Battle of Hariyūpīyā

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The first important battle in the RV is the Battle of Hariyūpīyā on the banks of the Yavyāvatī and Hariyūpīyā, two sister tributaries of the Sarasvatī in Haryana at the time of Sṛñjaya (father of Divodasa) in RV 6.27. The battle was fought between an alliance of Bharata Purus and Anus under Pārthava king Abhyāvartin Cāyamāna against a coalition of Turvasus and the Yadus (Vṛcīvants). The Avesta has references to Haryana (Lake Manusha). The other important battles in the RV are the Battle of Ten Kings in the Punjab and the Vārṣāgira Battle in Afghanistan at the time of Sahadeva and Somaka.[1]