa tvaṃ na̍ indra mṛl̤aya .. 6.045.17
17 Thou who hast been the singers' Friend, a Friend auspicious with thine aid,
As such, O Indra, favour us.
Sloka : 6.45.18
धि॒ष्व वज्रं॒ गभ॑स्त्यो रक्षो॒हत्या॑य वज्रिवः ।
सा॒स॒ही॒ष्ठा अ॒भि स्पृधः॑ ॥ ६.०४५.१८
dhi̱ṣva vajra̱ṃ gabha̍styo rakṣo̱hatyā̍ya vajrivaḥ .
sā̱sa̱hī̱ṣṭhā a̱bhi spṛdha̍ḥ .. 6.045.18
18 Grasp in thine arms the thunderbolt, O Thunder-armed, to slay the fiends:-
Mayst thou subdue the foemen's host.
Sloka : 6.45.19
प्र॒त्नं र॑यी॒णां युजं॒ सखा॑यं कीरि॒चोद॑नम् ।
ब्रह्म॑वाहस्तमं हुवे ॥ ६.०४५.१९
pra̱tnaṃ ra̍yī̱ṇāṃ yuja̱ṃ sakhā̍yaṃ kīri̱coda̍nam .
brahma̍vāhastamaṃ huve .. 6.045.19
19 I call the ancient Friend, allied with wealth, who speeds the lowly man,
Him to whom chiefly prayer is brought.
Sloka : 6.45.20
स हि विश्वा॑नि॒ पार्थि॑वा॒ँ एको॒ वसू॑नि॒ पत्य॑ते ।
गिर्व॑णस्तमो॒ अध्रि॑गुः ॥ ६.०४५.२०
sa hi viśvā̍ni̱ pārthi̍vā̱m̐ eko̱ vasū̍ni̱ patya̍te .
girva̍ṇastamo̱ adhri̍guḥ .. 6.045.20
20 For he alone is Lord of all the treasures of the earth:- he speeds
Hither, chief Lover of the Song.
Sloka : 6.45.21
स नो॑ नि॒युद्भि॒रा पृ॑ण॒ कामं॒ वाजे॑भिर॒श्विभिः॑ ।
गोम॑द्भिर्गोपते धृ॒षत् ॥ ६.०४५.२१
sa no̍ ni̱yudbhi̱rā pṛ̍ṇa̱ kāma̱ṃ vāje̍bhira̱śvibhi̍ḥ .
goma̍dbhirgopate dhṛ̱ṣat .. 6.045.21
21 So with thy yoked teams satisfy our wish with power and wealth in steeds
And cattle, boldly, Lord of kine!
Sloka : 6.45.22
तद्वो॑ गाय सु॒ते सचा॑ पुरुहू॒ताय॒ सत्व॑ने ।
शं यद्गवे॒ न शा॒किने॑ ॥ ६.०४५.२२
tadvo̍ gāya su̱te sacā̍ puruhū̱tāya̱ satva̍ne .
śaṃ yadgave̱ na śā̱kine̍ .. 6.045.22
22 Sing this, what time the ' juice is pressed, to him your Hero, Much-invoked,
To please him as a mighty Steer.
Sloka : 6.45.23
न घा॒ वसु॒र्नि य॑मते दा॒नं वाज॑स्य॒ गोम॑तः ।
यत्सी॒मुप॒ श्रव॒द्गिरः॑ ॥ ६.०४५.२३
na ghā̱ vasu̱rni ya̍mate dā̱naṃ vāja̍sya̱ goma̍taḥ .
yatsī̱mupa̱ śrava̱dgira̍ḥ .. 6.045.23
23 He, Excellent, withholdeth not his gift of power and wealth in kine,
When he hath listened to our songs.
Sloka : 6.45.24
कु॒वित्स॑स्य॒ प्र हि व्र॒जं गोम॑न्तं दस्यु॒हा गम॑त् ।
शची॑भि॒रप॑ नो वरत् ॥ ६.०४५.२४
ku̱vitsa̍sya̱ pra hi vra̱jaṃ goma̍ntaṃ dasyu̱hā gama̍t .
śacī̍bhi̱rapa̍ no varat .. 6.045.24
24 May he with might unclose for us the cow's stall, whosesoe’er it be,
To which the Dasyu-slayer goes.
Sloka : 6.45.25
इ॒मा उ॑ त्वा शतक्रतो॒ऽभि प्र णो॑नुवु॒र्गिरः॑ ।
इन्द्र॑ व॒त्सं न मा॒तरः॑ ॥ ६.०४५.२५
i̱mā u̍ tvā śatakrato̱'bhi pra ṇo̍nuvu̱rgira̍ḥ .
indra̍ va̱tsaṃ na mā̱tara̍ḥ .. 6.045.25
25 O Indra Śatakratu, these our songs have called aloud to thee,
Like mother cows to meet their calves.
Sloka : 6.45.26
दू॒णाशं॑ स॒ख्यं तव॒ गौर॑सि वीर गव्य॒ते ।
अश्वो॑ अश्वाय॒ते भ॑व ॥ ६.०४५.२६
dū̱ṇāśa̍ṃ sa̱khyaṃ tava̱ gaura̍si vīra gavya̱te .
aśvo̍ aśvāya̱te bha̍va .. 6.045.26
26 Hard is thy love to win:- thou art a Steer to him who longs for steers:-
Be to one craving steeds a Steed.
Sloka : 6.45.27
स म॑न्दस्वा॒ ह्यन्ध॑सो॒ राध॑से त॒न्वा॑ म॒हे ।
न स्तो॒तारं॑ नि॒दे क॑रः ॥ ६.०४५.२७
sa ma̍ndasvā̱ hyandha̍so̱ rādha̍se ta̱nvā̍ ma̱he .
na sto̱tāra̍ṃ ni̱de ka̍raḥ .. 6.045.27
27 Delight thee with the juice we pour for thine own great munificence:-
Yield not thy singer to reproach.
Sloka : 6.45.28
इ॒मा उ॑ त्वा सु॒तेसु॑ते॒ नक्ष॑न्ते गिर्वणो॒ गिरः॑ ।
व॒त्सं गावो॒ न धे॒नवः॑ ॥ ६.०४५.२८
i̱mā u̍ tvā su̱tesu̍te̱ nakṣa̍nte girvaṇo̱ gira̍ḥ .
va̱tsaṃ gāvo̱ na dhe̱nava̍ḥ .. 6.045.28
28 These songs with every draught we pour come, Lover of the Song, to thee,
As milch-kine hasten to their young
Sloka : 6.45.29
पु॒रू॒तमं॑ पुरू॒णां स्तो॑तॄ॒णां विवा॑चि ।
वाजे॑भिर्वाजय॒ताम् ॥ ६.०४५.२९
pu̱rū̱tama̍ṃ purū̱ṇāṃ sto̍tṝ̱ṇāṃ vivā̍ci .
vāje̍bhirvājaya̱tām .. 6.045.29
29 To thee most oft invoked, amid the many singers' rivalry
Who beg with all their might for wealth.
Sloka : 6.45.30
अ॒स्माक॑मिन्द्र भूतु ते॒ स्तोमो॒ वाहि॑ष्ठो॒ अन्त॑मः ।
अ॒स्मान्रा॒ये म॒हे हि॑नु ॥ ६.०४५.३०
a̱smāka̍mindra bhūtu te̱ stomo̱ vāhi̍ṣṭho̱ anta̍maḥ .
a̱smānrā̱ye ma̱he hi̍nu .. 6.045.30
30 Nearest and most attractive may our laud, O Indra come to thee.
Urge thou us on to ample wealth.
Sloka : 6.45.31
अधि॑ बृ॒बुः प॑णी॒नां वर्षि॑ष्ठे मू॒र्धन्न॑स्थात् ।
उ॒रुः कक्षो॒ न गा॒ङ्ग्यः ॥ ६.०४५.३१
adhi̍ bṛ̱buḥ pa̍ṇī̱nāṃ varṣi̍ṣṭhe mū̱rdhanna̍sthāt .
u̱ruḥ kakṣo̱ na gā̱ṅgyaḥ .. 6.045.31
31 Brbu hath set himself above the Paṇis, o’er their highest head,
Like the wide bush on Gan!gā's bank.
Sloka : 6.45.32
यस्य॑ वा॒योरि॑व द्र॒वद्भ॒द्रा रा॒तिः स॑ह॒स्रिणी॑ ।
स॒द्यो दा॒नाय॒ मंह॑ते ॥ ६.०४५.३२
yasya̍ vā̱yori̍va dra̱vadbha̱drā rā̱tiḥ sa̍ha̱sriṇī̍ .
sa̱dyo dā̱nāya̱ maṃha̍te .. 6.045.32
32 He whose good bounty, thousandfold, swift as the rushing of the wind,
Suddenly offers as a gift.
Sloka : 6.45.33
तत्सु नो॒ विश्वे॑ अ॒र्य आ सदा॑ गृणन्ति का॒रवः॑ ।
बृ॒बुं स॑हस्र॒दात॑मं सू॒रिं स॑हस्र॒सात॑मम् ॥ ६.०४५.३३
tatsu no̱ viśve̍ a̱rya ā sadā̍ gṛṇanti kā̱rava̍ḥ .
bṛ̱buṃ sa̍hasra̱dāta̍maṃ sū̱riṃ sa̍hasra̱sāta̍mam .. 6.045.33
33 So all our singers ever praise the pious Brbu's noble deed,
Chief, best to give his thousands, best to give a thousand liberal gifts.
Sloka : 6.46.1
त्वामिद्धि हवा॑महे सा॒ता वाज॑स्य का॒रवः॑ ।
त्वां वृ॒त्रेष्वि॑न्द्र॒ सत्प॑तिं॒ नर॒स्त्वां काष्ठा॒स्वर्व॑तः ॥ ६.०४६.०१
tvāmiddhi havā̍mahe sā̱tā vāja̍sya kā̱rava̍ḥ .
tvāṃ vṛ̱treṣvi̍ndra̱ satpa̍ti̱ṃ nara̱stvāṃ kāṣṭhā̱svarva̍taḥ .. 6.046.01
1. THAT we may win us wealth and power we poets, verily, call on thee:-
In war men call on thee, Indra, the hero's Lord, in the steed's race-course call on thee.
Sloka : 6.46.2
स त्वं न॑श्चित्र वज्रहस्त धृष्णु॒या म॒हः स्त॑वा॒नो अ॑द्रिवः ।
गामश्वं॑ र॒थ्य॑मिन्द्र॒ सं कि॑र स॒त्रा वाजं॒ न जि॒ग्युषे॑ ॥ ६.०४६.०२
sa tvaṃ na̍ścitra vajrahasta dhṛṣṇu̱yā ma̱haḥ sta̍vā̱no a̍drivaḥ .
gāmaśva̍ṃ ra̱thya̍mindra̱ saṃ ki̍ra sa̱trā vāja̱ṃ na ji̱gyuṣe̍ .. 6.046.02
2 As such, O Wonderful, whose hand holds thunder, praised as mighty, Caster of the Stone!
Pour on us boldly, Indra, kine and chariotsteeds, ever to be the conqueror's strength.
Sloka : 6.46.3
यः स॑त्रा॒हा विच॑र्षणि॒रिन्द्रं॒ तं हू॑महे व॒यम् ।
सह॑स्रमुष्क॒ तुवि॑नृम्ण॒ सत्प॑ते॒ भवा॑ स॒मत्सु॑ नो वृ॒धे ॥ ६.०४६.०३
yaḥ sa̍trā̱hā vica̍rṣaṇi̱rindra̱ṃ taṃ hū̍mahe va̱yam .
saha̍sramuṣka̱ tuvi̍nṛmṇa̱ satpa̍te̱ bhavā̍ sa̱matsu̍ no vṛ̱dhe .. 6.046.03
3 We call upon that Indra, who, most active, ever slays the foe:-
Lord of the brave, Most Manly, with a thousand powers, help thou and prosper us in fight.
Sloka : 6.46.4
बाध॑से॒ जना॑न्वृष॒भेव॑ म॒न्युना॒ घृषौ॑ मी॒ळ्ह ऋ॑चीषम ।
अ॒स्माकं॑ बोध्यवि॒ता म॑हाध॒ने त॒नूष्व॒प्सु सूर्ये॑ ॥ ६.०४६.०४
bādha̍se̱ janā̍nvṛṣa̱bheva̍ ma̱nyunā̱ ghṛṣau̍ mī̱l̤ha ṛ̍cīṣama .
a̱smāka̍ṃ bodhyavi̱tā ma̍hādha̱ne ta̱nūṣva̱psu sūrye̍ .. 6.046.04
4 Rcisama, thou forcest men as with a bull, with anger, in the furious fray.
Be thou our Helper in the mighty battle fought for sunlight, water, and for life.
Sloka : 6.46.5
इन्द्र॒ ज्येष्ठं॑ न॒ आ भ॑र॒ँ ओजि॑ष्ठं॒ पपु॑रि॒ श्रवः॑ ।
येने॒मे चि॑त्र वज्रहस्त॒ रोद॑सी॒ ओभे सु॑शिप्र॒ प्राः ॥ ६.०४६.०५
indra̱ jyeṣṭha̍ṃ na̱ ā bha̍ra̱m̐ oji̍ṣṭha̱ṃ papu̍ri̱ śrava̍ḥ .
yene̱me ci̍tra vajrahasta̱ roda̍sī̱ obhe su̍śipra̱ prāḥ .. 6.046.05
5 O Indra, bring us name and fame, enriching, mightiest, excellent,
Wherewith, O Wondrous God, fair-visored, thunder-armed, thou hast filled full this earth and heaven.
Sloka : 6.46.6
त्वामु॒ग्रमव॑से चर्षणी॒सहं॒ राज॑न्दे॒वेषु॑ हूमहे ।
विश्वा॒ सु नो॑ विथु॒रा पि॑ब्द॒ना व॑सो॒ऽमित्रा॑न्सु॒षहा॑न्कृधि ॥ ६.०४६.०६
tvāmu̱gramava̍se carṣaṇī̱saha̱ṃ rāja̍nde̱veṣu̍ hūmahe .
viśvā̱ su no̍ vithu̱rā pi̍bda̱nā va̍so̱'mitrā̍nsu̱ṣahā̍nkṛdhi .. 6.046.06
6 We call on thee, O King, Mighty amid the Gods, Ruler of men, to succour us.
All that is weak in us, Excellent God, make firm:- make our foes easy to subdue.
Sloka : 6.46.7
यदि॑न्द्र॒ नाहु॑षी॒ष्वाँ ओजो॑ नृ॒म्णं च॑ कृ॒ष्टिषु॑ ।
यद्वा॒ पञ्च॑ क्षिती॒नां द्यु॒म्नमा भ॑र स॒त्रा विश्वा॑नि॒ पौंस्या॑ ॥ ६.०४६.०७
yadi̍ndra̱ nāhu̍ṣī̱ṣvām̐ ojo̍ nṛ̱mṇaṃ ca̍ kṛ̱ṣṭiṣu̍ .
yadvā̱ pañca̍ kṣitī̱nāṃ dyu̱mnamā bha̍ra sa̱trā viśvā̍ni̱ pauṃsyā̍ .. 6.046.07
7 All strength and valour that is found, Indra, in tribes of Nahusas, and all the splendid fame that the Five Tribes enjoy
Bring, yea, all manly powers at once.
Sloka : 6.46.8
यद्वा॑ तृ॒क्षौ म॑घवन्द्रु॒ह्यावा जने॒ यत्पू॒रौ कच्च॒ वृष्ण्य॑म् ।
अ॒स्मभ्यं॒ तद्रि॑रीहि॒ सं नृ॒षाह्ये॒ऽमित्रा॑न्पृ॒त्सु तु॒र्वणे॑ ॥ ६.०४६.०८
yadvā̍ tṛ̱kṣau ma̍ghavandru̱hyāvā jane̱ yatpū̱rau kacca̱ vṛṣṇya̍m .
a̱smabhya̱ṃ tadri̍rīhi̱ saṃ nṛ̱ṣāhye̱'mitrā̍npṛ̱tsu tu̱rvaṇe̍ .. 6.046.08
8 Or, Maghavan, what vigorous strength in Trksi lay, in Druhyus or in Paru's folk,
Fully bestow on us, that, in the conquering fray, we may subdue our foes in fight.
Sloka : 6.46.9
इन्द्र॑ त्रि॒धातु॑ शर॒णं त्रि॒वरू॑थं स्वस्ति॒मत् ।
छ॒र्दिर्य॑च्छ म॒घव॑द्भ्यश्च॒ मह्यं॑ च या॒वया॑ दि॒द्युमे॑भ्यः ॥ ६.०४६.०९
indra̍ tri̱dhātu̍ śara̱ṇaṃ tri̱varū̍thaṃ svasti̱mat .
cha̱rdirya̍ccha ma̱ghava̍dbhyaśca̱ mahya̍ṃ ca yā̱vayā̍ di̱dyume̍bhyaḥ .. 6.046.09
9 O Indra, grant a happy home, a triple refuge triply strong.
Bestow a dwelling-place on the rich lords and me, and keep thy dart afar from these.
Sloka : 6.46.10
ये ग॑व्य॒ता मन॑सा॒ शत्रु॑माद॒भुर॑भिप्र॒घ्नन्ति॑ धृष्णु॒या ।
अध॑ स्मा नो मघवन्निन्द्र गिर्वणस्तनू॒पा अन्त॑मो भव ॥ ६.०४६.१०
ye ga̍vya̱tā mana̍sā̱ śatru̍māda̱bhura̍bhipra̱ghnanti̍ dhṛṣṇu̱yā .
adha̍ smā no maghavannindra girvaṇastanū̱pā anta̍mo bhava .. 6.046.10
10 They who with minds intent on spoil subdue the foe, boldly attack and smite him down,—
From these, O Indra Maghavan who lovest song, be closest guardian of our lives.
Sloka : 6.46.11
अध॑ स्मा नो वृ॒धे भ॒वेन्द्र॑ ना॒यम॑वा यु॒धि ।
यद॒न्तरि॑क्षे प॒तय॑न्ति प॒र्णिनो॑ दि॒द्यव॑स्ति॒ग्ममू॑र्धानः ॥ ६.०४६.११
adha̍ smā no vṛ̱dhe bha̱vendra̍ nā̱yama̍vā yu̱dhi .
yada̱ntari̍kṣe pa̱taya̍nti pa̱rṇino̍ di̱dyava̍sti̱gmamū̍rdhānaḥ .. 6.046.11
11 And now, O Indra, strengthen us:- come near and aid us in the fight,
What time the feathered shafts are flying in the air, the arrows with their sharpened points.
Sloka : 6.46.12
यत्र॒ शूरा॑सस्त॒न्वो॑ वितन्व॒ते प्रि॒या शर्म॑ पितॄ॒णाम् ।
अध॑ स्मा यच्छ त॒न्वे॒३॒॑ तने॑ च छ॒र्दिर॒चित्तं॑ या॒वय॒ द्वेषः॑ ॥ ६.०४६.१२
yatra̱ śūrā̍sasta̱nvo̍ vitanva̱te pri̱yā śarma̍ pitṝ̱ṇām .
adha̍ smā yaccha ta̱nve̱3̱̍ tane̍ ca cha̱rdira̱citta̍ṃ yā̱vaya̱ dveṣa̍ḥ .. 6.046.12
12 Give us, where heroes strain their bodies in the fight, the shelter that our fathers loved.
To us and to our sons give refuge:- keep afar all unobserved hostility.
Sloka : 6.46.13
यदि॑न्द्र॒ सर्गे॒ अर्व॑तश्चो॒दया॑से महाध॒ने ।
अ॒स॒म॒ने अध्व॑नि वृजि॒ने प॒थि श्ये॒नाँ इ॑व श्रवस्य॒तः ॥ ६.०४६.१३
yadi̍ndra̱ sarge̱ arva̍taśco̱dayā̍se mahādha̱ne .
a̱sa̱ma̱ne adhva̍ni vṛji̱ne pa̱thi śye̱nām̐ i̍va śravasya̱taḥ .. 6.046.13
13 When, Indra, in the mighty fray thou urgest chargers to their speed,
On the uneven road and on a toilsome path, like falcons, eager for renown,
Sloka : 6.46.14
सिन्धू॑ँरिव प्रव॒ण आ॑शु॒या य॒तो यदि॒ क्लोश॒मनु॒ ष्वणि॑ ।
आ ये वयो॒ न वर्वृ॑त॒त्यामि॑षि गृभी॒ता बा॒ह्वोर्गवि॑ ॥ ६.०४६.१४
sindhū̍m̐riva prava̱ṇa ā̍śu̱yā ya̱to yadi̱ klośa̱manu̱ ṣvaṇi̍ .
ā ye vayo̱ na varvṛ̍ta̱tyāmi̍ṣi gṛbhī̱tā bā̱hvorgavi̍ .. 6.046.14
14 Speeding like rivers rushing down a steep descent, responsive to the urging call,
That come like birds attracted to the bait, held in by reins in both the driver's hands.
Sloka : 6.47.1
स्वा॒दुष्किला॒यं मधु॑माँ उ॒तायं ती॒व्रः किला॒यं रस॑वाँ उ॒तायम् ।
उ॒तो न्व१॒॑स्य प॑पि॒वांस॒मिन्द्रं॒ न कश्च॒न स॑हत आह॒वेषु॑ ॥ ६.०४७.०१
svā̱duṣkilā̱yaṃ madhu̍mām̐ u̱tāyaṃ tī̱vraḥ kilā̱yaṃ rasa̍vām̐ u̱tāyam .
u̱to nva1̱̍sya pa̍pi̱vāṃsa̱mindra̱ṃ na kaśca̱na sa̍hata āha̱veṣu̍ .. 6.047.01
1. YEA, this is good to taste and full of. sweetness, verily it is strong and rich in flavour.
No one may conquer Indra in the battle when he hath drunken of the draught we offer.
Sloka : 6.47.2
अ॒यं स्वा॒दुरि॒ह मदि॑ष्ठ आस॒ यस्येन्द्रो॑ वृत्र॒हत्ये॑ म॒माद॑ ।
पु॒रूणि॒ यश्च्यौ॒त्ना शम्ब॑रस्य॒ वि न॑व॒तिं नव॑ च दे॒ह्यो॒३॒॑ हन् ॥ ६.०४७.०२
a̱yaṃ svā̱duri̱ha madi̍ṣṭha āsa̱ yasyendro̍ vṛtra̱hatye̍ ma̱māda̍ .
pu̱rūṇi̱ yaścyau̱tnā śamba̍rasya̱ vi na̍va̱tiṃ nava̍ ca de̱hyo̱3̱̍ han .. 6.047.02
2 This sweet juice here had mightiest power to gladden:- it boldened Indra when he siaughtered Vṛtra,
When he defeated Śambara's many onslaughts, and battered down his nineand ninety ramparts.
Sloka : 6.47.3
अ॒यं मे॑ पी॒त उदि॑यर्ति॒ वाच॑म॒यं म॑नी॒षामु॑श॒तीम॑जीगः ।
अ॒यं षळु॒र्वीर॑मिमीत॒ धीरो॒ न याभ्यो॒ भुव॑नं॒ कच्च॒नारे ॥ ६.०४७.०३
a̱yaṃ me̍ pī̱ta udi̍yarti̱ vāca̍ma̱yaṃ ma̍nī̱ṣāmu̍śa̱tīma̍jīgaḥ .
a̱yaṃ ṣal̤u̱rvīra̍mimīta̱ dhīro̱ na yābhyo̱ bhuva̍na̱ṃ kacca̱nāre .. 6.047.03
3 This stirreth up my voice when I have drunk it:- this hath aroused from sleep my yearning spirit.
This Sage hath measured out the six expanses from which no single creature is excluded.
Sloka : 6.47.4
अ॒यं स यो व॑रि॒माणं॑ पृथि॒व्या व॒र्ष्माणं॑ दि॒वो अकृ॑णोद॒यं सः ।
अ॒यं पी॒यूषं॑ ति॒सृषु॑ प्र॒वत्सु॒ सोमो॑ दाधारो॒र्व१॒॑न्तरि॑क्षम् ॥ ६.०४७.०४
a̱yaṃ sa yo va̍ri̱māṇa̍ṃ pṛthi̱vyā va̱rṣmāṇa̍ṃ di̱vo akṛ̍ṇoda̱yaṃ saḥ .
a̱yaṃ pī̱yūṣa̍ṃ ti̱sṛṣu̍ pra̱vatsu̱ somo̍ dādhāro̱rva1̱̍ntari̍kṣam .. 6.047.04
4 This, even this, is he who hath created the breadth of earth, the lofty height of heaven.
He formed the nectar in three headlong rivers. Soma supports the wide mid-air above us.
Sloka : 6.47.5
अ॒यं वि॑दच्चित्र॒दृशी॑क॒मर्णः॑ शु॒क्रस॑द्मनामु॒षसा॒मनी॑के ।
अ॒यं म॒हान्म॑ह॒ता स्कम्भ॑ने॒नोद्द्याम॑स्तभ्नाद्वृष॒भो म॒रुत्वा॑न् ॥ ६.०४७.०५
a̱yaṃ vi̍daccitra̱dṛśī̍ka̱marṇa̍ḥ śu̱krasa̍dmanāmu̱ṣasā̱manī̍ke .
a̱yaṃ ma̱hānma̍ha̱tā skambha̍ne̱noddyāma̍stabhnādvṛṣa̱bho ma̱rutvā̍n .. 6.047.05
5 He found the wavy sea of brilliant colours in forefront of the Dawns who dwell in brightness.
This Mighty One, the Steer begirt by Maruts, hath propped the heavens up with a mighty pillar.
Sloka : 6.47.6
धृ॒षत्पि॑ब क॒लशे॒ सोम॑मिन्द्र वृत्र॒हा शू॑र सम॒रे वसू॑नाम् ।
माध्यं॑दिने॒ सव॑न॒ आ वृ॑षस्व रयि॒स्थानो॑ र॒यिम॒स्मासु॑ धेहि ॥ ६.०४७.०६
dhṛ̱ṣatpi̍ba ka̱laśe̱ soma̍mindra vṛtra̱hā śū̍ra sama̱re vasū̍nām .
mādhya̍ṃdine̱ sava̍na̱ ā vṛ̍ṣasva rayi̱sthāno̍ ra̱yima̱smāsu̍ dhehi .. 6.047.06
6 Drink Soma boldly from the beaker, Indra, in war for treasures, Hero, Vṛtra-slayer!
Fill thyself full at the mid-day libation, and give us wealth, thou Treasury of riches.
Sloka : 6.47.7
इन्द्र॒ प्र णः॑ पुरए॒तेव॑ पश्य॒ प्र नो॑ नय प्रत॒रं वस्यो॒ अच्छ॑ ।
भवा॑ सुपा॒रो अ॑तिपार॒यो नो॒ भवा॒ सुनी॑तिरु॒त वा॒मनी॑तिः ॥ ६.०४७.०७
indra̱ pra ṇa̍ḥ purae̱teva̍ paśya̱ pra no̍ naya prata̱raṃ vasyo̱ accha̍ .
bhavā̍ supā̱ro a̍tipāra̱yo no̱ bhavā̱ sunī̍tiru̱ta vā̱manī̍tiḥ .. 6.047.07
7 Look out for us, O Indra, as our Leader, and guide us on to gain yet goodlier treasure.
Excellent Guardian, bear us well through peril, and lead us on to wealth with careful guidance.
Sloka : 6.47.8
उ॒रुं नो॑ लो॒कमनु॑ नेषि वि॒द्वान्स्व॑र्व॒ज्ज्योति॒रभ॑यं स्व॒स्ति ।
ऋ॒ष्वा त॑ इन्द्र॒ स्थवि॑रस्य बा॒हू उप॑ स्थेयाम शर॒णा बृ॒हन्ता॑ ॥ ६.०४७.०८
u̱ruṃ no̍ lo̱kamanu̍ neṣi vi̱dvānsva̍rva̱jjyoti̱rabha̍yaṃ sva̱sti .
ṛ̱ṣvā ta̍ indra̱ sthavi̍rasya bā̱hū upa̍ stheyāma śara̱ṇā bṛ̱hantā̍ .. 6.047.08
8 Lead us to ample room, O thou who knowest, to happiness, security, and sunlight.
High, Indra, are the arms of thee the Mighty:- may we betake. us to their lofty shelter.
Sloka : 6.47.9
वरि॑ष्ठे न इन्द्र व॒न्धुरे॑ धा॒ वहि॑ष्ठयोः शताव॒न्नश्व॑यो॒रा ।
इष॒मा व॑क्षी॒षां वर्षि॑ष्ठां॒ मा न॑स्तारीन्मघव॒न्रायो॑ अ॒र्यः ॥ ६.०४७.०९
vari̍ṣṭhe na indra va̱ndhure̍ dhā̱ vahi̍ṣṭhayoḥ śatāva̱nnaśva̍yo̱rā .
iṣa̱mā va̍kṣī̱ṣāṃ varṣi̍ṣṭhā̱ṃ mā na̍stārīnmaghava̱nrāyo̍ a̱ryaḥ .. 6.047.09
9 Set us on widest chariot-seat, O Indra, with two steeds best to draw, O Lord of Hundreds!
Bring us the best among all sorts of viands:- let not the foe's wealth, Maghavan, subdue us.
Sloka : 6.47.10
इन्द्र॑ मृ॒ळ मह्यं॑ जी॒वातु॑मिच्छ चो॒दय॒ धिय॒मय॑सो॒ न धारा॑म् ।
यत्किं चा॒हं त्वा॒युरि॒दं वदा॑मि॒ तज्जु॑षस्व कृ॒धि मा॑ दे॒वव॑न्तम् ॥ ६.०४७.१०
indra̍ mṛ̱l̤a mahya̍ṃ jī̱vātu̍miccha co̱daya̱ dhiya̱maya̍so̱ na dhārā̍m .
yatkiṃ cā̱haṃ tvā̱yuri̱daṃ vadā̍mi̱ tajju̍ṣasva kṛ̱dhi mā̍ de̱vava̍ntam .. 6.047.10
10 Be gracious, Indra, let my days be lengthened:- sharpen my thought as ’twere a blade of iron
Approve whatever words I speak, dependent on thee, and grant me thy divine protection.
Sloka : 6.47.11
त्रा॒तार॒मिन्द्र॑मवि॒तार॒मिन्द्रं॒ हवे॑हवे सु॒हवं॒ शूर॒मिन्द्र॑म् ।
ह्वया॑मि श॒क्रं पु॑रुहू॒तमिन्द्रं॑ स्व॒स्ति नो॑ म॒घवा॑ धा॒त्विन्द्रः॑ ॥ ६.०४७.११
trā̱tāra̱mindra̍mavi̱tāra̱mindra̱ṃ have̍have su̱hava̱ṃ śūra̱mindra̍m .
hvayā̍mi śa̱kraṃ pu̍ruhū̱tamindra̍ṃ sva̱sti no̍ ma̱ghavā̍ dhā̱tvindra̍ḥ .. 6.047.11
11 Indra the Rescuer, Indra the Helper, Hero who listens at each invocation,
Śakra I call, Indra invoked of many. May Indra Maghavan prosper and bless us.
Sloka : 6.47.12
इन्द्रः॑ सु॒त्रामा॒ स्ववा॒ँ अवो॑भिः सुमृळी॒को भ॑वतु वि॒श्ववे॑दाः ।
बाध॑तां॒ द्वेषो॒ अभ॑यं कृणोतु सु॒वीर्य॑स्य॒ पत॑यः स्याम ॥ ६.०४७.१२
indra̍ḥ su̱trāmā̱ svavā̱m̐ avo̍bhiḥ sumṛl̤ī̱ko bha̍vatu vi̱śvave̍dāḥ .
bādha̍tā̱ṃ dveṣo̱ abha̍yaṃ kṛṇotu su̱vīrya̍sya̱ pata̍yaḥ syāma .. 6.047.12
12 May helpful Indra as our good Protector, Lord of all treasures, favour us with succour,
Baffle our foes, and give us rest and safety, and may we be the lords of hero vigour.
Sloka : 6.47.13
तस्य॑ व॒यं सु॑म॒तौ य॒ज्ञिय॒स्यापि॑ भ॒द्रे सौ॑मन॒से स्या॑म ।
स सु॒त्रामा॒ स्ववा॒ँ इन्द्रो॑ अ॒स्मे आ॒राच्चि॒द्द्वेषः॑ सनु॒तर्यु॑योतु ॥ ६.०४७.१३
tasya̍ va̱yaṃ su̍ma̱tau ya̱jñiya̱syāpi̍ bha̱dre sau̍mana̱se syā̍ma .
sa su̱trāmā̱ svavā̱m̐ indro̍ a̱sme ā̱rācci̱ddveṣa̍ḥ sanu̱taryu̍yotu .. 6.047.13
13 May we enjoy the grace of him the Holy, yea, may we dwell in his auspicious favour.
May helpful Indra as our good Preserver drive from us, even from afar, our foemen.
Sloka : 6.47.14
अव॒ त्वे इ॑न्द्र प्र॒वतो॒ नोर्मिर्गिरो॒ ब्रह्मा॑णि नि॒युतो॑ धवन्ते ।
उ॒रू न राधः॒ सव॑ना पु॒रूण्य॒पो गा व॑ज्रिन्युवसे॒ समिन्दू॑न् ॥ ६.०४७.१४
ava̱ tve i̍ndra pra̱vato̱ normirgiro̱ brahmā̍ṇi ni̱yuto̍ dhavante .
u̱rū na rādha̱ḥ sava̍nā pu̱rūṇya̱po gā va̍jrinyuvase̱ samindū̍n .. 6.047.14
14 Like rivers rushing down a slope, O Indra, to thee haste songs and prayers and linked verses.
Thou gatherest, Thunderer! like widespread bounty, kine, water, drops, and manifold libations.
Sloka : 6.47.15
क ईं॑ स्तव॒त्कः पृ॑णा॒त्को य॑जाते॒ यदु॒ग्रमिन्म॒घवा॑ वि॒श्वहावे॑त् ।
पादा॑विव प्र॒हर॑न्न॒न्यम॑न्यं कृ॒णोति॒ पूर्व॒मप॑रं॒ शची॑भिः ॥ ६.०४७.१५
ka ī̍ṃ stava̱tkaḥ pṛ̍ṇā̱tko ya̍jāte̱ yadu̱graminma̱ghavā̍ vi̱śvahāve̍t .
pādā̍viva pra̱hara̍nna̱nyama̍nyaṃ kṛ̱ṇoti̱ pūrva̱mapa̍ra̱ṃ śacī̍bhiḥ .. 6.047.15
15 Who lauds him, satisfies him, pays him worship? E’en the rich noble still hath found him mighty.
With power, as when one moves his feet alternate, he makes the last precede, the foremost follow.
Sloka : 6.47.16
शृ॒ण्वे वी॒र उ॒ग्रमु॑ग्रं दमा॒यन्न॒न्यम॑न्यमतिनेनी॒यमा॑नः ।
ए॒ध॒मा॒न॒द्विळु॒भय॑स्य॒ राजा॑ चोष्कू॒यते॒ विश॒ इन्द्रो॑ मनु॒ष्या॑न् ॥ ६.०४७.१६
śṛ̱ṇve vī̱ra u̱gramu̍graṃ damā̱yanna̱nyama̍nyamatinenī̱yamā̍naḥ .
e̱dha̱mā̱na̱dvil̤u̱bhaya̍sya̱ rājā̍ coṣkū̱yate̱ viśa̱ indro̍ manu̱ṣyā̍n .. 6.047.16
16 Famed is the Hero as each strong man's tamer, ever advancing one and then another.
King of both worlds, hating the high and haughty, Indra protects the men who are his people.
Sloka : 6.47.17
परा॒ पूर्वे॑षां स॒ख्या वृ॑णक्ति वि॒तर्तु॑राणो॒ अप॑रेभिरेति ।
अना॑नुभूतीरवधून्वा॒नः पू॒र्वीरिन्द्रः॑ श॒रद॑स्तर्तरीति ॥ ६.०४७.१७
parā̱ pūrve̍ṣāṃ sa̱khyā vṛ̍ṇakti vi̱tartu̍rāṇo̱ apa̍rebhireti .
anā̍nubhūtīravadhūnvā̱naḥ pū̱rvīrindra̍ḥ śa̱rada̍startarīti .. 6.047.17
17 He loves no more the men he loved aforetime:- he turns and moves away allied with others.
Rejecting those who disregard his worship, Indra victorious lives through many autumns.
Sloka : 6.47.18
रू॒पंरू॑पं॒ प्रति॑रूपो बभूव॒ तद॑स्य रू॒पं प्र॑ति॒चक्ष॑णाय ।
इन्द्रो॑ मा॒याभिः॑ पुरु॒रूप॑ ईयते यु॒क्ता ह्य॑स्य॒ हर॑यः श॒ता दश॑ ॥ ६.०४७.१८
rū̱paṃrū̍pa̱ṃ prati̍rūpo babhūva̱ tada̍sya rū̱paṃ pra̍ti̱cakṣa̍ṇāya .
indro̍ mā̱yābhi̍ḥ puru̱rūpa̍ īyate yu̱ktā hya̍sya̱ hara̍yaḥ śa̱tā daśa̍ .. 6.047.18
18 In every figure he hath been the mode:- this is his only form for us to look on.
Indra moves multiform by his illusions; for his Bay Steeds are yoked, ten times a hundred.
Sloka : 6.47.19
यु॒जा॒नो ह॒रिता॒ रथे॒ भूरि॒ त्वष्टे॒ह रा॑जति ।
को वि॒श्वाहा॑ द्विष॒तः पक्ष॑ आसत उ॒तासी॑नेषु सू॒रिषु॑ ॥ ६.०४७.१९
yu̱jā̱no ha̱ritā̱ rathe̱ bhūri̱ tvaṣṭe̱ha rā̍jati .
ko vi̱śvāhā̍ dviṣa̱taḥ pakṣa̍ āsata u̱tāsī̍neṣu sū̱riṣu̍ .. 6.047.19
19 Here Tvaṣṭar, yoking to the car the Bay Steeds, hath extended sway.
Who will for ever stand upon the foeman's side, even when our princes sit at ease?
Sloka : 6.47.20
अ॒ग॒व्यू॒ति क्षेत्र॒माग॑न्म देवा उ॒र्वी स॒ती भूमि॑रंहूर॒णाभू॑त् ।
बृह॑स्पते॒ प्र चि॑कित्सा॒ गवि॑ष्टावि॒त्था स॒ते ज॑रि॒त्र इ॑न्द्र॒ पन्था॑म् ॥ ६.०४७.२०
a̱ga̱vyū̱ti kṣetra̱māga̍nma devā u̱rvī sa̱tī bhūmi̍raṃhūra̱ṇābhū̍t .
bṛha̍spate̱ pra ci̍kitsā̱ gavi̍ṣṭāvi̱tthā sa̱te ja̍ri̱tra i̍ndra̱ panthā̍m .. 6.047.20
20 Gods, we have reached a country void of pasture the land, though spacious, was too small to hold us.
Bṛhaspati, provide in war for cattle; find a path, Indra, for this faithful singer.
Sloka : 6.47.21
दि॒वेदि॑वे स॒दृशी॑र॒न्यमर्धं॑ कृ॒ष्णा अ॑सेध॒दप॒ सद्म॑नो॒ जाः ।
अह॑न्दा॒सा वृ॑ष॒भो व॑स्न॒यन्तो॒दव्र॑जे व॒र्चिनं॒ शम्ब॑रं च ॥ ६.०४७.२१
di̱vedi̍ve sa̱dṛśī̍ra̱nyamardha̍ṃ kṛ̱ṣṇā a̍sedha̱dapa̱ sadma̍no̱ jāḥ .
aha̍ndā̱sā vṛ̍ṣa̱bho va̍sna̱yanto̱davra̍je va̱rcina̱ṃ śamba̍raṃ ca .. 6.047.21
21 Day after day far from their seat he drove them, alike, from place to place, those darksome creatures.
The Hero slew the meanly-huckstering Dāsas, Varcin and Śambara, where the waters gather.
Sloka : 6.47.22
प्र॒स्तो॒क इन्नु राध॑सस्त इन्द्र॒ दश॒ कोश॑यी॒र्दश॑ वा॒जिनो॑ऽदात् ।
दिवो॑दासादतिथि॒ग्वस्य॒ राधः॑ शाम्ब॒रं वसु॒ प्रत्य॑ग्रभीष्म ॥ ६.०४७.२२
pra̱sto̱ka innu rādha̍sasta indra̱ daśa̱ kośa̍yī̱rdaśa̍ vā̱jino̎dāt .
divo̍dāsādatithi̱gvasya̱ rādha̍ḥ śāmba̱raṃ vasu̱ pratya̍grabhīṣma .. 6.047.22
22 Out of thy bounty, Indra, hath Prastoka bestowed ten coffers and ten mettled horses.
We have received in turn from Divodāsa Śambara's wealth, the gift of Atithigva.
Sloka : 6.47.23
दशाश्वा॒न्दश॒ कोशा॒न्दश॒ वस्त्राधि॑भोजना ।
दशो॑ हिरण्यपि॒ण्डान्दिवो॑दासादसानिषम् ॥ ६.०४७.२३
daśāśvā̱ndaśa̱ kośā̱ndaśa̱ vastrādhi̍bhojanā .
daśo̍ hiraṇyapi̱ṇḍāndivo̍dāsādasāniṣam .. 6.047.23
23 Ten horses and ten treasure-chests, ten garments as an added gift,
These and ten lumps of gold have I received from Divodāsa's hand.
Sloka : 6.47.24
दश॒ रथा॒न्प्रष्टि॑मतः श॒तं गा अथ॑र्वभ्यः ।
अ॒श्व॒थः पा॒यवे॑ऽदात् ॥ ६.०४७.२४
daśa̱ rathā̱npraṣṭi̍mataḥ śa̱taṃ gā atha̍rvabhyaḥ .
a̱śva̱thaḥ pā̱yave̎dāt .. 6.047.24
24 Ten cars with extra steed to each, for the Atharvans hundred cows,
Hath Asvatha to Payu given.
Sloka : 6.47.25
महि॒ राधो॑ वि॒श्वज॑न्यं॒ दधा॑नान्भ॒रद्वा॑जान्सार्ञ्ज॒यो अ॒भ्य॑यष्ट ॥ ६.०४७.२५
mahi̱ rādho̍ vi̱śvaja̍nya̱ṃ dadhā̍nānbha̱radvā̍jānsārñja̱yo a̱bhya̍yaṣṭa .. 6.047.25
25 Thus Sṛñjaya's son honoured the Bharadvājas, recipients of all noble gifts and bounty.
Sloka : 6.47.26
वन॑स्पते वी॒ड्व॑ङ्गो॒ हि भू॒या अ॒स्मत्स॑खा प्र॒तर॑णः सु॒वीरः॑ ।
गोभिः॒ संन॑द्धो असि वी॒ळय॑स्वास्था॒ता ते॑ जयतु॒ जेत्वा॑नि ॥ ६.०४७.२६
vana̍spate vī̱ḍva̍ṅgo̱ hi bhū̱yā a̱smatsa̍khā pra̱tara̍ṇaḥ su̱vīra̍ḥ .
gobhi̱ḥ saṃna̍ddho asi vī̱l̤aya̍svāsthā̱tā te̍ jayatu̱ jetvā̍ni .. 6.047.26
26 Lord of the wood, be firm and strong in body:- be, bearing us, a brave victorious hero
Show forth thy strength, compact with straps of leather, and let thy rider win all spoils of battle.
Sloka : 6.47.27
दि॒वस्पृ॑थि॒व्याः पर्योज॒ उद्भृ॑तं॒ वन॒स्पति॑भ्यः॒ पर्याभृ॑तं॒ सहः॑ ।
अ॒पामो॒ज्मानं॒ परि॒ गोभि॒रावृ॑त॒मिन्द्र॑स्य॒ वज्रं॑ ह॒विषा॒ रथं॑ यज ॥ ६.०४७.२७
di̱vaspṛ̍thi̱vyāḥ paryoja̱ udbhṛ̍ta̱ṃ vana̱spati̍bhya̱ḥ paryābhṛ̍ta̱ṃ saha̍ḥ .
a̱pāmo̱jmāna̱ṃ pari̱ gobhi̱rāvṛ̍ta̱mindra̍sya̱ vajra̍ṃ ha̱viṣā̱ ratha̍ṃ yaja .. 6.047.27
27 Its mighty strength was borrowed from the heaven and earth:- its conquering force was brought from sovrans of the wood.
Honour with holy gifts the Car like Indra's bolt, the Car bound round with straps, the vigour of the floods.
Sloka : 6.47.28
इन्द्र॑स्य॒ वज्रो॑ म॒रुता॒मनी॑कं मि॒त्रस्य॒ गर्भो॒ वरु॑णस्य॒ नाभिः॑ ।
सेमां नो॑ ह॒व्यदा॑तिं जुषा॒णो देव॑ रथ॒ प्रति॑ ह॒व्या गृ॑भाय ॥ ६.०४७.२८
indra̍sya̱ vajro̍ ma̱rutā̱manī̍kaṃ mi̱trasya̱ garbho̱ varu̍ṇasya̱ nābhi̍ḥ .
semāṃ no̍ ha̱vyadā̍tiṃ juṣā̱ṇo deva̍ ratha̱ prati̍ ha̱vyā gṛ̍bhāya .. 6.047.28
28 Thou Bolt of Indra, Vanguard of the Maruts, close knit to Varuṇa and Child of Mitra,—
As such, accepting gifts which here we offer, receive, O Godlike Chariot, these oblations.
Sloka : 6.47.29
उप॑ श्वासय पृथि॒वीमु॒त द्यां पु॑रु॒त्रा ते॑ मनुतां॒ विष्ठि॑तं॒ जग॑त् ।
स दु॑न्दुभे स॒जूरिन्द्रे॑ण दे॒वैर्दू॒राद्दवी॑यो॒ अप॑ सेध॒ शत्रू॑न् ॥ ६.०४७.२९
upa̍ śvāsaya pṛthi̱vīmu̱ta dyāṃ pu̍ru̱trā te̍ manutā̱ṃ viṣṭhi̍ta̱ṃ jaga̍t .
sa du̍ndubhe sa̱jūrindre̍ṇa de̱vairdū̱rāddavī̍yo̱ apa̍ sedha̱ śatrū̍n .. 6.047.29
29 Send forth thy voice aloud through earth and heaven, and let the world in all its breadth regard thee;
O Drum, accordant with the Gods and Indra, drive thou afar, yea, very far, our foemen.
Sloka : 6.47.30
आ क्र॑न्दय॒ बल॒मोजो॑ न॒ आ धा॒ निः ष्ट॑निहि दुरि॒ता बाध॑मानः ।
अप॑ प्रोथ दुन्दुभे दु॒च्छुना॑ इ॒त इन्द्र॑स्य मु॒ष्टिर॑सि वी॒ळय॑स्व ॥ ६.०४७.३०
ā kra̍ndaya̱ bala̱mojo̍ na̱ ā dhā̱ niḥ ṣṭa̍nihi duri̱tā bādha̍mānaḥ .
apa̍ protha dundubhe du̱cchunā̍ i̱ta indra̍sya mu̱ṣṭira̍si vī̱l̤aya̍sva .. 6.047.30
30 Thunder out strength and fill us full of vigour:- yea, thunder forth and drive away all dangers.
Drive hence, O War-drum, drive away misfortune:- thou art the Fist of Indra:- show thy firmness.
Sloka : 6.47.31
आमूर॑ज प्र॒त्याव॑र्तये॒माः के॑तु॒मद्दु॑न्दु॒भिर्वा॑वदीति ।
समश्व॑पर्णा॒श्चर॑न्ति नो॒ नरो॒ऽस्माक॑मिन्द्र र॒थिनो॑ जयन्तु ॥ ६.०४७.३१
āmūra̍ja pra̱tyāva̍rtaye̱māḥ ke̍tu̱maddu̍ndu̱bhirvā̍vadīti .
samaśva̍parṇā̱ścara̍nti no̱ naro̱'smāka̍mindra ra̱thino̍ jayantu .. 6.047.31
31 Drive hither those, and these again bring hither:- the War-drum speaks aloud as battle's signal.
Our heroes, winged with horses, come together. Let our car-warriors, Indra, be triumphant.
Sloka : 6.48.1
य॒ज्ञाय॑ज्ञा वो अ॒ग्नये॑ गि॒रागि॑रा च॒ दक्ष॑से ।
प्रप्र॑ व॒यम॒मृतं॑ जा॒तवे॑दसं प्रि॒यं मि॒त्रं न शं॑सिषम् ॥ ६.०४८.०१
ya̱jñāya̍jñā vo a̱gnaye̍ gi̱rāgi̍rā ca̱ dakṣa̍se .
prapra̍ va̱yama̱mṛta̍ṃ jā̱tave̍dasaṃ pri̱yaṃ mi̱traṃ na śa̍ṃsiṣam .. 6.048.01
1. SING to your Agni with each song, at every sacrifice, for strength.
Come, let us praise the Wise and Everlasting God, even as a well-beloved Friend,
Sloka : 6.48.2
ऊ॒र्जो नपा॑तं॒ स हि॒नायम॑स्म॒युर्दाशे॑म ह॒व्यदा॑तये ।
भुव॒द्वाजे॑ष्ववि॒ता भुव॑द्वृ॒ध उ॒त त्रा॒ता त॒नूना॑म् ॥ ६.०४८.०२
ū̱rjo napā̍ta̱ṃ sa hi̱nāyama̍sma̱yurdāśe̍ma ha̱vyadā̍taye .
bhuva̱dvāje̍ṣvavi̱tā bhuva̍dvṛ̱dha u̱ta trā̱tā ta̱nūnā̍m .. 6.048.02
2 The Son of Strength; for is he not our gracious Lord? Let us serve him who bears our gifts.
In battle may he be our help and strengthener, yea, be the saviour of our lives.
Sloka : 6.48.3
वृषा॒ ह्य॑ग्ने अ॒जरो॑ म॒हान्वि॒भास्य॒र्चिषा॑ ।
अज॑स्रेण शो॒चिषा॒ शोशु॑चच्छुचे सुदी॒तिभिः॒ सु दी॑दिहि ॥ ६.०४८.०३
vṛṣā̱ hya̍gne a̱jaro̍ ma̱hānvi̱bhāsya̱rciṣā̍ .
aja̍sreṇa śo̱ciṣā̱ śośu̍cacchuce sudī̱tibhi̱ḥ su dī̍dihi .. 6.048.03
3 Agni, thou beamest forth with light, great Hero, never changed by time.
Shining, pure Agni! with a light that never fades, beam with thy fair beams brilliantly.
Sloka : 6.48.4
म॒हो दे॒वान्यज॑सि॒ यक्ष्या॑नु॒षक्तव॒ क्रत्वो॒त दं॒सना॑ ।
अ॒र्वाचः॑ सीं कृणुह्य॒ग्नेऽव॑से॒ रास्व॒ वाजो॒त वं॑स्व ॥ ६.०४८.०४
ma̱ho de̱vānyaja̍si̱ yakṣyā̍nu̱ṣaktava̱ kratvo̱ta da̱ṃsanā̍ .
a̱rvāca̍ḥ sīṃ kṛṇuhya̱gne'va̍se̱ rāsva̱ vājo̱ta va̍ṃsva .. 6.048.04
4 Thou worshippest great Gods:- bring them without delay by wisdom and thy wondrous power.
O Agni, make them turn hither to succour us. Give strength, and win it for thyself.
Sloka : 6.48.5
यमापो॒ अद्र॑यो॒ वना॒ गर्भ॑मृ॒तस्य॒ पिप्र॑ति ।
सह॑सा॒ यो म॑थि॒तो जाय॑ते॒ नृभिः॑ पृथि॒व्या अधि॒ सान॑वि ॥ ६.०४८.०५
yamāpo̱ adra̍yo̱ vanā̱ garbha̍mṛ̱tasya̱ pipra̍ti .
saha̍sā̱ yo ma̍thi̱to jāya̍te̱ nṛbhi̍ḥ pṛthi̱vyā adhi̱ sāna̍vi .. 6.048.05
5 He whom floods, stones, and trees support, the offspring of eternal Law;
He who when rubbed with force is brought to life by men upon the lofty height of earth;
Sloka : 6.48.6
आ यः प॒प्रौ भा॒नुना॒ रोद॑सी उ॒भे धू॒मेन॑ धावते दि॒वि ।
ति॒रस्तमो॑ ददृश॒ ऊर्म्या॒स्वा श्या॒वास्व॑रु॒षो वृषा श्या॒वा अ॑रु॒षो वृषा॑ ॥ ६.०४८.०६
ā yaḥ pa̱prau bhā̱nunā̱ roda̍sī u̱bhe dhū̱mena̍ dhāvate di̱vi .
ti̱rastamo̍ dadṛśa̱ ūrmyā̱svā śyā̱vāsva̍ru̱ṣo vṛṣā śyā̱vā a̍ru̱ṣo vṛṣā̍ .. 6.048.06
6 He who hath filled both worlds fult with his brilliant shine, who hastens with his smoke to heaven;
He made himself apparent through the gloom by night, the Red Bull in the darksome nights, the Red Bull in the darksome nights.
Sloka : 6.48.7
बृ॒हद्भि॑रग्ने अ॒र्चिभिः॑ शु॒क्रेण॑ देव शो॒चिषा॑ ।
भ॒रद्वा॑जे समिधा॒नो य॑विष्ठ्य रे॒वन्नः॑ शुक्र दीदिहि द्यु॒मत्पा॑वक दीदिहि ॥ ६.०४८.०७
bṛ̱hadbhi̍ragne a̱rcibhi̍ḥ śu̱kreṇa̍ deva śo̱ciṣā̍ .
bha̱radvā̍je samidhā̱no ya̍viṣṭhya re̱vanna̍ḥ śukra dīdihi dyu̱matpā̍vaka dīdihi .. 6.048.07
7 O Agni, with thy lofty beams, with thy pure brilliancy, O God,
Kindled, Most Youthful One! by Bharadvāja's hand, shine on us, O pure God, with wealth, shine, Purifier! splendidly.
Sloka : 6.48.8
विश्वा॑सां गृ॒हप॑तिर्वि॒शाम॑सि॒ त्वम॑ग्ने॒ मानु॑षीणाम् ।
श॒तं पू॒र्भिर्य॑विष्ठ पा॒ह्यंह॑सः समे॒द्धारं॑ श॒तं हिमाः॑ स्तो॒तृभ्यो॒ ये च॒ दद॑ति ॥ ६.०४८.०८
viśvā̍sāṃ gṛ̱hapa̍tirvi̱śāma̍si̱ tvama̍gne̱ mānu̍ṣīṇām .
śa̱taṃ pū̱rbhirya̍viṣṭha pā̱hyaṃha̍saḥ same̱ddhāra̍ṃ śa̱taṃ himā̍ḥ sto̱tṛbhyo̱ ye ca̱ dada̍ti .. 6.048.08
8 Thou art the Lord of house and home of all the tribes, O Agni, of all tribes of men.
Guard with a hundred forts thy kindler from distress, through hundred winters, Youngest God! and those who make thy singers rich.
Sloka : 6.48.9
त्वं न॑श्चि॒त्र ऊ॒त्या वसो॒ राधां॑सि चोदय ।
अ॒स्य रा॒यस्त्वम॑ग्ने र॒थीर॑सि वि॒दा गा॒धं तु॒चे तु नः॑ ॥ ६.०४८.०९
tvaṃ na̍ści̱tra ū̱tyā vaso̱ rādhā̍ṃsi codaya .
a̱sya rā̱yastvama̍gne ra̱thīra̍si vi̱dā gā̱dhaṃ tu̱ce tu na̍ḥ .. 6.048.09
9 Wonderful, with thy favouring help, send us thy bounties, gracious Lord.
Thou art the Charioteer, Agni, of earthly wealth:- find rest and safety for our seed.
Sloka : 6.48.10
पर्षि॑ तो॒कं तन॑यं प॒र्तृभि॒ष्ट्वमद॑ब्धै॒रप्र॑युत्वभिः ।
अग्ने॒ हेळां॑सि॒ दैव्या॑ युयोधि॒ नोऽदे॑वानि॒ ह्वरां॑सि च ॥ ६.०४८.१०
parṣi̍ to̱kaṃ tana̍yaṃ pa̱rtṛbhi̱ṣṭvamada̍bdhai̱rapra̍yutvabhiḥ .
agne̱ hel̤ā̍ṃsi̱ daivyā̍ yuyodhi̱ no'de̍vāni̱ hvarā̍ṃsi ca .. 6.048.10
10 With guards unfailing never negligent speed thou our children and our progeny.
Keep far from us, O Agni, all celestial wrath and wickedness of godless men.
Sloka : 6.48.11
आ स॑खायः सब॒र्दुघां॑ धे॒नुम॑जध्व॒मुप॒ नव्य॑सा॒ वचः॑ ।
सृ॒जध्व॒मन॑पस्फुराम् ॥ ६.०४८.११
ā sa̍khāyaḥ saba̱rdughā̍ṃ dhe̱numa̍jadhva̱mupa̱ navya̍sā̱ vaca̍ḥ .
sṛ̱jadhva̱mana̍pasphurām .. 6.048.11
11 Hither, O friends, with newest song drive her who freely pours her milk;
Loose her who never turns away;
Sloka : 6.48.12
या शर्धा॑य॒ मारु॑ताय॒ स्वभा॑नवे॒ श्रवोऽमृ॑त्यु॒ धुक्ष॑त ।
या मृ॑ळी॒के म॒रुतां॑ तु॒राणां॒ या सु॒म्नैरे॑व॒याव॑री ॥ ६.०४८.१२
yā śardhā̍ya̱ māru̍tāya̱ svabhā̍nave̱ śravo'mṛ̍tyu̱ dhukṣa̍ta .
yā mṛ̍l̤ī̱ke ma̱rutā̍ṃ tu̱rāṇā̱ṃ yā su̱mnaire̍va̱yāva̍rī .. 6.048.12
12 Who, for the host of Maruts bright with native sheen, hath shed immortal fame like milk;
Whom the impetuous Maruts look upon with love, who moves in splendour on their ways.
Sloka : 6.48.13
भ॒रद्वा॑जा॒याव॑ धुक्षत द्वि॒ता ।
धे॒नुं च॑ वि॒श्वदो॑हस॒मिषं॑ च वि॒श्वभो॑जसम् ॥ ६.०४८.१३
bha̱radvā̍jā̱yāva̍ dhukṣata dvi̱tā .
dhe̱nuṃ ca̍ vi̱śvado̍hasa̱miṣa̍ṃ ca vi̱śvabho̍jasam .. 6.048.13
13 For Bharadvāja she poured down in days of old
The milch-cow yielding milk for all, and food that gives all nourishment.
Sloka : 6.48.14
तं व॒ इन्द्रं॒ न सु॒क्रतुं॒ वरु॑णमिव मा॒यिन॑म् ।
अ॒र्य॒मणं॒ न म॒न्द्रं सृ॒प्रभो॑जसं॒ विष्णुं॒ न स्तु॑ष आ॒दिशे॑ ॥ ६.०४८.१४
taṃ va̱ indra̱ṃ na su̱kratu̱ṃ varu̍ṇamiva mā̱yina̍m .
a̱rya̱maṇa̱ṃ na ma̱ndraṃ sṛ̱prabho̍jasa̱ṃ viṣṇu̱ṃ na stu̍ṣa ā̱diśe̍ .. 6.048.14
14 Your friend like Indra passing wise, with magic power like Varuṇa.
Like Aryaman joy-giving, bringing plenteous food like ViSnxu for my wish, I praise,
Sloka : 6.48.15
त्वे॒षं शर्धो॒ न मारु॑तं तुवि॒ष्वण्य॑न॒र्वाणं॑ पू॒षणं॒ सं यथा॑ श॒ता ।
सं स॒हस्रा॒ कारि॑षच्चर्ष॒णिभ्य॒ आँ आ॒विर्गू॒ळ्हा वसू॑ करत्सु॒वेदा॑ नो॒ वसू॑ करत् ॥ ६.०४८.१५
tve̱ṣaṃ śardho̱ na māru̍taṃ tuvi̱ṣvaṇya̍na̱rvāṇa̍ṃ pū̱ṣaṇa̱ṃ saṃ yathā̍ śa̱tā .
saṃ sa̱hasrā̱ kāri̍ṣaccarṣa̱ṇibhya̱ ām̐ ā̱virgū̱l̤hā vasū̍ karatsu̱vedā̍ no̱ vasū̍ karat .. 6.048.15
15 Bright as the host of Maruts mighty in their roar. May they bring Pūṣan free from foes;
May they bring hither hundreds, thousands for our men:- may they bring hidden stores to light, and make wealth easy to be found.
Sloka : 6.48.16
आ मा॑ पूष॒न्नुप॑ द्रव॒ शंसि॑षं॒ नु ते॑ अपिक॒र्ण आ॑घृणे ।
अ॒घा अ॒र्यो अरा॑तयः ॥ ६.०४८.१६
ā mā̍ pūṣa̱nnupa̍ drava̱ śaṃsi̍ṣa̱ṃ nu te̍ apika̱rṇa ā̍ghṛṇe .
a̱ghā a̱ryo arā̍tayaḥ .. 6.048.16
16 Haste to me, Pūṣan, in thine car, bright Deity:- I fain would speak:-
Most sinful is our foeman's hate.
Sloka : 6.48.17
मा का॑क॒म्बीर॒मुद्वृ॑हो॒ वन॒स्पति॒मश॑स्ती॒र्वि हि नीन॑शः ।
मोत सूरो॒ अह॑ ए॒वा च॒न ग्री॒वा आ॒दध॑ते॒ वेः ॥ ६.०४८.१७
mā kā̍ka̱mbīra̱mudvṛ̍ho̱ vana̱spati̱maśa̍stī̱rvi hi nīna̍śaḥ .
mota sūro̱ aha̍ e̱vā ca̱na grī̱vā ā̱dadha̍te̱ veḥ .. 6.048.17
17 Tear not up by the roots the Kakambira tree:- destroy thou all malignity.
Let them not snare by day the neck of that Celestial Bird the Sun.
Sloka : 6.48.18
दृते॑रिव तेऽवृ॒कम॑स्तु स॒ख्यम् ।
अच्छि॑द्रस्य दध॒न्वतः॒ सुपू॑र्णस्य दध॒न्वतः॑ ॥ ६.०४८.१८
dṛte̍riva te'vṛ̱kama̍stu sa̱khyam .
acchi̍drasya dadha̱nvata̱ḥ supū̍rṇasya dadha̱nvata̍ḥ .. 6.048.18
18 Uninjured let thy friendship be, like the smooth surface of a skin,
A flawless skin, containing curds, full to the mouth, containing curds.
Sloka : 6.48.19
प॒रो हि मर्त्यै॒रसि॑ स॒मो दे॒वैरु॒त श्रि॒या ।
अ॒भि ख्यः॑ पूष॒न्पृत॑नासु न॒स्त्वमवा॑ नू॒नं यथा॑ पु॒रा ॥ ६.०४८.१९
pa̱ro hi martyai̱rasi̍ sa̱mo de̱vairu̱ta śri̱yā .
a̱bhi khya̍ḥ pūṣa̱npṛta̍nāsu na̱stvamavā̍ nū̱naṃ yathā̍ pu̱rā .. 6.048.19
19 For thou art high above mankind, in glory equal to the Gods.
Therefore, O Pūṣan, look upon us in the fight:- now help us as in days of old.
Sloka : 6.48.20
वा॒मी वा॒मस्य॑ धूतयः॒ प्रणी॑तिरस्तु सू॒नृता॑ ।
दे॒वस्य॑ वा मरुतो॒ मर्त्य॑स्य वेजा॒नस्य॑ प्रयज्यवः ॥ ६.०४८.२०
vā̱mī vā̱masya̍ dhūtaya̱ḥ praṇī̍tirastu sū̱nṛtā̍ .
de̱vasya̍ vā maruto̱ martya̍sya vejā̱nasya̍ prayajyavaḥ .. 6.048.20
20 May the kind excellence of him the Kind, loud Roarers! be our guide,
Be it the God's, O Maruts, or a mortal man's who worships, ye impetuous Ones!
Sloka : 6.48.21
स॒द्यश्चि॒द्यस्य॑ चर्कृ॒तिः परि॒ द्यां दे॒वो नैति॒ सूर्यः॑ ।
त्वे॒षं शवो॑ दधिरे॒ नाम॑ य॒ज्ञियं॑ म॒रुतो॑ वृत्र॒हं शवो॒ ज्येष्ठं॑ वृत्र॒हं शवः॑ ॥ ६.०४८.२१
sa̱dyaści̱dyasya̍ carkṛ̱tiḥ pari̱ dyāṃ de̱vo naiti̱ sūrya̍ḥ .
tve̱ṣaṃ śavo̍ dadhire̱ nāma̍ ya̱jñiya̍ṃ ma̱ruto̍ vṛtra̱haṃ śavo̱ jyeṣṭha̍ṃ vṛtra̱haṃ śava̍ḥ .. 6.048.21
21 They whose high glory in a moment like the God, the Sun, goes round the space of heaven,
The Maruts have obtained bright strength, a sacred name, strength that destroys the Vṛtras, strength Vṛtra-destroying excellent.
Sloka : 6.48.22
स॒कृद्ध॒ द्यौर॑जायत स॒कृद्भूमि॑रजायत ।
पृश्न्या॑ दु॒ग्धं स॒कृत्पय॒स्तद॒न्यो नानु॑ जायते ॥ ६.०४८.२२
sa̱kṛddha̱ dyaura̍jāyata sa̱kṛdbhūmi̍rajāyata .
pṛśnyā̍ du̱gdhaṃ sa̱kṛtpaya̱stada̱nyo nānu̍ jāyate .. 6.048.22
22 Once, only once, the heaven was made, once only once, the earth was formed-
Once, only Pṛśni's milk was shed:- no second, after this, is born.
Sloka : 6.49.1
स्तु॒षे जनं॑ सुव्र॒तं नव्य॑सीभिर्गी॒र्भिर्मि॒त्रावरु॑णा सुम्न॒यन्ता॑ ।
त आ ग॑मन्तु॒ त इ॒ह श्रु॑वन्तु सुक्ष॒त्रासो॒ वरु॑णो मि॒त्रो अ॒ग्निः ॥ ६.०४९.०१
stu̱ṣe jana̍ṃ suvra̱taṃ navya̍sībhirgī̱rbhirmi̱trāvaru̍ṇā sumna̱yantā̍ .
ta ā ga̍mantu̱ ta i̱ha śru̍vantu sukṣa̱trāso̱ varu̍ṇo mi̱tro a̱gniḥ .. 6.049.01
1. I LAUD with newest songs the Righteous People, Mitra and Varuṇa who make us happy.
Let them approach, here let them listen,Agni, Varuṇa, Mitra, Lords of fair dominion.
Sloka : 6.49.2
वि॒शोवि॑श॒ ईड्य॑मध्व॒रेष्वदृ॑प्तक्रतुमर॒तिं यु॑व॒त्योः ।
दि॒वः शिशुं॒ सह॑सः सू॒नुम॒ग्निं य॒ज्ञस्य॑ के॒तुम॑रु॒षं यज॑ध्यै ॥ ६.०४९.०२
vi̱śovi̍śa̱ īḍya̍madhva̱reṣvadṛ̍ptakratumara̱tiṃ yu̍va̱tyoḥ .
di̱vaḥ śiśu̱ṃ saha̍saḥ sū̱numa̱gniṃ ya̱jñasya̍ ke̱tuma̍ru̱ṣaṃ yaja̍dhyai .. 6.049.02
2 Him, to be praised at each tribe's sacrifices, the Two young Matrons' sober-minded Herald,
The Son of Strength, the Child of Heaven, the signal of sacrifice, red Agni will I worship.
Sloka : 6.49.3
अ॒रु॒षस्य॑ दुहि॒तरा॒ विरू॑पे॒ स्तृभि॑र॒न्या पि॑पि॒शे सूरो॑ अ॒न्या ।
मि॒थ॒स्तुरा॑ वि॒चर॑न्ती पाव॒के मन्म॑ श्रु॒तं न॑क्षत ऋ॒च्यमा॑ने ॥ ६.०४९.०३
a̱ru̱ṣasya̍ duhi̱tarā̱ virū̍pe̱ stṛbhi̍ra̱nyā pi̍pi̱śe sūro̍ a̱nyā .
mi̱tha̱sturā̍ vi̱cara̍ntī pāva̱ke manma̍ śru̱taṃ na̍kṣata ṛ̱cyamā̍ne .. 6.049.03
3 Unlike in form are the Red God's two Daughters:- one is the Sun's, and stars bedeck the other.
Apart, the Sanctifiers, in succession, come to the famed hymn, praised in holy verses.
Sloka : 6.49.4
प्र वा॒युमच्छा॑ बृह॒ती म॑नी॒षा बृ॒हद्र॑यिं वि॒श्ववा॑रं रथ॒प्राम् ।
द्यु॒तद्या॑मा नि॒युतः॒ पत्य॑मानः क॒विः क॒विमि॑यक्षसि प्रयज्यो ॥ ६.०४९.०४
pra vā̱yumacchā̍ bṛha̱tī ma̍nī̱ṣā bṛ̱hadra̍yiṃ vi̱śvavā̍raṃ ratha̱prām .
dyu̱tadyā̍mā ni̱yuta̱ḥ patya̍mānaḥ ka̱viḥ ka̱vimi̍yakṣasi prayajyo .. 6.049.04
4 I with a lofty song call hither Vāyu, all-bounteous, filler of his car, most wealthy.
Thou, Sage, with bright path, Lord of harnessed horses, impetuous, promptly honourest the prudent.
Sloka : 6.49.5
स मे॒ वपु॑श्छदयद॒श्विनो॒र्यो रथो॑ वि॒रुक्मा॒न्मन॑सा युजा॒नः ।
येन॑ नरा नासत्येष॒यध्यै॑ व॒र्तिर्या॒थस्तन॑याय॒ त्मने॑ च ॥ ६.०४९.०५
sa me̱ vapu̍śchadayada̱śvino̱ryo ratho̍ vi̱rukmā̱nmana̍sā yujā̱naḥ .
yena̍ narā nāsatyeṣa̱yadhyai̍ va̱rtiryā̱thastana̍yāya̱ tmane̍ ca .. 6.049.05
5 That chariot of the Aśvins, fair to look on, pleaseth me well, yoked with a thought, refulgent,
Wherewith, Nāsatyas, Chiefs, ye seek our dwelling, to give new strength to us and to our children.
Sloka : 6.49.6
पर्ज॑न्यवाता वृषभा पृथि॒व्याः पुरी॑षाणि जिन्वत॒मप्या॑नि ।
सत्य॑श्रुतः कवयो॒ यस्य॑ गी॒र्भिर्जग॑तः स्थात॒र्जग॒दा कृ॑णुध्वम् ॥ ६.०४९.०६
parja̍nyavātā vṛṣabhā pṛthi̱vyāḥ purī̍ṣāṇi jinvata̱mapyā̍ni .
satya̍śrutaḥ kavayo̱ yasya̍ gī̱rbhirjaga̍taḥ sthāta̱rjaga̱dā kṛ̍ṇudhvam .. 6.049.06
6 Bulls of the Earth, O Vāta and Parjanya, stir up for us the regions of the water.
Hearers of truth, ye, Sages, World-Supporters, increase his living wealth whose songs delight you.
Sloka : 6.49.7
पावी॑रवी क॒न्या॑ चि॒त्रायुः॒ सर॑स्वती वी॒रप॑त्नी॒ धियं॑ धात् ।
ग्नाभि॒रच्छि॑द्रं शर॒णं स॒जोषा॑ दुरा॒धर्षं॑ गृण॒ते शर्म॑ यंसत् ॥ ६.०४९.०७
pāvī̍ravī ka̱nyā̍ ci̱trāyu̱ḥ sara̍svatī vī̱rapa̍tnī̱ dhiya̍ṃ dhāt .
gnābhi̱racchi̍draṃ śara̱ṇaṃ sa̱joṣā̍ durā̱dharṣa̍ṃ gṛṇa̱te śarma̍ yaṃsat .. 6.049.07
7 So may Sarasvatī, the Hero's Consort, brisk with rare life, the lightning's Child, inspire us,
And, with the Dames accordant, give the singer a refuge unassailable and flawless.
Sloka : 6.49.8
प॒थस्प॑थः॒ परि॑पतिं वच॒स्या कामे॑न कृ॒तो अ॒भ्या॑नळ॒र्कम् ।
स नो॑ रासच्छु॒रुध॑श्च॒न्द्राग्रा॒ धियं॑धियं सीषधाति॒ प्र पू॒षा ॥ ६.०४९.०८
pa̱thaspa̍tha̱ḥ pari̍patiṃ vaca̱syā kāme̍na kṛ̱to a̱bhyā̍nal̤a̱rkam .
sa no̍ rāsacchu̱rudha̍śca̱ndrāgrā̱ dhiya̍ṃdhiyaṃ sīṣadhāti̱ pra pū̱ṣā .. 6.049.08
8 I praise with eloquence him who guards all pathways. He, when his love impelled him, went to Arka.
May he vouchsafe us gear with gold to grace it:- may Pūṣan make each prayer of ours efective.
Sloka : 6.49.9
प्र॒थ॒म॒भाजं॑ य॒शसं॑ वयो॒धां सु॑पा॒णिं दे॒वं सु॒गभ॑स्ति॒मृभ्व॑म् ।
होता॑ यक्षद्यज॒तं प॒स्त्या॑नाम॒ग्निस्त्वष्टा॑रं सु॒हवं॑ वि॒भावा॑ ॥ ६.०४९.०९
pra̱tha̱ma̱bhāja̍ṃ ya̱śasa̍ṃ vayo̱dhāṃ su̍pā̱ṇiṃ de̱vaṃ su̱gabha̍sti̱mṛbhva̍m .
hotā̍ yakṣadyaja̱taṃ pa̱styā̍nāma̱gnistvaṣṭā̍raṃ su̱hava̍ṃ vi̱bhāvā̍ .. 6.049.09
9 May Herald Agni, fulgent, bring for worship Tvaṣṭar adored, in homes and swift to listen,
Glorious, first to share, the life-bestower, the ever active God, fair-armed, fair-handed.
Sloka : 6.49.10
भुव॑नस्य पि॒तरं॑ गी॒र्भिरा॒भी रु॒द्रं दिवा॑ व॒र्धया॑ रु॒द्रम॒क्तौ ।
बृ॒हन्त॑मृ॒ष्वम॒जरं॑ सुषु॒म्नमृध॑ग्घुवेम क॒विने॑षि॒तासः॑ ॥ ६.०४९.१०
bhuva̍nasya pi̱tara̍ṃ gī̱rbhirā̱bhī ru̱draṃ divā̍ va̱rdhayā̍ ru̱drama̱ktau .
bṛ̱hanta̍mṛ̱ṣvama̱jara̍ṃ suṣu̱mnamṛdha̍gghuvema ka̱vine̍ṣi̱tāsa̍ḥ .. 6.049.10
10 Rudra by day, Rudra at night we honour with these our songs, the Universe's Father.
Him great and lofty, blissful, undecaying let us call specially as the Sage impels us.
Sloka : 6.49.11
आ यु॑वानः कवयो यज्ञियासो॒ मरु॑तो ग॒न्त गृ॑ण॒तो व॑र॒स्याम् ।
अ॒चि॒त्रं चि॒द्धि जिन्व॑था वृ॒धन्त॑ इ॒त्था नक्ष॑न्तो नरो अङ्गिर॒स्वत् ॥ ६.०४९.११
ā yu̍vānaḥ kavayo yajñiyāso̱ maru̍to ga̱nta gṛ̍ṇa̱to va̍ra̱syām .
a̱ci̱traṃ ci̱ddhi jinva̍thā vṛ̱dhanta̍ i̱tthā nakṣa̍nto naro aṅgira̱svat .. 6.049.11
11 Ye who are youthful, wise, and meet for worship, come, Martits, to the longing of the singer.
Coming, as erst to Aṅgiras, O Heroes, ye animate and quicken e’en the desert.
Sloka : 6.49.12
प्र वी॒राय॒ प्र त॒वसे॑ तु॒रायाजा॑ यू॒थेव॑ पशु॒रक्षि॒रस्त॑म् ।
स पि॑स्पृशति त॒न्वि॑ श्रु॒तस्य॒ स्तृभि॒र्न नाकं॑ वच॒नस्य॒ विपः॑ ॥ ६.०४९.१२
pra vī̱rāya̱ pra ta̱vase̍ tu̱rāyājā̍ yū̱theva̍ paśu̱rakṣi̱rasta̍m .
sa pi̍spṛśati ta̱nvi̍ śru̱tasya̱ stṛbhi̱rna nāka̍ṃ vaca̱nasya̱ vipa̍ḥ .. 6.049.12
12 Even as the herdsman driveth home his cattle, I urge my songs to him the strong swift Hero
May he, the glorious, lay upon his body the singer's hymns, as stars bedeck the heaven.
Sloka : 6.49.13
यो रजां॑सि विम॒मे पार्थि॑वानि॒ त्रिश्चि॒द्विष्णु॒र्मन॑वे बाधि॒ताय॑ ।
तस्य॑ ते॒ शर्म॑न्नुपद॒द्यमा॑ने रा॒या म॑देम त॒न्वा॒३॒॑ तना॑ च ॥ ६.०४९.१३
yo rajā̍ṃsi vima̱me pārthi̍vāni̱ triści̱dviṣṇu̱rmana̍ve bādhi̱tāya̍ .
tasya̍ te̱ śarma̍nnupada̱dyamā̍ne rā̱yā ma̍dema ta̱nvā̱3̱̍ tanā̍ ca .. 6.049.13
13 He who for man's behoof in his afiliction thrice measured out the earthly regions, Viṣṇu-
When one so great as thou affordeth shelter, may we with wealth and with ourselves be happy.
Sloka : 6.49.14
तन्नोऽहि॑र्बु॒ध्न्यो॑ अ॒द्भिर॒र्कैस्तत्पर्व॑त॒स्तत्स॑वि॒ता चनो॑ धात् ।
तदोष॑धीभिर॒भि रा॑ति॒षाचो॒ भगः॒ पुरं॑धिर्जिन्वतु॒ प्र रा॒ये ॥ ६.०४९.१४
tanno'hi̍rbu̱dhnyo̍ a̱dbhira̱rkaistatparva̍ta̱statsa̍vi̱tā cano̍ dhāt .
tadoṣa̍dhībhira̱bhi rā̍ti̱ṣāco̱ bhaga̱ḥ pura̍ṃdhirjinvatu̱ pra rā̱ye .. 6.049.14
14 Sweet be this song of mine to Ahibudhnya, Parvata, Savitar, with Floods and Lightnings;
Sweet, with the Plants, to Gods who seek oblations. May liberal Bhaga speed us on to riches.
Sloka : 6.49.15
नु नो॑ र॒यिं र॒थ्यं॑ चर्षणि॒प्रां पु॑रु॒वीरं॑ म॒ह ऋ॒तस्य॑ गो॒पाम् ।
क्षयं॑ दाता॒जरं॒ येन॒ जना॒न्स्पृधो॒ अदे॑वीर॒भि च॒ क्रमा॑म॒ विश॒ आदे॑वीर॒भ्य१॒॑श्नवा॑म ॥ ६.०४९.१५
nu no̍ ra̱yiṃ ra̱thya̍ṃ carṣaṇi̱prāṃ pu̍ru̱vīra̍ṃ ma̱ha ṛ̱tasya̍ go̱pām .
kṣaya̍ṃ dātā̱jara̱ṃ yena̱ janā̱nspṛdho̱ ade̍vīra̱bhi ca̱ kramā̍ma̱ viśa̱ āde̍vīra̱bhya1̱̍śnavā̍ma .. 6.049.15
15 Give riches borne on cars, with many heroes, contenting men, the guard of mighty Order.
Give us a lasting home that we may battle with godless bands of men who fight against us, and meet with tribes to whom the Gods are gracious.
Sloka : 6.50.1
हु॒वे वो॑ दे॒वीमदि॑तिं॒ नमो॑भिर्मृळी॒काय॒ वरु॑णं मि॒त्रम॒ग्निम् ।
अ॒भि॒क्ष॒दाम॑र्य॒मणं॑ सु॒शेवं॑ त्रा॒तॄन्दे॒वान्स॑वि॒तारं॒ भगं॑ च ॥ ६.०५०.०१
hu̱ve vo̍ de̱vīmadi̍ti̱ṃ namo̍bhirmṛl̤ī̱kāya̱ varu̍ṇaṃ mi̱trama̱gnim .
a̱bhi̱kṣa̱dāma̍rya̱maṇa̍ṃ su̱śeva̍ṃ trā̱tṝnde̱vānsa̍vi̱tāra̱ṃ bhaga̍ṃ ca .. 6.050.01
1. I CALL with prayers on Aditi your Goddess, on Agni, Mitra, Varuṇa for favour,
On Aryaman who gives unasked, the gracious, on Gods who save, on Savitar and Bhaga.
Sloka : 6.50.2
सु॒ज्योति॑षः सूर्य॒ दक्ष॑पितॄननागा॒स्त्वे सु॑महो वीहि दे॒वान् ।
द्वि॒जन्मा॑नो॒ य ऋ॑त॒सापः॑ स॒त्याः स्व॑र्वन्तो यज॒ता अ॑ग्निजि॒ह्वाः ॥ ६.०५०.०२
su̱jyoti̍ṣaḥ sūrya̱ dakṣa̍pitṝnanāgā̱stve su̍maho vīhi de̱vān .
dvi̱janmā̍no̱ ya ṛ̍ta̱sāpa̍ḥ sa̱tyāḥ sva̍rvanto yaja̱tā a̍gniji̱hvāḥ .. 6.050.02
2 Visit, to prove us free from sin, O Sūrya Lord of great might, the bright Gods sprung from Dakṣa,
Twice-born and true, observing sacred duties, Holy and full of light, whose tongue is Agni.
Sloka : 6.50.3
उ॒त द्या॑वापृथिवी क्ष॒त्रमु॒रु बृ॒हद्रो॑दसी शर॒णं सु॑षुम्ने ।
म॒हस्क॑रथो॒ वरि॑वो॒ यथा॑ नो॒ऽस्मे क्षया॑य धिषणे अने॒हः ॥ ६.०५०.०३
u̱ta dyā̍vāpṛthivī kṣa̱tramu̱ru bṛ̱hadro̍dasī śara̱ṇaṃ su̍ṣumne .
ma̱haska̍ratho̱ vari̍vo̱ yathā̍ no̱'sme kṣayā̍ya dhiṣaṇe ane̱haḥ .. 6.050.03
3 And, O ye Heaven and Earth, a wide dominion, O ye most blissful Worlds, our lofty shelter,
Give ample room and freedom for our dwelling, a home, ye Hemispheres, which none may rival.
Sloka : 6.50.4
आ नो॑ रु॒द्रस्य॑ सू॒नवो॑ नमन्ताम॒द्या हू॒तासो॒ वस॒वोऽधृ॑ष्टाः ।
यदी॒मर्भे॑ मह॒ति वा॑ हि॒तासो॑ बा॒धे म॒रुतो॒ अह्वा॑म दे॒वान् ॥ ६.०५०.०४
ā no̍ ru̱drasya̍ sū̱navo̍ namantāma̱dyā hū̱tāso̱ vasa̱vo'dhṛ̍ṣṭāḥ .
yadī̱marbhe̍ maha̱ti vā̍ hi̱tāso̍ bā̱dhe ma̱ruto̱ ahvā̍ma de̱vān .. 6.050.04
4 This day invited may the Sons of Rudra, resistless, excellent, stoop down to meet us;
For, when beset with slight or sore affliction, we ever call upon the Gods, the Maruts;
Sloka : 6.50.5
मि॒म्यक्ष॒ येषु॑ रोद॒सी नु दे॒वी सिष॑क्ति पू॒षा अ॑भ्यर्ध॒यज्वा॑ ।
श्रु॒त्वा हवं॑ मरुतो॒ यद्ध॑ या॒थ भूमा॑ रेजन्ते॒ अध्व॑नि॒ प्रवि॑क्ते ॥ ६.०५०.०५
mi̱myakṣa̱ yeṣu̍ roda̱sī nu de̱vī siṣa̍kti pū̱ṣā a̍bhyardha̱yajvā̍ .
śru̱tvā hava̍ṃ maruto̱ yaddha̍ yā̱tha bhūmā̍ rejante̱ adhva̍ni̱ pravi̍kte .. 6.050.05
5 To whom the Goddess Rodasī clings closely, whom Pūṣan follows bringing ample bounty.
What time ye hear our call and come, O Maruts, upon your separate path all creatures tremble.
Sloka : 6.50.6
अ॒भि त्यं वी॒रं गिर्व॑णसम॒र्चेन्द्रं॒ ब्रह्म॑णा जरित॒र्नवे॑न ।
श्रव॒दिद्धव॒मुप॑ च॒ स्तवा॑नो॒ रास॒द्वाजा॒ँ उप॑ म॒हो गृ॑णा॒नः ॥ ६.०५०.०६
a̱bhi tyaṃ vī̱raṃ girva̍ṇasama̱rcendra̱ṃ brahma̍ṇā jarita̱rnave̍na .
śrava̱diddhava̱mupa̍ ca̱ stavā̍no̱ rāsa̱dvājā̱m̐ upa̍ ma̱ho gṛ̍ṇā̱naḥ .. 6.050.06
6 With a new hymn extol, O thou who singest, the Lover of the Song, the Hero Indra.
May he, exalted, hear our invocation, and grant us mighty wealth and strength when lauded.
Sloka : 6.50.7
ओ॒मान॑मापो मानुषी॒रमृ॑क्तं॒ धात॑ तो॒काय॒ तन॑याय॒ शं योः ।
यू॒यं हि ष्ठा भि॒षजो॑ मा॒तृत॑मा॒ विश्व॑स्य स्था॒तुर्जग॑तो॒ जनि॑त्रीः ॥ ६.०५०.०७
o̱māna̍māpo mānuṣī̱ramṛ̍kta̱ṃ dhāta̍ to̱kāya̱ tana̍yāya̱ śaṃ yoḥ .
yū̱yaṃ hi ṣṭhā bhi̱ṣajo̍ mā̱tṛta̍mā̱ viśva̍sya sthā̱turjaga̍to̱ jani̍trīḥ .. 6.050.07
7 Give full protection, Friends of man, ye Waters, in peace and trouble, to our sons and grandsons.
For ye are our most motherly physicians, parents of all that standeth, all that moveth.
Sloka : 6.50.8
आ नो॑ दे॒वः स॑वि॒ता त्राय॑माणो॒ हिर॑ण्यपाणिर्यज॒तो ज॑गम्यात् ।
यो दत्र॑वाँ उ॒षसो॒ न प्रती॑कं व्यूर्णु॒ते दा॒शुषे॒ वार्या॑णि ॥ ६.०५०.०८
ā no̍ de̱vaḥ sa̍vi̱tā trāya̍māṇo̱ hira̍ṇyapāṇiryaja̱to ja̍gamyāt .
yo datra̍vām̐ u̱ṣaso̱ na pratī̍kaṃ vyūrṇu̱te dā̱śuṣe̱ vāryā̍ṇi .. 6.050.08
8 May Savitar come hither and approach us, the God who rescues, Holy, goldenhanded,
The God who, bounteous as the face of Morning, discloses precious gifts for him who worships.
Sloka : 6.50.9
उ॒त त्वं सू॑नो सहसो नो अ॒द्या दे॒वाँ अ॒स्मिन्न॑ध्व॒रे व॑वृत्याः ।
स्याम॒हं ते॒ सद॒मिद्रा॒तौ तव॑ स्याम॒ग्नेऽव॑सा सु॒वीरः॑ ॥ ६.०५०.०९
u̱ta tvaṃ sū̍no sahaso no a̱dyā de̱vām̐ a̱sminna̍dhva̱re va̍vṛtyāḥ .
syāma̱haṃ te̱ sada̱midrā̱tau tava̍ syāma̱gne'va̍sā su̱vīra̍ḥ .. 6.050.09
9 And thou, O Son of Strength, do thou turn hither the Gods to-day to this our holy service.
May I for evermore enjoy thy bounty and, Agni, by thy grace be rich in heroes.
Sloka : 6.50.10
उ॒त त्या मे॒ हव॒मा ज॑ग्म्यातं॒ नास॑त्या धी॒भिर्यु॒वम॒ङ्ग वि॑प्रा ।
अत्रिं॒ न म॒हस्तम॑सोऽमुमुक्तं॒ तूर्व॑तं नरा दुरि॒ताद॒भीके॑ ॥ ६.०५०.१०
u̱ta tyā me̱ hava̱mā ja̍gmyāta̱ṃ nāsa̍tyā dhī̱bhiryu̱vama̱ṅga vi̍prā .
atri̱ṃ na ma̱hastama̍so'mumukta̱ṃ tūrva̍taṃ narā duri̱tāda̱bhīke̍ .. 6.050.10
10 Come also to my call, O ye Nāsatyas, yea, verily, through my prayers, ye Holy Sages.
As from great darkness ye delivered Atri, protect us, Chiefs, from danger in the conflict.
Sloka : 6.50.11
ते नो॑ रा॒यो द्यु॒मतो॒ वाज॑वतो दा॒तारो॑ भूत नृ॒वतः॑ पुरु॒क्षोः ।
द॒श॒स्यन्तो॑ दि॒व्याः पार्थि॑वासो॒ गोजा॑ता॒ अप्या॑ मृ॒ळता॑ च देवाः ॥ ६.०५०.११
te no̍ rā̱yo dyu̱mato̱ vāja̍vato dā̱tāro̍ bhūta nṛ̱vata̍ḥ puru̱kṣoḥ .
da̱śa̱syanto̍ di̱vyāḥ pārthi̍vāso̱ gojā̍tā̱ apyā̍ mṛ̱l̤atā̍ ca devāḥ .. 6.050.11
11 O Gods, bestow upon us riches, splendid with strength and heroes, bringing food in plenty.
Be gracious, helpful Gods of earth, of heaven, born of the Cow, and dwellers in the waters.
Sloka : 6.50.12
ते नो॑ रु॒द्रः सर॑स्वती स॒जोषा॑ मी॒ळ्हुष्म॑न्तो॒ विष्णु॑र्मृळन्तु वा॒युः ।
ऋ॒भु॒क्षा वाजो॒ दैव्यो॑ विधा॒ता प॒र्जन्या॒वाता॑ पिप्यता॒मिषं॑ नः ॥ ६.०५०.१२
te no̍ ru̱draḥ sara̍svatī sa̱joṣā̍ mī̱l̤huṣma̍nto̱ viṣṇu̍rmṛl̤antu vā̱yuḥ .
ṛ̱bhu̱kṣā vājo̱ daivyo̍ vidhā̱tā pa̱rjanyā̱vātā̍ pipyatā̱miṣa̍ṃ naḥ .. 6.050.12
12 May Rudra and Sarasvatī, accordant, Viṣṇu and Vāyu, pour down gifts and bless us;
Ṛbhukṣan, Vāja, and divine Vidhatar, Parjanya, Vāta make our food abundant.
Sloka : 6.50.13
उ॒त स्य दे॒वः स॑वि॒ता भगो॑ नो॒ऽपां नपा॑दवतु॒ दानु॒ पप्रिः॑ ।
त्वष्टा॑ दे॒वेभि॒र्जनि॑भिः स॒जोषा॒ द्यौर्दे॒वेभिः॑ पृथि॒वी स॑मु॒द्रैः ॥ ६.०५०.१३
u̱ta sya de̱vaḥ sa̍vi̱tā bhago̍ no̱'pāṃ napā̍davatu̱ dānu̱ papri̍ḥ .
tvaṣṭā̍ de̱vebhi̱rjani̍bhiḥ sa̱joṣā̱ dyaurde̱vebhi̍ḥ pṛthi̱vī sa̍mu̱draiḥ .. 6.050.13
13 May this God Savitar, the Lord, the Offspring of Waters, pouring down his dew be gracious,
And, with the Gods and Dames accordant, Tvaṣṭar; Dyaus with the Gods and Prthivi with oceans.
Sloka : 6.50.14
उ॒त नोऽहि॑र्बु॒ध्न्यः॑ शृणोत्व॒ज एक॑पात्पृथि॒वी स॑मु॒द्रः ।
विश्वे॑ दे॒वा ऋ॑ता॒वृधो॑ हुवा॒नाः स्तु॒ता मन्त्राः॑ कविश॒स्ता अ॑वन्तु ॥ ६.०५०.१४
u̱ta no'hi̍rbu̱dhnya̍ḥ śṛṇotva̱ja eka̍pātpṛthi̱vī sa̍mu̱draḥ .
viśve̍ de̱vā ṛ̍tā̱vṛdho̍ huvā̱nāḥ stu̱tā mantrā̍ḥ kaviśa̱stā a̍vantu .. 6.050.14
14 May Aja-Ekapād and Ahibudhnya, and Earth and Ocean hear our invocation;
All Gods who strengthen Law, invoked and lauded, and holy texts uttered by sages, help us.
Sloka : 6.50.15
ए॒वा नपा॑तो॒ मम॒ तस्य॑ धी॒भिर्भ॒रद्वा॑जा अ॒भ्य॑र्चन्त्य॒र्कैः ।
ग्ना हु॒तासो॒ वस॒वोऽधृ॑ष्टा॒ विश्वे॑ स्तु॒तासो॑ भूता यजत्राः ॥ ६.०५०.१५
e̱vā napā̍to̱ mama̱ tasya̍ dhī̱bhirbha̱radvā̍jā a̱bhya̍rcantya̱rkaiḥ .
gnā hu̱tāso̱ vasa̱vo'dhṛ̍ṣṭā̱ viśve̍ stu̱tāso̍ bhūtā yajatrāḥ .. 6.050.15
15 So with my thoughts and hymns of praise the children of Bharadvāja sing aloud to please you.
The Dames invoked, and the resistless Vasus, and all ye Holy Ones have been exalted.
Sloka : 6.51.1
उदु॒ त्यच्चक्षु॒र्महि॑ मि॒त्रयो॒राँ एति॑ प्रि॒यं वरु॑णयो॒रद॑ब्धम् ।
ऋ॒तस्य॒ शुचि॑ दर्श॒तमनी॑कं रु॒क्मो न दि॒व उदि॑ता॒ व्य॑द्यौत् ॥ ६.०५१.०१
udu̱ tyaccakṣu̱rmahi̍ mi̱trayo̱rām̐ eti̍ pri̱yaṃ varu̍ṇayo̱rada̍bdham .
ṛ̱tasya̱ śuci̍ darśa̱tamanī̍kaṃ ru̱kmo na di̱va udi̍tā̱ vya̍dyaut .. 6.051.01
1. THAT mighty eye of Varuṇa and Mitra, infallible and dear, is moving upward.
The pure and lovely face of holy Order hath shone like gold of heaven in its arising.
Sloka : 6.51.2
वेद॒ यस्त्रीणि॑ वि॒दथा॑न्येषां दे॒वानां॒ जन्म॑ सनु॒तरा च॒ विप्रः॑ ।
ऋ॒जु मर्ते॑षु वृजि॒ना च॒ पश्य॑न्न॒भि च॑ष्टे॒ सूरो॑ अ॒र्य एवा॑न् ॥ ६.०५१.०२
veda̱ yastrīṇi̍ vi̱dathā̍nyeṣāṃ de̱vānā̱ṃ janma̍ sanu̱tarā ca̱ vipra̍ḥ .
ṛ̱ju marte̍ṣu vṛji̱nā ca̱ paśya̍nna̱bhi ca̍ṣṭe̱ sūro̍ a̱rya evā̍n .. 6.051.02
2 The Sage who knows these Gods’ three ranks and orders, and all their generations near and distant,
Beholding good and evil acts of mortals, Sūra marks well the doing of the pious.
Sloka : 6.51.3
स्तु॒ष उ॑ वो म॒ह ऋ॒तस्य॑ गो॒पानदि॑तिं मि॒त्रं वरु॑णं सुजा॒तान् ।
अ॒र्य॒मणं॒ भग॒मद॑ब्धधीती॒नच्छा॑ वोचे सध॒न्यः॑ पाव॒कान् ॥ ६.०५१.०३
stu̱ṣa u̍ vo ma̱ha ṛ̱tasya̍ go̱pānadi̍tiṃ mi̱traṃ varu̍ṇaṃ sujā̱tān .
a̱rya̱maṇa̱ṃ bhaga̱mada̍bdhadhītī̱nacchā̍ voce sadha̱nya̍ḥ pāva̱kān .. 6.051.03
3 I praise you Guards of mighty Law eternal, Aditi, Mitra, Varuṇa, the noble,
Aryaman, Bhaga, all whose thoughts are faithful:- hither I call the Bright who share in common.
Sloka : 6.51.4
रि॒शाद॑सः॒ सत्प॑ती॒ँरद॑ब्धान्म॒हो राज्ञः॑ सुवस॒नस्य॑ दा॒तॄन् ।
यूनः॑ सुक्ष॒त्रान्क्षय॑तो दि॒वो नॄना॑दि॒त्यान्या॒म्यदि॑तिं दुवो॒यु ॥ ६.०५१.०४
ri̱śāda̍sa̱ḥ satpa̍tī̱m̐rada̍bdhānma̱ho rājña̍ḥ suvasa̱nasya̍ dā̱tṝn .
yūna̍ḥ sukṣa̱trānkṣaya̍to di̱vo nṝnā̍di̱tyānyā̱myadi̍tiṃ duvo̱yu .. 6.051.04
4 Lords of the brave, infallible, foe-destroyers, great Kings, bestowers of fair homes to dwell in,
Young, Heroes, ruling heaven with strong dominion, Ādityas, Aditi I seek with worship.
Sloka : 6.51.5
द्यौ॒३॒॑ष्पितः॒ पृथि॑वि॒ मात॒रध्रु॒गग्ने॑ भ्रातर्वसवो मृ॒ळता॑ नः ।
विश्व॑ आदित्या अदिते स॒जोषा॑ अ॒स्मभ्यं॒ शर्म॑ बहु॒लं वि य॑न्त ॥ ६.०५१.०५
dyau̱3̱̍ṣpita̱ḥ pṛthi̍vi̱ māta̱radhru̱gagne̍ bhrātarvasavo mṛ̱l̤atā̍ naḥ .
viśva̍ ādityā adite sa̱joṣā̍ a̱smabhya̱ṃ śarma̍ bahu̱laṃ vi ya̍nta .. 6.051.05
5 O Heaven our Father, Earth our guileless Mother, O Brother Agni, and ye Vasus, bless us.
Grant us, O Aditi and ye Ādityas, all of one mind, your manifold protection.
Sloka : 6.51.6
मा नो॒ वृका॑य वृ॒क्ये॑ समस्मा अघाय॒ते री॑रधता यजत्राः ।
यू॒यं हि ष्ठा र॒थ्यो॑ नस्त॒नूनां॑ यू॒यं दक्ष॑स्य॒ वच॑सो बभू॒व ॥ ६.०५१.०६
mā no̱ vṛkā̍ya vṛ̱kye̍ samasmā aghāya̱te rī̍radhatā yajatrāḥ .
yū̱yaṃ hi ṣṭhā ra̱thyo̍ nasta̱nūnā̍ṃ yū̱yaṃ dakṣa̍sya̱ vaca̍so babhū̱va .. 6.051.06
6 Give us not up to any evil creature, as spoil to wolf or she-wolf, O ye Holy.
For ye are they who guide aright our bodies, ye are the rulers of our speech and vigour.
Sloka : 6.51.7
मा व॒ एनो॑ अ॒न्यकृ॑तं भुजेम॒ मा तत्क॑र्म वसवो॒ यच्चय॑ध्वे ।
विश्व॑स्य॒ हि क्षय॑थ विश्वदेवाः स्व॒यं रि॒पुस्त॒न्वं॑ रीरिषीष्ट ॥ ६.०५१.०७
mā va̱ eno̍ a̱nyakṛ̍taṃ bhujema̱ mā tatka̍rma vasavo̱ yaccaya̍dhve .
viśva̍sya̱ hi kṣaya̍tha viśvadevāḥ sva̱yaṃ ri̱pusta̱nva̍ṃ rīriṣīṣṭa .. 6.051.07
7 Let us not suffer for the sin of others, nor do the deed which ye, O Vasus, punish.
Ye, Universal Gods! are all-controllers:- may he do harm unto himself who hates Me.
Sloka : 6.51.8
नम॒ इदु॒ग्रं नम॒ आ वि॑वासे॒ नमो॑ दाधार पृथि॒वीमु॒त द्याम् ।
नमो॑ दे॒वेभ्यो॒ नम॑ ईश एषां कृ॒तं चि॒देनो॒ नम॒सा वि॑वासे ॥ ६.०५१.०८
nama̱ idu̱graṃ nama̱ ā vi̍vāse̱ namo̍ dādhāra pṛthi̱vīmu̱ta dyām .
namo̍ de̱vebhyo̱ nama̍ īśa eṣāṃ kṛ̱taṃ ci̱deno̱ nama̱sā vi̍vāse .. 6.051.08
8 Mighty is homage:- I adopt and use it. Homage hath held in place the earth and heaven.
Homage to Gods! Homage commands and rules them. I banish even committed sin by homage
Sloka : 6.51.9
ऋ॒तस्य॑ वो र॒थ्यः॑ पू॒तद॑क्षानृ॒तस्य॑ पस्त्य॒सदो॒ अद॑ब्धान् ।
ताँ आ नमो॑भिरुरु॒चक्ष॑सो॒ नॄन्विश्वा॑न्व॒ आ न॑मे म॒हो य॑जत्राः ॥ ६.०५१.०९
ṛ̱tasya̍ vo ra̱thya̍ḥ pū̱tada̍kṣānṛ̱tasya̍ pastya̱sado̱ ada̍bdhān .
tām̐ ā namo̍bhiruru̱cakṣa̍so̱ nṝnviśvā̍nva̱ ā na̍me ma̱ho ya̍jatrāḥ .. 6.051.09
9 You Furtherers of Law, pure in your spirit, infallible, dwellers in the home of Order,
To you all Heroes mighty and far-seeing I bow me down, O Holy Ones, with homage.
Sloka : 6.51.10
ते हि श्रेष्ठ॑वर्चस॒स्त उ॑ नस्ति॒रो विश्वा॑नि दुरि॒ता नय॑न्ति ।
सु॒क्ष॒त्रासो॒ वरु॑णो मि॒त्रो अ॒ग्निरृ॒तधी॑तयो वक्म॒राज॑सत्याः ॥ ६.०५१.१०
te hi śreṣṭha̍varcasa̱sta u̍ nasti̱ro viśvā̍ni duri̱tā naya̍nti .
su̱kṣa̱trāso̱ varu̍ṇo mi̱tro a̱gnirṛ̱tadhī̍tayo vakma̱rāja̍satyāḥ .. 6.051.10
10 For these are they who shine with noblest splendour; through all our troubles these conduct us safely-
Varuṇa, Mitra, Agni, mighty Rulers, trueminded, faithful to the hymn's controllers.
Sloka : 6.51.11
ते न॒ इन्द्रः॑ पृथि॒वी क्षाम॑ वर्धन्पू॒षा भगो॒ अदि॑तिः॒ पञ्च॒ जनाः॑ ।
सु॒शर्मा॑णः॒ स्वव॑सः सुनी॒था भव॑न्तु नः सुत्रा॒त्रासः॑ सुगो॒पाः ॥ ६.०५१.११
te na̱ indra̍ḥ pṛthi̱vī kṣāma̍ vardhanpū̱ṣā bhago̱ adi̍ti̱ḥ pañca̱ janā̍ḥ .
su̱śarmā̍ṇa̱ḥ svava̍saḥ sunī̱thā bhava̍ntu naḥ sutrā̱trāsa̍ḥ sugo̱pāḥ .. 6.051.11
11 May they, Earth, Aditi, Indra, Bhaga, Pūṣan increase our laud, increase the Fivefold people.
Giving good help, good refuge, goodly guidance, be they our good deliverers, good protectors.
Sloka : 6.51.12
नू स॒द्मानं॑ दि॒व्यं नंशि॑ देवा॒ भार॑द्वाजः सुम॒तिं या॑ति॒ होता॑ ।
आ॒सा॒नेभि॒र्यज॑मानो मि॒येधै॑र्दे॒वानां॒ जन्म॑ वसू॒युर्व॑वन्द ॥ ६.०५१.१२
nū sa̱dmāna̍ṃ di̱vyaṃ naṃśi̍ devā̱ bhāra̍dvājaḥ suma̱tiṃ yā̍ti̱ hotā̍ .
ā̱sā̱nebhi̱ryaja̍māno mi̱yedhai̍rde̱vānā̱ṃ janma̍ vasū̱yurva̍vanda .. 6.051.12
12 Come now, O Gods, to your celestial station:- the Bharadvājas' priest entreats your favour.
He, sacrificing, fain for wealth, hath honoured the Gods vath those who sit and share oblations.
Sloka : 6.51.13
अप॒ त्यं वृ॑जि॒नं रि॒पुं स्ते॒नम॑ग्ने दुरा॒ध्य॑म् ।
द॒वि॒ष्ठम॑स्य सत्पते कृ॒धी सु॒गम् ॥ ६.०५१.१३
apa̱ tyaṃ vṛ̍ji̱naṃ ri̱puṃ ste̱nama̍gne durā̱dhya̍m .
da̱vi̱ṣṭhama̍sya satpate kṛ̱dhī su̱gam .. 6.051.13
13 Agni, drive thou the wicked foe, the evil-hearted thief away,
Far, far, Lord of the brave I and give us easy paths.
Sloka : 6.51.14
ग्रावा॑णः सोम नो॒ हि कं॑ सखित्व॒नाय॑ वाव॒शुः ।
ज॒ही न्य१॒॑त्रिणं॑ प॒णिं वृको॒ हि षः ॥ ६.०५१.१४
grāvā̍ṇaḥ soma no̱ hi ka̍ṃ sakhitva̱nāya̍ vāva̱śuḥ .
ja̱hī nya1̱̍triṇa̍ṃ pa̱ṇiṃ vṛko̱ hi ṣaḥ .. 6.051.14
14 Soma, these pressing-stones have called aloud to win thee for our Friend.
Destroy the greedy Paṇi, for a wolf is he.
Sloka : 6.51.15
यू॒यं हि ष्ठा सु॑दानव॒ इन्द्र॑ज्येष्ठा अ॒भिद्य॑वः ।
कर्ता॑ नो॒ अध्व॒न्ना सु॒गं गो॒पा अ॒मा ॥ ६.०५१.१५
yū̱yaṃ hi ṣṭhā su̍dānava̱ indra̍jyeṣṭhā a̱bhidya̍vaḥ .
kartā̍ no̱ adhva̱nnā su̱gaṃ go̱pā a̱mā .. 6.051.15
15 Ye, O most bountiful, are they who, led by Indra, seek the sky.
Give us good paths for travel:- guard us ivell at home.
Sloka : 6.51.16
अपि॒ पन्था॑मगन्महि स्वस्ति॒गाम॑ने॒हस॑म् ।
येन॒ विश्वाः॒ परि॒ द्विषो॑ वृ॒णक्ति॑ वि॒न्दते॒ वसु॑ ॥ ६.०५१.१६
api̱ panthā̍maganmahi svasti̱gāma̍ne̱hasa̍m .
yena̱ viśvā̱ḥ pari̱ dviṣo̍ vṛ̱ṇakti̍ vi̱ndate̱ vasu̍ .. 6.051.16
16 Now have we entered on the road that leads to bliss, without a foe,
The road whereon a man escapes all enemies and gathers wealth.
Sloka : 6.52.1
न तद्दि॒वा न पृ॑थि॒व्यानु॑ मन्ये॒ न य॒ज्ञेन॒ नोत शमी॑भिरा॒भिः ।
उ॒ब्जन्तु॒ तं सु॒भ्व१॒ः॑ पर्व॑तासो॒ नि ही॑यतामतिया॒जस्य॑ य॒ष्टा ॥ ६.०५२.०१
na taddi̱vā na pṛ̍thi̱vyānu̍ manye̱ na ya̱jñena̱ nota śamī̍bhirā̱bhiḥ .
u̱bjantu̱ taṃ su̱bhva1̱̍ḥ parva̍tāso̱ ni hī̍yatāmatiyā̱jasya̍ ya̱ṣṭā .. 6.052.01
1. THIS I allow not in the earth or heaven, at sacrifice or in these holy duties.
May the huge mountains crush him down:- degraded be Atiyaja's sacrificing patron.
Sloka : 6.52.2
अति॑ वा॒ यो म॑रुतो॒ मन्य॑ते नो॒ ब्रह्म॑ वा॒ यः क्रि॒यमा॑णं॒ निनि॑त्सात् ।
तपूं॑षि॒ तस्मै॑ वृजि॒नानि॑ सन्तु ब्रह्म॒द्विष॑म॒भि तं शो॑चतु॒ द्यौः ॥ ६.०५२.०२
ati̍ vā̱ yo ma̍ruto̱ manya̍te no̱ brahma̍ vā̱ yaḥ kri̱yamā̍ṇa̱ṃ nini̍tsāt .
tapū̍ṃṣi̱ tasmai̍ vṛji̱nāni̍ santu brahma̱dviṣa̍ma̱bhi taṃ śo̍catu̱ dyauḥ .. 6.052.02
2 Or he who holds us in contempt, O Maruts, or seeks to blame the prayer that we are making,
May agonies of burning be his portion. May the sky scorch the man who hates devotion.
Sloka : 6.52.3
किम॒ङ्ग त्वा॒ ब्रह्म॑णः सोम गो॒पां किम॒ङ्ग त्वा॑हुरभिशस्ति॒पां नः॑ ।
किम॒ङ्ग नः॑ पश्यसि नि॒द्यमा॑नान्ब्रह्म॒द्विषे॒ तपु॑षिं हे॒तिम॑स्य ॥ ६.०५२.०३
kima̱ṅga tvā̱ brahma̍ṇaḥ soma go̱pāṃ kima̱ṅga tvā̍hurabhiśasti̱pāṃ na̍ḥ .
kima̱ṅga na̍ḥ paśyasi ni̱dyamā̍nānbrahma̱dviṣe̱ tapu̍ṣiṃ he̱tima̍sya .. 6.052.03
3 Why then, O Soma, do they call thee keeper of prayer? Why then our guardian from reproaches?
Why then beholdest thou how men revile us? Cast thy hot dart at him who hates devotion.
Sloka : 6.52.4
अव॑न्तु॒ मामु॒षसो॒ जाय॑माना॒ अव॑न्तु मा॒ सिन्ध॑वः॒ पिन्व॑मानाः ।
अव॑न्तु मा॒ पर्व॑तासो ध्रु॒वासोऽव॑न्तु मा पि॒तरो॑ दे॒वहू॑तौ ॥ ६.०५२.०४
ava̍ntu̱ māmu̱ṣaso̱ jāya̍mānā̱ ava̍ntu mā̱ sindha̍va̱ḥ pinva̍mānāḥ .
ava̍ntu mā̱ parva̍tāso dhru̱vāso'va̍ntu mā pi̱taro̍ de̱vahū̍tau .. 6.052.04
4 May Mornings as they spring to life, protect me, and may the Rivers as they swell preserve me.
My guardians be the firmly-seated mountains:- the Fathers, when I call on Gods, defend me!
Sloka : 6.52.5
वि॒श्व॒दानीं॑ सु॒मन॑सः स्याम॒ पश्ये॑म॒ नु सूर्य॑मु॒च्चर॑न्तम् ।
तथा॑ कर॒द्वसु॑पति॒र्वसू॑नां दे॒वाँ ओहा॒नोऽव॒साग॑मिष्ठः ॥ ६.०५२.०५
vi̱śva̱dānī̍ṃ su̱mana̍saḥ syāma̱ paśye̍ma̱ nu sūrya̍mu̱ccara̍ntam .
tathā̍ kara̱dvasu̍pati̱rvasū̍nāṃ de̱vām̐ ohā̱no'va̱sāga̍miṣṭhaḥ .. 6.052.05
5 Through all our days may we be healthy. minded, and look upon the Sun when he arises.
Grant this the Treasure-Lord of treasures, coming, observant, oftenest of Gods, with succour!
Sloka : 6.52.6
इन्द्रो॒ नेदि॑ष्ठ॒मव॒साग॑मिष्ठः॒ सर॑स्वती॒ सिन्धु॑भिः॒ पिन्व॑माना ।
प॒र्जन्यो॑ न॒ ओष॑धीभिर्मयो॒भुर॒ग्निः सु॒शंसः॑ सु॒हवः॑ पि॒तेव॑ ॥ ६.०५२.०६
indro̱ nedi̍ṣṭha̱mava̱sāga̍miṣṭha̱ḥ sara̍svatī̱ sindhu̍bhi̱ḥ pinva̍mānā .
pa̱rjanyo̍ na̱ oṣa̍dhībhirmayo̱bhura̱gniḥ su̱śaṃsa̍ḥ su̱hava̍ḥ pi̱teva̍ .. 6.052.06
6 Most near, most oft comes Indra with protection, and she Sarasvatī, who swells with rivers -
Parjanya, bringing health with herbs, and Agni, well lauded swift to listen, like a father.
Sloka : 6.52.7
विश्वे॑ देवास॒ आ ग॑त शृणु॒ता म॑ इ॒मं हव॑म् ।
एदं ब॒र्हिर्नि षी॑दत ॥ ६.०५२.०७
viśve̍ devāsa̱ ā ga̍ta śṛṇu̱tā ma̍ i̱maṃ hava̍m .
edaṃ ba̱rhirni ṣī̍data .. 6.052.07
7 Hear this mine invocation; come hither, O Universal Gods,
Be seated on this holy grass.
Sloka : 6.52.8
यो वो॑ देवा घृ॒तस्नु॑ना ह॒व्येन॑ प्रति॒भूष॑ति ।
तं विश्व॒ उप॑ गच्छथ ॥ ६.०५२.०८
yo vo̍ devā ghṛ̱tasnu̍nā ha̱vyena̍ prati̱bhūṣa̍ti .
taṃ viśva̱ upa̍ gacchatha .. 6.052.08
8 To him who comes to meet you, Gods, with offerings bathed in holy oil-
Approach ye, one and all, to him.
Sloka : 6.52.9
उप॑ नः सू॒नवो॒ गिरः॑ शृ॒ण्वन्त्व॒मृत॑स्य॒ ये ।
सु॒मृ॒ळी॒का भ॑वन्तु नः ॥ ६.०५२.०९
upa̍ naḥ sū̱navo̱ gira̍ḥ śṛ̱ṇvantva̱mṛta̍sya̱ ye .
su̱mṛ̱l̤ī̱kā bha̍vantu naḥ .. 6.052.09
9 All Sons of Immortality shall listen to the songs we sing,
And be exceeding good to us.
Sloka : 6.52.10
विश्वे॑ दे॒वा ऋ॑ता॒वृध॑ ऋ॒तुभि॑र्हवन॒श्रुतः॑ ।
जु॒षन्तां॒ युज्यं॒ पयः॑ ॥ ६.०५२.१०
viśve̍ de̱vā ṛ̍tā̱vṛdha̍ ṛ̱tubhi̍rhavana̱śruta̍ḥ .
ju̱ṣantā̱ṃ yujya̱ṃ paya̍ḥ .. 6.052.10
10 May all the Gods who strengthen Law, with Ṛtus, listening to our call,
Be pleased with theit appropriate draught.
Sloka : 6.52.11
स्तो॒त्रमिन्द्रो॑ म॒रुद्ग॑ण॒स्त्वष्टृ॑मान्मि॒त्रो अ॑र्य॒मा ।
इ॒मा ह॒व्या जु॑षन्त नः ॥ ६.०५२.११
sto̱tramindro̍ ma̱rudga̍ṇa̱stvaṣṭṛ̍mānmi̱tro a̍rya̱mā .
i̱mā ha̱vyā ju̍ṣanta naḥ .. 6.052.11
11 May Indra, with the Marut host, with Tvaṣṭar, Mitra, Aryaman,
Accept the laud and these our gifts.
Sloka : 6.52.12
इ॒मं नो॑ अग्ने अध्व॒रं होत॑र्वयुन॒शो य॑ज ।
चि॒कि॒त्वान्दैव्यं॒ जन॑म् ॥ ६.०५२.१२
i̱maṃ no̍ agne adhva̱raṃ hota̍rvayuna̱śo ya̍ja .
ci̱ki̱tvāndaivya̱ṃ jana̍m .. 6.052.12
12 O Agni, Priest, as rules ordain, offer this sacrifice of ours,
Remembering the Heavenly Folk.
Sloka : 6.52.13
विश्वे॑ देवाः शृणु॒तेमं हवं॑ मे॒ ये अ॒न्तरि॑क्षे॒ य उप॒ द्यवि॒ ष्ठ ।
ये अ॑ग्निजि॒ह्वा उ॒त वा॒ यज॑त्रा आ॒सद्या॒स्मिन्ब॒र्हिषि॑ मादयध्वम् ॥ ६.०५२.१३
viśve̍ devāḥ śṛṇu̱temaṃ hava̍ṃ me̱ ye a̱ntari̍kṣe̱ ya upa̱ dyavi̱ ṣṭha .
ye a̍gniji̱hvā u̱ta vā̱ yaja̍trā ā̱sadyā̱sminba̱rhiṣi̍ mādayadhvam .. 6.052.13
13 Listen, All-Gods, to this mine invocation, Ye who inhabit heaven, and air's midregions,
All ye, O Holy Ones, whose tongue is Agni, seated upon this sacred grass, be joyful.
Sloka : 6.52.14
विश्वे॑ दे॒वा मम॑ शृण्वन्तु य॒ज्ञिया॑ उ॒भे रोद॑सी अ॒पां नपा॑च्च॒ मन्म॑ ।
मा वो॒ वचां॑सि परि॒चक्ष्या॑णि वोचं सु॒म्नेष्विद्वो॒ अन्त॑मा मदेम ॥ ६.०५२.१४
viśve̍ de̱vā mama̍ śṛṇvantu ya̱jñiyā̍ u̱bhe roda̍sī a̱pāṃ napā̍cca̱ manma̍ .
mā vo̱ vacā̍ṃsi pari̱cakṣyā̍ṇi vocaṃ su̱mneṣvidvo̱ anta̍mā madema .. 6.052.14
14 May the All-Gods who claim our worship hear my thought; may the two World-halves hear it, and the Waters’ Child.
Let me not utter words that ye may disregard. Closely allied with you may we rejoice in bliss.
Sloka : 6.52.15
ये के च॒ ज्मा म॒हिनो॒ अहि॑माया दि॒वो ज॑ज्ञि॒रे अ॒पां स॒धस्थे॑ ।
ते अ॒स्मभ्य॑मि॒षये॒ विश्व॒मायुः॒ क्षप॑ उ॒स्रा व॑रिवस्यन्तु दे॒वाः ॥ ६.०५२.१५
ye ke ca̱ jmā ma̱hino̱ ahi̍māyā di̱vo ja̍jñi̱re a̱pāṃ sa̱dhasthe̍ .
te a̱smabhya̍mi̱ṣaye̱ viśva̱māyu̱ḥ kṣapa̍ u̱srā va̍rivasyantu de̱vāḥ .. 6.052.15
15 And those who, Mighty, with the wiles of serpents, were born on earth, in heaven, where waters gather-
May they vouchsafe us life of full duration. May the Gods kindly give us nights and mornings.
Sloka : 6.52.16
अग्नी॑पर्जन्या॒वव॑तं॒ धियं॑ मे॒ऽस्मिन्हवे॑ सुहवा सुष्टु॒तिं नः॑ ।
इळा॑म॒न्यो ज॒नय॒द्गर्भ॑म॒न्यः प्र॒जाव॑ती॒रिष॒ आ ध॑त्तम॒स्मे ॥ ६.०५२.१६
agnī̍parjanyā̱vava̍ta̱ṃ dhiya̍ṃ me̱'sminhave̍ suhavā suṣṭu̱tiṃ na̍ḥ .
il̤ā̍ma̱nyo ja̱naya̱dgarbha̍ma̱nyaḥ pra̱jāva̍tī̱riṣa̱ ā dha̍ttama̱sme .. 6.052.16
16 At this my call, O Agni and Parjanya, help, swift to hear, my thought and our laudation.
One generates holy food, the other offspring, so grant us food enough with store of children.
Sloka : 6.52.17
स्ती॒र्णे ब॒र्हिषि॑ समिधा॒ने अ॒ग्नौ सू॒क्तेन॑ म॒हा नम॒सा वि॑वासे ।
अ॒स्मिन्नो॑ अ॒द्य वि॒दथे॑ यजत्रा॒ विश्वे॑ देवा ह॒विषि॑ मादयध्वम् ॥ ६.०५२.१७
stī̱rṇe ba̱rhiṣi̍ samidhā̱ne a̱gnau sū̱ktena̍ ma̱hā nama̱sā vi̍vāse .
a̱sminno̍ a̱dya vi̱dathe̍ yajatrā̱ viśve̍ devā ha̱viṣi̍ mādayadhvam .. 6.052.17
17 When holy grass is strewn and fire enkindled, with hymn and lowly homage I invite you.
All-Gods, to day in this our great assembly rejoice, ye Holy, in the gifts we offer.
Sloka : 6.53.1
व॒यमु॑ त्वा पथस्पते॒ रथं॒ न वाज॑सातये ।
धि॒ये पू॑षन्नयुज्महि ॥ ६.०५३.०१
va̱yamu̍ tvā pathaspate̱ ratha̱ṃ na vāja̍sātaye .
dhi̱ye pū̍ṣannayujmahi .. 6.053.01
1. LORD of the path, O Pūṣan, we have yoked and bound thee to our hymn,
Even as a car, to win the prize.
Sloka : 6.53.2
अ॒भि नो॒ नर्यं॒ वसु॑ वी॒रं प्रय॑तदक्षिणम् ।
वा॒मं गृ॒हप॑तिं नय ॥ ६.०५३.०२
a̱bhi no̱ narya̱ṃ vasu̍ vī̱raṃ praya̍tadakṣiṇam .
vā̱maṃ gṛ̱hapa̍tiṃ naya .. 6.053.02
2 Bring us the wealth that men require, a manly master of a house,
Free-handed with the liberal meed.
Sloka : 6.53.3
अदि॑त्सन्तं चिदाघृणे॒ पूष॒न्दाना॑य चोदय ।
प॒णेश्चि॒द्वि म्र॑दा॒ मनः॑ ॥ ६.०५३.०३
adi̍tsantaṃ cidāghṛṇe̱ pūṣa̱ndānā̍ya codaya .
pa̱ṇeści̱dvi mra̍dā̱ mana̍ḥ .. 6.053.03
3 Even him who would not give, do thou,
O glowing Pūṣan, urge to give,
And make the niggard's soul grow soft.
Sloka : 6.53.4
वि प॒थो वाज॑सातये चिनु॒हि वि मृधो॑ जहि ।
साध॑न्तामुग्र नो॒ धियः॑ ॥ ६.०५३.०४
vi pa̱tho vāja̍sātaye cinu̱hi vi mṛdho̍ jahi .
sādha̍ntāmugra no̱ dhiya̍ḥ .. 6.053.04
4 Clear paths that we may win the prize; scatter our enemies afar.
Strong God, be all our thoughts fulfilled.
Sloka : 6.53.5
परि॑ तृन्धि पणी॒नामार॑या॒ हृद॑या कवे ।
अथे॑म॒स्मभ्यं॑ रन्धय ॥ ६.०५३.०५
pari̍ tṛndhi paṇī̱nāmāra̍yā̱ hṛda̍yā kave .
athe̍ma̱smabhya̍ṃ randhaya .. 6.053.05
5 Penetrate with an awl, O Sage, the hearts of avaricious churls,
And make them subject to our will.
Sloka : 6.53.6
वि पू॑ष॒न्नार॑या तुद प॒णेरि॑च्छ हृ॒दि प्रि॒यम् ।
अथे॑म॒स्मभ्यं॑ रन्धय ॥ ६.०५३.०६
vi pū̍ṣa̱nnāra̍yā tuda pa̱ṇeri̍ccha hṛ̱di pri̱yam .
athe̍ma̱smabhya̍ṃ randhaya .. 6.053.06
6 Thrust with thine awl, O Pūṣan:- seek that which the niggard's heart holds dear,
And make him subject to our will.
Sloka : 6.53.7
आ रि॑ख किकि॒रा कृ॑णु पणी॒नां हृद॑या कवे ।
अथे॑म॒स्मभ्यं॑ रन्धय ॥ ६.०५३.०७
ā ri̍kha kiki̱rā kṛ̍ṇu paṇī̱nāṃ hṛda̍yā kave .
athe̍ma̱smabhya̍ṃ randhaya .. 6.053.07
7 Tear up and read in pieces, Sage, the hearts of avaricious churls,
And make them subject to our will.
Sloka : 6.53.8
यां पू॑षन्ब्रह्म॒चोद॑नी॒मारां॒ बिभ॑र्ष्याघृणे ।
तया॑ समस्य॒ हृद॑य॒मा रि॑ख किकि॒रा कृ॑णु ॥ ६.०५३.०८
yāṃ pū̍ṣanbrahma̱coda̍nī̱mārā̱ṃ bibha̍rṣyāghṛṇe .
tayā̍ samasya̱ hṛda̍ya̱mā ri̍kha kiki̱rā kṛ̍ṇu .. 6.053.08
8 Thou, glowing Pūṣan, carriest an awl that urges men to prayer;
Therewith do thou tear up and rend to shreds the heart of every one.
Sloka : 6.53.9
या ते॒ अष्ट्रा॒ गू॑प॒शाघृ॑णे पशु॒साध॑नी ।
तस्या॑स्ते सु॒म्नमी॑महे ॥ ६.०५३.०९
yā te̱ aṣṭrā̱ gū̍pa̱śāghṛ̍ṇe paśu̱sādha̍nī .
tasyā̍ste su̱mnamī̍mahe .. 6.053.09
9 Thou bearest, glowing Lord! a goad with horny point that guides the cows
Thence do we seek thy gift of bliss.
Sloka : 6.53.10
उ॒त नो॑ गो॒षणिं॒ धिय॑मश्व॒सां वा॑ज॒सामु॒त ।
नृ॒वत्कृ॑णुहि वी॒तये॑ ॥ ६.०५३.१०
u̱ta no̍ go̱ṣaṇi̱ṃ dhiya̍maśva̱sāṃ vā̍ja̱sāmu̱ta .
nṛ̱vatkṛ̍ṇuhi vī̱taye̍ .. 6.053.10
10 And make this hymn of ours produce kine, horses, and a store of wealth
For our delight and use as men.
Sloka : 6.54.1
सं पू॑षन्वि॒दुषा॑ नय॒ यो अञ्ज॑सानु॒शास॑ति ।
य ए॒वेदमिति॒ ब्रव॑त् ॥ ६.०५४.०१
saṃ pū̍ṣanvi̱duṣā̍ naya̱ yo añja̍sānu̱śāsa̍ti .
ya e̱vedamiti̱ brava̍t .. 6.054.01
1. O PUSAN, bring us to the man who knows, who shall direct us straight,
And say unto us, It is here.
Sloka : 6.54.2
समु॑ पू॒ष्णा ग॑मेमहि॒ यो गृ॒हाँ अ॑भि॒शास॑ति ।
इ॒म ए॒वेति॑ च॒ ब्रव॑त् ॥ ६.०५४.०२
samu̍ pū̱ṣṇā ga̍memahi̱ yo gṛ̱hām̐ a̍bhi̱śāsa̍ti .
i̱ma e̱veti̍ ca̱ brava̍t .. 6.054.02
2 May we go forth with Pūṣan who shall point the houses out to us,
And say to us, These same are they.
Sloka : 6.54.3
पू॒ष्णश्च॒क्रं न रि॑ष्यति॒ न कोशोऽव॑ पद्यते ।
नो अ॑स्य व्यथते प॒विः ॥ ६.०५४.०३
pū̱ṣṇaśca̱kraṃ na ri̍ṣyati̱ na kośo'va̍ padyate .
no a̍sya vyathate pa̱viḥ .. 6.054.03
3 Unharmed is Pūṣan's chariot wheel; the box ne’er falleth to the ground,
Nor doth the loosened felIy shake.
Sloka : 6.54.4
यो अ॑स्मै ह॒विषावि॑ध॒न्न तं पू॒षापि॑ मृष्यते ।
प्र॒थ॒मो वि॑न्दते॒ वसु॑ ॥ ६.०५४.०४
yo a̍smai ha̱viṣāvi̍dha̱nna taṃ pū̱ṣāpi̍ mṛṣyate .
pra̱tha̱mo vi̍ndate̱ vasu̍ .. 6.054.04
4 Pūṣan forgetteth not the man who serveth him with offered gift:-
That man is first to gather wealth.
Sloka : 6.54.5
पू॒षा गा अन्वे॑तु नः पू॒षा र॑क्ष॒त्वर्व॑तः ।
पू॒षा वाजं॑ सनोतु नः ॥ ६.०५४.०५
pū̱ṣā gā anve̍tu naḥ pū̱ṣā ra̍kṣa̱tvarva̍taḥ .
pū̱ṣā vāja̍ṃ sanotu naḥ .. 6.054.05
5 May Pūṣan follow near our kine; may Pūṣan keep our horses safe:-
May Pūṣan gather gear for us.
Sloka : 6.54.6
पूष॒न्ननु॒ प्र गा इ॑हि॒ यज॑मानस्य सुन्व॒तः ।
अ॒स्माकं॑ स्तुव॒तामु॒त ॥ ६.०५४.०६
pūṣa̱nnanu̱ pra gā i̍hi̱ yaja̍mānasya sunva̱taḥ .
a̱smāka̍ṃ stuva̱tāmu̱ta .. 6.054.06
6 Follow the kine of him who pours libations out and worships thee;
And ours who sing thee songs of praise.
Sloka : 6.54.7
माकि॑र्नेश॒न्माकीं॑ रिष॒न्माकीं॒ सं शा॑रि॒ केव॑टे ।
अथारि॑ष्टाभि॒रा ग॑हि ॥ ६.०५४.०७
māki̍rneśa̱nmākī̍ṃ riṣa̱nmākī̱ṃ saṃ śā̍ri̱ keva̍ṭe .
athāri̍ṣṭābhi̱rā ga̍hi .. 6.054.07
7 Let none be lost, none injured, none sink in a pit and break a limb.
Return with these all safe and sound.
Sloka : 6.54.8
शृ॒ण्वन्तं॑ पू॒षणं॑ व॒यमिर्य॒मन॑ष्टवेदसम् ।
ईशा॑नं रा॒य ई॑महे ॥ ६.०५४.०८
śṛ̱ṇvanta̍ṃ pū̱ṣaṇa̍ṃ va̱yamirya̱mana̍ṣṭavedasam .
īśā̍naṃ rā̱ya ī̍mahe .. 6.054.08
8 Pūṣan who listens to our prayers, the Strong whose wealth is never lost,
The Lord of riches, we implore.
Sloka : 6.54.9
पूष॒न्तव॑ व्र॒ते व॒यं न रि॑ष्येम॒ कदा॑ च॒न ।
स्तो॒तार॑स्त इ॒ह स्म॑सि ॥ ६.०५४.०९
pūṣa̱ntava̍ vra̱te va̱yaṃ na ri̍ṣyema̱ kadā̍ ca̱na .
sto̱tāra̍sta i̱ha sma̍si .. 6.054.09
9 Secure in thy protecting care, O Pūṣan, never may we fail.
We here are they who sing thy praise.
Sloka : 6.54.10
परि॑ पू॒षा प॒रस्ता॒द्धस्तं॑ दधातु॒ दक्षि॑णम् ।
पुन॑र्नो न॒ष्टमाज॑तु ॥ ६.०५४.१०
pari̍ pū̱ṣā pa̱rastā̱ddhasta̍ṃ dadhātu̱ dakṣi̍ṇam .
puna̍rno na̱ṣṭamāja̍tu .. 6.054.10
10 From out the distance, far and wide, may Pūṣan stretch his right hand forth,
And drive our lost again to us.
Sloka : 6.55.1
एहि॒ वां वि॑मुचो नपा॒दाघृ॑णे॒ सं स॑चावहै ।
र॒थीरृ॒तस्य॑ नो भव ॥ ६.०५५.०१
ehi̱ vāṃ vi̍muco napā̱dāghṛ̍ṇe̱ saṃ sa̍cāvahai .
ra̱thīrṛ̱tasya̍ no bhava .. 6.055.01
1. SON of Deliverance, come, bright God!
Let us twain go together:- be our charioteer of sacrifice.
Sloka : 6.55.2
र॒थीत॑मं कप॒र्दिन॒मीशा॑नं॒ राध॑सो म॒हः ।
रा॒यः सखा॑यमीमहे ॥ ६.०५५.०२
ra̱thīta̍maṃ kapa̱rdina̱mīśā̍na̱ṃ rādha̍so ma̱haḥ .
rā̱yaḥ sakhā̍yamīmahe .. 6.055.02
2 We pray for wealth to thee most skilled of charioteers, with braided hair,
Lord of great riches, and our Friend.
Sloka : 6.55.3
रा॒यो धारा॑स्याघृणे॒ वसो॑ रा॒शिर॑जाश्व ।
धीव॑तोधीवतः॒ सखा॑ ॥ ६.०५५.०३
rā̱yo dhārā̍syāghṛṇe̱ vaso̍ rā̱śira̍jāśva .
dhīva̍todhīvata̱ḥ sakhā̍ .. 6.055.03
3 Bright God whose steeds are goats, thou art a stream of wealth, a treasure-heap,
The Friend of every pious man.
Sloka : 6.55.4
पू॒षणं॒ न्व१॒॑जाश्व॒मुप॑ स्तोषाम वा॒जिन॑म् ।
स्वसु॒र्यो जा॒र उ॒च्यते॑ ॥ ६.०५५.०४
pū̱ṣaṇa̱ṃ nva1̱̍jāśva̱mupa̍ stoṣāma vā̱jina̍m .
svasu̱ryo jā̱ra u̱cyate̍ .. 6.055.04
4 Pūṣan, who driveth goats for steeds, the strong and Mighty, who is called
His Sister's lover, will we laud.
Sloka : 6.55.5
मा॒तुर्दि॑धि॒षुम॑ब्रवं॒ स्वसु॑र्जा॒रः शृ॑णोतु नः ।
भ्रातेन्द्र॑स्य॒ सखा॒ मम॑ ॥ ६.०५५.०५
mā̱turdi̍dhi̱ṣuma̍brava̱ṃ svasu̍rjā̱raḥ śṛ̍ṇotu naḥ .
bhrātendra̍sya̱ sakhā̱ mama̍ .. 6.055.05
5 His Mother's suitor I address. May he who loves his Sister hear,
Brother of Indra, and my Friend.
Sloka : 6.55.6
आजासः॑ पू॒षणं॒ रथे॑ निशृ॒म्भास्ते ज॑न॒श्रिय॑म् ।
दे॒वं व॑हन्तु॒ बिभ्र॑तः ॥ ६.०५५.०६
ājāsa̍ḥ pū̱ṣaṇa̱ṃ rathe̍ niśṛ̱mbhāste ja̍na̱śriya̍m .
de̱vaṃ va̍hantu̱ bibhra̍taḥ .. 6.055.06
6 May the sure-footed goats come nigh, conveying Pūṣan on his car,
The God who visiteth mankind.
Sloka : 6.56.1
य ए॑नमा॒दिदे॑शति कर॒म्भादिति॑ पू॒षण॑म् ।
न तेन॑ दे॒व आ॒दिशे॑ ॥ ६.०५६.०१
ya e̍namā̱dide̍śati kara̱mbhāditi̍ pū̱ṣaṇa̍m .
na tena̍ de̱va ā̱diśe̍ .. 6.056.01
1. WHOSO remembers Pūṣan as cater of mingled curd and meal
Need think no more upon the God.
Sloka : 6.56.2
उ॒त घा॒ स र॒थीत॑मः॒ सख्या॒ सत्प॑तिर्यु॒जा ।
इन्द्रो॑ वृ॒त्राणि॑ जिघ्नते ॥ ६.०५६.०२
u̱ta ghā̱ sa ra̱thīta̍ma̱ḥ sakhyā̱ satpa̍tiryu̱jā .
indro̍ vṛ̱trāṇi̍ jighnate .. 6.056.02
2 And he is best of charioteers. Indra, the hero's Lord, allied
With him as Friend, destroys the foes.
Sloka : 6.56.3
उ॒तादः प॑रु॒षे गवि॒ सूर॑श्च॒क्रं हि॑र॒ण्यय॑म् ।
न्यै॑रयद्र॒थीत॑मः ॥ ६.०५६.०३
u̱tādaḥ pa̍ru̱ṣe gavi̱ sūra̍śca̱kraṃ hi̍ra̱ṇyaya̍m .
nyai̍rayadra̱thīta̍maḥ .. 6.056.03
3 And there the best of charioteers hath guided through the speckled cloud
The golden wheel of Sūra's car.
Sloka : 6.56.4
यद॒द्य त्वा॑ पुरुष्टुत॒ ब्रवा॑म दस्र मन्तुमः ।
तत्सु नो॒ मन्म॑ साधय ॥ ६.०५६.०४
yada̱dya tvā̍ puruṣṭuta̱ bravā̍ma dasra mantumaḥ .
tatsu no̱ manma̍ sādhaya .. 6.056.04
4 Whate’er we speak this day to thee, Wise, Wondrous God whom many praise,
Give thou fulfilment of our thought.
Sloka : 6.56.5
इ॒मं च॑ नो ग॒वेष॑णं सा॒तये॑ सीषधो ग॒णम् ।
आ॒रात्पू॑षन्नसि श्रु॒तः ॥ ६.०५६.०५
i̱maṃ ca̍ no ga̱veṣa̍ṇaṃ sā̱taye̍ sīṣadho ga̱ṇam .
ā̱rātpū̍ṣannasi śru̱taḥ .. 6.056.05
5 Lead on this company of ours, that longs for kine, to win the spoil:-
Thou, Pūṣan, art renowned afar.
Sloka : 6.56.6
आ ते॑ स्व॒स्तिमी॑मह आ॒रेअ॑घा॒मुपा॑वसुम् ।
अ॒द्या च॑ स॒र्वता॑तये॒ श्वश्च॑ स॒र्वता॑तये ॥ ६.०५६.०६
ā te̍ sva̱stimī̍maha ā̱rea̍ghā̱mupā̍vasum .
a̱dyā ca̍ sa̱rvatā̍taye̱ śvaśca̍ sa̱rvatā̍taye .. 6.056.06
6 Prosperity we crave from thee, afar from sin and near to wealth,
Tending to perfect happiness both for to. morrow and to-day.
Sloka : 6.57.1
इन्द्रा॒ नु पू॒षणा॑ व॒यं स॒ख्याय॑ स्व॒स्तये॑ ।
हु॒वेम॒ वाज॑सातये ॥ ६.०५७.०१
indrā̱ nu pū̱ṣaṇā̍ va̱yaṃ sa̱khyāya̍ sva̱staye̍ .
hu̱vema̱ vāja̍sātaye .. 6.057.01
1. INDRA and Pūṣan will we call for friend ship and prosperity
And for the winning of the spoil.
Sloka : 6.57.2
सोम॑म॒न्य उपा॑सद॒त्पात॑वे च॒म्वोः॑ सु॒तम् ।
क॒र॒म्भम॒न्य इ॑च्छति ॥ ६.०५७.०२
soma̍ma̱nya upā̍sada̱tpāta̍ve ca̱mvo̍ḥ su̱tam .
ka̱ra̱mbhama̱nya i̍cchati .. 6.057.02
2 One by the Soma sits to drink juice which the mortar hath expressed:-
The other longs for curd and meal.
Sloka : 6.57.3
अ॒जा अ॒न्यस्य॒ वह्न॑यो॒ हरी॑ अ॒न्यस्य॒ सम्भृ॑ता ।
ताभ्यां॑ वृ॒त्राणि॑ जिघ्नते ॥ ६.०५७.०३
a̱jā a̱nyasya̱ vahna̍yo̱ harī̍ a̱nyasya̱ sambhṛ̍tā .
tābhyā̍ṃ vṛ̱trāṇi̍ jighnate .. 6.057.03
3 Goats are the team that draws the one:- the other hath Bay Steeds at hand;
With both of these he slays the fiends.
Sloka : 6.57.4
यदिन्द्रो॒ अन॑य॒द्रितो॑ म॒हीर॒पो वृष॑न्तमः ।
तत्र॑ पू॒षाभ॑व॒त्सचा॑ ॥ ६.०५७.०४
yadindro̱ ana̍ya̱drito̍ ma̱hīra̱po vṛṣa̍ntamaḥ .
tatra̍ pū̱ṣābha̍va̱tsacā̍ .. 6.057.04
4 When Indra, wondrous strong, brought down the streams, the mighty waterfloods,
Pūṣan was standing by his side.
Sloka : 6.57.5
तां पू॒ष्णः सु॑म॒तिं व॒यं वृ॒क्षस्य॒ प्र व॒यामि॑व ।
इन्द्र॑स्य॒ चा र॑भामहे ॥ ६.०५७.०५
tāṃ pū̱ṣṇaḥ su̍ma̱tiṃ va̱yaṃ vṛ̱kṣasya̱ pra va̱yāmi̍va .
indra̍sya̱ cā ra̍bhāmahe .. 6.057.05
5 To this, to Pūṣan's favouring love, and Indra's, may we closely cling,
As to a tree's extended bough.
Sloka : 6.57.6
उत्पू॒षणं॑ युवामहे॒ऽभीशू॑ँरिव॒ सार॑थिः ।
म॒ह्या इन्द्रं॑ स्व॒स्तये॑ ॥ ६.०५७.०६
utpū̱ṣaṇa̍ṃ yuvāmahe̱'bhīśū̍m̐riva̱ sāra̍thiḥ .
ma̱hyā indra̍ṃ sva̱staye̍ .. 6.057.06
6 As one who drives a car draws in his reins, may we draw Pūṣan near,
And Indra, for our great success.
Sloka : 6.58.1
शु॒क्रं ते॑ अ॒न्यद्य॑ज॒तं ते॑ अ॒न्यद्विषु॑रूपे॒ अह॑नी॒ द्यौरि॑वासि ।
विश्वा॒ हि मा॒या अव॑सि स्वधावो भ॒द्रा ते॑ पूषन्नि॒ह रा॒तिर॑स्तु ॥ ६.०५८.०१
śu̱kraṃ te̍ a̱nyadya̍ja̱taṃ te̍ a̱nyadviṣu̍rūpe̱ aha̍nī̱ dyauri̍vāsi .
viśvā̱ hi mā̱yā ava̍si svadhāvo bha̱drā te̍ pūṣanni̱ha rā̱tira̍stu .. 6.058.01
1. LIKE heaven art thou:- one form is bright, one holy, like Day and Night dissimilar in colour.
All magic powers thou aidest, self-depen. dent! Auspicious be thy bounty here, O Pūṣan.
Sloka : 6.58.2
अ॒जाश्वः॑ पशु॒पा वाज॑पस्त्यो धियंजि॒न्वो भुव॑ने॒ विश्वे॒ अर्पि॑तः ।
अष्ट्रां॑ पू॒षा शि॑थि॒रामु॒द्वरी॑वृजत्सं॒चक्षा॑णो॒ भुव॑ना दे॒व ई॑यते ॥ ६.०५८.०२
a̱jāśva̍ḥ paśu̱pā vāja̍pastyo dhiyaṃji̱nvo bhuva̍ne̱ viśve̱ arpi̍taḥ .
aṣṭrā̍ṃ pū̱ṣā śi̍thi̱rāmu̱dvarī̍vṛjatsa̱ṃcakṣā̍ṇo̱ bhuva̍nā de̱va ī̍yate .. 6.058.02
2 Goat-borne, the guard of cattle, he whose home is strength, inspirer of the hymn, set over all the world;
Brandishing here and there his lightly. moving goad, beholding every creature, Pūṣan, God, goes forth.
Sloka : 6.58.3
यास्ते॑ पूष॒न्नावो॑ अ॒न्तः स॑मु॒द्रे हि॑र॒ण्ययी॑र॒न्तरि॑क्षे॒ चर॑न्ति ।
ताभि॑र्यासि दू॒त्यां सूर्य॑स्य॒ कामे॑न कृत॒ श्रव॑ इ॒च्छमा॑नः ॥ ६.०५८.०३
yāste̍ pūṣa̱nnāvo̍ a̱ntaḥ sa̍mu̱dre hi̍ra̱ṇyayī̍ra̱ntari̍kṣe̱ cara̍nti .
tābhi̍ryāsi dū̱tyāṃ sūrya̍sya̱ kāme̍na kṛta̱ śrava̍ i̱cchamā̍naḥ .. 6.058.03
3 O Pūṣan, with thy golden ships that travel across the ocean, in the air's mid-region,
Thou goest on an embassy to Sūrya, subdued by love, desirous of the glory.
Sloka : 6.58.4
पू॒षा सु॒बन्धु॑र्दि॒व आ पृ॑थि॒व्या इ॒ळस्पति॑र्म॒घवा॑ द॒स्मव॑र्चाः ।
यं दे॒वासो॒ अद॑दुः सू॒र्यायै॒ कामे॑न कृ॒तं त॒वसं॒ स्वञ्च॑म् ॥ ६.०५८.०४
pū̱ṣā su̱bandhu̍rdi̱va ā pṛ̍thi̱vyā i̱l̤aspati̍rma̱ghavā̍ da̱smava̍rcāḥ .
yaṃ de̱vāso̱ ada̍duḥ sū̱ryāyai̱ kāme̍na kṛ̱taṃ ta̱vasa̱ṃ svañca̍m .. 6.058.04
4 Near kinsman of the heaven and earth is Pūṣan, liberal, Lord of food, of wondrous iustre,
Whom strong and vigorous and swiftlymoving, subdued by love, the Deities gave to Sūrya.
Sloka : 6.59.1
प्र नु वो॑चा सु॒तेषु॑ वां वी॒र्या॒३॒॑ यानि॑ च॒क्रथुः॑ ।
ह॒तासो॑ वां पि॒तरो॑ दे॒वश॑त्रव॒ इन्द्रा॑ग्नी॒ जीव॑थो यु॒वम् ॥ ६.०५९.०१
pra nu vo̍cā su̱teṣu̍ vāṃ vī̱ryā̱3̱̍ yāni̍ ca̱krathu̍ḥ .
ha̱tāso̍ vāṃ pi̱taro̍ de̱vaśa̍trava̱ indrā̍gnī̱ jīva̍tho yu̱vam .. 6.059.01
1. I WILL declare, while juices flow, the manly deeds that ye have done:-
Your Fathers, enemies of Gods, were smitten down, and, Indra-Agni, ye survive.
Sloka : 6.59.2
बळि॒त्था म॑हि॒मा वा॒मिन्द्रा॑ग्नी॒ पनि॑ष्ठ॒ आ ।
स॒मा॒नो वां॑ जनि॒ता भ्रात॑रा यु॒वं य॒मावि॒हेह॑मातरा ॥ ६.०५९.०२
bal̤i̱tthā ma̍hi̱mā vā̱mindrā̍gnī̱ pani̍ṣṭha̱ ā .
sa̱mā̱no vā̍ṃ jani̱tā bhrāta̍rā yu̱vaṃ ya̱māvi̱heha̍mātarā .. 6.059.02
2 Thus, Indra-Agnip verily your greatness merits loftiest praise,
Sprung from one common Father, brothers, twins are ye; your Mother is in every place.
Sloka : 6.59.3
ओ॒कि॒वांसा॑ सु॒ते सचा॒ँ अश्वा॒ सप्ती॑ इ॒वाद॑ने ।
इन्द्रा॒ न्व१॒॑ग्नी अव॑से॒ह व॒ज्रिणा॑ व॒यं दे॒वा ह॑वामहे ॥ ६.०५९.०३
o̱ki̱vāṃsā̍ su̱te sacā̱m̐ aśvā̱ saptī̍ i̱vāda̍ne .
indrā̱ nva1̱̍gnī ava̍se̱ha va̱jriṇā̍ va̱yaṃ de̱vā ha̍vāmahe .. 6.059.03
3 These who delight in flowing juice, like fellow horses at their food,
Indra and Agni, Gods armed with the thunderbolt, we call this day to come with help.
Sloka : 6.59.4
य इ॑न्द्राग्नी सु॒तेषु॑ वां॒ स्तव॒त्तेष्वृ॑तावृधा ।
जो॒ष॒वा॒कं वद॑तः पज्रहोषिणा॒ न दे॑वा भ॒सथ॑श्च॒न ॥ ६.०५९.०४
ya i̍ndrāgnī su̱teṣu̍ vā̱ṃ stava̱tteṣvṛ̍tāvṛdhā .
jo̱ṣa̱vā̱kaṃ vada̍taḥ pajrahoṣiṇā̱ na de̍vā bha̱satha̍śca̱na .. 6.059.04
4 Indra and Agni, Friends of Law, served with rich gifts, your speech is kind
To him who praises you while these libations flow:- that man, O Gods, ye ne’er consume.
Sloka : 6.59.5
इन्द्रा॑ग्नी॒ को अ॒स्य वां॒ देवौ॒ मर्त॑श्चिकेतति ।
विषू॑चो॒ अश्वा॑न्युयुजा॒न ई॑यत॒ एकः॑ समा॒न आ रथे॑ ॥ ६.०५९.०५
indrā̍gnī̱ ko a̱sya vā̱ṃ devau̱ marta̍ściketati .
viṣū̍co̱ aśvā̍nyuyujā̱na ī̍yata̱ eka̍ḥ samā̱na ā rathe̍ .. 6.059.05
5 What mortal understands, O Gods, Indra and Agni, this your way?
One of you, yoking Steeds that move to every side, advances in your common car.
Sloka : 6.59.6
इन्द्रा॑ग्नी अ॒पादि॒यं पूर्वागा॑त्प॒द्वती॑भ्यः ।
हि॒त्वी शिरो॑ जि॒ह्वया॒ वाव॑द॒च्चर॑त्त्रिं॒शत्प॒दा न्य॑क्रमीत् ॥ ६.०५९.०६
indrā̍gnī a̱pādi̱yaṃ pūrvāgā̍tpa̱dvatī̍bhyaḥ .
hi̱tvī śiro̍ ji̱hvayā̱ vāva̍da̱ccara̍ttri̱ṃśatpa̱dā nya̍kramīt .. 6.059.06
6 First, Indra-Agni, hath this Maid come footless unto those with feet.
Stretching her head and speaking loudly with her tongue, she hath gone downward thirty steps.
Sloka : 6.59.7
इन्द्रा॑ग्नी॒ आ हि त॑न्व॒ते नरो॒ धन्वा॑नि बा॒ह्वोः ।
मा नो॑ अ॒स्मिन्म॑हाध॒ने परा॑ वर्क्तं॒ गवि॑ष्टिषु ॥ ६.०५९.०७
indrā̍gnī̱ ā hi ta̍nva̱te naro̱ dhanvā̍ni bā̱hvoḥ .
mā no̍ a̱sminma̍hādha̱ne parā̍ varkta̱ṃ gavi̍ṣṭiṣu .. 6.059.07
7 E’en now, O Indra-Agni, men hold in their arms and stretch their bows.
Desert us not in this great fray, in battles for the sake of kine.
Sloka : 6.59.8
इन्द्रा॑ग्नी॒ तप॑न्ति मा॒घा अ॒र्यो अरा॑तयः ।
अप॒ द्वेषां॒स्या कृ॑तं युयु॒तं सूर्या॒दधि॑ ॥ ६.०५९.०८
indrā̍gnī̱ tapa̍nti mā̱ghā a̱ryo arā̍tayaḥ .
apa̱ dveṣā̱ṃsyā kṛ̍taṃ yuyu̱taṃ sūryā̱dadhi̍ .. 6.059.08
8 The foeman's sinful enmities, Indra and Agni, vex me sore.
Drive those who hate me far away, and keep them distant from the Sun.
Sloka : 6.59.9
इन्द्रा॑ग्नी यु॒वोरपि॒ वसु॑ दि॒व्यानि॒ पार्थि॑वा ।
आ न॑ इ॒ह प्र य॑च्छतं र॒यिं वि॒श्वायु॑पोषसम् ॥ ६.०५९.०९
indrā̍gnī yu̱vorapi̱ vasu̍ di̱vyāni̱ pārthi̍vā .
ā na̍ i̱ha pra ya̍cchataṃ ra̱yiṃ vi̱śvāyu̍poṣasam .. 6.059.09
9 Indra and Agni, yours are all the treasures of the heavens and earth.
Here give ye us the opulence that prospers every living man.
Sloka : 6.59.10
इन्द्रा॑ग्नी उक्थवाहसा॒ स्तोमे॑भिर्हवनश्रुता ।
विश्वा॑भिर्गी॒र्भिरा ग॑तम॒स्य सोम॑स्य पी॒तये॑ ॥ ६.०५९.१०
indrā̍gnī ukthavāhasā̱ stome̍bhirhavanaśrutā .
viśvā̍bhirgī̱rbhirā ga̍tama̱sya soma̍sya pī̱taye̍ .. 6.059.10
10 O Indra-Agni, who accept the laud, and hear us for our praise,
Come near us, drawn by all our songs, to drink of this our Soma juice.
Sloka : 6.60.1
श्नथ॑द्वृ॒त्रमु॒त स॑नोति॒ वाज॒मिन्द्रा॒ यो अ॒ग्नी सहु॑री सप॒र्यात् ।
इ॒र॒ज्यन्ता॑ वस॒व्य॑स्य॒ भूरेः॒ सह॑स्तमा॒ सह॑सा वाज॒यन्ता॑ ॥ ६.०६०.०१
śnatha̍dvṛ̱tramu̱ta sa̍noti̱ vāja̱mindrā̱ yo a̱gnī sahu̍rī sapa̱ryāt .
i̱ra̱jyantā̍ vasa̱vya̍sya̱ bhūre̱ḥ saha̍stamā̱ saha̍sā vāja̱yantā̍ .. 6.060.01
1. HE slays the foe and wins the spoil who worships Indra and Agni, strong and mighty Heroes,
Who rule as Sovrans over ample riches, victorious, showing forth their power in conquest.
Sloka : 6.60.2
ता यो॑धिष्टम॒भि गा इ॑न्द्र नू॒नम॒पः स्व॑रु॒षसो॑ अग्न ऊ॒ळ्हाः ।
दिशः॒ स्व॑रु॒षस॑ इन्द्र चि॒त्रा अ॒पो गा अ॑ग्ने युवसे नि॒युत्वा॑न् ॥ ६.०६०.०२
tā yo̍dhiṣṭama̱bhi gā i̍ndra nū̱nama̱paḥ sva̍ru̱ṣaso̍ agna ū̱l̤hāḥ .
diśa̱ḥ sva̍ru̱ṣasa̍ indra ci̱trā a̱po gā a̍gne yuvase ni̱yutvā̍n .. 6.060.02
2 So battle now, O Indra and thou, Agni, for cows and waters, sunlight, stolen Mornings.
Team-borne, thou makest kine thine own, O Agni:- thou, Indra, light, Dawns, regions, wondrous waters.
Sloka : 6.60.3
आ वृ॑त्रहणा वृत्र॒हभिः॒ शुष्मै॒रिन्द्र॑ या॒तं नमो॑भिरग्ने अ॒र्वाक् ।
यु॒वं राधो॑भि॒रक॑वेभिरि॒न्द्राग्ने॑ अ॒स्मे भ॑वतमुत्त॒मेभिः॑ ॥ ६.०६०.०३
ā vṛ̍trahaṇā vṛtra̱habhi̱ḥ śuṣmai̱rindra̍ yā̱taṃ namo̍bhiragne a̱rvāk .
yu̱vaṃ rādho̍bhi̱raka̍vebhiri̱ndrāgne̍ a̱sme bha̍vatamutta̱mebhi̍ḥ .. 6.060.03
3 With Vṛtra-slaying might, Indra and Agni, come, drawn by homage, O ye Vṛtra-slayers.
Indra and Agni, show yourselves among us with your supreme and unrestricted bounties.
Sloka : 6.60.4
ता हु॑वे॒ ययो॑रि॒दं प॒प्ने विश्वं॑ पु॒रा कृ॒तम् ।
इ॒न्द्रा॒ग्नी न म॑र्धतः ॥ ६.०६०.०४
tā hu̍ve̱ yayo̍ri̱daṃ pa̱pne viśva̍ṃ pu̱rā kṛ̱tam .
i̱ndrā̱gnī na ma̍rdhataḥ .. 6.060.04
4 I call the Twain whose deeds of old have all been famed in ancient days
O Indra-Agni, harm us not.
Sloka : 6.60.5
उ॒ग्रा वि॑घ॒निना॒ मृध॑ इन्द्रा॒ग्नी ह॑वामहे ।
ता नो॑ मृळात ई॒दृशे॑ ॥ ६.०६०.०५
u̱grā vi̍gha̱ninā̱ mṛdha̍ indrā̱gnī ha̍vāmahe .
tā no̍ mṛl̤āta ī̱dṛśe̍ .. 6.060.05
5 The Strong, the scatterers of the foe, Indra and Agni, we invoke;
May they be kind to one like me.
Sloka : 6.60.6
ह॒तो वृ॒त्राण्यार्या॑ ह॒तो दासा॑नि॒ सत्प॑ती ।
ह॒तो विश्वा॒ अप॒ द्विषः॑ ॥ ६.०६०.०६
ha̱to vṛ̱trāṇyāryā̍ ha̱to dāsā̍ni̱ satpa̍tī .
ha̱to viśvā̱ apa̱ dviṣa̍ḥ .. 6.060.06
6 They slay our Ārya foes, these Lords of heroes, slay our Dasyu foes
And drive our enemies away.
Sloka : 6.60.7
इन्द्रा॑ग्नी यु॒वामि॒मे॒३॒॑ऽभि स्तोमा॑ अनूषत ।
पिब॑तं शम्भुवा सु॒तम् ॥ ६.०६०.०७
indrā̍gnī yu̱vāmi̱me̱3̱̎bhi stomā̍ anūṣata .
piba̍taṃ śambhuvā su̱tam .. 6.060.07
7 Indra and Agni, these our songs of praise have sounded forth to you:-
Ye who bring blessings! drink the juice.
Sloka : 6.60.8
या वां॒ सन्ति॑ पुरु॒स्पृहो॑ नि॒युतो॑ दा॒शुषे॑ नरा ।
इन्द्रा॑ग्नी॒ ताभि॒रा ग॑तम् ॥ ६.०६०.०८
yā vā̱ṃ santi̍ puru̱spṛho̍ ni̱yuto̍ dā̱śuṣe̍ narā .
indrā̍gnī̱ tābhi̱rā ga̍tam .. 6.060.08
8 Come, Indra-Agni, with those teams, desired of many, which ye have,
O Heroes, for the worshipper.
Sloka : 6.60.9
ताभि॒रा ग॑च्छतं न॒रोपे॒दं सव॑नं सु॒तम् ।
इन्द्रा॑ग्नी॒ सोम॑पीतये ॥ ६.०६०.०९
tābhi̱rā ga̍cchataṃ na̱rope̱daṃ sava̍naṃ su̱tam .
indrā̍gnī̱ soma̍pītaye .. 6.060.09
9 With those to this libation poured, ye Heroes, Indra-Agni, come:-
Come ye to drink the Soma juice.
Sloka : 6.60.10
तमी॑ळिष्व॒ यो अ॒र्चिषा॒ वना॒ विश्वा॑ परि॒ष्वज॑त् ।
कृ॒ष्णा कृ॒णोति॑ जि॒ह्वया॑ ॥ ६.०६०.१०
tamī̍l̤iṣva̱ yo a̱rciṣā̱ vanā̱ viśvā̍ pari̱ṣvaja̍t .
kṛ̱ṣṇā kṛ̱ṇoti̍ ji̱hvayā̍ .. 6.060.10
10 Glorify him who compasses all forests with his glowing flame,
And leaves them blackened with his tongue.
Sloka : 6.60.11
य इ॒द्ध आ॒विवा॑सति सु॒म्नमिन्द्र॑स्य॒ मर्त्यः॑ ।
द्यु॒म्नाय॑ सु॒तरा॑ अ॒पः ॥ ६.०६०.११
ya i̱ddha ā̱vivā̍sati su̱mnamindra̍sya̱ martya̍ḥ .
dyu̱mnāya̍ su̱tarā̍ a̱paḥ .. 6.060.11
11 He who gains Indra's bliss with fire enkindled finds an easy way
Over the floods to happiness.
Sloka : 6.60.12
ता नो॒ वाज॑वती॒रिष॑ आ॒शून्पि॑पृत॒मर्व॑तः ।
इन्द्र॑म॒ग्निं च॒ वोळ्ह॑वे ॥ ६.०६०.१२
tā no̱ vāja̍vatī̱riṣa̍ ā̱śūnpi̍pṛta̱marva̍taḥ .
indra̍ma̱gniṃ ca̱ vol̤ha̍ve .. 6.060.12
12 Give us fleet coursers to convey Indra and Agni, and bestow
Abundant strengthening food on us.
Sloka : 6.60.13
उ॒भा वा॑मिन्द्राग्नी आहु॒वध्या॑ उ॒भा राध॑सः स॒ह मा॑द॒यध्यै॑ ।
उ॒भा दा॒तारा॑वि॒षां र॑यी॒णामु॒भा वाज॑स्य सा॒तये॑ हुवे वाम् ॥ ६.०६०.१३
u̱bhā vā̍mindrāgnī āhu̱vadhyā̍ u̱bhā rādha̍saḥ sa̱ha mā̍da̱yadhyai̍ .
u̱bhā dā̱tārā̍vi̱ṣāṃ ra̍yī̱ṇāmu̱bhā vāja̍sya sā̱taye̍ huve vām .. 6.060.13
13 Indra and Agni, I will call you hither and make you joyful with the gifts I offer.
Ye Twain are givers both of food and riches:- to win me strength and vigour I invoke you.
Sloka : 6.60.14
आ नो॒ गव्ये॑भि॒रश्व्यै॑र्वस॒व्यै॒३॒॑रुप॑ गच्छतम् ।
सखा॑यौ दे॒वौ स॒ख्याय॑ श॒म्भुवे॑न्द्रा॒ग्नी ता ह॑वामहे ॥ ६.०६०.१४
ā no̱ gavye̍bhi̱raśvyai̍rvasa̱vyai̱3̱̍rupa̍ gacchatam .
sakhā̍yau de̱vau sa̱khyāya̍ śa̱mbhuve̍ndrā̱gnī tā ha̍vāmahe .. 6.060.14
14 Come unto us with riches, come with wealth in horses and in kine.
Indra and Agni, we invoke you both, the Gods, as Friends for friendship, bringing bliss.
Sloka : 6.60.15
इन्द्रा॑ग्नी शृणु॒तं हवं॒ यज॑मानस्य सुन्व॒तः ।
वी॒तं ह॒व्यान्या ग॑तं॒ पिब॑तं सो॒म्यं मधु॑ ॥ ६.०६०.१५
indrā̍gnī śṛṇu̱taṃ hava̱ṃ yaja̍mānasya sunva̱taḥ .
vī̱taṃ ha̱vyānyā ga̍ta̱ṃ piba̍taṃ so̱myaṃ madhu̍ .. 6.060.15
15 Indra and Agni, hear his call who worships. with libations poured.
Come and enjoy the offerings, drink the sweetly-flavoured Soma juice.
Sloka : 6.61.1
इ॒यम॑ददाद्रभ॒समृ॑ण॒च्युतं॒ दिवो॑दासं वध्र्य॒श्वाय॑ दा॒शुषे॑ ।
या शश्व॑न्तमाच॒खादा॑व॒सं प॒णिं ता ते॑ दा॒त्राणि॑ तवि॒षा स॑रस्वति ॥ ६.०६१.०१
i̱yama̍dadādrabha̱samṛ̍ṇa̱cyuta̱ṃ divo̍dāsaṃ vadhrya̱śvāya̍ dā̱śuṣe̍ .
yā śaśva̍ntamāca̱khādā̍va̱saṃ pa̱ṇiṃ tā te̍ dā̱trāṇi̍ tavi̱ṣā sa̍rasvati .. 6.061.01
1. To Vadhryasva when. be worshipped her with gifts she gave fierce Divodāsa, canceller of debts.
Consumer of the churlish niggard, one and all, thine, O Sarasvatī, are these effectual boons.
Sloka : 6.61.2
इ॒यं शुष्मे॑भिर्बिस॒खा इ॑वारुज॒त्सानु॑ गिरी॒णां त॑वि॒षेभि॑रू॒र्मिभिः॑ ।
पा॒रा॒व॒त॒घ्नीमव॑से सुवृ॒क्तिभिः॒ सर॑स्वती॒मा वि॑वासेम धी॒तिभिः॑ ॥ ६.०६१.०२
i̱yaṃ śuṣme̍bhirbisa̱khā i̍vāruja̱tsānu̍ girī̱ṇāṃ ta̍vi̱ṣebhi̍rū̱rmibhi̍ḥ .
pā̱rā̱va̱ta̱ghnīmava̍se suvṛ̱ktibhi̱ḥ sara̍svatī̱mā vi̍vāsema dhī̱tibhi̍ḥ .. 6.061.02
2 She with her might, like one who digs for lotus-stems, hath burst with her strong waves the ridges of the hills.
Let us invite with songs and holy hymns for help Sarasvatī who slayeth the Paravatas.
Sloka : 6.61.3
सर॑स्वति देव॒निदो॒ नि ब॑र्हय प्र॒जां विश्व॑स्य॒ बृस॑यस्य मा॒यिनः॑ ।
उ॒त क्षि॒तिभ्यो॒ऽवनी॑रविन्दो वि॒षमे॑भ्यो अस्रवो वाजिनीवति ॥ ६.०६१.०३
sara̍svati deva̱nido̱ ni ba̍rhaya pra̱jāṃ viśva̍sya̱ bṛsa̍yasya mā̱yina̍ḥ .
u̱ta kṣi̱tibhyo̱'vanī̍ravindo vi̱ṣame̍bhyo asravo vājinīvati .. 6.061.03
3 Thou castest down, Sarasvatī, those who scorned the Gods, the brood of every Bṛsaya skilled in magic arts.
Thou hast discovered rivers for the tribes of men, and, rich in wealth! made poison flow away from them.
Sloka : 6.61.4
प्र णो॑ दे॒वी सर॑स्वती॒ वाजे॑भिर्वा॒जिनी॑वती ।
धी॒नाम॑वि॒त्र्य॑वतु ॥ ६.०६१.०४
pra ṇo̍ de̱vī sara̍svatī̱ vāje̍bhirvā̱jinī̍vatī .
dhī̱nāma̍vi̱trya̍vatu .. 6.061.04
4 May the divine Sarasvatī, rich in her wealth, protect us well,
Furthering all our thoughts with might
Sloka : 6.61.5
यस्त्वा॑ देवि सरस्वत्युपब्रू॒ते धने॑ हि॒ते ।
इन्द्रं॒ न वृ॑त्र॒तूर्ये॑ ॥ ६.०६१.०५
yastvā̍ devi sarasvatyupabrū̱te dhane̍ hi̱te .
indra̱ṃ na vṛ̍tra̱tūrye̍ .. 6.061.05
5 Whoso, divine Sarasvatī, invokes thee where the prize is set,
Like Indra when he smites the foe.
Sloka : 6.61.6
त्वं दे॑वि सरस्व॒त्यवा॒ वाजे॑षु वाजिनि ।
रदा॑ पू॒षेव॑ नः स॒निम् ॥ ६.०६१.०६
tvaṃ de̍vi sarasva̱tyavā̱ vāje̍ṣu vājini .
radā̍ pū̱ṣeva̍ naḥ sa̱nim .. 6.061.06
6 Aid us, divine Sarasvad, thou who art strong in wealth and power
Like Pūṣan, give us opulence.
Sloka : 6.61.7
उ॒त स्या नः॒ सर॑स्वती घो॒रा हिर॑ण्यवर्तनिः ।
वृ॒त्र॒घ्नी व॑ष्टि सुष्टु॒तिम् ॥ ६.०६१.०७
u̱ta syā na̱ḥ sara̍svatī gho̱rā hira̍ṇyavartaniḥ .
vṛ̱tra̱ghnī va̍ṣṭi suṣṭu̱tim .. 6.061.07
7 Yea, this divine Sarasvatī, terrible with her golden path,
Foe-slayer, claims our eulogy.
Sloka : 6.61.8
यस्या॑ अन॒न्तो अह्रु॑तस्त्वे॒षश्च॑रि॒ष्णुर॑र्ण॒वः ।
अम॒श्चर॑ति॒ रोरु॑वत् ॥ ६.०६१.०८
yasyā̍ ana̱nto ahru̍tastve̱ṣaśca̍ri̱ṣṇura̍rṇa̱vaḥ .
ama̱ścara̍ti̱ roru̍vat .. 6.061.08
8 Whose limitless unbroken flood, swift-moving with a rapid rush,
Comes onward with tempestuous roar.
Sloka : 6.61.9
सा नो॒ विश्वा॒ अति॒ द्विषः॒ स्वसॄ॑र॒न्या ऋ॒ताव॑री ।
अत॒न्नहे॑व॒ सूर्यः॑ ॥ ६.०६१.०९
sā no̱ viśvā̱ ati̱ dviṣa̱ḥ svasṝ̍ra̱nyā ṛ̱tāva̍rī .
ata̱nnahe̍va̱ sūrya̍ḥ .. 6.061.09
9 She hath spread us beyond all foes, beyond her Sisters, Holy One,
As Sūrya spreadeth out the days.
Sloka : 6.61.10
उ॒त नः॑ प्रि॒या प्रि॒यासु॑ स॒प्तस्व॑सा॒ सुजु॑ष्टा ।
सर॑स्वती॒ स्तोम्या॑ भूत् ॥ ६.०६१.१०
u̱ta na̍ḥ pri̱yā pri̱yāsu̍ sa̱ptasva̍sā̱ suju̍ṣṭā .
sara̍svatī̱ stomyā̍ bhūt .. 6.061.10
10 Yea, she most dear amid dear stream, Seven-sistered, graciously inclined,
Sarasvatī hath earned our praise.
Sloka : 6.61.11
आ॒प॒प्रुषी॒ पार्थि॑वान्यु॒रु रजो॑ अ॒न्तरि॑क्षम् ।
सर॑स्वती नि॒दस्पा॑तु ॥ ६.०६१.११
ā̱pa̱pruṣī̱ pārthi̍vānyu̱ru rajo̍ a̱ntari̍kṣam .
sara̍svatī ni̱daspā̍tu .. 6.061.11
11 Guard us from hate Sarasvatī, she who hath filled the realms of earth,
And that wide tract, the firmament!
Sloka : 6.61.12
त्रि॒ष॒धस्था॑ स॒प्तधा॑तुः॒ पञ्च॑ जा॒ता व॒र्धय॑न्ती ।
वाजे॑वाजे॒ हव्या॑ भूत् ॥ ६.०६१.१२
tri̱ṣa̱dhasthā̍ sa̱ptadhā̍tu̱ḥ pañca̍ jā̱tā va̱rdhaya̍ntī .
vāje̍vāje̱ havyā̍ bhūt .. 6.061.12
12 Seven-sistered, sprung from threefold source, the Five Tribes' prosperer, she must be
Invoked in every deed of might.
Sloka : 6.61.13
प्र या म॑हि॒म्ना म॒हिना॑सु॒ चेकि॑ते द्यु॒म्नेभि॑र॒न्या अ॒पसा॑म॒पस्त॑मा ।
रथ॑ इव बृह॒ती वि॒भ्वने॑ कृ॒तोप॒स्तुत्या॑ चिकि॒तुषा॒ सर॑स्वती ॥ ६.०६१.१३
pra yā ma̍hi̱mnā ma̱hinā̍su̱ ceki̍te dyu̱mnebhi̍ra̱nyā a̱pasā̍ma̱pasta̍mā .
ratha̍ iva bṛha̱tī vi̱bhvane̍ kṛ̱topa̱stutyā̍ ciki̱tuṣā̱ sara̍svatī .. 6.061.13
13 Marked out by majesty among the Mighty Ones, in glory swifter than the other rapid Streams,
Created vast for victory like a chariot, Sarasvatī must be extolled by every sage.
Sloka : 6.61.14
सर॑स्वत्य॒भि नो॑ नेषि॒ वस्यो॒ माप॑ स्फरीः॒ पय॑सा॒ मा न॒ आ ध॑क् ।
जु॒षस्व॑ नः स॒ख्या वे॒श्या॑ च॒ मा त्वत्क्षेत्रा॒ण्यर॑णानि गन्म ॥ ६.०६१.१४
sara̍svatya̱bhi no̍ neṣi̱ vasyo̱ māpa̍ spharī̱ḥ paya̍sā̱ mā na̱ ā dha̍k .
ju̱ṣasva̍ naḥ sa̱khyā ve̱śyā̍ ca̱ mā tvatkṣetrā̱ṇyara̍ṇāni ganma .. 6.061.14
14 Guide us, Sarasvatī, to glorious treasure:- refuse us not thy milk, nor spurn us from thee.
Gladly accept our friendship and obedience:- let us not go from thee to distant countries.
Sloka : 6.62.1
स्तु॒षे नरा॑ दि॒वो अ॒स्य प्र॒सन्ता॒श्विना॑ हुवे॒ जर॑माणो अ॒र्कैः ।
या स॒द्य उ॒स्रा व्युषि॒ ज्मो अन्ता॒न्युयू॑षतः॒ पर्यु॒रू वरां॑सि ॥ ६.०६२.०१
stu̱ṣe narā̍ di̱vo a̱sya pra̱santā̱śvinā̍ huve̱ jara̍māṇo a̱rkaiḥ .
yā sa̱dya u̱srā vyuṣi̱ jmo antā̱nyuyū̍ṣata̱ḥ paryu̱rū varā̍ṃsi .. 6.062.01
1. I LAUD the Heroes Twain, this heaven's Controllers:- singing with songs of praise I call the Aśvins,
Fain in a moment, when the morns are breaking, to part the earth's ends and the spacious regions.
Sloka : 6.62.2
ता य॒ज्ञमा शुचि॑भिश्चक्रमा॒णा रथ॑स्य भा॒नुं रु॑रुचू॒ रजो॑भिः ।
पु॒रू वरां॒स्यमि॑ता॒ मिमा॑ना॒पो धन्वा॒न्यति॑ याथो॒ अज्रा॑न् ॥ ६.०६२.०२
tā ya̱jñamā śuci̍bhiścakramā̱ṇā ratha̍sya bhā̱nuṃ ru̍rucū̱ rajo̍bhiḥ .
pu̱rū varā̱ṃsyami̍tā̱ mimā̍nā̱po dhanvā̱nyati̍ yātho̱ ajrā̍n .. 6.062.02
2 Moving to sacrifice through realms of lustre they light the radiance of the car that bears them.
Traversing many wide unmeasured spaces, over the wastes ye pass, and fields, and waters.
Sloka : 6.62.3
ता ह॒ त्यद्व॒र्तिर्यदर॑ध्रमुग्रे॒त्था धिय॑ ऊहथुः॒ शश्व॒दश्वैः॑ ।
मनो॑जवेभिरिषि॒रैः श॒यध्यै॒ परि॒ व्यथि॑र्दा॒शुषो॒ मर्त्य॑स्य ॥ ६.०६२.०३
tā ha̱ tyadva̱rtiryadara̍dhramugre̱tthā dhiya̍ ūhathu̱ḥ śaśva̱daśvai̍ḥ .
mano̍javebhiriṣi̱raiḥ śa̱yadhyai̱ pari̱ vyathi̍rdā̱śuṣo̱ martya̍sya .. 6.062.03
3 Ye to that bounteous path of yours, ye mighty, have ever borne away our thoughts with horses,
Mind-swift and full of vigour, that the trouble of man who offers gifts might cease and slumber.
Sloka : 6.62.4
ता नव्य॑सो॒ जर॑माणस्य॒ मन्मोप॑ भूषतो युयुजा॒नस॑प्ती ।
शुभं॒ पृक्ष॒मिष॒मूर्जं॒ वह॑न्ता॒ होता॑ यक्षत्प्र॒त्नो अ॒ध्रुग्युवा॑ना ॥ ६.०६२.०४
tā navya̍so̱ jara̍māṇasya̱ manmopa̍ bhūṣato yuyujā̱nasa̍ptī .
śubha̱ṃ pṛkṣa̱miṣa̱mūrja̱ṃ vaha̍ntā̱ hotā̍ yakṣatpra̱tno a̱dhrugyuvā̍nā .. 6.062.04
4 So ye, when ye have yoked your chariothorses, come to the hymn of the most recent singer.
Our true and ancient Herald Priest shall bring you, the Youthful, bearing splendour, food, and vigour.
Sloka : 6.62.5
ता व॒ल्गू द॒स्रा पु॑रु॒शाक॑तमा प्र॒त्ना नव्य॑सा॒ वच॒सा वि॑वासे ।
या शंस॑ते स्तुव॒ते शम्भ॑विष्ठा बभू॒वतु॑र्गृण॒ते चि॒त्ररा॑ती ॥ ६.०६२.०५
tā va̱lgū da̱srā pu̍ru̱śāka̍tamā pra̱tnā navya̍sā̱ vaca̱sā vi̍vāse .
yā śaṃsa̍te stuva̱te śambha̍viṣṭhā babhū̱vatu̍rgṛṇa̱te ci̱trarā̍tī .. 6.062.05
5 With newest hymn I call those Wonder-Workers, ancient and brilliant, and exceeding mighty,
Bringers of bliss to him who lauds and praises, bestowing varied bounties on the singer.
Sloka : 6.62.6
ता भु॒ज्युं विभि॑र॒द्भ्यः स॑मु॒द्रात्तुग्र॑स्य सू॒नुमू॑हथू॒ रजो॑भिः ।
अ॒रे॒णुभि॒र्योज॑नेभिर्भु॒जन्ता॑ पत॒त्रिभि॒रर्ण॑सो॒ निरु॒पस्था॑त् ॥ ६.०६२.०६
tā bhu̱jyuṃ vibhi̍ra̱dbhyaḥ sa̍mu̱drāttugra̍sya sū̱numū̍hathū̱ rajo̍bhiḥ .
a̱re̱ṇubhi̱ryoja̍nebhirbhu̱jantā̍ pata̱tribhi̱rarṇa̍so̱ niru̱pasthā̍t .. 6.062.06
6 So ye, with birds, out of the sea and waters bore Bhujyu, son of Tugra, through the regions.
Speeding with winged steeds through dustless spaces, out of the bosom of the flood they bore him.
Sloka : 6.62.7
वि ज॒युषा॑ रथ्या यात॒मद्रिं॑ श्रु॒तं हवं॑ वृषणा वध्रिम॒त्याः ।
द॒श॒स्यन्ता॑ श॒यवे॑ पिप्यथु॒र्गामिति॑ च्यवाना सुम॒तिं भु॑रण्यू ॥ ६.०६२.०७
vi ja̱yuṣā̍ rathyā yāta̱madri̍ṃ śru̱taṃ hava̍ṃ vṛṣaṇā vadhrima̱tyāḥ .
da̱śa̱syantā̍ śa̱yave̍ pipyathu̱rgāmiti̍ cyavānā suma̱tiṃ bhu̍raṇyū .. 6.062.07
7 Victors, car-borne, ye rent the rock asunder:- Bulls, heard the calling of the eunuch's consort.
Bounteous, ye filled the cow with milk for Śayu:- thus, swift and zealous Ones, ye showed your favour.
Sloka : 6.62.8
यद्रो॑दसी प्र॒दिवो॒ अस्ति॒ भूमा॒ हेळो॑ दे॒वाना॑मु॒त म॑र्त्य॒त्रा ।
तदा॑दित्या वसवो रुद्रियासो रक्षो॒युजे॒ तपु॑र॒घं द॑धात ॥ ६.०६२.०८
yadro̍dasī pra̱divo̱ asti̱ bhūmā̱ hel̤o̍ de̱vānā̍mu̱ta ma̍rtya̱trā .
tadā̍dityā vasavo rudriyāso rakṣo̱yuje̱ tapu̍ra̱ghaṃ da̍dhāta .. 6.062.08
8 Whate’er from olden time, Heaven, Earth! existeth great object of the wrath of Gods and mortals,
Make that, Ādityas, Vasus, sons of Rudra, an evil brand to one allied with demons.
Sloka : 6.62.9
य ईं॒ राजा॑नावृतु॒था वि॒दध॒द्रज॑सो मि॒त्रो वरु॑ण॒श्चिके॑तत् ।
ग॒म्भी॒राय॒ रक्ष॑से हे॒तिम॑स्य॒ द्रोघा॑य चि॒द्वच॑स॒ आन॑वाय ॥ ६.०६२.०९
ya ī̱ṃ rājā̍nāvṛtu̱thā vi̱dadha̱draja̍so mi̱tro varu̍ṇa̱ścike̍tat .
ga̱mbhī̱rāya̱ rakṣa̍se he̱tima̍sya̱ droghā̍ya ci̱dvaca̍sa̱ āna̍vāya .. 6.062.09
9 May he who knows, as Varuṇa and Mitra, air's realm, appointing both the Kings in season,
Against the secret fiend cast forth his weapon, against the lying words that strangers utter.
Sloka : 6.62.10
अन्त॑रैश्च॒क्रैस्तन॑याय व॒र्तिर्द्यु॒मता या॑तं नृ॒वता॒ रथे॑न ।
सनु॑त्येन॒ त्यज॑सा॒ मर्त्य॑स्य वनुष्य॒तामपि॑ शी॒र्षा व॑वृक्तम् ॥ ६.०६२.१०
anta̍raiśca̱kraistana̍yāya va̱rtirdyu̱matā yā̍taṃ nṛ̱vatā̱ rathe̍na .
sanu̍tyena̱ tyaja̍sā̱ martya̍sya vanuṣya̱tāmapi̍ śī̱rṣā va̍vṛktam .. 6.062.10
10 Come to our home with friendly wheels, for offipring; come on your radiant chariot rich in heroes.
Strike off, ye Twain, the heads of our assailants who with man's treacherous attack approach us.
Sloka : 6.62.11
आ प॑र॒माभि॑रु॒त म॑ध्य॒माभि॑र्नि॒युद्भि॑र्यातमव॒माभि॑र॒र्वाक् ।
दृ॒ळ्हस्य॑ चि॒द्गोम॑तो॒ वि व्र॒जस्य॒ दुरो॑ वर्तं गृण॒ते चि॑त्रराती ॥ ६.०६२.११
ā pa̍ra̱mābhi̍ru̱ta ma̍dhya̱mābhi̍rni̱yudbhi̍ryātamava̱mābhi̍ra̱rvāk .
dṛ̱l̤hasya̍ ci̱dgoma̍to̱ vi vra̱jasya̱ duro̍ vartaṃ gṛṇa̱te ci̍trarātī .. 6.062.11
11 Come hitherward to us with teams of horses, the highest and the midmost and the lowest.
Bountiful Lords, throw open to the singer doors e’en of the firm-closed stall of cattle.
Sloka : 6.63.1
क्व१॒॑ त्या व॒ल्गू पु॑रुहू॒ताद्य दू॒तो न स्तोमो॑ऽविद॒न्नम॑स्वान् ।
आ यो अ॒र्वाङ्नास॑त्या व॒वर्त॒ प्रेष्ठा॒ ह्यस॑थो अस्य॒ मन्म॑न् ॥ ६.०६३.०१
kva1̱̍ tyā va̱lgū pu̍ruhū̱tādya dū̱to na stomo̎vida̱nnama̍svān .
ā yo a̱rvāṅnāsa̍tyā va̱varta̱ preṣṭhā̱ hyasa̍tho asya̱ manma̍n .. 6.063.01
1. WHERE hath the hymn with reverence, like an envoy, found both fair Gods to-day, invoked of many-
Hymn that hath brought the two Nāsatyas hither? To this man's thought be ye, both Gods, most friendly.
Sloka : 6.63.2
अरं॑ मे गन्तं॒ हव॑नाया॒स्मै गृ॑णा॒ना यथा॒ पिबा॑थो॒ अन्धः॑ ।
परि॑ ह॒ त्यद्व॒र्तिर्या॑थो रि॒षो न यत्परो॒ नान्त॑रस्तुतु॒र्यात् ॥ ६.०६३.०२
ara̍ṃ me ganta̱ṃ hava̍nāyā̱smai gṛ̍ṇā̱nā yathā̱ pibā̍tho̱ andha̍ḥ .
pari̍ ha̱ tyadva̱rtiryā̍tho ri̱ṣo na yatparo̱ nānta̍rastutu̱ryāt .. 6.063.02
2 Come readily to this mine invocation, lauded with songs, that ye may drink the juices.
Compass this house to keep it from the foeman, that none may force it, either near or distant.
Sloka : 6.63.3
अका॑रि वा॒मन्ध॑सो॒ वरी॑म॒न्नस्ता॑रि ब॒र्हिः सु॑प्राय॒णत॑मम् ।
उ॒त्ता॒नह॑स्तो युव॒युर्व॑व॒न्दा वां॒ नक्ष॑न्तो॒ अद्र॑य आञ्जन् ॥ ६.०६३.०३
akā̍ri vā̱mandha̍so̱ varī̍ma̱nnastā̍ri ba̱rhiḥ su̍prāya̱ṇata̍mam .
u̱ttā̱naha̍sto yuva̱yurva̍va̱ndā vā̱ṃ nakṣa̍nto̱ adra̍ya āñjan .. 6.063.03
3 Juice in wide room hath been prepared to feast you:- for you the grass is strewn, most soft to tread on.
With lifted hands your servant hath adored you. Yearningfor you the press-stones shed the liquid.
Sloka : 6.63.4
ऊ॒र्ध्वो वा॑म॒ग्निर॑ध्व॒रेष्व॑स्था॒त्प्र रा॒तिरे॑ति जू॒र्णिनी॑ घृ॒ताची॑ ।
प्र होता॑ गू॒र्तम॑ना उरा॒णोऽयु॑क्त॒ यो नास॑त्या॒ हवी॑मन् ॥ ६.०६३.०४
ū̱rdhvo vā̍ma̱gnira̍dhva̱reṣva̍sthā̱tpra rā̱tire̍ti jū̱rṇinī̍ ghṛ̱tācī̍ .
pra hotā̍ gū̱rtama̍nā urā̱ṇo'yu̍kta̱ yo nāsa̍tyā̱ havī̍man .. 6.063.04
4 Agni uplifts him at your sacrifices:- forth goes the oblation dropping oil and glowing.
Up stands the grateful-minded priest, elected, appointed to invoke the two Nāsatyas.
Sloka : 6.63.5
अधि॑ श्रि॒ये दु॑हि॒ता सूर्य॑स्य॒ रथं॑ तस्थौ पुरुभुजा श॒तोति॑म् ।
प्र मा॒याभि॑र्मायिना भूत॒मत्र॒ नरा॑ नृतू॒ जनि॑मन्य॒ज्ञिया॑नाम् ॥ ६.०६३.०५
adhi̍ śri̱ye du̍hi̱tā sūrya̍sya̱ ratha̍ṃ tasthau purubhujā śa̱toti̍m .
pra mā̱yābhi̍rmāyinā bhūta̱matra̱ narā̍ nṛtū̱ jani̍manya̱jñiyā̍nām .. 6.063.05
5 Lords of great wealth! for glory, Sūrya's Daughter mounted your car that brings a hundred succours.
Famed for your magic arts were ye, magicians! amid the race of Gods, ye dancing Heroes!
Sloka : 6.63.6
यु॒वं श्री॒भिर्द॑र्श॒ताभि॑रा॒भिः शु॒भे पु॒ष्टिमू॑हथुः सू॒र्यायाः॑ ।
प्र वां॒ वयो॒ वपु॒षेऽनु॑ पप्त॒न्नक्ष॒द्वाणी॒ सुष्टु॑ता धिष्ण्या वाम् ॥ ६.०६३.०६
yu̱vaṃ śrī̱bhirda̍rśa̱tābhi̍rā̱bhiḥ śu̱bhe pu̱ṣṭimū̍hathuḥ sū̱ryāyā̍ḥ .
pra vā̱ṃ vayo̱ vapu̱ṣe'nu̍ papta̱nnakṣa̱dvāṇī̱ suṣṭu̍tā dhiṣṇyā vām .. 6.063.06
6 Ye Twain, with these your glories fair to look on, brought, to win victory, rich gifts for Sūrya.
After you flew your birds, marvels of beauty:- dear to our hearts! the song, well lauded, reached you.
Sloka : 6.63.7
आ वां॒ वयोऽश्वा॑सो॒ वहि॑ष्ठा अ॒भि प्रयो॑ नासत्या वहन्तु ।
प्र वां॒ रथो॒ मनो॑जवा असर्जी॒षः पृ॒क्ष इ॒षिधो॒ अनु॑ पू॒र्वीः ॥ ६.०६३.०७
ā vā̱ṃ vayo'śvā̍so̱ vahi̍ṣṭhā a̱bhi prayo̍ nāsatyā vahantu .
pra vā̱ṃ ratho̱ mano̍javā asarjī̱ṣaḥ pṛ̱kṣa i̱ṣidho̱ anu̍ pū̱rvīḥ .. 6.063.07
7 May your winged coursers, best to draw. Nāsatyas! convey you to the object of your wishes.
Swift as the thought, your car hath been sent onward to food of many a sort and dainty viands.
Sloka : 6.63.8
पु॒रु हि वां॑ पुरुभुजा दे॒ष्णं धे॒नुं न॒ इषं॑ पिन्वत॒मस॑क्राम् ।
स्तुत॑श्च वां माध्वी सुष्टु॒तिश्च॒ रसा॑श्च॒ ये वा॒मनु॑ रा॒तिमग्म॑न् ॥ ६.०६३.०८
pu̱ru hi vā̍ṃ purubhujā de̱ṣṇaṃ dhe̱nuṃ na̱ iṣa̍ṃ pinvata̱masa̍krām .
stuta̍śca vāṃ mādhvī suṣṭu̱tiśca̱ rasā̍śca̱ ye vā̱manu̍ rā̱timagma̍n .. 6.063.08
8 Lords of great wealth, manifold is your bounty:- ye filled our cow with food that never faileth.
Lovers of sweetness! yours are praise and singers, and poured libations which have sought your favour.
Sloka : 6.63.9
उ॒त म॑ ऋ॒ज्रे पुर॑यस्य र॒घ्वी सु॑मी॒ळ्हे श॒तं पे॑रु॒के च॑ प॒क्वा ।
शा॒ण्डो दा॑द्धिर॒णिनः॒ स्मद्दि॑ष्टी॒न्दश॑ व॒शासो॑ अभि॒षाच॑ ऋ॒ष्वान् ॥ ६.०६३.०९
u̱ta ma̍ ṛ̱jre pura̍yasya ra̱ghvī su̍mī̱l̤he śa̱taṃ pe̍ru̱ke ca̍ pa̱kvā .
śā̱ṇḍo dā̍ddhira̱ṇina̱ḥ smaddi̍ṣṭī̱ndaśa̍ va̱śāso̍ abhi̱ṣāca̍ ṛ̱ṣvān .. 6.063.09
9 Mine were two mares of Puraya, brown, swift-footed; a hundred with Sumidha, food with Peruk
Sanda gave ten gold-decked and well-trained horses, tame and obedient and of lofty stature.
Sloka : 6.63.10
सं वां॑ श॒ता ना॑सत्या स॒हस्राश्वा॑नां पुरु॒पन्था॑ गि॒रे दा॑त् ।
भ॒रद्वा॑जाय वीर॒ नू गि॒रे दा॑द्ध॒ता रक्षां॑सि पुरुदंससा स्युः ॥ ६.०६३.१०
saṃ vā̍ṃ śa̱tā nā̍satyā sa̱hasrāśvā̍nāṃ puru̱panthā̍ gi̱re dā̍t .
bha̱radvā̍jāya vīra̱ nū gi̱re dā̍ddha̱tā rakṣā̍ṃsi purudaṃsasā syuḥ .. 6.063.10
10 Nāsatyas! Purupanthas offered hundreds, thousands of steeds to him who sang your praises,
Gave, Heroes! to the singer Bharadvāja. Ye-Wonder-Workers, let the fiends be slaughtered.
Sloka : 6.63.11
आ वां॑ सु॒म्ने वरि॑मन्सू॒रिभिः॑ ष्याम् ॥ ६.०६३.११
ā vā̍ṃ su̱mne vari̍mansū̱ribhi̍ḥ ṣyām .. 6.063.11
11 May I with princes share your bliss in freedom.
Sloka : 6.64.1
उदु॑ श्रि॒य उ॒षसो॒ रोच॑माना॒ अस्थु॑र॒पां नोर्मयो॒ रुश॑न्तः ।
कृ॒णोति॒ विश्वा॑ सु॒पथा॑ सु॒गान्यभू॑दु॒ वस्वी॒ दक्षि॑णा म॒घोनी॑ ॥ ६.०६४.०१
udu̍ śri̱ya u̱ṣaso̱ roca̍mānā̱ asthu̍ra̱pāṃ normayo̱ ruśa̍ntaḥ .
kṛ̱ṇoti̱ viśvā̍ su̱pathā̍ su̱gānyabhū̍du̱ vasvī̱ dakṣi̍ṇā ma̱ghonī̍ .. 6.064.01
1. THE radiant Dawns have risen up for glory, in their white splendour like the waves of waters.
She maketh paths all easy, fair to travel, and, rich, hath shown herself benign and friendly.
Sloka : 6.64.2
भ॒द्रा द॑दृक्ष उर्वि॒या वि भा॒स्युत्ते॑ शो॒चिर्भा॒नवो॒ द्याम॑पप्तन् ।
आ॒विर्वक्षः॑ कृणुषे शु॒म्भमा॒नोषो॑ देवि॒ रोच॑माना॒ महो॑भिः ॥ ६.०६४.०२
bha̱drā da̍dṛkṣa urvi̱yā vi bhā̱syutte̍ śo̱cirbhā̱navo̱ dyāma̍paptan .
ā̱virvakṣa̍ḥ kṛṇuṣe śu̱mbhamā̱noṣo̍ devi̱ roca̍mānā̱ maho̍bhiḥ .. 6.064.02
2 We see that thou art good:- far shines thy lustre; thy beams, thy splendours have flown up to heaven.
Decking thyself, thou makest bare thy bosom, shining in majesty, thou Goddess Morning.
Sloka : 6.64.3
वह॑न्ति सीमरु॒णासो॒ रुश॑न्तो॒ गावः॑ सु॒भगा॑मुर्वि॒या प्र॑था॒नाम् ।
अपे॑जते॒ शूरो॒ अस्ते॑व॒ शत्रू॒न्बाध॑ते॒ तमो॑ अजि॒रो न वोळ्हा॑ ॥ ६.०६४.०३
vaha̍nti sīmaru̱ṇāso̱ ruśa̍nto̱ gāva̍ḥ su̱bhagā̍murvi̱yā pra̍thā̱nām .
ape̍jate̱ śūro̱ aste̍va̱ śatrū̱nbādha̍te̱ tamo̍ aji̱ro na vol̤hā̍ .. 6.064.03
3 Red are the kine and luminous that bear her the Blessed One who spreadeth through the distance.
The foes she chaseth like a valiant archer, like a swift warrior she repelleth darkness.
Sloka : 6.64.4
सु॒गोत ते॑ सु॒पथा॒ पर्व॑तेष्ववा॒ते अ॒पस्त॑रसि स्वभानो ।
सा न॒ आ व॑ह पृथुयामन्नृष्वे र॒यिं दि॑वो दुहितरिष॒यध्यै॑ ॥ ६.०६४.०४
su̱gota te̍ su̱pathā̱ parva̍teṣvavā̱te a̱pasta̍rasi svabhāno .
sā na̱ ā va̍ha pṛthuyāmannṛṣve ra̱yiṃ di̍vo duhitariṣa̱yadhyai̍ .. 6.064.04
4 Thy ways are easy on the hills:- thou passest Invincible! Se1f-luminous! through waters.
So lofty Goddess with thine ample pathway, Daughter of Heaven, bring wealth to give us comfort.
Sloka : 6.64.5
सा व॑ह॒ योक्षभि॒रवा॒तोषो॒ वरं॒ वह॑सि॒ जोष॒मनु॑ ।
त्वं दि॑वो दुहित॒र्या ह॑ दे॒वी पू॒र्वहू॑तौ मं॒हना॑ दर्श॒ता भूः॑ ॥ ६.०६४.०५
sā va̍ha̱ yokṣabhi̱ravā̱toṣo̱ vara̱ṃ vaha̍si̱ joṣa̱manu̍ .
tvaṃ di̍vo duhita̱ryā ha̍ de̱vī pū̱rvahū̍tau ma̱ṃhanā̍ darśa̱tā bhū̍ḥ .. 6.064.05
5 Dawn, bring me wealth:- untroubled, with thine oxen thou bearest riches at thy will and pleasure;
Thou who, a Goddess, Child of Heaven, hast shown thee lovely through bounty when we called thee early.
Sloka : 6.64.6
उत्ते॒ वय॑श्चिद्वस॒तेर॑पप्त॒न्नर॑श्च॒ ये पि॑तु॒भाजो॒ व्यु॑ष्टौ ।
अ॒मा स॒ते व॑हसि॒ भूरि॑ वा॒ममुषो॑ देवि दा॒शुषे॒ मर्त्या॑य ॥ ६.०६४.०६
utte̱ vaya̍ścidvasa̱tera̍papta̱nnara̍śca̱ ye pi̍tu̱bhājo̱ vyu̍ṣṭau .
a̱mā sa̱te va̍hasi̱ bhūri̍ vā̱mamuṣo̍ devi dā̱śuṣe̱ martyā̍ya .. 6.064.06
6 As the birds fly forth from their restingplaces, so men with store of food rise at thy dawning.
Yea, to the liberal mortal who rernaineth at home, O Goddess Dawn, much good thou bringest.
Sloka : 6.65.1
ए॒षा स्या नो॑ दुहि॒ता दि॑वो॒जाः क्षि॒तीरु॒च्छन्ती॒ मानु॑षीरजीगः ।
या भा॒नुना॒ रुश॑ता रा॒म्यास्वज्ञा॑यि ति॒रस्तम॑सश्चिद॒क्तून् ॥ ६.०६५.०१
e̱ṣā syā no̍ duhi̱tā di̍vo̱jāḥ kṣi̱tīru̱cchantī̱ mānu̍ṣīrajīgaḥ .
yā bhā̱nunā̱ ruśa̍tā rā̱myāsvajñā̍yi ti̱rastama̍saścida̱ktūn .. 6.065.01
1. SHEDDING her light on human habitations this Child of Heaven hath called us from our slumber;
She who at night-time with her argent lustre hath shown herself e’en through the shades of darkness.
Sloka : 6.65.2
वि तद्य॑युररुण॒युग्भि॒रश्वै॑श्चि॒त्रं भा॑न्त्यु॒षस॑श्च॒न्द्रर॑थाः ।
अग्रं॑ य॒ज्ञस्य॑ बृह॒तो नय॑न्ती॒र्वि ता बा॑धन्ते॒ तम॒ ऊर्म्या॑याः ॥ ६.०६५.०२
vi tadya̍yuraruṇa̱yugbhi̱raśvai̍ści̱traṃ bhā̍ntyu̱ṣasa̍śca̱ndrara̍thāḥ .
agra̍ṃ ya̱jñasya̍ bṛha̱to naya̍ntī̱rvi tā bā̍dhante̱ tama̱ ūrmyā̍yāḥ .. 6.065.02
2 All this with red-rayed steeds have they divided:- the Dawns on bright cars shine in wondrous fashion.
They, bringing near the stately rite's commencement, drive far away the night's surrounding shadows.
Sloka : 6.65.3
श्रवो॒ वाज॒मिष॒मूर्जं॒ वह॑न्ती॒र्नि दा॒शुष॑ उषसो॒ मर्त्या॑य ।
म॒घोनी॑र्वी॒रव॒त्पत्य॑माना॒ अवो॑ धात विध॒ते रत्न॑म॒द्य ॥ ६.०६५.०३
śravo̱ vāja̱miṣa̱mūrja̱ṃ vaha̍ntī̱rni dā̱śuṣa̍ uṣaso̱ martyā̍ya .
ma̱ghonī̍rvī̱rava̱tpatya̍mānā̱ avo̍ dhāta vidha̱te ratna̍ma̱dya .. 6.065.03
3 Dawns, bringing hither, to the man who worships, glory and power and might and food and vigour,
Opulent, with imperial sway like heroes, favour your servant and this day enrich him.
Sloka : 6.65.4
इ॒दा हि वो॑ विध॒ते रत्न॒मस्ती॒दा वी॒राय॑ दा॒शुष॑ उषासः ।
इ॒दा विप्रा॑य॒ जर॑ते॒ यदु॒क्था नि ष्म॒ माव॑ते वहथा पु॒रा चि॑त् ॥ ६.०६५.०४
i̱dā hi vo̍ vidha̱te ratna̱mastī̱dā vī̱rāya̍ dā̱śuṣa̍ uṣāsaḥ .
i̱dā viprā̍ya̱ jara̍te̱ yadu̱kthā ni ṣma̱ māva̍te vahathā pu̱rā ci̍t .. 6.065.04
4 Now is there treasure for the man who serves you, now for the hero, Dawns! who brings oblation;
Now for the singer when he sings the praise-song. Even to one like me ye brought aforetime.
Sloka : 6.65.5
इ॒दा हि त॑ उषो अद्रिसानो गो॒त्रा गवा॒मङ्गि॑रसो गृ॒णन्ति॑ ।
व्य१॒॑र्केण॑ बिभिदु॒र्ब्रह्म॑णा च स॒त्या नृ॒णाम॑भवद्दे॒वहू॑तिः ॥ ६.०६५.०५
i̱dā hi ta̍ uṣo adrisāno go̱trā gavā̱maṅgi̍raso gṛ̱ṇanti̍ .
vya1̱̍rkeṇa̍ bibhidu̱rbrahma̍ṇā ca sa̱tyā nṛ̱ṇāma̍bhavadde̱vahū̍tiḥ .. 6.065.05
5 O Dawn who standest on the mountain ridges, Aṅgirases now praise thy stalls of cattle.
With prayer and holy hymn they burst them open:- the heroes' calling on the Gods was fruitful.
Sloka : 6.65.6
उ॒च्छा दि॑वो दुहितः प्रत्न॒वन्नो॑ भरद्वाज॒वद्वि॑ध॒ते म॑घोनि ।
सु॒वीरं॑ र॒यिं गृ॑ण॒ते रि॑रीह्युरुगा॒यमधि॑ धेहि॒ श्रवो॑ नः ॥ ६.०६५.०६
u̱cchā di̍vo duhitaḥ pratna̱vanno̍ bharadvāja̱vadvi̍dha̱te ma̍ghoni .
su̱vīra̍ṃ ra̱yiṃ gṛ̍ṇa̱te ri̍rīhyurugā̱yamadhi̍ dhehi̱ śravo̍ naḥ .. 6.065.06
6 Shine on us as of old, thou Child of Heaven,on him, rich Maid! who serves like Bharadvāja.
Give to the singer wealth with noble heroes, and upon us bestow wide-spreading glory.
Sloka : 6.66.1
वपु॒र्नु तच्चि॑कि॒तुषे॑ चिदस्तु समा॒नं नाम॑ धे॒नु पत्य॑मानम् ।
मर्ते॑ष्व॒न्यद्दो॒हसे॑ पी॒पाय॑ स॒कृच्छु॒क्रं दु॑दुहे॒ पृश्नि॒रूधः॑ ॥ ६.०६६.०१
vapu̱rnu tacci̍ki̱tuṣe̍ cidastu samā̱naṃ nāma̍ dhe̱nu patya̍mānam .
marte̍ṣva̱nyaddo̱hase̍ pī̱pāya̍ sa̱kṛcchu̱kraṃ du̍duhe̱ pṛśni̱rūdha̍ḥ .. 6.066.01
1. E'EN to the wise let that be still a wonder to which the general name of Cow is given.
The one hath swelled among mankind for milking:- Pṛśni hath drained but once her fair bright udder.
Sloka : 6.66.2
ये अ॒ग्नयो॒ न शोशु॑चन्निधा॒ना द्विर्यत्त्रिर्म॒रुतो॑ वावृ॒धन्त॑ ।
अ॒रे॒णवो॑ हिर॒ण्यया॑स एषां सा॒कं नृ॒म्णैः पौंस्ये॑भिश्च भूवन् ॥ ६.०६६.०२
ye a̱gnayo̱ na śośu̍cannidhā̱nā dviryattrirma̱ruto̍ vāvṛ̱dhanta̍ .
a̱re̱ṇavo̍ hira̱ṇyayā̍sa eṣāṃ sā̱kaṃ nṛ̱mṇaiḥ pauṃsye̍bhiśca bhūvan .. 6.066.02
2 They who like kindled flames of fire are glowing,. the Maruts, twice and thrice have waxen mighty.
Golden and dustless were their cars, invested with their great strength and their heroic vigour.
Sloka : 6.66.3
रु॒द्रस्य॒ ये मी॒ळ्हुषः॒ सन्ति॑ पु॒त्रा याँश्चो॒ नु दाधृ॑वि॒र्भर॑ध्यै ।
वि॒दे हि मा॒ता म॒हो म॒ही षा सेत्पृश्निः॑ सु॒भ्वे॒३॒॑ गर्भ॒माधा॑त् ॥ ६.०६६.०३
ru̱drasya̱ ye mī̱l̤huṣa̱ḥ santi̍ pu̱trā yām̐śco̱ nu dādhṛ̍vi̱rbhara̍dhyai .
vi̱de hi mā̱tā ma̱ho ma̱hī ṣā setpṛśni̍ḥ su̱bhve̱3̱̍ garbha̱mādhā̍t .. 6.066.03
3 They who are Sons of the rain-pouring Rudra, whom the long-lasting One had power to foster:-
The Mighty Ones whose germ great Mother Pṛśni is known to have received for man's advantage.
Sloka : 6.66.4
न य ईष॑न्ते ज॒नुषोऽया॒ न्व१॒॑न्तः सन्तो॑ऽव॒द्यानि॑ पुना॒नाः ।
निर्यद्दु॒ह्रे शुच॒योऽनु॒ जोष॒मनु॑ श्रि॒या त॒न्व॑मु॒क्षमा॑णाः ॥ ६.०६६.०४
na ya īṣa̍nte ja̱nuṣo'yā̱ nva1̱̍ntaḥ santo̎va̱dyāni̍ punā̱nāḥ .
niryaddu̱hre śuca̱yo'nu̱ joṣa̱manu̍ śri̱yā ta̱nva̍mu̱kṣamā̍ṇāḥ .. 6.066.04
4 They shrink not from the birth; in this same manner still resting there they purge away reproaches.
When they have streamed forth, brilliant, at their pleasure, with their own splendour they bedew their bodies.
Sloka : 6.66.5
म॒क्षू न येषु॑ दो॒हसे॑ चिद॒या आ नाम॑ धृ॒ष्णु मारु॑तं॒ दधा॑नाः ।
न ये स्तौ॒ना अ॒यासो॑ म॒ह्ना नू चि॑त्सु॒दानु॒रव॑ यासदु॒ग्रान् ॥ ६.०६६.०५
ma̱kṣū na yeṣu̍ do̱hase̍ cida̱yā ā nāma̍ dhṛ̱ṣṇu māru̍ta̱ṃ dadhā̍nāḥ .
na ye stau̱nā a̱yāso̍ ma̱hnā nū ci̍tsu̱dānu̱rava̍ yāsadu̱grān .. 6.066.05
5 Even those who bear the brave bold name of Maruts, whom not the active quickly wins for milking.
Even the liberal wards not off those fierce ones, those who are light and agile in their greatness.
Sloka : 6.66.6
त इदु॒ग्राः शव॑सा धृ॒ष्णुषे॑णा उ॒भे यु॑जन्त॒ रोद॑सी सु॒मेके॑ ।
अध॑ स्मैषु रोद॒सी स्वशो॑चि॒राम॑वत्सु तस्थौ॒ न रोकः॑ ॥ ६.०६६.०६
ta idu̱grāḥ śava̍sā dhṛ̱ṣṇuṣe̍ṇā u̱bhe yu̍janta̱ roda̍sī su̱meke̍ .
adha̍ smaiṣu roda̱sī svaśo̍ci̱rāma̍vatsu tasthau̱ na roka̍ḥ .. 6.066.06
6 When, strong in strength and armed with potent weapons, they had united wellformed earth and heaven,
Rodasl stood among these furious Heroes like splendour shining with her native brightness.
Sloka : 6.66.7
अ॒ने॒नो वो॑ मरुतो॒ यामो॑ अस्त्वन॒श्वश्चि॒द्यमज॒त्यर॑थीः ।
अ॒न॒व॒सो अ॑नभी॒शू र॑ज॒स्तूर्वि रोद॑सी प॒थ्या॑ याति॒ साध॑न् ॥ ६.०६६.०७
a̱ne̱no vo̍ maruto̱ yāmo̍ astvana̱śvaści̱dyamaja̱tyara̍thīḥ .
a̱na̱va̱so a̍nabhī̱śū ra̍ja̱stūrvi roda̍sī pa̱thyā̍ yāti̱ sādha̍n .. 6.066.07
7 No team of goats shall draw your car, O Maruts, no horse no charioteer be he who drives it.
Halting not, reinless, through the air it travels, speeding alone its paths through earth and heaven.
Sloka : 6.66.8
नास्य॑ व॒र्ता न त॑रु॒ता न्व॑स्ति॒ मरु॑तो॒ यमव॑थ॒ वाज॑सातौ ।
तो॒के वा॒ गोषु॒ तन॑ये॒ यम॒प्सु स व्र॒जं दर्ता॒ पार्ये॒ अध॒ द्योः ॥ ६.०६६.०८
nāsya̍ va̱rtā na ta̍ru̱tā nva̍sti̱ maru̍to̱ yamava̍tha̱ vāja̍sātau .
to̱ke vā̱ goṣu̱ tana̍ye̱ yama̱psu sa vra̱jaṃ dartā̱ pārye̱ adha̱ dyoḥ .. 6.066.08
8 None may obstruct, none overtake, O Maruts, him whom ye succour in the strife of battle
For sons and progeny, for kine and waters:- he bursts the cow-stall on the day of trial.
Sloka : 6.66.9
प्र चि॒त्रम॒र्कं गृ॑ण॒ते तु॒राय॒ मारु॑ताय॒ स्वत॑वसे भरध्वम् ।
ये सहां॑सि॒ सह॑सा॒ सह॑न्ते॒ रेज॑ते अग्ने पृथि॒वी म॒खेभ्यः॑ ॥ ६.०६६.०९
pra ci̱trama̱rkaṃ gṛ̍ṇa̱te tu̱rāya̱ māru̍tāya̱ svata̍vase bharadhvam .
ye sahā̍ṃsi̱ saha̍sā̱ saha̍nte̱ reja̍te agne pṛthi̱vī ma̱khebhya̍ḥ .. 6.066.09
9 Bring a bright hymn to praise the band of Maruts, the Singers, rapid, strong in native vigour,
Who conquer mighty strength with strength more mighty:- earth shakes in terror at their wars, O Agni.
Sloka : 6.66.10
त्विषी॑मन्तो अध्व॒रस्ये॑व दि॒द्युत्तृ॑षु॒च्यव॑सो जु॒ह्वो॒३॒॑ नाग्नेः ।
अ॒र्चत्र॑यो॒ धुन॑यो॒ न वी॒रा भ्राज॑ज्जन्मानो म॒रुतो॒ अधृ॑ष्टाः ॥ ६.०६६.१०
tviṣī̍manto adhva̱rasye̍va di̱dyuttṛ̍ṣu̱cyava̍so ju̱hvo̱3̱̍ nāgneḥ .
a̱rcatra̍yo̱ dhuna̍yo̱ na vī̱rā bhrāja̍jjanmāno ma̱ruto̱ adhṛ̍ṣṭāḥ .. 6.066.10
10 Bright like the flashing flames of sacrifices, like tongues of fire impetuous in their onset,
Chanting their psalm, singing aloud, like heroes, splendid from birth, invincible, the Maruts.
Sloka : 6.66.11
तं वृ॒धन्तं॒ मारु॑तं॒ भ्राज॑दृष्टिं रु॒द्रस्य॑ सू॒नुं ह॒वसा वि॑वासे ।
दि॒वः शर्धा॑य॒ शुच॑यो मनी॒षा गि॒रयो॒ नाप॑ उ॒ग्रा अ॑स्पृध्रन् ॥ ६.०६६.११
taṃ vṛ̱dhanta̱ṃ māru̍ta̱ṃ bhrāja̍dṛṣṭiṃ ru̱drasya̍ sū̱nuṃ ha̱vasā vi̍vāse .
di̱vaḥ śardhā̍ya̱ śuca̍yo manī̱ṣā gi̱rayo̱ nāpa̍ u̱grā a̍spṛdhran .. 6.066.11
11 That swelling band I call with invocation, the brood of Rudra, armed with glittering lances.
Pure hymns are meet for that celestial army:- like floods and mountains have the Strong Ones battled.
Sloka : 6.67.1
विश्वे॑षां वः स॒तां ज्येष्ठ॑तमा गी॒र्भिर्मि॒त्रावरु॑णा वावृ॒धध्यै॑ ।
सं या र॒श्मेव॑ य॒मतु॒र्यमि॑ष्ठा॒ द्वा जना॒ँ अस॑मा बा॒हुभिः॒ स्वैः ॥ ६.०६७.०१
viśve̍ṣāṃ vaḥ sa̱tāṃ jyeṣṭha̍tamā gī̱rbhirmi̱trāvaru̍ṇā vāvṛ̱dhadhyai̍ .
saṃ yā ra̱śmeva̍ ya̱matu̱ryami̍ṣṭhā̱ dvā janā̱m̐ asa̍mā bā̱hubhi̱ḥ svaiḥ .. 6.067.01
1. NOW Mitra-Varuṇa shall be exalted high by your songs, noblest of all existing;
They who, as ’twere with reins are best Controllers, unequalled with their arms to check the people.
Sloka : 6.67.2
इ॒यं मद्वां॒ प्र स्तृ॑णीते मनी॒षोप॑ प्रि॒या नम॑सा ब॒र्हिरच्छ॑ ।
य॒न्तं नो॑ मित्रावरुणा॒वधृ॑ष्टं छ॒र्दिर्यद्वां॑ वरू॒थ्यं॑ सुदानू ॥ ६.०६७.०२
i̱yaṃ madvā̱ṃ pra stṛ̍ṇīte manī̱ṣopa̍ pri̱yā nama̍sā ba̱rhiraccha̍ .
ya̱ntaṃ no̍ mitrāvaruṇā̱vadhṛ̍ṣṭaṃ cha̱rdiryadvā̍ṃ varū̱thya̍ṃ sudānū .. 6.067.02
2 To you Two Gods is this my thought extended, turned to the sacred grass with loving homage.
Give us, O Mitra-Varuṇa, a dwelling safe from attack, which ye shall guard, Boon-Givers!
Sloka : 6.67.3
आ या॑तं मित्रावरुणा सुश॒स्त्युप॑ प्रि॒या नम॑सा हू॒यमा॑ना ।
सं याव॑प्नः॒स्थो अ॒पसे॑व॒ जना॑ञ्छ्रुधीय॒तश्चि॑द्यतथो महि॒त्वा ॥ ६.०६७.०३
ā yā̍taṃ mitrāvaruṇā suśa̱styupa̍ pri̱yā nama̍sā hū̱yamā̍nā .
saṃ yāva̍pna̱ḥstho a̱pase̍va̱ janā̍ñchrudhīya̱taści̍dyatatho mahi̱tvā .. 6.067.03
3 Come hither, Mitra-Varuṇa, invited with eulogies and loving adoration,
Ye who with your might, as Work-Controllers, urge even men who quickly hear to labour.
Sloka : 6.67.4
अश्वा॒ न या वा॒जिना॑ पू॒तब॑न्धू ऋ॒ता यद्गर्भ॒मदि॑ति॒र्भर॑ध्यै ।
प्र या महि॑ म॒हान्ता॒ जाय॑माना घो॒रा मर्ता॑य रि॒पवे॒ नि दी॑धः ॥ ६.०६७.०४
aśvā̱ na yā vā̱jinā̍ pū̱taba̍ndhū ṛ̱tā yadgarbha̱madi̍ti̱rbhara̍dhyai .
pra yā mahi̍ ma̱hāntā̱ jāya̍mānā gho̱rā martā̍ya ri̱pave̱ ni dī̍dhaḥ .. 6.067.04
4 Whom, of pure origin, like two strong horses, Aditi bore as babes in proper season,
Whom, Mighty at your birth, the Mighty Goddess brought forth as terrors to the mortal foeman.
Sloka : 6.67.5
विश्वे॒ यद्वां॑ मं॒हना॒ मन्द॑मानाः क्ष॒त्रं दे॒वासो॒ अद॑धुः स॒जोषाः॑ ।
परि॒ यद्भू॒थो रोद॑सी चिदु॒र्वी सन्ति॒ स्पशो॒ अद॑ब्धासो॒ अमू॑राः ॥ ६.०६७.०५
viśve̱ yadvā̍ṃ ma̱ṃhanā̱ manda̍mānāḥ kṣa̱traṃ de̱vāso̱ ada̍dhuḥ sa̱joṣā̍ḥ .
pari̱ yadbhū̱tho roda̍sī cidu̱rvī santi̱ spaśo̱ ada̍bdhāso̱ amū̍rāḥ .. 6.067.05
5 As all the Gods in their great joy and gladness gave you with one accord your high dominion,
As ye surround both worlds, though wide and spacious your spies are ever true and never bewildered.
Sloka : 6.67.6
ता हि क्ष॒त्रं धा॒रये॑थे॒ अनु॒ द्यून्दृं॒हेथे॒ सानु॑मुप॒मादि॑व॒ द्योः ।
दृ॒ळ्हो नक्ष॑त्र उ॒त वि॒श्वदे॑वो॒ भूमि॒माता॒न्द्यां धा॒सिना॒योः ॥ ६.०६७.०६
tā hi kṣa̱traṃ dhā̱raye̍the̱ anu̱ dyūndṛ̱ṃhethe̱ sānu̍mupa̱mādi̍va̱ dyoḥ .
dṛ̱l̤ho nakṣa̍tra u̱ta vi̱śvade̍vo̱ bhūmi̱mātā̱ndyāṃ dhā̱sinā̱yoḥ .. 6.067.06
6 So, through the days maintaining princely power. ye prop the height as ’twere from loftiest heaven.
The Star of all the Gods, established, filleth the heaven and earth with food of man who liveth.
Sloka : 6.67.7
ता वि॒ग्रं धै॑थे ज॒ठरं॑ पृ॒णध्या॒ आ यत्सद्म॒ सभृ॑तयः पृ॒णन्ति॑ ।
न मृ॑ष्यन्ते युव॒तयोऽवा॑ता॒ वि यत्पयो॑ विश्वजिन्वा॒ भर॑न्ते ॥ ६.०६७.०७
tā vi̱graṃ dhai̍the ja̱ṭhara̍ṃ pṛ̱ṇadhyā̱ ā yatsadma̱ sabhṛ̍tayaḥ pṛ̱ṇanti̍ .
na mṛ̍ṣyante yuva̱tayo'vā̍tā̱ vi yatpayo̍ viśvajinvā̱ bhara̍nte .. 6.067.07
7 Take the strong drink, to quaff till ye are sated, when he and his attendants fill the chamber.
The young Maids brook not that none seeks to win them, when, Quickeners of all! they scatter moisture.
Sloka : 6.67.8
ता जि॒ह्वया॒ सद॒मेदं सु॑मे॒धा आ यद्वां॑ स॒त्यो अ॑र॒तिरृ॒ते भूत् ।
तद्वां॑ महि॒त्वं घृ॑तान्नावस्तु यु॒वं दा॒शुषे॒ वि च॑यिष्ट॒मंहः॑ ॥ ६.०६७.०८
tā ji̱hvayā̱ sada̱medaṃ su̍me̱dhā ā yadvā̍ṃ sa̱tyo a̍ra̱tirṛ̱te bhūt .
tadvā̍ṃ mahi̱tvaṃ ghṛ̍tānnāvastu yu̱vaṃ dā̱śuṣe̱ vi ca̍yiṣṭa̱maṃha̍ḥ .. 6.067.08
8 So with your tongue come ever, when your envoy, faithful and very wise, attends our worship.
Nourished by holy oil! he this yGur glory:- annihilate the sacrificer's trouble.
Sloka : 6.67.9
प्र यद्वां॑ मित्रावरुणा स्पू॒र्धन्प्रि॒या धाम॑ यु॒वधि॑ता मि॒नन्ति॑ ।
न ये दे॒वास॒ ओह॑सा॒ न मर्ता॒ अय॑ज्ञसाचो॒ अप्यो॒ न पु॒त्राः ॥ ६.०६७.०९
pra yadvā̍ṃ mitrāvaruṇā spū̱rdhanpri̱yā dhāma̍ yu̱vadhi̍tā mi̱nanti̍ .
na ye de̱vāsa̱ oha̍sā̱ na martā̱ aya̍jñasāco̱ apyo̱ na pu̱trāḥ .. 6.067.09
9 When, Mitra-Varuṇa, they strive against you and break tlie friendly laws ye have established,
They, neither Gods nor men in estimation, like Api's sons have godless sacrifices.
Sloka : 6.67.10
वि यद्वाचं॑ की॒स्तासो॒ भर॑न्ते॒ शंस॑न्ति॒ के चि॑न्नि॒विदो॑ मना॒नाः ।
आद्वां॑ ब्रवाम स॒त्यान्यु॒क्था नकि॑र्दे॒वेभि॑र्यतथो महि॒त्वा ॥ ६.०६७.१०
vi yadvāca̍ṃ kī̱stāso̱ bhara̍nte̱ śaṃsa̍nti̱ ke ci̍nni̱vido̍ manā̱nāḥ .
ādvā̍ṃ bravāma sa̱tyānyu̱kthā naki̍rde̱vebhi̍ryatatho mahi̱tvā .. 6.067.10
10 When singers in their song uplift their voices, some chant the Nivid texts with steady purpose.
Then may we sing you lauds that shall be fruitful:- dp ye not rival all the Gods in greatness?
Sloka : 6.67.11
अ॒वोरि॒त्था वां॑ छ॒र्दिषो॑ अ॒भिष्टौ॑ यु॒वोर्मि॑त्रावरुणा॒वस्कृ॑धोयु ।
अनु॒ यद्गावः॑ स्फु॒रानृ॑जि॒प्यं धृ॒ष्णुं यद्रणे॒ वृष॑णं यु॒नज॑न् ॥ ६.०६७.११
a̱vori̱tthā vā̍ṃ cha̱rdiṣo̍ a̱bhiṣṭau̍ yu̱vormi̍trāvaruṇā̱vaskṛ̍dhoyu .
anu̱ yadgāva̍ḥ sphu̱rānṛ̍ji̱pyaṃ dhṛ̱ṣṇuṃ yadraṇe̱ vṛṣa̍ṇaṃ yu̱naja̍n .. 6.067.11
11 O Mitra-Varuṇa, may your large bounty come to us hither, near to this our dwelling,
When the kine haste to us, and when they harness the fleet-foot mettled stallion for the battle.
Sloka : 6.68.1
श्रु॒ष्टी वां॑ य॒ज्ञ उद्य॑तः स॒जोषा॑ मनु॒ष्वद्वृ॒क्तब॑र्हिषो॒ यज॑ध्यै ।
आ य इन्द्रा॒वरु॑णावि॒षे अ॒द्य म॒हे सु॒म्नाय॑ म॒ह आ॑व॒वर्त॑त् ॥ ६.०६८.०१
śru̱ṣṭī vā̍ṃ ya̱jña udya̍taḥ sa̱joṣā̍ manu̱ṣvadvṛ̱ktaba̍rhiṣo̱ yaja̍dhyai .
ā ya indrā̱varu̍ṇāvi̱ṣe a̱dya ma̱he su̱mnāya̍ ma̱ha ā̍va̱varta̍t .. 6.068.01
1. HIS honouring rite whose grass is trimmed is offered swiftly to you, in Manu's wise, accordant,
The rite which Indra-Varuṇa shall carry this day to high success and glorious issue.
Sloka : 6.68.2
ता हि श्रेष्ठा॑ दे॒वता॑ता तु॒जा शूरा॑णां॒ शवि॑ष्ठा॒ ता हि भू॒तम् ।
म॒घोनां॒ मंहि॑ष्ठा तुवि॒शुष्म॑ ऋ॒तेन॑ वृत्र॒तुरा॒ सर्व॑सेना ॥ ६.०६८.०२
tā hi śreṣṭhā̍ de̱vatā̍tā tu̱jā śūrā̍ṇā̱ṃ śavi̍ṣṭhā̱ tā hi bhū̱tam .
ma̱ghonā̱ṃ maṃhi̍ṣṭhā tuvi̱śuṣma̍ ṛ̱tena̍ vṛtra̱turā̱ sarva̍senā .. 6.068.02
2 For at Gods’ worship they are best through vigour; they have become the strongest of the Heroes;
With mighty strength, most liberal of the Princes, Chiefs of the host, by Law made Vṛtra's slayers.
Sloka : 6.68.3
ता गृ॑णीहि नम॒स्ये॑भिः शू॒षैः सु॒म्नेभि॒रिन्द्रा॒वरु॑णा चका॒ना ।
वज्रे॑णा॒न्यः शव॑सा॒ हन्ति॑ वृ॒त्रं सिष॑क्त्य॒न्यो वृ॒जने॑षु॒ विप्रः॑ ॥ ६.०६८.०३
tā gṛ̍ṇīhi nama̱sye̍bhiḥ śū̱ṣaiḥ su̱mnebhi̱rindrā̱varu̍ṇā cakā̱nā .
vajre̍ṇā̱nyaḥ śava̍sā̱ hanti̍ vṛ̱traṃ siṣa̍ktya̱nyo vṛ̱jane̍ṣu̱ vipra̍ḥ .. 6.068.03
3 Praise those Twain Gods for powers that merit worship, Indra and Varuṇa, for bliss, the joyous.
One with his might and thunderbolt slays Vṛtra; the other as a Sage stands near in troubles.
Sloka : 6.68.4
ग्नाश्च॒ यन्नर॑श्च वावृ॒धन्त॒ विश्वे॑ दे॒वासो॑ न॒रां स्वगू॑र्ताः ।
प्रैभ्य॑ इन्द्रावरुणा महि॒त्वा द्यौश्च॑ पृथिवि भूतमु॒र्वी ॥ ६.०६८.०४
gnāśca̱ yannara̍śca vāvṛ̱dhanta̱ viśve̍ de̱vāso̍ na̱rāṃ svagū̍rtāḥ .
praibhya̍ indrāvaruṇā mahi̱tvā dyauśca̍ pṛthivi bhūtamu̱rvī .. 6.068.04
4 Though dames and men have waxen strong and mighty, and all the Gods selfpraised among the Heroes,
Ye, Indra-Varuṇa, have in might surpassed them, and thus were ye spread wide, O Earth and Heaven.
Sloka : 6.68.5
स इत्सु॒दानुः॒ स्ववा॑ँ ऋ॒तावेन्द्रा॒ यो वां॑ वरुण॒ दाश॑ति॒ त्मन् ।
इ॒षा स द्वि॒षस्त॑रे॒द्दास्वा॒न्वंस॑द्र॒यिं र॑यि॒वत॑श्च॒ जना॑न् ॥ ६.०६८.०५
sa itsu̱dānu̱ḥ svavā̍m̐ ṛ̱tāvendrā̱ yo vā̍ṃ varuṇa̱ dāśa̍ti̱ tman .
i̱ṣā sa dvi̱ṣasta̍re̱ddāsvā̱nvaṃsa̍dra̱yiṃ ra̍yi̱vata̍śca̱ janā̍n .. 6.068.05
5 Righteous is he, and liberal and helpful who, Indra-Varuṇa, brings you gifts with gladness.
That bounteous man through food shall conquer faemen, and win him opulence and wealthy people.
Sloka : 6.68.6
यं यु॒वं दा॒श्व॑ध्वराय देवा र॒यिं ध॒त्थो वसु॑मन्तं पुरु॒क्षुम् ।
अ॒स्मे स इ॑न्द्रावरुणा॒वपि॑ ष्या॒त्प्र यो भ॒नक्ति॑ व॒नुषा॒मश॑स्तीः ॥ ६.०६८.०६
yaṃ yu̱vaṃ dā̱śva̍dhvarāya devā ra̱yiṃ dha̱ttho vasu̍mantaṃ puru̱kṣum .
a̱sme sa i̍ndrāvaruṇā̱vapi̍ ṣyā̱tpra yo bha̱nakti̍ va̱nuṣā̱maśa̍stīḥ .. 6.068.06
6 May wealth which ye bestow in food and treasure on him who brings you gifts and sacrifices,
Wealth, Gods! which breaks the curse of those who vex us, be, Indra-Varuṇa, e’en our own possession.
Sloka : 6.68.7
उ॒त नः॑ सुत्रा॒त्रो दे॒वगो॑पाः सू॒रिभ्य॑ इन्द्रावरुणा र॒यिः ष्या॑त् ।
येषां॒ शुष्मः॒ पृत॑नासु सा॒ह्वान्प्र स॒द्यो द्यु॒म्ना ति॒रते॒ ततु॑रिः ॥ ६.०६८.०७
u̱ta na̍ḥ sutrā̱tro de̱vago̍pāḥ sū̱ribhya̍ indrāvaruṇā ra̱yiḥ ṣyā̍t .
yeṣā̱ṃ śuṣma̱ḥ pṛta̍nāsu sā̱hvānpra sa̱dyo dyu̱mnā ti̱rate̱ tatu̍riḥ .. 6.068.07
7 So also, Indra-Varuṇa, may our princes have riches swift to save, with Gods to guard them-
They whose great might gives victory in battles, and their triumphant glory spreads with swiftness.
Sloka : 6.68.8
नू न॑ इन्द्रावरुणा गृणा॒ना पृ॒ङ्क्तं र॒यिं सौ॑श्रव॒साय॑ देवा ।
इ॒त्था गृ॒णन्तो॑ म॒हिन॑स्य॒ शर्धो॒ऽपो न ना॒वा दु॑रि॒ता त॑रेम ॥ ६.०६८.०८
nū na̍ indrāvaruṇā gṛṇā̱nā pṛ̱ṅktaṃ ra̱yiṃ sau̍śrava̱sāya̍ devā .
i̱tthā gṛ̱ṇanto̍ ma̱hina̍sya̱ śardho̱'po na nā̱vā du̍ri̱tā ta̍rema .. 6.068.08
8 Indra. and Varuṇa, Gods whom we are lauding, mingle ye wealth with our heroic glory.
May we, who praise the strength of what is mighty, pass dangers, as with boats we cross the waters.
Sloka : 6.68.9
प्र स॒म्राजे॑ बृह॒ते मन्म॒ नु प्रि॒यमर्च॑ दे॒वाय॒ वरु॑णाय स॒प्रथः॑ ।
अ॒यं य उ॒र्वी म॑हि॒ना महि॑व्रतः॒ क्रत्वा॑ वि॒भात्य॒जरो॒ न शो॒चिषा॑ ॥ ६.०६८.०९
pra sa̱mrāje̍ bṛha̱te manma̱ nu pri̱yamarca̍ de̱vāya̱ varu̍ṇāya sa̱pratha̍ḥ .
a̱yaṃ ya u̱rvī ma̍hi̱nā mahi̍vrata̱ḥ kratvā̍ vi̱bhātya̱jaro̱ na śo̱ciṣā̍ .. 6.068.09
9 Now will I sing a dear and far-extending hymn to Varuṇa the God, sublime, imperial Lord,
Who, mighty Governor, Eternal, as with flame, illumines both wide worlds with majesty and power.
Sloka : 6.68.10
इन्द्रा॑वरुणा सुतपावि॒मं सु॒तं सोमं॑ पिबतं॒ मद्यं॑ धृतव्रता ।
यु॒वो रथो॑ अध्व॒रं दे॒ववी॑तये॒ प्रति॒ स्वस॑र॒मुप॑ याति पी॒तये॑ ॥ ६.०६८.१०
indrā̍varuṇā sutapāvi̱maṃ su̱taṃ soma̍ṃ pibata̱ṃ madya̍ṃ dhṛtavratā .
yu̱vo ratho̍ adhva̱raṃ de̱vavī̍taye̱ prati̱ svasa̍ra̱mupa̍ yāti pī̱taye̍ .. 6.068.10
10 True to Law, Indra-Varuṇa, drinkers of the juice, drink this pressed Soma which shall give you rapturous joy.
Your chariot cometh to the banquet of the Gods, to sacrifice, as it were home, that ye may drink.
Sloka : 6.68.11
इन्द्रा॑वरुणा॒ मधु॑मत्तमस्य॒ वृष्णः॒ सोम॑स्य वृष॒णा वृ॑षेथाम् ।
इ॒दं वा॒मन्धः॒ परि॑षिक्तम॒स्मे आ॒सद्या॒स्मिन्ब॒र्हिषि॑ मादयेथाम् ॥ ६.०६८.११
indrā̍varuṇā̱ madhu̍mattamasya̱ vṛṣṇa̱ḥ soma̍sya vṛṣa̱ṇā vṛ̍ṣethām .
i̱daṃ vā̱mandha̱ḥ pari̍ṣiktama̱sme ā̱sadyā̱sminba̱rhiṣi̍ mādayethām .. 6.068.11
11 Indra and Varuṇa, drink your fill, ye Heroes, of this invigorating sweetest Soma.
This juice is shed by us that ye may quaff it:- on this trimmed grass be seated, and rejoice you
Sloka : 6.69.1
सं वां॒ कर्म॑णा॒ समि॒षा हि॑नो॒मीन्द्रा॑विष्णू॒ अप॑सस्पा॒रे अ॒स्य ।
जु॒षेथां॑ य॒ज्ञं द्रवि॑णं च धत्त॒मरि॑ष्टैर्नः प॒थिभिः॑ पा॒रय॑न्ता ॥ ६.०६९.०१
saṃ vā̱ṃ karma̍ṇā̱ sami̱ṣā hi̍no̱mīndrā̍viṣṇū̱ apa̍saspā̱re a̱sya .
ju̱ṣethā̍ṃ ya̱jñaṃ dravi̍ṇaṃ ca dhatta̱mari̍ṣṭairnaḥ pa̱thibhi̍ḥ pā̱raya̍ntā .. 6.069.01
1. INDRA and Viṣṇu, at my task's completion I urge you on with food and sacred service.
Accept the sacrifice and grant us riches, leading us on by unobstructed pathways.
Sloka : 6.69.2
या विश्वा॑सां जनि॒तारा॑ मती॒नामिन्द्रा॒विष्णू॑ क॒लशा॑ सोम॒धाना॑ ।
प्र वां॒ गिरः॑ श॒स्यमा॑ना अवन्तु॒ प्र स्तोमा॑सो गी॒यमा॑नासो अ॒र्कैः ॥ ६.०६९.०२
yā viśvā̍sāṃ jani̱tārā̍ matī̱nāmindrā̱viṣṇū̍ ka̱laśā̍ soma̱dhānā̍ .
pra vā̱ṃ gira̍ḥ śa̱syamā̍nā avantu̱ pra stomā̍so gī̱yamā̍nāso a̱rkaiḥ .. 6.069.02
2 Ye who inspire all hymns, Indra and Viṣṇu, ye vessels who contain the Soma juices,
May hymns of praise that now are sung address you, the lauds that are recited by the singers.
Sloka : 6.69.3
इन्द्रा॑विष्णू मदपती मदाना॒मा सोमं॑ यातं॒ द्रवि॑णो॒ दधा॑ना ।
सं वा॑मञ्जन्त्व॒क्तुभि॑र्मती॒नां सं स्तोमा॑सः श॒स्यमा॑नास उ॒क्थैः ॥ ६.०६९.०३
indrā̍viṣṇū madapatī madānā̱mā soma̍ṃ yāta̱ṃ dravi̍ṇo̱ dadhā̍nā .
saṃ vā̍mañjantva̱ktubhi̍rmatī̱nāṃ saṃ stomā̍saḥ śa̱syamā̍nāsa u̱kthaiḥ .. 6.069.03
3 Lords of joy-giving draughts, Indra and Viṣṇu, come, giving gifts of treasure, to the Soma.
With brilliant rays of hymns let chanted praises, repeated with the lauds, adorn and deck you.
Sloka : 6.69.4
आ वा॒मश्वा॑सो अभिमाति॒षाह॒ इन्द्रा॑विष्णू सध॒मादो॑ वहन्तु ।
जु॒षेथां॒ विश्वा॒ हव॑ना मती॒नामुप॒ ब्रह्मा॑णि शृणुतं॒ गिरो॑ मे ॥ ६.०६९.०४
ā vā̱maśvā̍so abhimāti̱ṣāha̱ indrā̍viṣṇū sadha̱mādo̍ vahantu .
ju̱ṣethā̱ṃ viśvā̱ hava̍nā matī̱nāmupa̱ brahmā̍ṇi śṛṇuta̱ṃ giro̍ me .. 6.069.04
4 May your foe-conquering horses bring you hither, Indra and Viṣṇu, sharers of the banquet.
Of all our hymns accept the invocations list to my prayers and hear the songs I sing you.
Sloka : 6.69.5
इन्द्रा॑विष्णू॒ तत्प॑न॒याय्यं॑ वां॒ सोम॑स्य॒ मद॑ उ॒रु च॑क्रमाथे ।
अकृ॑णुतम॒न्तरि॑क्षं॒ वरी॒योऽप्र॑थतं जी॒वसे॑ नो॒ रजां॑सि ॥ ६.०६९.०५
indrā̍viṣṇū̱ tatpa̍na̱yāyya̍ṃ vā̱ṃ soma̍sya̱ mada̍ u̱ru ca̍kramāthe .
akṛ̍ṇutama̱ntari̍kṣa̱ṃ varī̱yo'pra̍thataṃ jī̱vase̍ no̱ rajā̍ṃsi .. 6.069.05
5 This your deed, Indra-Viṣṇu, must be lauded:- widely ye strode in the wild joy of Soma.
Ye made the firmament of larger compass, and made the regions broad for our existence.
Sloka : 6.69.6
इन्द्रा॑विष्णू ह॒विषा॑ वावृधा॒नाग्रा॑द्वाना॒ नम॑सा रातहव्या ।
घृता॑सुती॒ द्रवि॑णं धत्तम॒स्मे स॑मु॒द्रः स्थः॑ क॒लशः॑ सोम॒धानः॑ ॥ ६.०६९.०६
indrā̍viṣṇū ha̱viṣā̍ vāvṛdhā̱nāgrā̍dvānā̱ nama̍sā rātahavyā .
ghṛtā̍sutī̱ dravi̍ṇaṃ dhattama̱sme sa̍mu̱draḥ stha̍ḥ ka̱laśa̍ḥ soma̱dhāna̍ḥ .. 6.069.06
6 Strengthened with sacred offerings, IndraViṣṇu, first eaters, served with worship ana oblation,
Fed with the holy oil, vouchsafe us riches ye are the lake, the vat that holds the Soma.
Sloka : 6.69.7
इन्द्रा॑विष्णू॒ पिब॑तं॒ मध्वो॑ अ॒स्य सोम॑स्य दस्रा ज॒ठरं॑ पृणेथाम् ।
आ वा॒मन्धां॑सि मदि॒राण्य॑ग्म॒न्नुप॒ ब्रह्मा॑णि शृणुतं॒ हवं॑ मे ॥ ६.०६९.०७
indrā̍viṣṇū̱ piba̍ta̱ṃ madhvo̍ a̱sya soma̍sya dasrā ja̱ṭhara̍ṃ pṛṇethām .
ā vā̱mandhā̍ṃsi madi̱rāṇya̍gma̱nnupa̱ brahmā̍ṇi śṛṇuta̱ṃ hava̍ṃ me .. 6.069.07
7 Drink of this meath, O Indra, thou, and Viṣṇu; drink ye your fill of Soma, Wonder-Workers.
The sweet exhilarating juice hath reached you. Hear ye my prayers, give ear unto my calling.
Sloka : 6.69.8
उ॒भा जि॑ग्यथु॒र्न परा॑ जयेथे॒ न परा॑ जिग्ये कत॒रश्च॒नैनोः॑ ।
इन्द्र॑श्च विष्णो॒ यदप॑स्पृधेथां त्रे॒धा स॒हस्रं॒ वि तदै॑रयेथाम् ॥ ६.०६९.०८
u̱bhā ji̍gyathu̱rna parā̍ jayethe̱ na parā̍ jigye kata̱raśca̱naino̍ḥ .
indra̍śca viṣṇo̱ yadapa̍spṛdhethāṃ tre̱dhā sa̱hasra̱ṃ vi tadai̍rayethām .. 6.069.08
8 Ye Twain have conquered, ne’er have yc been conquered:- never hath either of the Twain been vanquished.
Ye, Indra-Viṣṇu, when ye fought the battle, produced this infinite with three divisions.
Sloka : 6.70.1
घृ॒तव॑ती॒ भुव॑नानामभि॒श्रियो॒र्वी पृ॒थ्वी म॑धु॒दुघे॑ सु॒पेश॑सा ।
द्यावा॑पृथि॒वी वरु॑णस्य॒ धर्म॑णा॒ विष्क॑भिते अ॒जरे॒ भूरि॑रेतसा ॥ ६.०७०.०१
ghṛ̱tava̍tī̱ bhuva̍nānāmabhi̱śriyo̱rvī pṛ̱thvī ma̍dhu̱dughe̍ su̱peśa̍sā .
dyāvā̍pṛthi̱vī varu̍ṇasya̱ dharma̍ṇā̱ viṣka̍bhite a̱jare̱ bhūri̍retasā .. 6.070.01
1. FILLED full of fatness, compassing all things that be, wide, spacious, dropping meath, beautiful in their form,
The Heaven and the Earth by Varuṇa's decree, unwasting, rich in germs, stand parted each from each.
Sloka : 6.70.2
अस॑श्चन्ती॒ भूरि॑धारे॒ पय॑स्वती घृ॒तं दु॑हाते सु॒कृते॒ शुचि॑व्रते ।
राज॑न्ती अ॒स्य भुव॑नस्य रोदसी अ॒स्मे रेतः॑ सिञ्चतं॒ यन्मनु॑र्हितम् ॥ ६.०७०.०२
asa̍ścantī̱ bhūri̍dhāre̱ paya̍svatī ghṛ̱taṃ du̍hāte su̱kṛte̱ śuci̍vrate .
rāja̍ntī a̱sya bhuva̍nasya rodasī a̱sme reta̍ḥ siñcata̱ṃ yanmanu̍rhitam .. 6.070.02
2 The Everlasting Pair, with full streams, rich in milk, in their pure rule pour fatness for the pious man.
Ye who are Regents of this world, O Earth and Heaven, pour into us the genial flow that prospers meit.
Sloka : 6.70.3
यो वा॑मृ॒जवे॒ क्रम॑णाय रोदसी॒ मर्तो॑ द॒दाश॑ धिषणे॒ स सा॑धति ।
प्र प्र॒जाभि॑र्जायते॒ धर्म॑ण॒स्परि॑ यु॒वोः सि॒क्ता विषु॑रूपाणि॒ सव्र॑ता ॥ ६.०७०.०३
yo vā̍mṛ̱jave̱ krama̍ṇāya rodasī̱ marto̍ da̱dāśa̍ dhiṣaṇe̱ sa sā̍dhati .
pra pra̱jābhi̍rjāyate̱ dharma̍ṇa̱spari̍ yu̱voḥ si̱ktā viṣu̍rūpāṇi̱ savra̍tā .. 6.070.03
3 Whoso, for righteous life, pours offerings to you, O Heaven and Earth, ye Hemispheres, that man succeeds.
He in his seed is born again and spreads by Law:- from you flow things diverse in form, but ruled alike.
Sloka : 6.70.4
घृ॒तेन॒ द्यावा॑पृथि॒वी अ॒भीवृ॑ते घृत॒श्रिया॑ घृत॒पृचा॑ घृता॒वृधा॑ ।
उ॒र्वी पृ॒थ्वी हो॑तृ॒वूर्ये॑ पु॒रोहि॑ते॒ ते इद्विप्रा॑ ईळते सु॒म्नमि॒ष्टये॑ ॥ ६.०७०.०४
ghṛ̱tena̱ dyāvā̍pṛthi̱vī a̱bhīvṛ̍te ghṛta̱śriyā̍ ghṛta̱pṛcā̍ ghṛtā̱vṛdhā̍ .
u̱rvī pṛ̱thvī ho̍tṛ̱vūrye̍ pu̱rohi̍te̱ te idviprā̍ īl̤ate su̱mnami̱ṣṭaye̍ .. 6.070.04
4 Enclosed in fatness, Heaven and Earth are bright therewith:- they mingle with the fatness which they still increase.
Wide, broad, set foremost at election of the priest, to them the singers pray for bliss to further them.
Sloka : 6.70.5
मधु॑ नो॒ द्यावा॑पृथि॒वी मि॑मिक्षतां मधु॒श्चुता॑ मधु॒दुघे॒ मधु॑व्रते ।
दधा॑ने य॒ज्ञं द्रवि॑णं च दे॒वता॒ महि॒ श्रवो॒ वाज॑म॒स्मे सु॒वीर्य॑म् ॥ ६.०७०.०५
madhu̍ no̱ dyāvā̍pṛthi̱vī mi̍mikṣatāṃ madhu̱ścutā̍ madhu̱dughe̱ madhu̍vrate .
dadhā̍ne ya̱jñaṃ dravi̍ṇaṃ ca de̱vatā̱ mahi̱ śravo̱ vāja̍ma̱sme su̱vīrya̍m .. 6.070.05
5 May Heaven and Earth pour down the balmy rain for us, balm-dropping, yielding balm, with balm upon your path,
Bestowing by your Godhead sacrifice and wealth, great fame and strength for us and good heroic might.
Sloka : 6.70.6
ऊर्जं॑ नो॒ द्यौश्च॑ पृथि॒वी च॑ पिन्वतां पि॒ता मा॒ता वि॑श्व॒विदा॑ सु॒दंस॑सा ।
सं॒र॒रा॒णे रोद॑सी वि॒श्वश॑म्भुवा स॒निं वाजं॑ र॒यिम॒स्मे समि॑न्वताम् ॥ ६.०७०.०६
ūrja̍ṃ no̱ dyauśca̍ pṛthi̱vī ca̍ pinvatāṃ pi̱tā mā̱tā vi̍śva̱vidā̍ su̱daṃsa̍sā .
sa̱ṃra̱rā̱ṇe roda̍sī vi̱śvaśa̍mbhuvā sa̱niṃ vāja̍ṃ ra̱yima̱sme sami̍nvatām .. 6.070.06
6 May Heaven and Earth make food swell plenteously for us, all-knowing Father, jother, wondrous in their works.
Pouring out bounties, may, in union, both the Worlds, all beneficial, send us gain, and power, and wealth.
Sloka : 6.71.1
उदु॒ ष्य दे॒वः स॑वि॒ता हि॑र॒ण्यया॑ बा॒हू अ॑यंस्त॒ सव॑नाय सु॒क्रतुः॑ ।
घृ॒तेन॑ पा॒णी अ॒भि प्रु॑ष्णुते म॒खो युवा॑ सु॒दक्षो॒ रज॑सो॒ विध॑र्मणि ॥ ६.०७१.०१
udu̱ ṣya de̱vaḥ sa̍vi̱tā hi̍ra̱ṇyayā̍ bā̱hū a̍yaṃsta̱ sava̍nāya su̱kratu̍ḥ .
ghṛ̱tena̍ pā̱ṇī a̱bhi pru̍ṣṇute ma̱kho yuvā̍ su̱dakṣo̱ raja̍so̱ vidha̍rmaṇi .. 6.071.01
1. FULL of effectual wisdom Savitar the God hath stretched out golden arms that he may bring forth life.
Young and most skilful, while he holds the region up, the Warrior sprinkles fatness over both his hands.
Sloka : 6.71.2
दे॒वस्य॑ व॒यं स॑वि॒तुः सवी॑मनि॒ श्रेष्ठे॑ स्याम॒ वसु॑नश्च दा॒वने॑ ।
यो विश्व॑स्य द्वि॒पदो॒ यश्चतु॑ष्पदो नि॒वेश॑ने प्रस॒वे चासि॒ भूम॑नः ॥ ६.०७१.०२
de̱vasya̍ va̱yaṃ sa̍vi̱tuḥ savī̍mani̱ śreṣṭhe̍ syāma̱ vasu̍naśca dā̱vane̍ .
yo viśva̍sya dvi̱pado̱ yaścatu̍ṣpado ni̱veśa̍ne prasa̱ve cāsi̱ bhūma̍naḥ .. 6.071.02
2 May we enjoy the noblest vivifying force of Savitar the God, that he may give us wealth:-
For thou art mighty to produce and lull to rest the world of life that moves on two feet and on four.
Sloka : 6.71.3
अद॑ब्धेभिः सवितः पा॒युभि॒ष्ट्वं शि॒वेभि॑र॒द्य परि॑ पाहि नो॒ गय॑म् ।
हिर॑ण्यजिह्वः सुवि॒ताय॒ नव्य॑से॒ रक्षा॒ माकि॑र्नो अ॒घशं॑स ईशत ॥ ६.०७१.०३
ada̍bdhebhiḥ savitaḥ pā̱yubhi̱ṣṭvaṃ śi̱vebhi̍ra̱dya pari̍ pāhi no̱ gaya̍m .
hira̍ṇyajihvaḥ suvi̱tāya̱ navya̍se̱ rakṣā̱ māki̍rno a̱ghaśa̍ṃsa īśata .. 6.071.03
3 Protect our habitation, Savitar, this day, with guardian aids around, auspicious, firm and true.
God of the golden tongue, keep us for newest bliss:- let not the evil-wisher have us in his power.
Sloka : 6.71.4
उदु॒ ष्य दे॒वः स॑वि॒ता दमू॑ना॒ हिर॑ण्यपाणिः प्रतिदो॒षम॑स्थात् ।
अयो॑हनुर्यज॒तो म॒न्द्रजि॑ह्व॒ आ दा॒शुषे॑ सुवति॒ भूरि॑ वा॒मम् ॥ ६.०७१.०४
udu̱ ṣya de̱vaḥ sa̍vi̱tā damū̍nā̱ hira̍ṇyapāṇiḥ pratido̱ṣama̍sthāt .
ayo̍hanuryaja̱to ma̱ndraji̍hva̱ ā dā̱śuṣe̍ suvati̱ bhūri̍ vā̱mam .. 6.071.04
4 This Savitar the God, the golden-handed, Friend of the home, hath risen to meet the twilight.
With cheeks of brass, with pleasant tongue, the Holy, he sends the worshipper rich gifts in plenty.
Sloka : 6.71.5
उदू॑ अयाँ उपव॒क्तेव॑ बा॒हू हि॑र॒ण्यया॑ सवि॒ता सु॒प्रती॑का ।
दि॒वो रोहां॑स्यरुहत्पृथि॒व्या अरी॑रमत्प॒तय॒त्कच्चि॒दभ्व॑म् ॥ ६.०७१.०५
udū̍ ayām̐ upava̱kteva̍ bā̱hū hi̍ra̱ṇyayā̍ savi̱tā su̱pratī̍kā .
di̱vo rohā̍ṃsyaruhatpṛthi̱vyā arī̍ramatpa̱taya̱tkacci̱dabhva̍m .. 6.071.05
5 Like a Director, Savitar hath extended his golden arms, exceeding fair to look on.
He hath gone up the heights of earth and heaven, and made each monster fall and cease from troubling.
Sloka : 6.71.6
वा॒मम॒द्य स॑वितर्वा॒ममु॒ श्वो दि॒वेदि॑वे वा॒मम॒स्मभ्यं॑ सावीः ।
वा॒मस्य॒ हि क्षय॑स्य देव॒ भूरे॑र॒या धि॒या वा॑म॒भाजः॑ स्याम ॥ ६.०७१.०६
vā̱mama̱dya sa̍vitarvā̱mamu̱ śvo di̱vedi̍ve vā̱mama̱smabhya̍ṃ sāvīḥ .
vā̱masya̱ hi kṣaya̍sya deva̱ bhūre̍ra̱yā dhi̱yā vā̍ma̱bhāja̍ḥ syāma .. 6.071.06
6 Fair wealth, O Savitar, to-day, to-morrow, fair wealth produce for us each day that passes.
May we through this our song be happy gainers, God, of a fair and spacious habitation.
Sloka : 6.72.1
इन्द्रा॑सोमा॒ महि॒ तद्वां॑ महि॒त्वं यु॒वं म॒हानि॑ प्रथ॒मानि॑ चक्रथुः ।
यु॒वं सूर्यं॑ विवि॒दथु॑र्यु॒वं स्व१॒॑र्विश्वा॒ तमां॑स्यहतं नि॒दश्च॑ ॥ ६.०७२.०१
indrā̍somā̱ mahi̱ tadvā̍ṃ mahi̱tvaṃ yu̱vaṃ ma̱hāni̍ pratha̱māni̍ cakrathuḥ .
yu̱vaṃ sūrya̍ṃ vivi̱dathu̍ryu̱vaṃ sva1̱̍rviśvā̱ tamā̍ṃsyahataṃ ni̱daśca̍ .. 6.072.01
1. GREAT is this might of yours, Indra and Soma:- the first high exploits were your own achievements.
Ye found the Sun ye found the light of heaven:- ye killed all darkness and the Gods’ blasphemers.
Sloka : 6.72.2
इन्द्रा॑सोमा वा॒सय॑थ उ॒षास॒मुत्सूर्यं॑ नयथो॒ ज्योति॑षा स॒ह ।
उप॒ द्यां स्क॒म्भथुः॒ स्कम्भ॑ने॒नाप्र॑थतं पृथि॒वीं मा॒तरं॒ वि ॥ ६.०७२.०२
indrā̍somā vā̱saya̍tha u̱ṣāsa̱mutsūrya̍ṃ nayatho̱ jyoti̍ṣā sa̱ha .
upa̱ dyāṃ ska̱mbhathu̱ḥ skambha̍ne̱nāpra̍thataṃ pṛthi̱vīṃ mā̱tara̱ṃ vi .. 6.072.02
2 Ye, Indra-Soma, gave her light to Morning, and led the Sun on high with all his splendour.
Ye stayed the heaven with a supporting pillar, and spread abroad apart, the Earth, the Mother.
Sloka : 6.72.3
इन्द्रा॑सोमा॒वहि॑म॒पः प॑रि॒ष्ठां ह॒थो वृ॒त्रमनु॑ वां॒ द्यौर॑मन्यत ।
प्रार्णां॑स्यैरयतं न॒दीना॒मा स॑मु॒द्राणि॑ पप्रथुः पु॒रूणि॑ ॥ ६.०७२.०३
indrā̍somā̱vahi̍ma̱paḥ pa̍ri̱ṣṭhāṃ ha̱tho vṛ̱tramanu̍ vā̱ṃ dyaura̍manyata .
prārṇā̍ṃsyairayataṃ na̱dīnā̱mā sa̍mu̱drāṇi̍ paprathuḥ pu̱rūṇi̍ .. 6.072.03
3 Ye slew the flood -obstructing serpent Vṛtra, Indra and Soma:- Heaven approved your exploit.
Ye urged to speed the currents of the rivers, and many seas have ye filled full with waters.
Sloka : 6.72.4
इन्द्रा॑सोमा प॒क्वमा॒मास्व॒न्तर्नि गवा॒मिद्द॑धथुर्व॒क्षणा॑सु ।
ज॒गृ॒भथु॒रन॑पिनद्धमासु॒ रुश॑च्चि॒त्रासु॒ जग॑तीष्व॒न्तः ॥ ६.०७२.०४
indrā̍somā pa̱kvamā̱māsva̱ntarni gavā̱midda̍dhathurva̱kṣaṇā̍su .
ja̱gṛ̱bhathu̱rana̍pinaddhamāsu̱ ruśa̍cci̱trāsu̱ jaga̍tīṣva̱ntaḥ .. 6.072.04
4 Ye in the unripe udders of the milch-kine have set the ripe milk, Indra, thou, and Soma.
Ye have held fast the unimpeded whiteness within these many-coloured moving creatures.
Sloka : 6.72.5
इन्द्रा॑सोमा यु॒वम॒ङ्ग तरु॑त्रमपत्य॒साचं॒ श्रुत्यं॑ रराथे ।
यु॒वं शुष्मं॒ नर्यं॑ चर्ष॒णिभ्यः॒ सं वि॑व्यथुः पृतना॒षाह॑मुग्रा ॥ ६.०७२.०५
indrā̍somā yu̱vama̱ṅga taru̍tramapatya̱sāca̱ṃ śrutya̍ṃ rarāthe .
yu̱vaṃ śuṣma̱ṃ narya̍ṃ carṣa̱ṇibhya̱ḥ saṃ vi̍vyathuḥ pṛtanā̱ṣāha̍mugrā .. 6.072.05
5 Verily ye bestow, Indra and Soma, wealth, famed, victorious, passing to our children.
Ye have invested men, ye Mighty Beings, with manly strength that conquers in the battle.
Sloka : 6.73.1
यो अ॑द्रि॒भित्प्र॑थम॒जा ऋ॒तावा॒ बृह॒स्पति॑राङ्गिर॒सो ह॒विष्मा॑न् ।
द्वि॒बर्ह॑ज्मा प्राघर्म॒सत्पि॒ता न॒ आ रोद॑सी वृष॒भो रो॑रवीति ॥ ६.०७३.०१
yo a̍dri̱bhitpra̍thama̱jā ṛ̱tāvā̱ bṛha̱spati̍rāṅgira̱so ha̱viṣmā̍n .
dvi̱barha̍jmā prāgharma̱satpi̱tā na̱ ā roda̍sī vṛṣa̱bho ro̍ravīti .. 6.073.01
1. SERVED with oblations, first-born, mountain-render, Aṅgiras' son, Bṛhaspati, the Holy,
With twice-firm path, dwelling in light, our Father, roars loudly, as a bull, to Earth and Heaven.
Sloka : 6.73.2
जना॑य चि॒द्य ईव॑त उ लो॒कं बृह॒स्पति॑र्दे॒वहू॑तौ च॒कार॑ ।
घ्नन्वृ॒त्राणि॒ वि पुरो॑ दर्दरीति॒ जय॒ञ्छत्रू॑ँर॒मित्रा॑न्पृ॒त्सु साह॑न् ॥ ६.०७३.०२
janā̍ya ci̱dya īva̍ta u lo̱kaṃ bṛha̱spati̍rde̱vahū̍tau ca̱kāra̍ .
ghnanvṛ̱trāṇi̱ vi puro̍ dardarīti̱ jaya̱ñchatrū̍m̐ra̱mitrā̍npṛ̱tsu sāha̍n .. 6.073.02
2 Bṛhaspati, who made for such a people wide room and verge when Gods were invocated,
Slaying his enemies, breaks down their castles, quelling his foes and conquering those who hate him.
Sloka : 6.73.3
बृह॒स्पतिः॒ सम॑जय॒द्वसू॑नि म॒हो व्र॒जान्गोम॑तो दे॒व ए॒षः ।
अ॒पः सिषा॑स॒न्स्व१॒॑रप्र॑तीतो॒ बृह॒स्पति॒र्हन्त्य॒मित्र॑म॒र्कैः ॥ ६.०७३.०३
bṛha̱spati̱ḥ sama̍jaya̱dvasū̍ni ma̱ho vra̱jāngoma̍to de̱va e̱ṣaḥ .
a̱paḥ siṣā̍sa̱nsva1̱̍rapra̍tīto̱ bṛha̱spati̱rhantya̱mitra̍ma̱rkaiḥ .. 6.073.03
3 Bṛhaspati in war hath won rich treasures, hath won, this God, the great stalls filled with cattle.
Striving to win waters and light, resistless, Bṛhaspati with lightning smites the foeman.
Sloka : 6.74.1
सोमा॑रुद्रा धा॒रये॑थामसु॒र्यं१॒॑ प्र वा॑मि॒ष्टयोऽर॑मश्नुवन्तु ।
दमे॑दमे स॒प्त रत्ना॒ दधा॑ना॒ शं नो॑ भूतं द्वि॒पदे॒ शं चतु॑ष्पदे ॥ ६.०७४.०१
somā̍rudrā dhā̱raye̍thāmasu̱ryaṃ1̱̍ pra vā̍mi̱ṣṭayo'ra̍maśnuvantu .
dame̍dame sa̱pta ratnā̱ dadhā̍nā̱ śaṃ no̍ bhūtaṃ dvi̱pade̱ śaṃ catu̍ṣpade .. 6.074.01
1. HOLD fast your Godlike sway, O Soma-Rudra:- let these our sacrifices quickly reach you.
Placing in every house your seven great treasures, bring blessing to our quadrupeds and bipeds.
Sloka : 6.74.2
सोमा॑रुद्रा॒ वि वृ॑हतं॒ विषू॑ची॒ममी॑वा॒ या नो॒ गय॑मावि॒वेश॑ ।
आ॒रे बा॑धेथां॒ निरृ॑तिं परा॒चैर॒स्मे भ॒द्रा सौ॑श्रव॒सानि॑ सन्तु ॥ ६.०७४.०२
somā̍rudrā̱ vi vṛ̍hata̱ṃ viṣū̍cī̱mamī̍vā̱ yā no̱ gaya̍māvi̱veśa̍ .
ā̱re bā̍dhethā̱ṃ nirṛ̍tiṃ parā̱caira̱sme bha̱drā sau̍śrava̱sāni̍ santu .. 6.074.02
2 Soma and Rudra, chase to every quarter the sickness that hath visited our dwelling.
Drive Nirrti away into the distance, and give us excellent and happy glories.
Sloka : 6.74.3
सोमा॑रुद्रा यु॒वमे॒तान्य॒स्मे विश्वा॑ त॒नूषु॑ भेष॒जानि॑ धत्तम् ।
अव॑ स्यतं मु॒ञ्चतं॒ यन्नो॒ अस्ति॑ त॒नूषु॑ ब॒द्धं कृ॒तमेनो॑ अ॒स्मत् ॥ ६.०७४.०३
somā̍rudrā yu̱vame̱tānya̱sme viśvā̍ ta̱nūṣu̍ bheṣa̱jāni̍ dhattam .
ava̍ syataṃ mu̱ñcata̱ṃ yanno̱ asti̍ ta̱nūṣu̍ ba̱ddhaṃ kṛ̱tameno̍ a̱smat .. 6.074.03
3 Provide, O Soma-Rudra, for our bodies all needful medicines to heal and cure us.
Set free and draw away the sin committed which we have still inherent in our persons.
Sloka : 6.74.4
ति॒ग्मायु॑धौ ति॒ग्महे॑ती सु॒शेवौ॒ सोमा॑रुद्रावि॒ह सु मृ॑ळतं नः ।
प्र नो॑ मुञ्चतं॒ वरु॑णस्य॒ पाशा॑द्गोपा॒यतं॑ नः सुमन॒स्यमा॑ना ॥ ६.०७४.०४
ti̱gmāyu̍dhau ti̱gmahe̍tī su̱śevau̱ somā̍rudrāvi̱ha su mṛ̍l̤ataṃ naḥ .
pra no̍ muñcata̱ṃ varu̍ṇasya̱ pāśā̍dgopā̱yata̍ṃ naḥ sumana̱syamā̍nā .. 6.074.04
4 Armed with keen shafts and weapons, kind and loving, be gracious unto us, Soma and Rudra.
Release us from the noose of Varuṇa; keep us from sorrow, in your tender loving-kindness.
Sloka : 6.75.1
जी॒मूत॑स्येव भवति॒ प्रती॑कं॒ यद्व॒र्मी याति॑ स॒मदा॑मु॒पस्थे॑ ।
अना॑विद्धया त॒न्वा॑ जय॒ त्वं स त्वा॒ वर्म॑णो महि॒मा पि॑पर्तु ॥ ६.०७५.०१
jī̱mūta̍syeva bhavati̱ pratī̍ka̱ṃ yadva̱rmī yāti̍ sa̱madā̍mu̱pasthe̍ .
anā̍viddhayā ta̱nvā̍ jaya̱ tvaṃ sa tvā̱ varma̍ṇo mahi̱mā pi̍partu .. 6.075.01
1. THE warrior's look is like a thunderous rain-cloud's, when, armed with mail, he seeks the lap of battle.
Be thou victorious with unwounded body:- so let the thickness of thy mail protect thee.
Sloka : 6.75.2
धन्व॑ना॒ गा धन्व॑ना॒जिं ज॑येम॒ धन्व॑ना ती॒व्राः स॒मदो॑ जयेम ।
धनुः॒ शत्रो॑रपका॒मं कृ॑णोति॒ धन्व॑ना॒ सर्वाः॑ प्र॒दिशो॑ जयेम ॥ ६.०७५.०२
dhanva̍nā̱ gā dhanva̍nā̱jiṃ ja̍yema̱ dhanva̍nā tī̱vrāḥ sa̱mado̍ jayema .
dhanu̱ḥ śatro̍rapakā̱maṃ kṛ̍ṇoti̱ dhanva̍nā̱ sarvā̍ḥ pra̱diśo̍ jayema .. 6.075.02
2 With Bow let us win kine, with Bow the battle, with Bow be victors in our hot encounters.
The Bow brings grief and sorrow to the foeman:- armed with the Bow may we subdue all regions.
Sloka : 6.75.3
व॒क्ष्यन्ती॒वेदा ग॑नीगन्ति॒ कर्णं॑ प्रि॒यं सखा॑यं परिषस्वजा॒ना ।
योषे॑व शिङ्क्ते॒ वित॒ताधि॒ धन्व॒ञ्ज्या इ॒यं सम॑ने पा॒रय॑न्ती ॥ ६.०७५.०३
va̱kṣyantī̱vedā ga̍nīganti̱ karṇa̍ṃ pri̱yaṃ sakhā̍yaṃ pariṣasvajā̱nā .
yoṣe̍va śiṅkte̱ vita̱tādhi̱ dhanva̱ñjyā i̱yaṃ sama̍ne pā̱raya̍ntī .. 6.075.03
3 Close to his car, as fain to speak, She presses, holding her well-loved Friend in her embraces.
Strained on the Bow, She whispers like a woman-this Bowstring that preserves us in the combat.
Sloka : 6.75.4
ते आ॒चर॑न्ती॒ सम॑नेव॒ योषा॑ मा॒तेव॑ पु॒त्रं बि॑भृतामु॒पस्थे॑ ।
अप॒ शत्रू॑न्विध्यतां संविदा॒ने आर्त्नी॑ इ॒मे वि॑ष्फु॒रन्ती॑ अ॒मित्रा॑न् ॥ ६.०७५.०४
te ā̱cara̍ntī̱ sama̍neva̱ yoṣā̍ mā̱teva̍ pu̱traṃ bi̍bhṛtāmu̱pasthe̍ .
apa̱ śatrū̍nvidhyatāṃ saṃvidā̱ne ārtnī̍ i̱me vi̍ṣphu̱rantī̍ a̱mitrā̍n .. 6.075.04
4 These, meeting like a woman and her lover, bear, mother-like, their child upon their bosom.
May the two Bow-ends, starting swift asunder, scatter, in unison, the foes who hate us.
Sloka : 6.75.5
ब॒ह्वी॒नां पि॒ता ब॒हुर॑स्य पु॒त्रश्चि॒श्चा कृ॑णोति॒ सम॑नाव॒गत्य॑ ।
इ॒षु॒धिः सङ्काः॒ पृत॑नाश्च॒ सर्वाः॑ पृ॒ष्ठे निन॑द्धो जयति॒ प्रसू॑तः ॥ ६.०७५.०५
ba̱hvī̱nāṃ pi̱tā ba̱hura̍sya pu̱traści̱ścā kṛ̍ṇoti̱ sama̍nāva̱gatya̍ .
i̱ṣu̱dhiḥ saṅkā̱ḥ pṛta̍nāśca̱ sarvā̍ḥ pṛ̱ṣṭhe nina̍ddho jayati̱ prasū̍taḥ .. 6.075.05
5 With many a son, father of many daughters, He clangs and clashes as he goes to battle.
Slung on the back, pouring his brood, the Quiver vanquishes all opposing bands and armies.
Sloka : 6.75.6
रथे॒ तिष्ठ॑न्नयति वा॒जिनः॑ पु॒रो यत्र॑यत्र का॒मय॑ते सुषार॒थिः ।
अ॒भीशू॑नां महि॒मानं॑ पनायत॒ मनः॑ प॒श्चादनु॑ यच्छन्ति र॒श्मयः॑ ॥ ६.०७५.०६
rathe̱ tiṣṭha̍nnayati vā̱jina̍ḥ pu̱ro yatra̍yatra kā̱maya̍te suṣāra̱thiḥ .
a̱bhīśū̍nāṃ mahi̱māna̍ṃ panāyata̱ mana̍ḥ pa̱ścādanu̍ yacchanti ra̱śmaya̍ḥ .. 6.075.06
6 Upstanding in the Car the skilful Charioteer guides his strong Horses on whithersoe’er he will.
See and admire the strength of those controlling Reins which from behind declare the will of him who drives.
Sloka : 6.75.7
ती॒व्रान्घोषा॑न्कृण्वते॒ वृष॑पाण॒योऽश्वा॒ रथे॑भिः स॒ह वा॒जय॑न्तः ।
अ॒व॒क्राम॑न्तः॒ प्रप॑दैर॒मित्रा॑न्क्षि॒णन्ति॒ शत्रू॒ँरन॑पव्ययन्तः ॥ ६.०७५.०७
tī̱vrānghoṣā̍nkṛṇvate̱ vṛṣa̍pāṇa̱yo'śvā̱ rathe̍bhiḥ sa̱ha vā̱jaya̍ntaḥ .
a̱va̱krāma̍nta̱ḥ prapa̍daira̱mitrā̍nkṣi̱ṇanti̱ śatrū̱m̐rana̍pavyayantaḥ .. 6.075.07
7 Horses whose hoofs rain dust are neighing loudly, yoked to the Chariots, showing forth their vigour,
With their forefeet descending on the foemen, they, never flinching, trample and destroy them.
Sloka : 6.75.8
र॒थ॒वाह॑नं ह॒विर॑स्य॒ नाम॒ यत्रायु॑धं॒ निहि॑तमस्य॒ वर्म॑ ।
तत्रा॒ रथ॒मुप॑ श॒ग्मं स॑देम वि॒श्वाहा॑ व॒यं सु॑मन॒स्यमा॑नाः ॥ ६.०७५.०८
ra̱tha̱vāha̍naṃ ha̱vira̍sya̱ nāma̱ yatrāyu̍dha̱ṃ nihi̍tamasya̱ varma̍ .
tatrā̱ ratha̱mupa̍ śa̱gmaṃ sa̍dema vi̱śvāhā̍ va̱yaṃ su̍mana̱syamā̍nāḥ .. 6.075.08
8 Car-bearer is the name of his oblation, whercon are laid his Weapons and his Armour.
So let us here, each day that passes, honour the helpful Car with hearts exceeding joyful.
Sloka : 6.75.9
स्वा॒दु॒षं॒सदः॑ पि॒तरो॑ वयो॒धाः कृ॑च्छ्रे॒श्रितः॒ शक्ती॑वन्तो गभी॒राः ।
चि॒त्रसे॑ना॒ इषु॑बला॒ अमृ॑ध्राः स॒तोवी॑रा उ॒रवो॑ व्रातसा॒हाः ॥ ६.०७५.०९
svā̱du̱ṣa̱ṃsada̍ḥ pi̱taro̍ vayo̱dhāḥ kṛ̍cchre̱śrita̱ḥ śaktī̍vanto gabhī̱rāḥ .
ci̱trase̍nā̱ iṣu̍balā̱ amṛ̍dhrāḥ sa̱tovī̍rā u̱ravo̍ vrātasā̱hāḥ .. 6.075.09
9 In sweet association lived the fathers who gave us life, profound and strong in trouble,
Unwearied, armed with shafts and wondrous weapons, free, real heroes, conquerors of armies.
Sloka : 6.75.10
ब्राह्म॑णासः॒ पित॑रः॒ सोम्या॑सः शि॒वे नो॒ द्यावा॑पृथि॒वी अ॑ने॒हसा॑ ।
पू॒षा नः॑ पातु दुरि॒तादृ॑तावृधो॒ रक्षा॒ माकि॑र्नो अ॒घशं॑स ईशत ॥ ६.०७५.१०
brāhma̍ṇāsa̱ḥ pita̍ra̱ḥ somyā̍saḥ śi̱ve no̱ dyāvā̍pṛthi̱vī a̍ne̱hasā̍ .
pū̱ṣā na̍ḥ pātu duri̱tādṛ̍tāvṛdho̱ rakṣā̱ māki̍rno a̱ghaśa̍ṃsa īśata .. 6.075.10
10 The Brahmans, and the Fathers meet for Soma-draughts, and, graciously inclined, unequalled Heaven and Earth.
Guard us trom evil, Pūṣan, guard us strengtheners of Law:- let not the evil-wisher master us.
Sloka : 6.75.11
सु॒प॒र्णं व॑स्ते मृ॒गो अ॑स्या॒ दन्तो॒ गोभिः॒ संन॑द्धा पतति॒ प्रसू॑ता ।
यत्रा॒ नरः॒ सं च॒ वि च॒ द्रव॑न्ति॒ तत्रा॒स्मभ्य॒मिष॑वः॒ शर्म॑ यंसन् ॥ ६.०७५.११
su̱pa̱rṇaṃ va̍ste mṛ̱go a̍syā̱ danto̱ gobhi̱ḥ saṃna̍ddhā patati̱ prasū̍tā .
yatrā̱ nara̱ḥ saṃ ca̱ vi ca̱ drava̍nti̱ tatrā̱smabhya̱miṣa̍va̱ḥ śarma̍ yaṃsan .. 6.075.11
11 Her tooth a deer, dressed in an eagle's feathers, bound with cow-hide, launched forth, She flieth onward.
There where the heroes speed hither and thither, there may the Arrows shelter and protect us.
Sloka : 6.75.12
ऋजी॑ते॒ परि॑ वृङ्धि॒ नोऽश्मा॑ भवतु नस्त॒नूः ।
सोमो॒ अधि॑ ब्रवीतु॒ नोऽदि॑तिः॒ शर्म॑ यच्छतु ॥ ६.०७५.१२
ṛjī̍te̱ pari̍ vṛṅdhi̱ no'śmā̍ bhavatu nasta̱nūḥ .
somo̱ adhi̍ bravītu̱ no'di̍ti̱ḥ śarma̍ yacchatu .. 6.075.12
12 Avoid us thou whose flight is straight, and let our bodies be as stone.
May Soma kindly speak to us, and Aditi protect us well.
Sloka : 6.75.13
आ ज॑ङ्घन्ति॒ सान्वे॑षां ज॒घना॒ँ उप॑ जिघ्नते ।
अश्वा॑जनि॒ प्रचे॑त॒सोऽश्वा॑न्स॒मत्सु॑ चोदय ॥ ६.०७५.१३
ā ja̍ṅghanti̱ sānve̍ṣāṃ ja̱ghanā̱m̐ upa̍ jighnate .
aśvā̍jani̱ prace̍ta̱so'śvā̍nsa̱matsu̍ codaya .. 6.075.13
13 He lays his blows upon their backs, he deals his blows upon their thighs.
Thou, Whip, who urgest horses, drive sagacious horses in the fray.
Sloka : 6.75.14
अहि॑रिव भो॒गैः पर्ये॑ति बा॒हुं ज्याया॑ हे॒तिं प॑रि॒बाध॑मानः ।
ह॒स्त॒घ्नो विश्वा॑ व॒युना॑नि वि॒द्वान्पुमा॒न्पुमां॑सं॒ परि॑ पातु वि॒श्वतः॑ ॥ ६.०७५.१४
ahi̍riva bho̱gaiḥ parye̍ti bā̱huṃ jyāyā̍ he̱tiṃ pa̍ri̱bādha̍mānaḥ .
ha̱sta̱ghno viśvā̍ va̱yunā̍ni vi̱dvānpumā̱npumā̍ṃsa̱ṃ pari̍ pātu vi̱śvata̍ḥ .. 6.075.14
14 It compasses the arm with serpent windings, fending away the friction of the bowstring:-
So may the Brace, well-skilled in all its duties, guard manfully the man from every quarter.
Sloka : 6.75.15
आला॑क्ता॒ या रुरु॑शी॒र्ष्ण्यथो॒ यस्या॒ अयो॒ मुख॑म् ।
इ॒दं प॒र्जन्य॑रेतस॒ इष्वै॑ दे॒व्यै बृ॒हन्नमः॑ ॥ ६.०७५.१५
ālā̍ktā̱ yā ruru̍śī̱rṣṇyatho̱ yasyā̱ ayo̱ mukha̍m .
i̱daṃ pa̱rjanya̍retasa̱ iṣvai̍ de̱vyai bṛ̱hannama̍ḥ .. 6.075.15
15 Now to the Shaft with venom smeared, tipped with deer-horn, with iron mouth,
Celestial, of Parjanya's seed, be this great adoration paid.
Sloka : 6.75.16
अव॑सृष्टा॒ परा॑ पत॒ शर॑व्ये॒ ब्रह्म॑संशिते ।
गच्छा॒मित्रा॒न्प्र प॑द्यस्व॒ मामीषां॒ कं च॒नोच्छि॑षः ॥ ६.०७५.१६
ava̍sṛṣṭā̱ parā̍ pata̱ śara̍vye̱ brahma̍saṃśite .
gacchā̱mitrā̱npra pa̍dyasva̱ māmīṣā̱ṃ kaṃ ca̱nocchi̍ṣaḥ .. 6.075.16
16 Loosed from the Bowstring fly away, thou Arrow, sharpened by our prayer.
Go to the foemen, strike them home, and let not one be left alive.
Sloka : 6.75.17
यत्र॑ बा॒णाः स॒म्पत॑न्ति कुमा॒रा वि॑शि॒खा इ॑व ।
तत्रा॑ नो॒ ब्रह्म॑ण॒स्पति॒रदि॑तिः॒ शर्म॑ यच्छतु वि॒श्वाहा॒ शर्म॑ यच्छतु ॥ ६.०७५.१७
yatra̍ bā̱ṇāḥ sa̱mpata̍nti kumā̱rā vi̍śi̱khā i̍va .
tatrā̍ no̱ brahma̍ṇa̱spati̱radi̍ti̱ḥ śarma̍ yacchatu vi̱śvāhā̱ śarma̍ yacchatu .. 6.075.17
17 There where the flights of Arrows fall like boys whose locks are yet unshorn.
Even there may Brahmaṇaspati, and Aditi protect us well, protect us well through all our days.
Sloka : 6.75.18
मर्मा॑णि ते॒ वर्म॑णा छादयामि॒ सोम॑स्त्वा॒ राजा॒मृते॒नानु॑ वस्ताम् ।
उ॒रोर्वरी॑यो॒ वरु॑णस्ते कृणोतु॒ जय॑न्तं॒ त्वानु॑ दे॒वा म॑दन्तु ॥ ६.०७५.१८
marmā̍ṇi te̱ varma̍ṇā chādayāmi̱ soma̍stvā̱ rājā̱mṛte̱nānu̍ vastām .
u̱rorvarī̍yo̱ varu̍ṇaste kṛṇotu̱ jaya̍nta̱ṃ tvānu̍ de̱vā ma̍dantu .. 6.075.18
18 Thy vital parts I cover with thine Armour:- with immortality King Soma clothe thee.
Varuṇa give thee what is more than ample, and in thy triumph may the Gods be joyful.
Sloka : 6.75.19
यो नः॒ स्वो अर॑णो॒ यश्च॒ निष्ट्यो॒ जिघां॑सति ।
दे॒वास्तं सर्वे॑ धूर्वन्तु॒ ब्रह्म॒ वर्म॒ ममान्त॑रम् ॥ ६.०७५.१९
yo na̱ḥ svo ara̍ṇo̱ yaśca̱ niṣṭyo̱ jighā̍ṃsati .
de̱vāstaṃ sarve̍ dhūrvantu̱ brahma̱ varma̱ mamānta̍ram .. 6.075.19
19 Whoso would kill us, whether he be a strange foe or one of us,
Shanti Mantra (END)
ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः॥
oṃ śāntiḥ | śāntiḥ | śāntiḥ ||