Bill Gates

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  • “"Gates has hijacked the WHO and transformed it into an instrument of personal power that he wields for the cynical purpose of increasing pharmaceutical profits. He has single-handedly destroyed the infrastructure of public health globally. He has privatized our health systems and our food systems to serve his own purposes."” — Dr Vandana Shiva

William (Bill) Henry Gates III (October 28, 1955 - ) is an American businessman.


Robert Kennedy writes, Federal tax laws require the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to give away 7 percent of its foundation assets annually to qualify for tax exemption. Gates strategically targets BMGF’s charitable gifts to give him control of the international health and agricultural agencies and the media, allowing him to dictate global health and food policies so as to increase profitability of the large multinationals in which he and his foundation hold large investment positions.[1]

Because of numerous deaths and disabilities resulting from adverse reactions to untested (or poorly-tested) Gates-funded vaccines containing dangerous ingredients, Gates is now a wanted criminal in India,[2] Italy[3] and several other countries; not surprisingly, the liberal media (including so-called "fact-checking" liberal sites Snopes and PolitiFact) is covering for Gates by denying the link between the Gates vaccines and their resulting deaths/injuries and calling news of such "conspiracy theories", with no proof by the liberal media to back their claims. Italy recently called for the arrest of Gates and for him to stand trial for crimes against humanity because of the damage being done by his CCP flu "vaccines".[4]

Gates said: The world today has 6.8 billion people. That’s headed up to about 9 billion. Now, if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by, perhaps, 10 or 15 percent.[5]

Centre for Social and Behaviour Change, CSBC

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has set up the Centre for Social and Behaviour Change (CSBC) at Ashoka, and funds it along with the Omidyar Network.[6] The stated goal is:

The vision of CSBC is to establish an institution, based out of India that is globally reputed for thought leadership and excellence in impactful behaviour change interventions for low-income and marginalised populations.

During the COVID-19 plandemic experiments were conducted to change norms in society:[7]

  • Bringing the norm of mask wearing; and
  • Dealing with what it considers dis/misinformation

One of the activities funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is the reduction of vaccine hesitancy in India and promotion of the Gates’ position on vaccines. Through Ashoka, the Gates Foundation gains access to the World Bank aided Bihar Rural Livelihoods Project, locally known as Jeevika Trust. The goal of this intervention is to increase vaccinations in Bihar by providing behavior changing solutions. Both the CSBC and the Gates Foundation also work closely with the Uttar Pradesh government[8]

Polio vaccine experiments on children

The Global Polio Eradication Initiative took $200 million from the Gates Foundation and Rotary International to push vaccines from 2008 to 2012.[9] 490,000 children suffered non-polio acute flaccid paralysis (NPAFP) above projected rates.[10] This was part of the reason that the Modi government cut ties with the Gates Foundation in 2017.[11]

The Modi government was also concerned about the Gates Foundation's extensive ties with Big Pharma. An explosive report from the Indian Express showed how India's National Technical Advisory Group on Immunization (NTAGI) had been bought off by the Gates Foundation. The report stated,

“The NTAGI secretariat has been moved out of the ministry to the office of Public Health Foundation of India and the 32 staff members in that secretariat draw their salaries from the BMGF (Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation). There is a clear conflict of interest — on one hand, the BMGF funds the secretariat that is the highest decision making body in vaccines and, on the other, it partners the pharma industry in GAVI (Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization). This is unacceptable.”[12]

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. noted that “NPAFP rates dropped precipitously” after the Gates Foundation was removed from dictating India's vaccine regime.

Gates Foundation, PATH, and the death of children from drug testing

Bill Gates contributions to the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), the Indian Government's primary agency tasked with the formulation, coordination and promotion of biomedical research, are laundered through PATH, a Seattle-based NGO which runs OneWorld Health as PATH's Drug Development operation.[13] Gates has funneled roughly $2 Billion through PATH since 1998.

PATH carried out a large human papilloma virus (HPV) Phase V vaccine trial. Phase V means using approved, not test, vaccines. Certain forms of HPV are associated with cervical cancer. The vaccines in question were granted marketing approval in India in 2008 while the PATH-sponsored trial began in 2009 as a joint project with the ICMR, using donated vaccines from the manufacturers. Low-income rural, largely tribal, households were recruited. The trial was conducted on girls aged 10 to 14.

Public recognition of problems with this trial started with the reported death of 7 girls. Investigations triggered by these deaths uncovered serious violations of the process of informed consent. Aged 10 to 15, girls in this trial were obviously below the age of consent meaning their participation in the trial required the consent of parents/guardians.[14] The Indian Parliament's Standing Committee on Health began its investigation in April 2010 and concluded that 'safety and rights of children were highly compromised and violated'.

The committee's report found:

  • The girls' consent was not fully informed.
  • Post-vaccination adverse events weren't adequately monitored or reported.
  • PATH and ICMR hadn't sought mandatory permission from the Drug Controller General of India (DCGI) or the Indian National Technical Advisory Group on Immunization (NTAGI).
  • PATH wasn't even a registered legal entity when it began working with the ICMR.
  • DGAI culpable for dereliction of duty.
  • The committee's report stated, 'PATH resorted to an element of subterfuge by calling the clinical trial as 'observational studies' or 'demonstration project' and recommended legal action against PATH.[15]

Experiments on African children

Gates’ 2002 MenAfriVac campaign in Sub-Saharan Africa resulted in 50 children being paralyzed with meningitis vaccinations. African leaders were disgusted with Gates as a result of his mad science. South African newspapers complained that Africans were used as “guinea pigs for the drug makers.”[16] Professor Patrick Bond, who served as Nelson Mandela’s former Senior Economist, said Gates’ actions were “ruthless and immoral.”[17]

The Gates Foundation killed 151 African infants by funding a phase 3 trial of an experimental malaria vaccine produced by Big Pharma giant GSK. The lethal experiment also resulted in serious health complications including seizures, paralysis, and convulsions in 1,048 of 5,949 children who received the shots.[18]

Jeffrey Epstein and the MIT Media Lab

Bill Gates is an individual listed in convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein's Little Black Book. Gates funneled money to the MIT Media Lab through Epstein. The New Yorker reported: Template:Quotebox-float The work all took place after Epstein was known to be a child sex offender following his conviction for soliciting a minor. MIT then tried to cover-up the connection. “This is a $2M gift from Bill Gates directed by Jeffrey Epstein,” wrote MIT Media Lab Director Joi Ito in an email. The New Yorker does not detail where the money went, although both Gates and Epstein were previously involved in projects related to transhumanism and population control. Epstein also donated to Humanity+, a transhumanist group that promotes the development of artificial intelligence (AI) and “aims to expand human capabilities that further human physiological functions and extend the maximum life span.”

Like Gates, Epstein had an interest in eugenics and human breeding experiments. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has funded numerous programs aimed at population control in third world countries, including “family planning programs” in Africa. Gates also flew on Epstein's notorious ‘Lolita Express’ private jet for a trip to Palm Beach, Florida.[19]

The Daily Beast reported Epstein gave Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates advice on ending his "toxic marriage" with Melinda Gates after Gates complained about her during a series of meetings at Epstein's Manhattan townhome. Gates frequented Epstein's townhome dozens of times from 2011 through 2014, visited Epstein as a way of getting away from Melinda and hanging out in a “men’s club” atmosphere that reportedly irritated Melinda. Melinda visited the mansion once and refused to ever return. Bill however was "intrigued", and Melinda was furious.[20] A witness claimed that Epstein provided Gates a “respite from his marriage.” “[It’s] not an overstatement. Going to Jeffrey’s was a respite from his marriage. It was a way of getting away from Melinda,” said the witness, adding that the two men “were very close.”[21] Melinda reportedly had been meeting with divorce lawyers since news broke of Gates friendship with Epstein.[22] Shortly after the Epstein revelations and divorce was announced, billionaire Warren Buffett resigned from the board of trustees of the Gates Foundation.[23]

CCP coronavirus

Gates defends the Chinese Communist Party which has been accused of crimes against humanity.[24][25] Approximately six weeks before the outbreak of the CCP coronavirus epidemic in early December 2019 in Wuhan, China, an exercise was organized by the Davos World Economic Forum in cooperation with the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. The exercise was held in New York City on 18 October 2019, for the specific purpose of mapping the response of transnational corporations and governments to a coronavirus epidemic.[26]

The pandemic spread as a result of human-to-human transmission beginning in Wuhan. As it metastasized, the World Health Organization (WHO) parroted the Chinese Communist Party line that the Wuhan virus could not be passed from one human to another, and that it was “racist” to refer to the virus by its place of origin.[27] The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has bought off the WHO in their propaganda offensive.[28]

Gates claimed that the Covid-19 outbreak in Africa could cause "10 million deaths," hours before Egypt's ministry of health confirmed its first case.[29] Gates pushed heavily for universal vaccinations, which he is invested heavily in, complete with a digital yellow badge[30] so governments can identify non-vaccinated individuals.[31] Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., son of the late Senator, Attorney General, and Democrat presidential candidate ripped the curtain back on Gates "Mass Vaxx" program:

"Gates took control of India ‘s National Advisory Board (NAB) and mandated 50 polio vaccines (up from 5) to every child before age 5. Indian doctors blame the Gates campaign for a devastating vaccine-strain polio epidemic that paralyzed 496,000 children between 2000 and 2017. In 2017, the Indian Government dialed back Gates’ vaccine regimen and evicted Gates and his cronies from the NAB. Polio paralysis rates dropped precipitously.
In 2017, the World Health Organization reluctantly admitted that the global polio explosion is predominantly vaccine strain, meaning it is coming from Gates’ Vaccine Program. The most frightening epidemics in Congo, the Philippines, and Afghanistan are all linked to Gates’ vaccines. By 2018, 1/4 of global polio cases were from Gates’ vaccines."[32]

Gates is not in any sense a medical authority, biology scientist, or a life scientist person. Gates passes off his vested commercial interests meddling in global health policy as "humanitarian."

Vaccines and legal indemnity

Scientists first attempted to develop coronavirus vaccines after China's 2002 SARS-CoV-1 outbreak. Teams of US & foreign scientists vaccinated animals with the four most promising vaccines. At first, the experiment seemed successful as all the animals developed a robust antibody response to coronavirus. However, when the scientists exposed the vaccinated animals to the wild virus, the results were horrifying. Vaccinated animals suffered hyper-immune responses including inflammation throughout their bodies, especially in their lungs. Researchers had seen this same “enhanced immune response” during human testing of the failed RSV vaccine tests in the 1960s. Two children died.

Paul Offit, Peter Hotez, Anthony Fauci warned that any new coronavirus vaccine could trigger lethal immune reactions “vaccine enhancement” when vaccinated people come in contact with the wild virus. Instead of proceeding with caution, Fauci has made the choice to fast track vaccines, partially funded by Gates, without critical animal studies before moving into human clinical trials that could provide early warning of runaway immune response.

Gates is so worried about the danger of adverse events that he says vaccines shouldn't be distributed until governments agree to indemnity or grant legal immunity from lawsuits.[33]

Related people

  • Anthony Fauci. His record is well documented in the book The Real Anthony Fauci. (Fauci's name in Italian means sickle)
  • Peter Hotez. About Peter, a commment from substack:
    India has since undertaken forced vaccination approach for everybody including kids. Peter Hortez is the chief culprit and he is doing a Gates there — he’s playing with Novovax and a modification of it on Indians; he wants a Nobel for his Weinstein/Bill tactics of sticking things into people. On top of it, well to do Indians have been coming up and getting vaccinated with AstroZeneca — it is not made in India like the alternative and must be good because it is made in the West. The push is huge and the belief in vaccinations among educated people is so much that they would be labeled right wing for their almost religious beliefs in vaccines. A few famous people died in 2021. That has had a pull back effect but educated trust what they have read in books, even if it is a typo (this is the educational system that British used to keep the population from asking obvious questions about freedom). The sheeple in India, the bribed politicians, and the pharma mafia, have made sure that India is no different from here. I suspect the huge delta wave in summer 2021 in India may have had something to do with AstroZeneca administered in spring 2021.[34]

See also


  • “Whatever his intentions, you have an individual with a bias towards one solution, that being the vaccine solution - almost to the exclusion of all others, that exerts such a huge influence on decision making that the phrase of Animal Farm comes to mind "all pigs are created equal but some are more equal than others". And Bill Gates is clearly more equal than others in voices. And he clearly has a bias, and he has distorted public health globally.”Robert Malone [archive]

The Gates Foundation, Ebola, and Global Health Imperialism - Levich - 2015 - American Journal of Economics and Sociology - Wiley Online Library:

"Bill Gates publicly called for the creation of a worldwide, militarized, supranational authority capable of responding decisively to outbreaks of infectious disease—an authority governed by Western powers and targeting the underdeveloped world. This article examines the media-generated panic surrounding Ebola alongside the response and underlying motives of foundations, governments, and other institutions. It describes the evolution and goals of GHG, in particular its opposition to traditional notions of Westphalian sovereignty. It proposes a different concept—“global health imperialism”—as a more useful framework for understanding the current conditions and likely future of international healthcare."
  • "For Bill Gates, who became the world’s richest human being through notoriously anti-competitive business practices (Gavil and First, 2014), the public health field offered a global laboratory for further experimentation with disruptive strategies... BMGF’s style of disruption is nowhere more evident than in the area of vaccines, Bill Gates’s particular focus and historically the central business of his foundation. When Seth Berkeley, CEO of the Gates-controlled vaccine consortium GAVI, advised a conference of pharmaceutical entrepreneurs that ‘GAVI is a disruptive instrument’, he was not merely mouthing a management shibboleth. He was describing, in a rare moment of frankness, the true business of the Gates Foundation. Today, traditional systems of vaccine procurement and distribution are rapidly giving way to vast public–private supply chains, steered and substantially funded by the Gates Foundation in collaboration with the pharmaceutical industry (Gates, 2013).
    The symbiosis between the world’s most powerful charitable enterprise and Big Pharma, infamous for its cynicism and criminality, arises from the particular requirements of pharmaceutical capital. Despite annual revenues approaching US$1 trillion, the industry has been unable to reverse a declining rate of profit and finds itself in a perpetual state of crisis. The search for exploitable new molecules is becoming increasingly frantic and expensive (Roy, 2012). Advertising costs, meanwhile, are skyrocketing as the industry attempts to wring revenue from wary and financially strapped customers (Dobrow, 2015)."
Routledge Handbook on the Politics of Global Health [archive]

Dr Vandana Shiva: "Gates has hijacked the WHO and transformed it into an instrument of personal power that he wields for the cynical purpose of increasing pharmaceutical profits. He has single-handedly destroyed the infrastructure of public health globally. He has privatized our health systems and our food systems to serve his own purposes."


Many of these books can be downloaded at Library Genesis [archive] for free.
  • (Children’s Health Defense) Robert F. Kennedy - The Real Anthony Fauci_ Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health-Skyhorse (2021)
  • Linsey McGoey - No Such Thing as a Free Gift_ The Gates Foundation and the Price of Philanthropy-Verso (2015)


  1. (Children’s Health Defense) Robert F. Kennedy - The Real Anthony Fauci_ Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health-Skyhorse (2021)
  2. Wanted: ‘Vaccine Criminal’ Bill Gates [archive]
  3. Motion Made to Arrest Bill Gates in Italian Parliament [archive]
  4. Watch: Italian Lawmaker Calls for Arrest of Creepy Bill Gates and Charges of “Crimes Against Humanity” [archive] at the Gateway Pundit
  5. (Children’s Health Defense) Robert F. Kennedy - The Real Anthony Fauci_ Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health-Skyhorse (2021)
  6. Malhotra, Rajiv_ Viswanathan, Vijaya - Snakes in the Ganga_ Breaking India 2.0-Infinity Foundation (2022)
  7. Malhotra, Rajiv_ Viswanathan, Vijaya - Snakes in the Ganga_ Breaking India 2.0-Infinity Foundation (2022)
  8. Malhotra, Rajiv_ Viswanathan, Vijaya - Snakes in the Ganga_ Breaking India 2.0-Infinity Foundation (2022)
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